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9364165 No.9364165 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix America?

>> No.9364175

How can you be a 22:ndth of a roman?

>> No.9364177


>> No.9364178

with science

>> No.9364185

Tried that for a century, ended up making it worse. It's Japan with nukes.

>> No.9364190

This looks like something the crazy religious uncle would post on Facebook or send in a chain email.

>> No.9364196

We didnt come from monkeys. We came from monkey-like animals that split evolutionarily and eventually became us and monkeys

>> No.9364200

I mean if we're being technical here, apes (and by extent humans) are monkeys as well.

>> No.9364205
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>Lucy: nearly all experts agree...

Stopped reading there.

>> No.9364242

Great post! Have a (You)! :^)

>> No.9364694

We are genetically related to chimpanzees

>> No.9365288

Vehement denial is all you'll get. They'll claim that chimps only have ~80% relatedness and that the "evolutionists" are exaggerating the similarities.

>> No.9365293

Christian creationists are an irrelevant minority. America has a much bigger problem, liberal creationists (i.e. people who believe that evolution stopped from the neck up)

>> No.9365312
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>how do we fix a few hundred thousand white people who take the bible a bit too seriously?

>meanwhile Europe is getting bombed and torn to shreds in the name of Allah by brown savages

>hey at least I'm not a racist pol kaykaykay nahtzee right guys?

>> No.9365317


Indeed. But (((Academia))) has highjacked the schools and universities.

>> No.9365362

By forming a world government with no more than 20 representatives hand picked by global corporations or seats auctioned every 10 years.

>> No.9366311

Evolution does not say humans came from monkeys.
It is humans all the way back. Its just, some of those humans looked like monkeys and some of them looked like rats, and some looked like fish.

>> No.9366316

at least it's getting better. I go to a college in Colorado; only 3% of the people here don't think evolution is a 'thing', if you trust one clicker question in an earth class. The prof's been asking the same question for over a decade- he said it's being dropping steadily

>> No.9366340

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9366443

Nothing that needs fixing. Our country happens to be the best on the planet and will always be. Sorry.