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/sci/ - Science & Math

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935929 No.935929 [Reply] [Original]


Easiest math subject, in your opinion.

Mine: linear algebra was retarded cake.

>> No.935935

Any math subject can be easy if it is taken at a shit school.

>> No.935937

Discreet math.

>> No.935939

Can it be any level of math?

>> No.935945

Calculus of Multivariables was pretty easy. I had more trouble with infinite sums and stuff.

>> No.935956

basic arithmetic

>> No.935965

OP here, I meant to discuss Calculus and onward. Basically anything past what's required in high school.

>> No.935973

I'd have to agree then. Linear Algebra was quite easy.

>> No.935978
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>> No.935999

ITT: I'll name a hard class and say it was easy to grow my internet penis. Because random people on the internet care.

This thread is another reason /sci/ sucks.
Stop making and responding to these threads.

>> No.936006

Calculus I

>> No.936013

1st grade math. Shit was so add.

>> No.936022


>> No.936021

It's very likely that these people did have an easy time in their math classes. But like it was said before, math is easy at shit-schools.

>> No.936023


>> No.936028


>> No.936047

lenear algebra wtf is that algebra of lines haha thats stupdi

>> No.936053

Modern Algebra

>> No.936083

Linear Algebra is easy for people who accept what they're given without question. It makes no fucking sense the first time through if you try to reason through it.

>> No.936089

set theory

>> No.936090

I reasoned through it. It made perfect sense. Quit projecting your failures onto others.

>> No.936103


Same here.

>> No.936105


No. You. Fucking. Didn't.

They don't teach you why matricies work the way they work. They don't teach you what a determinant is. They don't explain why a cross product works the way it works. They don't explain ANYTHING. You have to get into higher math before you start understanding why you did any of the shit that you did in Linear Algebra.

>> No.936117

Anything to do with economics

It's like science fiction applied math.

>> No.936122


Sum of elementary signed products, sucka :D

>> No.936120



linear algebra, calculas, vector calc, basic differential geometry, ans series are all elementary math.

the lower division, required math classes that taught ODEs never taught the following:

x'=Ax has solution e^(At). they just never taught that.

yeah, the individual solutions were taught.

but they never said:

just exponentiate the diagonalized matrix, and note that the matrices of eigenstates are equivalent to their exponential forms.


x'=Ax, ==> A=(C^-1)D(C)

has solution


which is even easier to exponentiate as a diagonal matrix.

>> No.936128


Vectors. Actually I'm a bit biased though. I always get A+ so meh.....

>> No.936130

No I didn't. Quit being a douchebag. Every part of linear algebra, ESPECIALLY the things you just named, make perfect sense now just as they did when I first heard them.

If you fail to understand any one of the concepts in 3 dimensions, drop a dimension and see if it becomes clear. If it doesn't, drop another and it's bound to become trivial.

>> No.936150


Well clearly there is something wrong here. And I think it lies with you. Linear Algebra tells you what to do, it doesn't explain how. Higher - level math does that. Maybe you took a class that included the theory along with it, maybe not. Mine for sure did not.

>> No.936156


in my lower divison math classes:

they taught us how to solve the laplacian on a ball, parallelapiped, and sphere (shell)

they taught us to solve the heat equation (wave equation) in 1 and 2d.

we did not do the diffusion equation (that I did in my PDE upper divion class)


they taught us that the determinant is the scale factor of the volume element of a linear map.

this I learned at the end of my freshman year.

we learned about differential forms, tensors, fourier transforms, and a few other relevant topics to applied math and analysis.

that was the middle of my sophomore year (quarter system)

>> No.936164


>> No.936166

No. I took a Linear Algebra class, same as you. Everything they introduced was rigorously derived by the professor using planar geometry.

PLEASE stop this.

>> No.936167


did your school offer 2 seperate math tracks?

my school offered a track for non-physical/math sciences (or engineering)

in the more heavily math oriented track, we learned lots of theory.

we learned most of the notation and logic taught in the class called "transition to higher math" (which is basically intro to logic and proofs) during the 4th out of the 6 math classes for lower division.

>> No.936189

Calc3 was easy as shit. Durp add/multiply vectors

>> No.936228

pre algebra was ez as π

>> No.936236
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I see 2 prevalent themes running through this topic, both are presented by people who go to shit-places that don't teach real math. I'll respond to both of these themes.

1. >Linear Algebra, Calculus, etc.. Were easy classes. Everything was simple and a piece of cake.
Everything at your school is easy. You want to learn Calculus? Open Apostol's textbook. Linear Algebra? Open Friedberg's. See what real math looks like, see the theorems, see the proofs. Try to read and understand everything that says there. Open exercises, do them all. You won't get past the first chapter. You will fail miserably.

2. >Linear Algebra just shows you how to do stuff, it doesn't explain how everything actually works. More Advanced math actually gives the explanations.
Take Linear Algebra at a non-shit-place. Everything will be explained, everything will be proved. In fact, you will be asked to prove most of the stuff.

>> No.936433

I took linear algebra with what I consider to be a very decent professor (very proof heavy), yet, I think it was precisely this attribute in his lecture that led to me not learn or understand 80% of the class. I got a good grade, but honestly, I still don't understand most of it. Feels bad--how can I fix this? Take the course again?

>> No.936456

Alright. Well then judging from the general consensus in this thread I have no choice but to accept that my class was shit.

>> No.936467


rofl xD

>> No.936471

Taylor Series. Very useful, but nearly goddamn trivial to do.

>> No.936475

>using planar geometry
i lold

>> No.936484

linear algebra in undergrad is pretty middle skool

take a grad level course on it tho. it will blow ur mind.

>> No.936497

now try proving that your function has a power series expansion

>> No.936498


...triple integrals, surface integrals, stokes, green, calc 3 was not easy. FTC-learn to worship it.

>> No.936502

counting is the easiest math to do