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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9363674 No.9363674 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw tested 125 IQ, not completely retarded
>struggle to get As in stupid premed classes
what do?

>> No.9363676

Study more. Practice can make up for low intelligence.

>> No.9363683

No one is meant to get high grades in premed.
It's meant to kill 90% of you

>> No.9363690

Adderall, trust me. Also just improve your memory skills. Most premed classes is just that. I'd recommend reading more and working on recalling random facts of your classes or even engage in a discussion about a lecture topic in your head.

>> No.9363723

t. brainlet
If you can't get at least an A in those meme premed courses like O. Chem, Biochem, Mol Bio you should consider killing yourself

>> No.9363727

>first year

>> No.9363728
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I graduated :^)

>> No.9363733

>list first year courses
>brag about passing them with As
>lol i am big man pls repsect me

>> No.9363742

>goes to a meme school with easy biochem and orgs
hehe so easy

>> No.9363744

>doesn't even know what first year courses are
>"b-but ur a first year"
what's your gpa?

>> No.9363746

t. community college student
wew lad

>> No.9363749

You think that Mol Bio, O Chem and basic Biochem are 2nd year courses?
Jesus Christ, I took them in high school
Fucking L O L

>> No.9363751

My suggestion is that if you can't pass your having problems with the work while at the same time trying your best then you should consider going into a different field. So many people these days end up becoming doctors or nurses when they really shouldn't be. That's just my opinion on life in general when it comes to picking a career.

>> No.9363763

my school has a notoriously hard chemistry department and the upper level biochem class is a grad school course open to some undergrads

we dont all go to diploma mills, buddeh

>> No.9363764

>Not even good enough for Mensa

>> No.9363766

I can pass, but I tried pretty hard this semester and balancing everything was tough, it looks like Im going to get B+s in every class

no bully

>> No.9363767

LOL literally 0 evidence friendo

>> No.9363768

>implying community college students don't attend prestigious schools

>> No.9363774

Well then just lock it out and focus fully on studies. It's only a couple years. And afterward you'll be able to do whatever you want and you'll be more well informed.

>> No.9363776

Yeh whatever
>premed is a pleb filter
>NO I passed X courses
>X courses are basic as fuck
>REEEE they say I'm a super scientist, like Rick, from Rick & Morty
Nigga, you still are in the pleb filter

>> No.9363780

what major are you genius?
probably did all that real analysis and topology back in high school too huh?
fucking retard

>> No.9363782

>I'm not a pleb! I'm not a pleb! Prove you're not a pleb! Huh? Huh? If I'm a pleb you must be one too!
t. Pleb

>> No.9363790

t. insecure "undecided" fag

>> No.9363795

I've already graduated nigga
Didn't I say so?
You're afraid of the truths I'm dropping on you
Little basic premed nigga is acting all high and mighty
Wow, premed bitches NEVER act like that!

Wait till year 3 before you feel pride

>> No.9363803

you didn't say shit about saying you've graduated
nice try
i said that i graduated :^)
literally retarded

>> No.9363814

second year of college
taking Gen Chem, Gen Bio, English, Spanish
Gen Chem 2 Gen Bio 2 and pre-calc next

We all have our path and motions. For me, life didn't work out so well so I'm very behind in terms of the majority of students in this discipline. I wish you the best.

>> No.9363819
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>Took them in highschool

kek, lying on the internet is fun

>> No.9363826

You can have a billion IQ but if all you do is sit in a chair staring out at a tree the only thing you'll know for certain is that winter makes it less green and the birds come back when it gets warm.

>> No.9363828

good luck bro, wish you the best too

>> No.9363831

youre right man

I need to pay more attention in lecture, I always fuck around and then teach myself the material after but thats probably a bad idea

>> No.9363834
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Also since I'm totally procrastinating on studying for this bio final on Thursday I'd like to add that if it is at all possible to limit your interactions with other pre-meds on the subject of "being pre-med".
I spent my first college year essentially as an English major at a rinky-dink community college but I was lucky enough to shadow a Neurosurgeon (pituitary focus). That was enough to make me change things up but like you I struggle a lot. I feel sometimes I'm not smart enough compared to the many other prospective doctors taking Organic during freshman year @ name uni's. Nonetheless, there's a lot of docs out there. A lot of non-traditional too. If I do end up @ med school I'll be 23-24. Keep doing your best and things will work out. Less than a 4.0 is okay. Just study hard and keep at it.

>> No.9363837

studying right now, you should go study too bro

best of luck on your journey

>> No.9364109

Maybe you should change your major to IQ tests

>> No.9364115

Forget the IQ memery, i know people who are p dumb and need a LOT of time to understand concepts and are doing somewhat alright in medicine

They grind like motherfuckers though

Just get off the computer and go learn something faggot
Nobody cares how smart you are, results are the only thing that matters

>> No.9364117


>> No.9364163

>125 IQ
Stopped reading there.

You're struggling because you're a moron (and it has nothing to do with your IQ).

>> No.9364164

>125 IQ
I have some bad news for you, anon.

>> No.9364169
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>> No.9364186

125 is not low

>> No.9364562


here on /sci/ you have to have 130 IQ as a minimum

>> No.9364576

Again with the IQ obsession. IQ141 here according to Mensa. Still, struggled to get anything done because a) already as a kid I got used to a life without effort, and b) despite my high intellect and extremely fast learning capability, I have a very poor memory and short attention span.

Point is, IQ is a fucking 3-digit number. How stupid do you have to be to believe that number alone can count for the millions of variables involved in real life. WORK. That's what it's all about. Fucking put in effort, struggle, work your ass off. Otherwise that pretty number is good for nothing at all.

>> No.9364585
File: 11 KB, 273x243, 0cc233b77025761713cf91d10a652d417c49204a682c9687fcdd5a32df92be43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on /fit/ is 6'2" with an 8 inch dick and everyone on /sci/ has 130+ IQ. It's quite amazing how this site attracts such elite people.

>> No.9364639

>tfw 128 IQ
>tfw still ended up as wagecuck

it is not fair

>> No.9364671

Just study. Get Anki and make flashcards if you can't just sit down and study from a book every day.

>> No.9365145

>tfw unironically 7 inch dick and 150 IQ.
Yet I still don't have a gf (male).

>> No.9365544

The internet is what it is. But I'd wager a lot larger portion of those are true than you'd think. People who are moaning and feeling victimized online of all things tend to over-exaggarate far less than many think. They have self-esteem issues after all.

But if it makes you happy, then as I said here >>9364576, I do have a measured IQ of 141. Unsurprisingly I left out the part that I'm fat as fuck, ugly, and have lived my whole life alone. So yeah, by no means a fucking ubermensch here.

That doesn't change any of what I said before though. IQ on its own is good for nothing at all. What is required to achieve anything of value, is a lot of time and lots of hard work during that time. Especially for those of us who weren't born with genetic jackpot looks and rich parents.

>> No.9366056

Dont compare youself to these liars and maths fags on sci. Are you one of the smarter people in your class? Thats all that matters. And dont wish for things that cant be. It used to keep me up at night that my iq was 122 and my family all had 140+ and blasted through everything.

I now make 120k a year as a programmer and my enjoyment comes from my gf and hobbies, not trying to flex my intelligence

>> No.9366062

IQ isn't a definite measure of intelligence.

It might be a good ball-park but having a high IQ doesn't definitively mean you're going to perform well in classes.

>> No.9366449

>Stopped reading there.
how do you know he was struggling then?

>> No.9366484

I feel you man, I’ve finished calc 2 and bio, still need to finish higher chem and physics. Follow your path dude don’t let anyone dissuade you.

>> No.9367346

>Less than a 4.0 is okay
Not if you live in leaf nation.

>> No.9368278

You got a very above average IQ, you don't have to be a genius to be smart. Practice makes the master

>> No.9368614

Why doesn't 4chan have a philosophy board? Would that be too dangerous?

>> No.9368630

The only chemistry course Rick Rosner passed in college was remedial chemistry.

>> No.9368634

>struggle to get As in stupid premed classes
Mostly boring memorization. Take some stims and just ride it out.

>> No.9368637


>> No.9368645

That's more like the discussion of the history of philosophy though

>> No.9368651

eg. you won't see posts about the venus project there or anything new, you'll only see Friedrich Nietzsche, Plato and other old philosophers.

>> No.9368654

This, why does everyone act like the 98th percentile is a population of superheroes? IQ means you have an easier time conceptualizing- it doesn't guarantee that everything will be easy for you in life, as life demands things of you outside of what your IQ test measured.

>> No.9368660

You are such a loser for caring

>> No.9368670

Girls only care about confidence famalammo

>> No.9368688

not sure, but I've heard premeds in general depends on more rigorous memorization rather than intuition. you probably either have short attention span that you can't focus on class (or you aren't even interested in premed and you forced yourself into it) or you have short memory. then again im not a premed myself and my opinion on it generally is stereotypes, so take my take with grain of salt.

>> No.9368705

Tfw 6'5" 7.5" dick and 146 IQ and I just got broken up with today

>> No.9368915

Now THIS made me think