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9363359 No.9363359 [Reply] [Original]

>fall semester grades thread
Post 'em

>> No.9363363


>> No.9363366

Congrats honey, now actually achieve something.

>> No.9363367

>freshman thread

>> No.9363370


>those classes

Should've never done engineering

>> No.9363382

>didn't pass AP Bio
>didn't pass AP Stats
>actually taking sociology
>probably a bio major
>probably a shit tier uni
>needs to brag about acing intro level courses

>> No.9363384


The fuck is this shit?


>>>/lgbt/ is that way

>> No.9363386
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>14 credits
>elementary statistics
Kill yourself if a 4.0 with such a light schedule is an achievement you should have taken more classes

>> No.9363390

>100 level stats course that doesn't even use calculus
>pre-organic organic chem
>14 credits

top kek

>> No.9363394

m8 thats the easiest freshman course list I've ever seen. I mean, sure, the As look good for you GPA, but those classes are elementary.

>> No.9363450

Where's your 5th class you dumbfuck

>> No.9363466

shh he has two labs that's like a whole nuther class. he's a bigboy in collage now, don't bully

>> No.9363471

>14 credits
>babby tier classes
>still trying to brag about his grades

Thread off to a shitty start.

>> No.9363485

A- intro bio
A bio lab
A- intro chem
A chem lab
B honors english (english for non stoppid)
A calc 1
and i passed the health course

>> No.9363507

reminder that 4.0 doesn't mean shit. I would take a 3.5 over a 4.0 any fuckin' day

>> No.9363548
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4.0 baby

>> No.9363558

>class on anal

>> No.9363562

That's just part one where we learn safe anal. I took part 2 last spring and that was where we did hands on ass fucking

>> No.9363651
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>failed Math 140

>> No.9363680


>> No.9363703

Still have finals scattered around until December 24 :(

>> No.9363709

>no A+
I know you can do better, anon.

>> No.9363718

>MA 1051: Extreme Integration
>MA 351: Impartial Equations
>MA 401: Nonlinear Algebra
>CS 116: Intro to Visual Basic

>> No.9363720

>Intro to Music: B+
>History of the Carribean: A
>Eng 111: A
>Math 06: C-

>> No.9363724

Math 2210 Discrete Math A
Math 2200 Multivariable Calculus A
CS 1410 Introduction to Object-Oriented programming A
Intro to Musical Theory Pass

>> No.9363725

>didn't pass AP bio
Did, actually. University I go to doesn't take AP credit for that class for some reason.

>actually taking sociology
Ever heard of an easy A? Have to get gen ed requirements out of the way somehow why make things harder than they need to be?

>probably a bio major

>> No.9363734

>pre-organic organic chem
Nope, it's organic chem for chem majors. Don't know why they named it "elementary" organic

>> No.9363735

>Analytical and Computational methods in electrical engineering

What does it cover?

>> No.9363736

Soon as I find out tomorrow, I'll post em lad

>> No.9363738

Intro to faggotry - A+

>> No.9363739

Post your 4.0's if you're so much better.

>> No.9363750

who /sub3.0gpa/ here?

>> No.9363758

sub3.0 in my undergrad
now i'm in a funded research masters w/ phd option
ask me anything

>> No.9363761

What's your favorite wrpg?

>> No.9363772

pathfinder > 3.5e > 5e

>> No.9363773

I'm an aerospace engineering student, gonna graduate with a 2.75. I have one internship experience and a project on my resume, but did not include my gpa. I'm wondering how its gonna affect my chances of getting an interview. I'm a pretty personable person and good at 1 on 1s, so I'm not really worried too much about the interview process, I just need to get my foot in the door.

An aersopace job listings website requires a minimum 3.0 gpa, but fuck it im applying anyway. Hope it doesnt fuck up anything. Fuck me for being a piece of shit my first couple years of college and this number that is tacked onto my life.

>> No.9363778

>Introductory undergrad courses
Wow, so impressive that you got an A on what is basically a high school course

>> No.9363781

Only got credit for 1 class this semester for grad school. A- grad level organic chemistry, I'll take it.

>> No.9363783

>straight B's
really wish i tried harder

>> No.9363786

lmao sad whitebois and chinkies
I'm black so my grades don't matter, I still get in a better college/school than you while I rape your women

>> No.9363787

WF on linear algebra 1


>> No.9363801

what happened anon? i withdrew a class before and felt like shit , just prolonging my time in this shithole institution

>> No.9363804

withdrew from multiple classes my 2nd year of college still made it into the PhD boys

>> No.9363815
File: 7 KB, 1453x80, two As and a C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>317 is feedback and control
>I got a C in feedback and not in graduate level semiconductor physics

>> No.9363838

ok so you have like a couple options i guess
what year are you? you can spam blowoff 1xx courses to boost your gpa if you're not too far in. even better if you can take them at a nearby community college and transfer them

other option is to get into grad school (masters/phd is a separate transcript from undergrad, even at the same institution). best way to do this is to convince a professor to let you work in their lab as an undergrad. you might get paid if you're exceptional, but offering to work for free or soliciting an independent study and assisting their grad students works too. then leverage the connections (and hopefully publications) you get here to get that GPA reset

>> No.9363842

Intro to Engineering: C
Calc 1: D (gotta retake it next semester)
Japanese 1: A (needed a foreign language credit)
Statistics 1: F (also need to retake next semester)

Why is computer engineering so hard? I've even built my own gaming PC but these classes are nothing like that. I shouldn't need to take so much useless math.

>> No.9363843

So you passed a class you had already taken, and passed a class you admit was an easy A. I don't understand how you could feel any sort of pride about your grades knowing you didn't even attempt to challenge yourself. But keep up that level of commitment, you'll land a nice lab tech job somewhere

>> No.9363845

Kill yourself

>> No.9363846


>> No.9363853

good job man

>> No.9363854

Yea I guess I should feel ashamed that I made all A's huh. We all have to start somewhere you know. Sorry I don't live up to your expectations.

>> No.9363857


>retake next semester

i feel for you anon, but if you're honest to god nod joking you might want to consider dropping out and doing cc for a while. D's F's and C's are not a good sign of things to come.

>> No.9363864

>C+ in VB
I can see you're not dumb from your other grades and classes. Why'd you struggle in such an easy class?

>> No.9363869

Didn't need the A because it's not in major (Advanced mathematics) So I didn't do any homework and aced all the tests.

>> No.9363871

>Russian revolution seminar
>Japanese I
>Calculus II
>Intro to CS
If I do well in the final, A (if final grade > 85 my professor gives a course grade of A regardless of anything else).
If not, probably B or worse.
>tfw near-perfect score on first midterm on procedural programming but got cocky and bombed the second one on OOP

>> No.9363882

uni bores the hell out of me.
I got B's and I forced myself to do it.
graduating next year.
I was going to try grad school but fuck this boring shit.

>> No.9363887

Multivariable Calculus C-
Combinatorics F

seems like I could've tried harder

>> No.9363890

>Ever heard of an easy A?
brainlet: the post

>> No.9363892

>>Russian revolution seminar

It wasn't praising it was it?

>> No.9363894

probably same school as

>math 1729c: 3rd semester insane integration
>math 715: Enormous numbers
>math 383: Non-ordinary hyperdifferential equations
>CS33a: Intro to programming

>> No.9363912

The professor wasn't a socialist, but it was a very open class in terms of views. There were two democratic socialists, a Trotskyist and two free-market libertarians in the class and they were all content with the course. Everyone else was somewhere in between. We didn't have a textbook; the professor believed that a variety of primary and secondary sources would be more appropriate. The course didn't push a narrative at all, but wanted you to construct your own based on the readings. All in all, it was a very balanced class and I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.9363933

Software testing, analysis, and quality assurance: A or A- (depending on grade on final, still haven't gotten grades)
Human-computer interaction: A or A-, same as above
Data Structure Implementation and Analysis:F (gave up on this because im a fucking lazy quitter, I hate my life)

Next quarter classes:
Computer Organization(which is literally what the course title is, along with projects in x86 assembly)
Computer Networks(upper div network class)
Data Structure Implementation and Analysis(not excited for this again, different professor)
Computational Linear Algebra(Linear algebra for us retarded cs majors :DDD)

any tips for data structs(its in c++) its pretty much a shitty, depressing class all around for anyone who takes it here. its trees, graphs, etc.

>> No.9363938

There's nothing to be balanced on. The Russian revolution is as bad as the holocaust. Having Trotskyists is as bad as having literal Nazis in the class.

>> No.9363959

I assume you mean the October revolution? I don't know how much you know about the revolutions, but that sounds like a very uninformed statement to make. Could you explain why you feel so strongly about the revolution and Trotskyists?

>> No.9363970

this is good bait, you got 4 (You)’s

>> No.9363971

Why do you guys have random classes in your semester like music, history, and Japanese? Why not just study all math?

t. euro student

>> No.9363980

>St. Antennas
I didn't hear about that saint before

>> No.9363981

>tfw oscilating around 3.0
>on a 1-5 scale

>> No.9363982

I can't answer for everyone, but my college gives a liberal arts education, so you need to take classes on certain subjects (one art, one history, one social science etc.) before graduating. Also, I think college is more than a preparation for my career; it's the best opportunity of my life to learn anything that interests me. What better time will you have to learn Japanese than in college? Especially with a student exchange to Japan.

>> No.9363984

In American universities, they force you to take roughly a year worth of credits of random bullshit called "general education requirements." They say it's to make you a well-rounded student but really it's to extract more tuition money out of you.

>> No.9363987

>but really its to prevent the massive culling of lib arts retards who devour tax payer dollars and generate endless student debt for the gov and banks to feed off of


>> No.9363997

Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin were mass murdering monsters.

>> No.9364007

A in Machine Learning, A in Computer Architecture, A- in Multicore Design. Why did I get cucked out of a 4.0 desu

>> No.9364014

I haven't finished yet but these are probably my grades
Linear Algebra - A
Calc 3 - B
Ochem 1 - A
English 1A - B

>> No.9364040
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>All this grade inflation
>everyone and their mother got an A almost everywhere

Is this some kind of joke in Burgerland?
In most countries in the EU the grade "A" is most likely never achieveable no matter how much you study. You get maybe 1-2 of 200 people having that. There's no curve either.

>> No.9364044

What is this letter bullshit. Don't you people have distinctions and credits?


> Microeconomics II: High Distinction
> Equity and Debt Investment analysis: High Distinction
> Circuits I: Distinction
> Statics & Dynamics: High Distinction

Dynamics made me change from mechanical to civil engineering major lmao

>> No.9364055

hi blast

>> No.9364062


>Semester system

You have all the time in the world, you have no excuse not to get an A

>> No.9364063

Programming Languages: A
Elem. Linear Algebra: A
Software methodology: B
Operations research: B
Ethics in S/w: B

Ops professor was a meme and I had 8 and 9 am's all week, so could've been worse. Made A's in my more tryhard courses so I'm happy with that

>> No.9364064
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People in real classes don't have inflated GPAs.

>> No.9364100

>have all As, A-s, A+s up until this point
>going to end up getting numerous Bs and an F this semester

fasfdjkldfsajljfklds;jlfjlk;jl;KSFJLKSDLJ;KDJKLJLK;jkljkl i have only myself to blame

>> No.9364198

I go to a top 10 engineering program that also rarely gives out As. The first time I opened one of these threads I thought I was some kind of turbo brainlet.

>> No.9364233

3.1 GPA here because retardation. Applying to a few master's programs but already rejected from two. Assuming I'm accepted and earn a 4.0, how far would that go in ameliorating my overall background? Would it make up for my 3.1 in undergrad? This is all assuming I want to get a PhD and work in academia.

>> No.9364275

It goes more in depth into ODEs and PDEs. Stuff like power series solutions, Frobenius method, Legendre polynomials, etc

>> No.9364281

>grades would've been perfect if tutors weren't lazy/egotistical fucks and coordinators knew how to write exams

Not even joking. Had I done these classes last year or signed up five minutes earlier I would have perfect marks. Great system we have here.

>> No.9364290

>blaming other people because you didn't understand the material

>> No.9364294

More because I had no way of knowing what their arbitrary little marking criteria was.

>> No.9364300


why do american even bother with grades, everyone gets A there.

>> No.9364301

Did you ask?

>> No.9364304

They all have a strict anti spoonfeeding policy. We already bought the textbook and validated their existence by turning up to their class so they've done their job. The class content itself was a big fucking secret, let alone assignment criteria.

>> No.9364305

I'm evenly distributed between As and Ds. It's a shameful fact that I don't even try for courses I don't care about.

>> No.9364307


life is a marathon, you get more chances to screw up and to get better

>> No.9364314

Stop making excuses for your ineptitude. Man the fuck up, study, and talk to people.

>> No.9364316

Some hot assumptions you have there. Fuck off.

>> No.9364344

Yes, I am making assumptions about you. But these assumptions are based on the whiny "woe is me" character you've presented. Here's another deductive assumption: you're a virgin.

>> No.9364349

You seem have trouble with reading comprehension. An engineering student perhaps?

>> No.9364438

What are the average grades/standards in your country?
Being in the toughest university in Italy, it seems everyone aims for a passing grade (60%) in most subjects, and that represents the average grade as well. Engineering courses last 3 years but realistically most people need more time to wrap up their studies

>> No.9364695
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People from public American unis need to be fucking banned off /sci/. Every semester they circle jerk over the free As they got for learning to tie their shoe laces.

>> No.9364696

I have no experience in this matter, but I can't imagine anyone gives a single shit about your undergrad once you have your masters/phd

>> No.9364723

Haven't gotten any grades yet, but I'm guessing:
upper level statistics and probability: C
discrete math: B
circuits I: C
Data Structures: I or F
Linear Algebra: D/C depending on curve

I'm about completely burnt out guys, what do? There's stuff outside academic life that makes life a bit miserable, but next semester is all upper level ECE classes. I'm I gonna fry my brain completely or what

>> No.9364749


>> No.9364757


Oh trust me it isn't free...

>> No.9364761

Calc 3: A
Electricity and Optics: B
Statistics: A
Statics: B
1 credit hour attendance based seminar: C

Kind of disappointed desu, I had a 96% in the electricity class after the second midterm but bombed the final since I hate AC circuits.

>> No.9364781

what did you cook in orgo lab?

>> No.9364974
File: 14 KB, 631x265, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I retake Finance and delay my graduation by a year or change majors to Marketing and delay my graduation by two quarter semesters? The EWS course was a GE requirement from my school.

>> No.9364986

What do *you* want to do? You will most likely be working for decades in one or the other; don’t base your choice on graduation date.

>> No.9364993

>Gender, Identity & Technology


>> No.9364997

Stopped reading there.

In all seriousness, anon, do what he said. >>9364986

>> No.9364998


I have no passion in anything. I thought it was Engineering, but it was too hard and boring for me. I honestly do not care what I do as long as I am financially independent and not living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.9365002

Organic Chemistry B-
Philosophy 100 level A
English A
I had to drop classes last minute I feel like a loser

>> No.9365004

EE lab: A
Upper level circuits: A
EM Theory: A? (professor never put up grade cutoffs so I have no idea...)
Digital Logic: B+ (least favorite subject)
Signals and Systems: B- (least favorite professor teaching wise)

Should have been easiest semester credit hour wise, but it turned out to be the worst yet (all As before this one). Started off with family problems and got an F on the first tests due to poor time management in a few of the classes. Next semester will be more credits but I'll do better.

>> No.9365005

>can't get higher than an A- in chem labs at my university cause the bitch in charge doesn't outline what makes something worth an A versus a B and only 1 out of the 4 TAs I've had have actually given some form of feedback
>I have to put up with one more semester of this shit

Swear to Christ I'm going to lose my shit

>> No.9365011
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Honest question are you guys getting at least B from everything from NA?
I refuse to believe those grades aren't bloated, and I know that doesn't happen in EU easily

>> No.9365013

I agree that shit is infuriating. Universities should make some sort of rule to make professors put some sort of outline on grades. I've had too many classes where a professor never once mentions anywhere what an A, B, C, etc is in the class. How am I to know that the dumbass doesn't just chuck a random grade in the gradebook after the semester and all the grades were for naught?

>> No.9365016

I go to a top 10 engineering school in the US and B is the "average" grade in most of my classes. IT it VERY difficult to get an A, but also extremely difficult to get below a B unless you do nothing.

>> No.9365024

Grade inflation is very real. A lot of classes thought to be more difficult will be graded on a curve where the average student gets a B (sometimes B-/C+).

Basically, B has replaced C as the average at a lot of schools.

>> No.9365028

Flagship school here, depends on the classes and professors. Some professors really don't care about having repeat students or your learning. Some are really great teachers so they are rigid to their syllabus. Rarely in my experience do you just get pushed along the current. I think there is more inflation for upper level electives though, but not core classes.

>> No.9365029

Oh yee of little drive. Allow me to help you fast forward toward your future:

>> No.9365031

It just depends on the university and professor t b h. Most STEM classes I've been in have had test averages between 40-70% usually if on low end professors might adjust grades so there is a bell curve around 75% to appease students. Grade averages are about C, B-, or B in all of the STEM classes I've had.

>> No.9365040

They are bloated. Most of these guys are from public american unis. I go to a top 20 and getting straight As is unheard of in engineering unless you're incredibly good.

>> No.9365049

>taking a 600 anal course
wow you faggots aren't even hiding it anymore
and why the fuck would you take graduate level engineering?

>> No.9365062

>he fell for the bachelors in engineering meme
>he doesn't want to do meaningful work in his field

>> No.9365065
File: 76 KB, 1440x417, Screenshot_2017-12-13-15-19-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels pretty good lad

>> No.9365095
File: 12 KB, 339x42, Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 2.25.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on my way lads!

>> No.9365109

>MAC 2311C

Is that considered Calc 1? Would Calc 2 and 3 be the same name just with II and III at the end, respectively?

>> No.9365116

How do you people have grades already? Mine come out the 21st at the latest, finals aren't even over yet...

>> No.9365118

Depends on your uni. I have one more final today but I have one grad in already.

>> No.9365119

>going to a school that accepts AP credit

>> No.9365120

I'm gonna get my grades back next year

>> No.9365142

research experience, contacts and publications
academia literally gives ZERO fucks about your grades as long as you can hack the research and know the right people

>> No.9365149

*at the earliest

>> No.9365164
File: 145 KB, 800x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General Entomology : A
Evolutionary Biology : A
Physics I : A
Organic Chem II Lab : A

Also getting a paper published in the undergrad research journal and was hired for lab work as a taxonomist.

>> No.9365167

Ayy is that UCF? Who did you have for calc?

>> No.9365183

Yeah, it just surprises me so many are already done AND graded

>> No.9365184

my sides

>> No.9365189

in the us at my brainlet "CCC" school an A is its
2/30 for "hard classes"
10/30 for the norm
and literally I sit you not 20-30 for easy classes

>> No.9365200

They're lying or going to community college/easy state school
Though I do think A's at good schools are more common in US.

>> No.9365210

What kind of questions do profs ask on Euroland exams and why is it nearly impossible for people to get an A there? Not enough time? Profs are dicks who throw curveball questions not related to the material?

>> No.9365214
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They curve based on the highest score and add points to get it to 100. Here was the distribution from my physics I class.

>> No.9365285

Same here, im glad i spent undergrad doing research instead of classes, now i get paid for it and a better degree in the end.

4.0 undergrad gpa with no research experience is mcdonalds tier at best

>> No.9365292

I gave your mother an A last night

>> No.9365331

>bragging about A's
Wow what has education become

>> No.9365380


Get a marketing degree then get work experience. On your off days, study for the CFA exam. In California, you don't need a finance degree. Just a bachelor's degree. However, if you enjoy marketing, just stick to marketing.

>> No.9365469
File: 6 KB, 656x133, yukkuri shiteitte ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deja vu
I thought some anons were bullying you in some thread desu.

Also fuck assestment threads, I should have been doing Honors Precalc for the sake of easy transfer to UC Berkeley ;_;

>> No.9365473

My grades still haven't come in

>> No.9365493

uhh yeah, Calc 2 would just be adding 1 to it, so MAC 2312C

yessir, had Xin Li, honestly thought I was going to get a B until I did pretty good on the final

>> No.9365513

That's the way it was when I took it minus the hurricane delay. I had Shuai.

How was anatomy with Samsam?

>> No.9365522

oh nice, yeah Irma threw a bunch of shit off schedule and while the week or so off was nice, everything after made me want to kms. Anatomy with Samsam was tough but doable, the curve saves you since the class average per test is like 50%. I used study guides posted in the facebook groups and memorized the nerve supply, muscle function, and clinical shit and was able to do well. Samsam used to be a neurologist so he loves questions with nerves in em. All in all, it was interesting but I'm glad im finally done with that shit lol

>> No.9365533

Because of that hurricane my physics final became 50% of my total grade which was pretty great.
Be preped for more Samsam tests if you take human physiology since his wife teaches that and he writes the tests.
I'm on the animal side of bio so I've had Comparative Vertibrate Anatomy instead of human. Fill in the blank tests are killer with anatomy since you also have to worry about spelling.

>> No.9365562

What anon has not told you is that these grades are irrelevant since they come out of Ole Miss

>> No.9365573
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My grades for this semester aren't out yet, so here are mine from last semester. I'm doing a minor in business and I took theatre as an elective before you ask.

>> No.9365590
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>Be preped for more Samsam tests if you take human physiology since his wife teaches that and he writes the tests.
Yeah lol I'm taking it in the spring and I've already prepped my anus. How was Vertebrate Anatomy? And yeah, the spelling questions always tripped me up

>> No.9365695

Difficult but fun. Frank is an excellent instructor who is strict, but is knowledgeable and an entertaining lecturer. If you hold up your end of the work he's more than willing to help you with the class and opportunities beyond it.

>> No.9365699

Name one top tier school that doesn't accept 5s
>protip you cant

>> No.9365711

Just don't get cocky or complacent. Taking "Easy A" courses is a waste of money. Congrats on your successful first semester

>> No.9365716

You okay there, anon?

>> No.9365729


>not taking mth3000:insane integration

>> No.9365760


I don't know but I'm in Canada and I graduated with in the top 20% for the semester I graduated in, but I don't know where within there since there's no layered honours, just top 20% or not. That is with a B+ GPA (which is about 77-79% in percentage).

>> No.9365776

Are you part of the Vet club? I go to all the meetings and volunteer events. Frank is strict but in a good way. He made a girl cry in class because she was skipping this semester.

>> No.9365801

Nope, but I've done research under him for animal behavior.
I could see that happening, he doesn't put up with anyone skimping out on his classes. He's super nice though if you do what you're supposed to

>> No.9365824

How elementary.

>> No.9365832

I'm partial to MATH6492: Dubious Derivations

>> No.9365992

After having my first internship I can't bring myself to care about school, the disconnect between what we do in industry versus what we learn in class is too huge.

>> No.9366007

Programming 1: A
Calc 3: A
Discrete: A
Stats: A

Before anyone bitches about only 12 hours, I transferred from community college. My adviser literally wouldn't let me take anymore math classes. Probably thought I was a community college brainlet.

>> No.9366011

I got straight F's. I could count the class sessions I attended this semester on one hand.
What's the point? I don't care about what I'm learning. Working is suffering. There is noone I'm trying to impress by graduating. Why am I even still pretending?

>> No.9366045
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>Takes CC classes
>I transferred from community college.
Did you transfer out of state? What the fuck with that uni.
What state?

>> No.9366061

>Programming in iOS: C
>Linear Algebra: D
>Computer Architecure: B
>Programming with Haskell: B
>Vector Calculus: B
>Software Industry Methods: B

Double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics killed my drive this semester. I love working and learning in both fields, but I’m getting drained from my school.

>> No.9366107


Uh, aren't all those classes required by CS anyway? I mean it sounds like you just started your degree (start of 2nd year?). Do you even have any courses that are different from just a CS major (so far)? Intro Algebra + Intro Analysis next semester?

>> No.9366118

From what I hear most CC transfers have a really hard time when they get to Uni. I went through the same shit my first semester, although my classes were probably easier.

>> No.9366129
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>have a class requirement bottleneck so can only take one core class
>pick up two other joke electives that I need to get out of the way anyway
>ez 9 credit semester with straight As
feels good

>> No.9366131

how did you get a D in linear algebra and a B in vector calculus?

>> No.9366140

>failed linear algebra
>failed data structures
>failed some UNIX bullshit
>B in government
>A in professional and technical communications (blowoff)
What's a /sci/-approved way to commit suicide?

>> No.9366178


The Linear Algebra course I listed was proofs based, entirely theoretical, and more formal than the computational linear algebra required for just CS majors. Vector Calculus isn’t Calc 1,2,3 and I’ve already taken all of those. It’s also more formal, but I’m more comfortable with the ideas of calculus applied to vector spaces. Neither of those are necessary for a CS major. I’m in my 4th year right now, so all of those were 300-400 level courses and I’m well past the “intro” courses in both fields. Despite doing well in a Geometric Proofs course in a previous semester, I couldn’t grasp the concepts this time.

>> No.9366179

i hope this is b8

>> No.9366203

B real analysis
A- quantum field theory
A quantum mechanics 1
C+ advanced lab
B+ electricity and magnetism 1

Planning on taking complex analysis, abstract algebra 2(rings, fields, etc), qm 2, em 2, and statistical mechanics next semester.

>> No.9366210

Harvard doesn't accept them on a 1-to-1 basis. They let you graduate early if you have like 5+ 5's. I think the other ivies are similar.

>> No.9366212

A Discrete Math
A Probability
A Econometrics

>> No.9366215

I go to Dartmouth, 5s don't count as credit. Getting a 5 lets you skip the class but it doesn't let you graduate any earlier

>> No.9366223

>Multivariable Calculus - B+
(Im choked)
>Linear Algebra - B+
(Im also pretty sad about this)
>First Year Mechanics - B
(Prof is a bitch so im ok with this one)
>Engineering Graphics - A+
(Slept all class)

I just changed majors from comp sci to some kind of engineering, im thinking electrical.

>> No.9366237

Extreme integration? What? Do you do techniques of integration whilst snowboarding down a double black diamond?

>> No.9366244

Only 3 classes this semester since I applied for Electricity and Magnetism late after moving across the state.
Differential Equations:
Probably a B. I had 84% in the class before our final and I lost motivation on the take home and in class exam. If anything, I'll escape with a C.
Chemistry: B
Principles of Electronics: A

>> No.9366246

Where the fuck can I get some of these take home exams?

>> No.9366281
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People posting Ochem and not posting their ACS scores

>> No.9366308


>> No.9366327

>92.72 in psychology (gen ed requirement)
>teacher won't round it up to a 93 so I can get an a

>> No.9366385
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Playing the waiting game

>> No.9366406
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>Intro to programming
>Calculus I
>Physics I
>Linear Algebra

Depression got me in the final two months. Hope I don't go through that experience again

>> No.9366409
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My technologist program makes me juggle 7 courses a term and I'm currently in finals. Pretty sure I'm not getting into degree path anymore (70% or more 1st year average over two terms) and I'm feeling depressed as fuck

>> No.9366420

The only module I take that I've had a final grade for so far is Astronomy, I got 85/120 (71%). I haven't even done the exams for the others yet.

>> No.9366424

What's with all these people only taking 4 courses? If you're not taking at least 5 courses with labs and tutorials and getting research experience or TAing you're a brainlet, not to mention scholarships

>> No.9366463

>tfw didn't keep up in my classes and didn't bother to study during dead week
semester isn't over these are estimates:
Multivar Calc = B-
Intro to AI = B
Advanced Harmony = B- (kill me)
Machine Structures (if I'm lucky) = B+

>> No.9366487
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4.0 Premed one year off med school :^)

>> No.9366508

why are so many people only posting 4 courses? Do you guys not have 6 required per semester?

>> No.9366546

the name wrpg refers only to video games, because wrpgs are diffirent in esthetictics( anime), storytelling ( FMVs) and game machanics (FF style job classes antheie sequses, and fixes rate of stat growth,as opessed to WRPG (more variable artsyle, drawing from DnD an otherpen and paper games in mechnics )

>> No.9366559

nice bait m8

>> No.9366565

Thanks. I was actually talking about the description of the class with the Roman numeral at the end. I was wondering if Calc 2 and 3 would have II and III, respectively. I'm assuming that's the case.

Thanks, anons. This is very encouraging.

>> No.9366573

that one nig with 100

>> No.9366650

If you're referring to the textbook, my university uses a different book. If you're suggesting I should use that book to help my understanding for next semester, I'll definitely look into it.

>> No.9366662

I'm not sure if you're baiting or not but that will be literally me next semester. I don't think it's typical though.

>> No.9366665

4.0 at university of mississippi as a bio major http://catalog.olemiss.edu/liberal-arts/biology/bisc-160
enjoy your unemployment :)

>> No.9366750

>enormous numbers
Fuck anon, can you finally win those highest number threads now?

>> No.9366768
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That's me. People really didn't do their fucking work outside class like they were supposed to.

>> No.9366770

Where do you get them? My school doesn't let me see them

>> No.9367338

Our finals were last week. We have a super long christmas break as a result.

>> No.9367364

I get the school doesn't exactly have a great academic reputation but I'm pretty happy with the education I'm getting there.

>> No.9367374

You must have a very different system. For most unis 6 classes would be 18-24 credits.

>> No.9367391

Op here. It's tough, I tried taking 5 courses this semester but had to drop one because I only seemed to have enough time for four. Any tips? I think I just need to work on being more efficient.

>> No.9367392

Same. Also ADD. My semester not over yet, but I pass/no credit'ed linear algebra.

>> No.9367398

med school's the goal.

>> No.9367400

Grades haven't been posted but I think I'll be at ~3.6 , ME.

>> No.9367411
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yea, never understood how the retards on /sci/ could get As.

I wonder if it's just american universities.

>> No.9367426

Degrees are a meme anyways. Those cucks will be drowning in debt and stress while youre drowning in jobs and pussy after 2 years

>> No.9367429

>Bragging about AP
Where I grew up, AP classes didn't exist. I was the only person taking physics when I took physics at my high school.

>> No.9367430

>calc 2 final
>actually skip #3 its too confusing (some power series stuff with no convergence possible)
>btw you have 20 mins left to take exam

>> No.9367433

I only play simulation and 4x games

>> No.9367452
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>his university accepts AP test as an alternative to taking college science classes


>> No.9367456

how much % do you need to pass?

for exemple, in some countries you need 50%.

>> No.9367458

Don't take the bait. I took 5 this semester and it was fucking miserable and I feel like I didn't learn anything very well, just enough to get by. They're all sophomore and junior engineering classes though, so that can make a difference. If you have 4 engineering and 1 elective like philosophy or music appreciation bullshit, you will be fine.

>> No.9367459

Like 65% or something at my uni in Canada

>> No.9367466
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it varies from uni? 65% makes me piss myself with fear. I'm a brainlet in cegep right now 60% to pass is almost too much for me

>> No.9367473

Is this typical in burgerland? At schools in Canada, engineering majors take 6 courses per semester. And they get max 3 gen ed courses.

>> No.9367475

honestly I guessed that number but after checking it it's 67-69 for an honours program

>> No.9367481

holly shit. How do you get such good grades that you don't even need to know that?

Is it just your intelligence?

Do you study so much you do math while taking a shit?

>> No.9367484

It varies

at my uni most profs try to obtain a normal distribution of grades, but might apply raw cut-offs as well. Almost all my classes basically end up with the top 10% getting at least A-

>> No.9367486

the places which need a higher passing grade have easier tests

>> No.9367488

lol no I take easy shit and skate by
I'm actually a dumbass but sometimes I study like a fuck

>> No.9367490


>> No.9367491
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forgot meme image, sorry.

>> No.9367506
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What's with grading in america? In bongistan 60% is pretty good.

>> No.9367507

What's your program?

>> No.9367513

really? I didn't get anything lower than a B until upper year
fuck I gotta pull my shit together man
I swear this is last time I say this, I swear man

>> No.9367514

The way our courses are set up you take 4 engineering classes and one non engineering course until you're done, except one semester they have you taking 18 hours (5 engineering with one blow off course). You also have to get 70% to pass. I have no idea how any of you guys become useful engineers with only passing with 50%. It seems like it is really common here that people take a lot of classes more than once. Not just projecting. :(

>> No.9367517

environmental science, it's easy to just take easy shit and still fulfill the program requirements

>> No.9367520
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>I gotta pull my shit together man
>I swear this is last time I say this, I swear man
>I swear man
>Last time
>I swear man

>> No.9367523

Pay to A economy prob.

>> No.9367528

holy shit, you've never seen an A? I got on A on a thermodynamics midterm where the class average was around 40% this term. Just how hard can a course be?

>> No.9367538

I hear ya. Some of my classes are extremely tedious and the professor is unenthusiastic coupled with a poor textbook. But you gotta find a way to motivate yourself. Even if it's just knowing that if you don't do this things will be much worse for you. That's where a good bit of my motivation comes from when my depression gets worse.

Chin up, anon, you can do this!

>> No.9367541

Calc 2 - A
Discrete math- A
Physics/mechanics - B
java 2- W (;-;)
Worked too many hours with school. Couldnt hang.

>> No.9367544
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Just to give myself credit, 33 of the 40 students in Fluid Mechanics were retaking the course, So I feel good about getting a B.

>> No.9367548

yes I have, I just never saw or met someone with A as a final grade. You have to be a genius. Actually, I met a teacher that got some A's in math but he's a genius.

>> No.9367552

final grade in a course I mean.

>> No.9367554

>I'm assuming that's the case
Yessir, that is very much the case.

Yeah as long as you work up and show improvement in grad school, along with networking and shit it really helps. You got this nigga

>> No.9367555

how could you possibly get an A in physics 1 and a C in calc1?

Or did you get an easy professor who isn't really teaching physics?

>> No.9367560

>java 2- W
IKTF, I had to withdraw from a core class over the past spring. Hang in there lad

>> No.9367562

There are easy courses man like intro psychology, intro bio, CS 101

>> No.9367583

I would like to know the answer to this. Funny how all europosters ignored it. They say getting an A is basically impossible no matter how much you study, so what the fuck do the professors ask? Anyone have a sample exam?

>> No.9367584

my calc II prof literally searches "hard problems <subject>" on google and picks some impossible shit, usually 2 questions out of 8 are like that. We found out too late.

>> No.9367595


is this a real meme, im a junior now studying chemistry and biochemistry and have NEver had a curve in a serious subject class

>> No.9367605

I'll just quote one of my math teachers.

"I bet no one is going to pass this exam, math is harder than you think"

>> No.9367626

Microcomputers- A
Electronics- B
Circuits II- A
Electromagnetics- B
History I- A

>> No.9367632

I don’t see how any calc 2 problems could be impossible to solve.

>> No.9367633

Thanks, anon.

>> No.9367686

are you a brainlet who goes to a public school? lel

>> No.9367717
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I made an A in Calculus II. If I had missed ONE more question on the final exam, I would've made a B in the class.

>my face during the entire exam

>> No.9367728

Why would a CC transfer struggle when they get to university?

>> No.9367840
File: 150 KB, 647x680, europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some typical questions from a first year euroland exam

>> No.9367917

Yeah, even with the curve the average was 65%.
They gave us 10 whole points

>> No.9367957

I studied physics more and there were times I miss Calculus lectures because it was in the morning and I felt awful as shit during most of the time

>> No.9368003

Source? Just asking as an euroland CS student

>> No.9368016

I asked the advisors the same question.

CC transfers seem to more frequently have work and other responsibilities, and are more likely to be a commuter student. So, they have to deal with more impediments than other students.

Apart from that, I don't honestly know what it could be. My CC experience turned me into a hard worker so I didn't have an adjustment issue at Uni. Commuting would be a pain if I didn't live 10 minutes away from the campus, though.

>> No.9368189
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game over brothers

>> No.9368196

Calc 1 was harder for me than Physics 1/2 and Calc 2/3

>> No.9368202

what books? the teacher literally tested over what happened in the story and u still got a B

>> No.9368232
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>tfw I got an E
I could have studied more since I just took it to pad my credits since I was one course behind, even if this one is not included in my current degree
I plan to retake it some time next or next year perhaps after I finish my current degree

>> No.9368245

Anderson "Hands" 755-758
Faulkner "A Rose for Emily" 998-1004
Fitzgerald "Babylon Revisited" 980-993
Cather "Neighbor Rosicky" 679-699
Pound "A Retrospect" 800-802
Pound "To Whistler, American" 788
Pound "In a Station of the Metro" 790
Lowell "The Captured Goddess" 710
Williams "The Young Housewife" 779
Williams "The Red Wheelbarrow" 784
Jarrel "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" 1196
Ginsberg "America" handout
Cheever "The Swimmer" 1179
Barth "Lost in the Funhouse" handout
O'Brien "How to Tell a True War Story" handout
Morrison "Recitatif" 1403-16
Ellison "Battle Royal" 1211-21
Carver "Cathedral" 1495-506
Speiegelman "Maus" 1553
Krakauer "Into the Wild" book
Lahiri "Sexy" 1650
Barthelme "The School" handout
Krakauer "Into the Wild"

>> No.9368261 [DELETED] 

I can't get into my transcript right now because of an academic hold but my classes were:
>ENG 201: Early American Lit
>HIS 134: Reconstruction to Current Day
>CSC 411: Ethics
>CSC 425: Database Management Systems
>CSC 442: Organization of Programming Languages
I graduate on Saturday

>> No.9368264

I can't get into my transcript right now because of an academic hold but my classes were:
>ENG 201: Early American Lit
>HIS 134: Reconstruction to Current Day
>CSC 411: Ethics
>CSC 425: Database Management Systems
>CSC 442: Organization of Programming Languages

I graduate on Saturday

>> No.9368314

If you got an A in japanese you should probably switch to that, or maybe do business and work internationally.

>> No.9368325

I have a bachelors in CS and I fucking hated Data Structures for two reasons:
1. I had a minor in math and was told I'd enjoy it if I liked linear algebra. I didn't because stuff was way too compiler dependent and hard as a bitch to test since these were small simulation systems with some degree of randomness instead of just input-output programs. I later had the same issues with Operating Systems because of threading.
2. Professor was a fucking dick and makes fun of me for being heavy set.

>> No.9368347

>heavy set
Lol just say youre fat dude.

>> No.9368351

I am a fatass, I'll admit that.

>> No.9368421
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>Numerical Methods and Modeling: Distinction
I missed the high distinction by 1%.
Which really sucks because I know the course material perfectly, but I messed up the submission of the first assignment and was screwed.
>Project Management and Engineering Ethics: Distinction
A sad consequence of things beyond my control.
A huge portion of the unit grade comes from a major group project. We had a team of 7 people. Only myself and one other person contributed.
This wouldn't have been impossible, but they baited us, it wasn't until 2 days before submission that we realised that we had to write the whole thing ourselves.
>Analysis and Design of Machine Components: High Distinction
Could have gone either way, I believe I unfairly lost marks on the second assignment.

Overall frustrating semester.
The exam period was also kind of bad. All of my exams in a 3 day period, at the soonest possible time after classes cease.
What I learned from this is that I basically need to put more effort into mastering topics week by week.

Next Semester
>Applied Engineering Thermodynamics
>Dynamics, Vibration and Sound
>Finite Element Methods

>> No.9368462

Are you expected to read all of these?

>> No.9368489
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problem on linear algebra 1 final

ffs i spilled spaghetti everywhere and just couldnt figure out wtf to write

>> No.9368505
File: 2 KB, 422x72, snip_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost failed classes freshman/sophmore year
>seriously considered an hero
>4 years later picture related

you... you can do it anons

>> No.9368508

If the trace is zero wouldn't it not be a vector space because the matrix isn't diagonally dominant? I might be wrong though.

>> No.9368516
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blast on the left, motr

>> No.9368517

Yes, and this was for a non-cumulative final i.e. this was only half the shit we were required to read this semester.

>> No.9368530

Cell Bio - B+
Genetic Analysis - B
Structural biology - B

>> No.9368538

Nice courseload, what were the prereqs for structural bio?

>> No.9368586

Finals are next week so things might change (esp. for the last two classes), but at the moment:
Bio 101 - A
Advanced Mechanics - A
Analysis - A
Western Philosophy - A
Spanish - A-
US History 101 - B+

>> No.9368599


isn't that incredibly trivial? if the trace is 0 then multiplying everything by a scalar won't affect shit, and if the trace is 0 then adding together two isn't gonna do shit either, so it's closed under addition and scalar multiplication. Then the other axioms are pretty trivial to verify as well since you know the coefficients are a field so they pretty much come naturally.

>> No.9368648


>> No.9368658

>Organic Chemistry I
>Multivariable Calculus
>Physics I

>> No.9368662
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


taking a few post bac classes for CLS

>> No.9368663

come on mate

>> No.9368725

fuck, I was taking like 21 units this semester and I got a fucking C in my speech class. I legit felt so burned out during that class, I just did enough to get a passing grade. Ugh, should have taken it more seriously to get that sweet gpa boost lol.

>> No.9368742

What the hell? Why didn't your group help you? Talk to your professor and get those fucks expelled.

>> No.9368754

DUDE talk to the professor about this, don't let this shit ruin your grade bruh. Let him know and take up to the dean if you have to to get your grade changed.

>> No.9369149
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>tfw you got a B

>> No.9369199

this years undergrad analysis exam for university of westminster
just because of exam pressure? or you couldn't even do it now if you tried?

anyway, if U is your "vector space", since [math]\mathscr{M}_{n,n}(R)[/math] is a vector space and [math]\emptyset\neq U\subset \mathscr{M}_{n,n}(R)[/math], you just need to show U is closed under matrix addition and scalar multiplication. both of these follow immediately from Trace being linear

>> No.9369421

It's OK senpai, I've failed Math 160 twice. Passed it this semester, you'll make it.
Now stop being a lazy fuck and study.

>> No.9369435

Keep going Anon, you'll need a good foundation in algebra to continue learning the rest of mathematics.

>> No.9369495

>All these first years ITT

>> No.9369501

Nicely done. How exactly did you get your act together?

>> No.9369538
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It's not just an EU phenomenon. I go to a Latin American university and we don't bloat grades at all - often it's quite the contrary: this semester only 5 out of 26 people on my faculty passed a course on real analysis, myself included.

Most people on the thread probably go to private institutions that are degree expending machines first and centers of knowledge second.

>> No.9369551
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It's just like this guy >>9367605 said
My math professor used to say that if you know everything that was given in the course, you get a B. For A you need to know much more than required.
All exams are oral, you get 3-4 questions, 30 min to prepare, and then they grill you for 1-2 hours.

I'm now doing an engineering PhD in the US, and I'm seriously shocked by the mediocrity of American education.

>> No.9369554
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2 A's and 2 C's

>> No.9369580

i'm so pissed my 9's got tainted by a 6,5 because anatomy is so FUCKING BORING.

>> No.9369581

>probably go to private institutions
Not accurate. I go to cornell and we don't do the grade inflation thing here. These guys to to public unis I guarantee it.

>> No.9369611
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>> No.9369666

This is inaccurate for STEM because that includes people with joke detrees from the hotel school or ilr.

>> No.9369720

How's that invasion going euro?

>> No.9369732

Please tell me those classes aren't JUST "programming in x language" and they actually teach some theory or something too

>> No.9369741

>You need to know more than you are taught in a course to get an A.
Europe is actually cucked.

>> No.9369898

What's even more embarrassing is that they brag about it.

>> No.9369912

t. brainlets

>> No.9369923

>calc 3
> statics
I am in calc 1 now finishing it this week. I am taking statics next semester with calc 2, will I be fine or do I need to know calc 2 or 3 to do good in statics?

>> No.9369940
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1.2 Average in Germany
All of you are brainlets to me

>> No.9369949

>have shit GPA
>others are brainlets
No wonder you are failing, you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.9369952
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>> No.9369958

maybe, just maybe, getting tested orally is not the best method considering under extreme pressure people do not perform optimally.

>> No.9369959

>not doing the minimal amount of work to pass
>using brainpower to overachieve in classes because you have nothing better to think about

>> No.9369979

How much does grades matter in USA? In my country most employers would rather see your vacation pictures than your grades.

>> No.9369993

for resume's it's overall experience > related degree > GPA > school

>> No.9369995

Do you actually not see the problem with literally being tested on material that is NOT AVAILABLE in the class you are learning?

t. retarded euro

>> No.9369996

>Class has expectations set on syllabus
>An A = meet/exceed these expectations (with enough hard work)
>No secrets or surprises
This is how it should be. How much of an idiot do you have to be to take pride in an institution deceiving you?

>> No.9370000

Maybe it's also because they have to conduct the oral interviews in Arabic.

>> No.9370020

Yeh pretty much this

>> No.9370037

What happened from 1975 to 1987?

>> No.9370043

>>9369741 >>9369995
Every class officially has 30% self-study part.
You are supposed to read suggested textbooks and be interested in subject, not just do your homework.

>> No.9370052


>> No.9370552

Pharmacology 1: A
Animal Development: A
Cell Signaling: A
Undergrad Research: [Hopefully Satisfactory]

by the skin of my teeth. Harder worker would have been able to do as well with a bigger course load though. I think the research will be fine, my mentor is super benevolent too, I just feel like a mostly-useless dork when I'm doing labwork

>> No.9370581

Self-study is important but you still need guidance. The syllabus tells you what you're responsible for, and the professor picks topics and readings based on what they think will make you understand what the class is about.

Or, do you think between lectures a bio student should just go Pubmed "Cancer" and start reading from the top?

>> No.9370687

not if you need the credits anyway

>> No.9370874

Yeah, I spoke to the professor.
He significantly reduced the grade they received, from the assignment. I don't know by how much though.
Regardless of what it is it was too high, because I know they didn't get 0%.

It might have been enough to make them fail though.
Because you needed to know your major assignment to do half of the final exam.

>> No.9370884

I should add, the proffessor refused to increase the grade of myself and the one other member who contributed because:
>we were expected to be able to resolve group issues as part of the assignment, which you failed, so I can not increase your grade
>I didn't demonstrate that I know the material greater than what was in the assignment.

>> No.9371151

damn that sucks that he didn't increase your grade man :/.At least those lazy fucks got fucked over, hopefully. Fuck them.

Valuable lesson learned, if your group mates don't contribute to the project you gotta check those fools. If they don't listen, talk to the professor and tell them you don't want them working with you. You're an adult now and so are they, if they think they can get away with shit like that, you gotta show them shit doesn't work like that after you leave high school.

>> No.9371439
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, 1491576993583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General Biology 2: A
General Chemistry 1: B
Precalculus: B
History: B

I'm such a brainlet, will I be able to get into grad school with a 3.25 GPA (assuming I don't improve)

>> No.9371623

I am a 2nd-yearapplied maths stdsnt at TU Delft and my average mark is a 8.7. However, I’m trash at all the mathematic puzzles and such. I think that I’m just very good at taking tests.
Am I doomed after university?

>> No.9371626
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 1449369897202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have something called "transferleistung" in Germany. Basically i there are one or two questions on the exam that have not been covered in a similar way in exercises and don't have a straightforward solution. If you want an A you are expected to know the subject well enough to solve these kind of questions within the time.

>> No.9371840

I've seen bait before

>> No.9371873

B-: calc 3
B+: introduction to japanese
C: Advanced Micro Economics
B+: Intro to macro economics

plz no bully