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/sci/ - Science & Math

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936209 No.936209 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw something on my channel 2 news (CBS) that tells about mysterious space messages and showed V'ger. I was wondering if anyone here has heard anything about this, because I'm getting afraid that we all might be doomed.

>> No.936344

They found alien life.

>> No.936365

they found alien life 55 years ago. They just release technology and information at a gradual rate as to not shock society.

>> No.936372


>> No.936390

You saw Star Trek the motion picture.
V'ger was voyager after getting taken over by an energy alien and pissed at Earth.

>> No.936396


It can be fouind on other news sites as well. Voyager 2, which left Earth 33 years ago is sending back data to earth in an unknown format. Voyager contained music and information about Earth and Humans, People think the fucking thing has been hijacked by aliens and they are trying to communicate with us. Fucking odd if you ask me. The fucking thing should not be sending data back in an unknown format...

>> No.936444
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>> No.936458

Is this a troll thread? Cause if its not, im freaking out...

>> No.936488

well the telegraph is a noted tabloid, but the story about the indecipherable signal is real

NASA's position is that the shit on Voyager is old and has been in deep space for 33 years, so its just mucked up equipment

make your own conclusions

>> No.936495

How do they know the signal is coming from Voyager?

This is cool! How far is it by now?

>> No.936500

It's getting too far from the polar origin and the decreased substrate resolution is starting to have an observable effect on it.

>> No.936504

Im freaking out. Maybe im bored and i want this more than anything because it might be the most amazing event in human history, but im going to check if it's nearby any planets.

>> No.936505


True dat. Old and getting hit by space-sand and stuff.

We have not sent signals from us to us that far before either right?

>> No.936506

Or maybe it just broke, and is sending back random patterns of 0s and 1s?

>> No.936527

Where was the location of the probe in that movie before it got hijacked?

>> No.936528

If the encryption is unknown, why would it be 0s and 1s?

>> No.936531

i read into it, in http://www.nasa.gov/ and their official stance, its not just random programing jumbled together its coming back formated, just not a format we have the technology to decode.

>> No.936541

all data is sent digitally. Encryption just means the bits don't follow any familiar format.

>> No.936548

Link to the page?

>> No.936562

I'm not that guy, but I think this is it:

"The change in the data return pattern has prevented mission managers from decoding science data."

Basically, Voyager is fucking up and sending the data back incorrectly. What they mean when they're saying decoding it is that, say, if Voyager just flipped every bit (1 to 0 and 0 to 1), then it would be easy to fix and use the data. Voyager is doing something weird though, and they're trying to figure out what.

>> No.936565

Well, we're fucked. First it was global warming, then a volcano and now fucking aliens. WHEN WILL IT STOP.

>> No.936584

It's 2010.
It's from Europa.
The Europeans hacked it to tell us to stay the fuck away from their planet. But its ok, we can have the rest

>> No.936614

Is it even near any other star systems?

>> No.936619

Reminds me of this.

>> No.936631


I always wanted to ride in one of those babies

>> No.936634

How do you know they're friendly?

>> No.936637

I've always had dreams of the human race being alone and felt comforted by this fact. But why do I now wish there was an extra humanoid race along with us were we both are alone?

>> No.936643
File: 976 KB, 300x300, facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is most likely and probabilistically not aliens.

>> No.936648

Oh shit! What movie is this?

>> No.936651

Channel 9 has grade school girls showing off their midriff.

>> No.936656

read. Its not a movie, its a fake trailer for what the guy would like to do a movie of.

>> No.936660


Does this website track the probe?

>> No.936712
File: 57 KB, 400x300, 20070908-210640_Fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not say "probabilistically" again.

>> No.936720

There is a movie called Return to Sender though.

>> No.936731

What are the mathematical odds that this IS intelligent life?

>> No.936754

They're gonna decode it and it's gonna be a map.

>> No.936763

Holy shit holy shit holy shit

>> No.936776


V'ger 2 also made another discovery.

>> No.936777

Which is more likely?

Aliens snatched up a 30 year old satellite near the edge of our solar system and reprogrammed it?

Voyager's fucking old and shit's falling apart?

>> No.936781

Or it hit a rock in space that turned it retarded.

>> No.936793

What's producing the magnetic field?

>> No.936809

Solar Wind

>> No.936810

It's not aleins. It's mangets.

Look. since evlutoion is false, god is rael. Theorefur, .999... = a plane taking off on a treadmill.

god /sci/ has so many idoits its radiclusuo.

>> No.936817

Aliens are what atheists use to replace God.

>> No.936823

it has a twitter


>> No.936835

So you DON'T think its aliens

look at how stupid you are

>> No.936852

Is voyager outside the solar system yet?

>> No.936855

So you think every pattern in the universe must be the product of sentient beings.

Look at how gullible you are.

>> No.936858

I think you're the gullible one, you actually believe the government that there is no aliens

>> No.936868
File: 55 KB, 571x395, v'ger 2 vs tardis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.936870

You're either extremely retarded or trolling. Go back /x/, you don't need critical thinking skills there.

>> No.936871

it's twice as far away as pluto, but idk if that's technically all the way out yet.

voyager 1 is 3x as far away as pluto

>> No.936881

So, there's apparently a lot of magnetic activity outside the solarsystem. Could that be responsible for Voyager's fuckups?

If one of you fuckers makes a "How the fuck do they work" joke I'll cut you

>> No.936883

Is it past the kuiper belt yet?

>> No.936901

kuiper belt is 30-55 AU

voyager 2 is 92 AU away

voyager 1 is 112 AU away

>> No.936906

Apparently voyager 1 is going 17 km/s atm. How do these probes get so fast?

>> No.936913

gravity assists from the gas giant planets

>> No.936915


slingshots around the large outer planets.

>> No.936922

There's nothing in their way to slow them down.

>> No.936927

the universe is expanding and they were launched long enough ago that they are starting to redshift in relation to our position

>> No.936933


>> No.936934

yes, it's not technically all the way out yet. it has to get past the heliopause to be all the way out

>> No.936937

also, it still hasn't even gotten into the heliopause yet

>> No.936943

If this turns out to be some campy shit fest, I'm going to be pissed.

>> No.937573

Wait, what?

>> No.937693

it's a hoax

>> No.937738

Equipment malfunction = aliens.

Never change frail faculties of the human mind, never change.

>> No.937750

This incident? Infinitely approaching zero. That there is life somewhere in the Universe that we would recognize as intelligent? Infinitely approaching one.

Doesn't mean we'll ever manage to make contact, though.

>> No.938038

So... umm... what the fuck happened?

>> No.938050

I think as usual astronomers are desperate for contacting alien life