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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9362676 No.9362676 [Reply] [Original]

So what's a hobby that goes well with maths
Body building? Drawing? Observing birds?

>> No.9362678

Literature or art in general

>> No.9362679


>> No.9362681

Walking. You just cant prove me wrong that walking is the sport if your intending to do math.

>> No.9362684


Those things should be above hobbies.

>> No.9362689

Problem solving (brilliant.com for example)

>> No.9362694

teaching school children how to run from the cops

>> No.9362698
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Shit posting on taiwanese basket weaving forums. Also masturbation.

>> No.9362772

Math exists to serve physics

>> No.9362778

computer science

>> No.9362828

playing video games

>> No.9362829

Physics is a good hobby too.

>> No.9362834

Practical: Programming and electronics
Impractical: Anime.

The first is because I noticed it was fun and easy. I took an electromagnetism and circuits class for fun and found it really comfy. The math side of it was basically Calculus 3 but less general, and the circuits part was fun. I bought an arduino after that have been doing some of the projects you find online.

Second because math actually consumes a lot of my life so I have not had a genuine human experience in years so I live vicariously through anime to experience happiness, pain, love, anger, fear, etc. You should try it, I'd say it is even better than having a life. You can instead just watch chinese drawings pretending to have a life and get involved in their little drama for like 12 episodes.

>> No.9362865

solving calculus problems for fun

>> No.9362965

Dick sucking

>> No.9362991

operating kitchen fryers

>> No.9363009

Carpentry or drawing

>> No.9363011

Music to be sure

>> No.9363073


it is the ultimate lyrical artform kek

Writing shortstories, finding wordplays, sitting hours there to find 10 syllabilic rhymes or rhymechains all fitting on the beat, with different flows.
Also you can express your inner thoughts like a catharsis, you can write from a different perspective, or you can write psychological or philosophical topics.

Seriously rapping is a lot of fun it is not just for brainlets even though I am one

>> No.9363078

studying science

>> No.9363360
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I am triggered

>> No.9363362
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jiu jitsu
first its just a thing but then you get too jiu jit to quit

>> No.9363365


>> No.9363377
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Scientific illustration. I mean really people, come on.

>> No.9363434

>So what's a hobby that goes well with maths

>> No.9363512

I'd definitely say piano. And poker. Super mathematical shit, yo. What are some hobbies that go well with biology?

>> No.9363545

Everyone else is wrong, programming is a must

>> No.9363556

Twilight fan fiction, or breathing.

>> No.9363600


>> No.9363745

Body building for sure. A sharp mind is nothing without a sharp body.

>> No.9363792

Thats the job not a hobby

>> No.9363799

Open the door,
take a dump on the floor,
everybody do the dinosaur

>> No.9363800

drinking alcohol

t. phd

>> No.9363898


>> No.9363936

chronic masturbation

>> No.9364003

Yes, lifting. Be a /sci/ /fit/ crossboarder

>> No.9364012

Ike is worst lord desu

>> No.9364013
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I deeply considered suicide to end the pain after watching Clannad. Basically forced me to learn something new as a mode of distraction. I find Java programming pretty fun.

>> No.9364066

>Second because math actually consumes a lot of my life so I have not had a genuine human experience in years
Holy kek

>> No.9364257

Playing the violin. Programming that's not at the just-do-everything-as-webapp-and-don't-worry-about-performances level. Keeping a bibliography of scientific papers you read to perfect your argumentation. Learning the history of science. Writing grammatically perfect and unambiguous English. Birbs.

>> No.9364474


>> No.9364479

Seriously, I spend hours every day posting on this fucking website. It's a fucking curse, discovering 4chan is my biggest regret.
Someone release me from my suffering already.

>> No.9364481

Good to see another awaken anon in this board.

>> No.9364486

You guys are sad

>> No.9364494
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Play go. Or competitive cads games that require problem solving skills

>> No.9364500

does hearthstone count

>> No.9364771
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>> No.9365257
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Chess, Woodworking, Tennis, Video games

>> No.9365260


>> No.9365266

lol unironically this.
love to trash brainlets who cant into strategy.

>> No.9365272

engineer detected

>> No.9365290


>> No.9365330

lol no

>> No.9365382


>> No.9365419

Classical guitar nigga

>> No.9365422

Brainlet dyel detected

>> No.9365436


i recently learned to play jesu bleibet meine freude but only with my right hand, if i try to play with the left hand at the same time my brain melts.

i wish i knew more "easy" songs to play like this one that ALSO sound good

>> No.9365458
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>start watching clannad knowing nothing about it even though it was a visual novel before an anime
>havin a real good time, the anime hunnies are cuties and theres good slice of life and some fantasy mixed in, really consumes you in the good feels and gets past your cold adult shell
>finish first season, start up second season
Honestly I almost wanted to murder the people who produced this show. Knowing where it all ends up was like being raped by someone you adored and trusted. It's just a super fucked up idea for any piece of fiction much less a cartoon about cute girls.
The people who wrote the story and plot of Clannad are horrible human beings and it probably really shouldn't have ever been a cartoon or anything more than some jap niche visual novel that most people would never see if not never made in the first place.

>> No.9365460

Is it me, or do most people (blue belts and below) have a terrible sense of body positioning? Is it a spatial IQ thing?

>> No.9365471


>> No.9365635

Eight string guitar, Guzheng , Weightlifting, Literature

I would say video games but I really dont think thats a hobby...

>> No.9365642

i would like to pick up another hobby. I was thinking archery with a medieval bow not compound

>> No.9365655


>> No.9365676

If you wanted to intelligently shitpost you should have at least said coprophagia.

>> No.9365783

wtf I hate math and anime now

>> No.9365831
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Non-shitpost answer incoming. I categorize myself in three ways: 1) professional, 2) social, 3) solo. Try to develop yourself across all categories.

Career, Certifications, Professional Organizations

Aim to have daily scheduled social activity outside of work, be it through a club, team, sport, meetup, hobby, etc.

Three categories to develop by yourself here: 1) Mind, 2) Body, and 3) Heart.

1) Know-that (facts, e.g. history, non-fiction)
2) Know-how (skills, e.g. bicycle repair, investing)

1) Health (diet, sleep, sunlight, meditation)
2) Fitness (resistance/cardiovascular training, stretching)

1) The arts (literature, poetry, music, film, etc.)
2) Philosophy
3) Spirituality

If you're deep into mathematics then you're weighted towards /Solo/Mind, so I'd look into developing laterally across other categories. This is a low-resolution sketch of how I categorize my self-development. A program like TheBrain is very helpful for organizing your growth.

>> No.9365849


>> No.9366033

You made me sad

>> No.9366258


I cringe too when someone thinks they're a hobby.

>> No.9366382

quality post mah nigga

>> No.9366417

Analytic Philosophy is pretty good.

>> No.9366738

Nice tips. I try to do reviews of interesting non-fiction books I read, usually quite dense. They're just for myself but it helps me absorb the material better than if I would just skim through. Also easy if you want to revisit the book sometime in the future.

>> No.9366833

nice autism

>> No.9366850

Like your autistic system. Care to elaborate on how you distribute your free time in accordance with this system ?

>> No.9366870

Programming, it can aid you in all the others.

>> No.9366892

being secure enough to choose your own hobbies

>> No.9366902

They're weak in terms of time, depth, and effort, compared to pretty much everything else. If they're not income-related career then they're a hobby, like anything else. You pretentious faggot.

>> No.9366907

Philosophy, theoretical physics, and mathematics all go well together.

>> No.9366939

Playing jazz, and exercise both long distance stuff and fast twitch stuff.

And interacting with people.

>> No.9366954
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>> No.9367112

Finally. This.
All the rest are normies, and politely requested to GET OUT.

>> No.9367250

What are you doing here, Mike?

>> No.9367265


>They're weak in terms of time, depth, and effort,

And somehow I'm pretentious lol.

>> No.9367435

Just passing by! Please ignore :D

>> No.9367439

I also walk.
Glad to see fellow walkers on /sci/.

>> No.9367446

Magick. Because then you can call yourself Mathemagician.

>> No.9367476

Stand-up comedy is not yet high on your list ?

>> No.9367512

>Observing birds?

>> No.9367526

Alcoholism tbqh

>> No.9367559

Gardening. I just love the taste of my homegrown berries and veggies and working barefoot in the dirt is very grounding.

>> No.9368282

Anime seems to be quite common.

>> No.9368298

Just do whatever the fuck you like instead of forcing yourself on a hobby that goes well with math.

>> No.9370038
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olympic weightlifting

mountain biking

classical piano

all highly technique-dependent activities that require intense concentration and can be done alone

they also promote physical fitness (first two) and posture/poise (third) which should be neglected by anyone doing intellectual work-your mind will work better if you keep your body in working order

>> No.9370044

Watching Rick & Morty, OBVIOUSLY

>> No.9370058
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>> No.9370085

Judoka here, did some jiu jitsu few years ago, I would say you're right but in my case I think you develop a sense for that. I don't really think about it that much it comes natural to me.

>> No.9371159
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Cocaine and LSD

>> No.9371166

It's one or the other

>> No.9371177

this but unironically

>> No.9371195
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>being a fat unathletic wannabe whose entire repertoire as an athlete involves 3 basic motions

>> No.9371369

astronomy. math is required in a lot of its sub hobbies.

>> No.9371583

>Learning languages
>Learning general trivia
>talking with random girls
>watching movies or shows
>chronically masturbating

That's my list, keep anything you want

>> No.9371723
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>> No.9372796
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understand your anima
compose music

>> No.9372800
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>> No.9372816

the mathematician should naturally become, through his studies, a philosophy. If not, you have failed.

>> No.9372818

>not crawling to your destination
Fucking brainlets.