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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 198 KB, 550x535, 9ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9352233 No.9352233 [Reply] [Original]

>Pluto is a planet

>> No.9352265

>you are the future

>> No.9352284

>study hard and get a degree, you'll get a job right away

>> No.9352311

>tfw it's true except you don't have to study particularly hard

>> No.9352321

It gets better

>> No.9352327

>Everyone deserves an equal chance, which is why we don't fail students.

>> No.9352355

Nearly everything.

>> No.9352373

>mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


>> No.9352379

top kek, lactic acid fermentation ftw

>> No.9352395
File: 15 KB, 136x136, 20171207_174927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blackholes might be a gateway to another dimension

>> No.9352416

>you need to learn cursive hand writing for adulthood
>you wont be carrying a calculator with you at all times so you need to practice these inane repetitive exercises for when you need to do math on the go
>its important to learn about world history even if you give zero fucks about it
>going into any field should be based purely on interest, and not potential job market or future income
>everyone is equal

>> No.9352426

Hello wagecuck my old friend~

>> No.9352428

Oh i forgot to add
>Democracy is important in the US, your vote matters!
Most times they dont even count votes that may upset the agenda of the rich and powerful, look at the Ron Paul media blackout in 2012. Along with many counties who supported him reporting 0% voter turnout.

>> No.9352435

Are you saying any part of that post is true for anyone? Its not.

>> No.9352436

Occasionally that happens, but as a result we got Trump in. You can poke the lion for a little while but eventually it gets up and eats everything.

Democracy works, and it works well. The checks and balances put in place by our founding fathers have reawakened.

>> No.9352445

>The checks and balances put in place by our founding fathers have reawakened
Unironically saying this when the reps are controlling house, senate, president and soonish even the supreme court tells you something about the intellect of the average retardian.

>> No.9352447

The US Civil War wasn't about slavery.

>> No.9352449

>Trump got elected
>Democracy works
The fact that someone like Trump can get elected demonstrates why Democracy doesn't work.

>> No.9352453

"There is a number than when squared, we get 2"

What a crock of shit. Next they're gonna tell me there is number that when added to 5 we get 3? what a joke

>> No.9352459

I think democracy works ok when you have like, more than 50% of voters actually participating in it

>> No.9352498

>physical forces are real
>there are laws of nature that exist outside of brains
>you have a soul or ego
>consciousness exists
>morality and ethics are useful or relevant
>maths is for nerds only
>science is just as important as philosophy
>you can learn philosophy in college lol its not important
>computers are for nerds
>the nebular theory of star formation makes sense
>we are all equal
>dumb students are just "slow learners" they're not inferior beings
>black people are just as smart as white people
>asians and jews are just like the other races intellectually, their parents just push them harder
>finance is good and wholesome
>teachers are good and wholesome
>insubordination is a sign of unruliness which is bad
>your teachers are AUTHORITIES
>if you insult an authority you are either stupid or bad
>people who are altruistic aren't suicidal
>capitalism works
>communism is about poor people
>evolution is real but you don't need to know the implications of it
>pop culture has meaning
>athletes do not rate higher in psychopathy tests and neither do doctors, ceo's, leading academics, politicians, psychiatrists, military officers or leo's
>technology isn't devouring organic life
>global warming is bad but we can FIGHT IT TOGETHER
>it isn't necessary to reduce the human population to <10,000,000
>women are really smart and strong just like men that's why there are no famous female theoretical physicists and that's why the best athletes are all male
>being a mother is HARD WORK
>being a parent is HARD WORK
>dog people aren't sentimental subhuman faggots
>cats aren't aliens
>cats aren't living deities
>cats aren't the model for the ultimate life form
>cats aren't spiritually more active life forms than others
>horse girls aren't whores
>being a whore means nothing, sex is positive and there is no negative consequences to having lots of partners
>epigenetics isn't important unless it is, then it is, but its not
>flu vaccines work
>herd immunity is real

>> No.9352509

>>dog people aren't sentimental subhuman faggots
>>cats aren't aliens
>>cats aren't living deities
>>cats aren't the model for the ultimate life form
>>cats aren't spiritually more active life forms than others
>>horse girls aren't whores

>> No.9352520

Cocaine is one hell of a drug.

>> No.9352522

i've been off the yay for two years anon, thank you very much
a non-cat owner I see, a shame your parents never loved you

>> No.9352524

They taught you that in school? Why? Are you from a red state?

>> No.9352527



>> No.9352528

>human blood is blue, it only turns red when it exits the body because it gets warm
>electron configurations
>the universe revolves around the earth

>> No.9352530

What are you on? Go back into whatever hole you came out of.

>> No.9352550
File: 68 KB, 487x810, SideSaddle_class_horse_show_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women can derive sexual pleasure from riding a horse if they ride it like a man does. That's why proper women ride like this

>> No.9352552

>maths is for nerds only
I totally remember learning that one in school!

>> No.9352573

>>the universe revolves around the earth
did you go to school in the 1500s?

>> No.9352590

There is intense revisionism happening right now in my county on all books for elementary and high school.
Particularly history and biology among others.
Because liberals are in power terms like marriage,heritage and others got redefined and multiculturalism as well as change of national identity is pushed on a big scale.

>> No.9352591


>> No.9352601

>he thought they were talking about national level politics
Do you even participate in local government?

>> No.9352604
File: 10 KB, 209x318, Planets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pluto is a planet

>> No.9352619

Go back to /pol

>> No.9352624

No it's not.

>> No.9352627

It's impossible for black people to get lice in their hair

>> No.9352631

Active rewriting is happening and its all over the media but you are sending me to /pol/?
Have you seen the catalog you mouth breading autist.

>> No.9352633

>general education classes make you a better human being and more rounded individual

>> No.9352635

"You're one of the smart kids"

>> No.9352636

Possibly the biggest lie ever told.

>> No.9352726

>you have bright future
>you are the future

Literally autist

>> No.9352771

No. Politics and government in general is a waste of my time. I understand why we need government, but my energy is better spent elsewhere.

>> No.9352789
File: 18 KB, 403x226, the way she goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Indians are called that because Columbus thought he was in India
> your tastebuds on your tongue kinda have a map of what they are sensitive to at different areas of the tongue
>phrenology isn't real
>nature's constants are constant
>HIV is from anal sex and mainly gets gays

>> No.9352790

Or when its not rigged by the media and the electoral college. You think im crazy but seriously. Look up “Ron Paul media blackout” and do some research for yourself. The vast majority of voters are so stupid they will just blindly vote with the last name they heard on tv(this is not an exaggeration). Ron Paul was systematically kicked out of the running by consistently not being mentioned, or when it was necessary to mention him, downplaying his political ideas/standings. This didnt happen once, or twice, but nearly every time the race was mentioned on literally every major news channel. There is a good chance you think Ron Paul, and his supporters, are nutcases because the media probably brainwashed you too. I am not endorsing Ron Paul, i dont vote because i dont believe in the system. Ron Paul is a perfect example of why you shouldnt give a fuck about American politics, and why you shouldnt vote either.

>> No.9352791

There are even yeast cells that don't have mitochondria.akd tell solely on fermentation.

>> No.9352794

Yep, Texas.

>> No.9352827

go back to pol

>> No.9352832

whats it to you?

>> No.9352834

I don't think Ron Paul supporters were intrinsically less sane than any other supporters

but uh you know not voting means compliance with "whatever the fuck you the rest of you guys want to happen". I agree shit sucks but you really should vote. Righteous indignation doesn't win you anything. And voting doesnt prevent you from seeking other ways to positively change the nature of the beast

>> No.9352841

CNN didn't even use Ron Paul's picture when they had to talk about him. They used a silhouette like he was Doctor Claw from Inspector Gadget or something.

>> No.9352848

The Holocaust happened.

>> No.9352852

You gotta vote man. But to vote anything thrid party is stupid and actually works against you. Plus third party is always so regional (I live in NM and everyone here who didn't vote Hillary went Johnson... none of them had heard of Stein) so they have no national appeal.

>2 party sucks but it is the best we have

>> No.9352862

I did vote. I voted Ron Paul in 2012.

Stein had no appeal because she's a retard. So is Gary "What's a leppo" Johnson.

>> No.9352864

>puts dick inside a hole where literal shit comes out of

>> No.9352877

I was actually really on a bad run on elections until the last two. I voted Gore, Kerry,McCain,Obama,Trump. So I am 2/5.

Ya but I grew up in the 80s and the truth is that you get HIV from needles or being in prison which is not what we were taught.

>> No.9352884

you get it in prison from all the buttrape.

>> No.9352940

>>Pluto is a planet

That's just a change of classification.

They refined the definition to "A large orbital mass around a star that has mostly cleared its own orbit of smaller masses."

It's an accretion thing.

>> No.9352961
File: 112 KB, 900x900, file_424_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pluto is a planet


> The pyramids are less than 10,000 years old

Har, even physics...quantum mechanics? Uh, quantum bullshit.

Also...vaporizing metals...how cool is that?

>> No.9352970

>Wanting the evil witch instead of master troll.
It was the right choice, people will only realize later in like 50 years when all the list of bill Clinton's wife's crimes comes out

>> No.9352982

>buttery males
wrong board, bub

>> No.9352991
File: 65 KB, 589x239, 1512157120033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is the difference between the Mason, Illuminati and Black Sun?

When you can answer it with certainty you can return to /sci/.

>> No.9352997

>Michael Hastings
>Seth rich
>Kosova liberation army
>Podesta the molestation
>Abedin and terror groups
>Clinton foundation money laundering
>Charity defraudment
>Uranium one deal
> Paying foreign agents for fake info
It's way worse than people realize

>> No.9353028

The Earth is a sphere.

>> No.9353032
File: 43 KB, 720x405, 1512348477467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wtf did *I* just say, nigger, Name The Difference

If you can't you're politically ignorant.

Begone. This isn't /pol/! You're outclassed, gunned and educated.

>> No.9353044

Faggots, khabbalists, and Lucifer larpers

>> No.9353053
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am.

Map the universe, I will.

Know the shape, I do.

Busy in life, I am...you?...or just working at it? Wonderin...ponderin...I don't believe in religion, that's the face value.

Egyptian, Mayan and Angkor is the key. You thought it was NEW? No, physics is more powerful behind us.


Do you see, Clarice?

>> No.9353109


>the OP is a smart enough troll to propose a type of confusing statement which could have been literally true at the time of his (and his contemporaries') youthful educations, at the time that the statement was made, and has since become false through an arbitrary classification schema subsequently adopted by humans in order to differentiate planets from other celestial bodies

>> No.9353163

You have been brainwashed into thinking voting is important. Im not saying that not voting is doing anything to help the problem, im saying the time you take to vote in a presidential election is time wasted, and would be better spent doing literally anything else. Even just watching grass grow.
>rock the vote
>vote or die
>I voted!
>your vote counts
Its all just propaganda designed to keep you from realizing the US is a plutocracy, without one shred of democracy in there. The elections are just a show, like the roman colosseum, designed to keep you busy and remind you who is in charge.

It doesnt matter though, because any time anyone brings up anything remotely related to conspiracy theories, they are instantly dismissed as crazy. Just like your masters taught you to do. Ron Paul had a chance, before the media intentionally snubbed him. Look it up.

>> No.9353172
File: 22 KB, 612x491, Pepe_Confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my teachers in elementary school thought that only multiples of five were whole numbers. We all knew that was wrong though

>> No.9353210

>f(x)=mx+b is a linear function

>> No.9353356

>Believing representative democracy is true democracy

fucking kek

>> No.9353361

>The checks and balances put in place by our founding fathers have reawakened.


>> No.9353419

Kill yourself

>> No.9353423

>>its important to learn about world history even if you give zero fucks about it
1.) Who doesn't like history?
2.) You're an idiot if you don't think it's important to have at least a high school level understanding of history.

>> No.9353444

Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, etc. are all planets... I don't care if there orbital path is off or they got shit in their orbital paths. Their all spherical, don't orbit a larger body, etc... SO THEY COUNT AS PLANETS.

JUSTICE FOR PLUTO! And to a lesser extent Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, etc...

>> No.9353481

>in Australia
q + xw = λ

>> No.9353506

this is pretty funny

>> No.9353539
File: 8 KB, 251x201, brainlet frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seasons happen because of variation in the Earth's distance from the sun throughout the year
I don't know how I, much less the teachers, reconciled this with the knowledge that the northern and southern hemispheres have opposite seasons.

>> No.9353560

You know it's all true.

>> No.9353579

Actual thing I was taught in school:

>A light year is a measure of time

>> No.9353589

>E pluribus unum

>> No.9353671

It is though, 1 light year = 1 year.

>> No.9353692
File: 12 KB, 56x75, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9353696

>being a parent is HARD WORK
only one I disagree with, not really tangible work but yeah, having a child will drain your soul like water from a bathtub

>> No.9353704

this, my family got extremely triggered that I didn't vote even though my state is blue as can be. zero, z-e-r-o, impact that my vote would have

>> No.9353821
File: 109 KB, 634x657, tr*mp syria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le BASED g-d emprah golden goy tr*mp

>> No.9354273

>It's 2007

>> No.9354274

>>you need to learn cursive hand writing for adulthood

>>you wont be carrying a calculator with you at all times so you need to practice these inane repetitive exercises for when you need to do math on the go
>Pay something in cash somewhere
>No idea whether the cashier gives back the right amount of change because you can't do basic arithmetic

>> No.9354370

Im talking more about the writing out long division on paper, multiplying 3 digit numbers, etc. Its good to know how to do it, but having homeworks with 30+ of these problems is fucking retarded. I knew this was a worthless skill in 3rd grade, and i was right. Im never going to do multiplication or division on paper ever again, i have my phone with me at all times.

>> No.9354371

>it's still a mystery how airfoils generate lift
>nobody knows how they work since we discovered them by accident

>> No.9354375

really? lmao

>> No.9354436

I'm sorry you're an uniformed troll that need sto go back to /pol

>> No.9354442
File: 1.08 MB, 279x219, 5bb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Dirac Delta is a function

>> No.9354445
File: 35 KB, 600x885, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my middle school physics class they did that Bernoulli principle "explanation" for how lift is generated

>> No.9354454

But that equation explains how lift is generated so why is that bad

>> No.9354460

>subtracting a larger number from a smaller number will always equal 0
Even in 2nd grade I knew that was bullshit.

>> No.9354461


Referring to this one ^

>> No.9354470

>america is white

>> No.9354472

Jesus was real

My English teacher was a fucking christian nut job and she also used to yap about bible phrases

>> No.9354481

>dog people aren't sentimental subhuman faggots

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9354556

Devil's advocate: practicing 3-digit multiplication or division or whatever is another way to practice single- and double- digit multiplication in your head, which isn't totally useless.

>> No.9354684

We say faggot specifically because it hurts your faggoty feelings. No other reason really.

>> No.9354694

Who ever thought this?

>> No.9354698

Cursive is useful just for english classes or classes that require you to write out paragraphs on an exam. Cursive is much quicker than printing. Outside of school and signing shit its useless.

>> No.9355224
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>>going into any field should be based purely on interest, and not potential job market or future income
How many lives were ruined by this one? Reporting in.

>> No.9355277

>but uh you know not voting means compliance with "whatever the fuck you the rest of you guys want to happen".
>implying voting makes this any different

>> No.9355285

That evolution is "just a theory". My biology teacher apparently didn't know that the scientific definition of the word "theory" was quite different from the colloquial one.

>> No.9355375

where the fuck did you go to school?

>> No.9355411
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>> No.9355457

It was when I was told that

>> No.9355477
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that's what I thought

>> No.9355488

Almost all texts that use it make an anotation saying it's not properly a real valued function.

>> No.9356874

people must really like you a lot

>> No.9356901
File: 177 KB, 793x793, color bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans can only see red, green and blue

>> No.9356909

>the fact that a natural born US citizen over the age of 35 that has been a resident for over 14 years can win shows that democracy doesnt work
Well he meets all of the requirements for president so of course he can win you mongoloid

>> No.9356918

Are they seriously proposing distinguishing trichromats from tetrachromats using an image stored and displayed in a 3-dimesional color space?

>> No.9356923

Yes, and people of course want to believe it because they want to feel special

>> No.9356972

>If a person meets all of the legal requirements then he is qualified for the presidency
Okay mongoloid, let's grab a random 35-year-old bum off the street and put him in the White House. How does that sound?

>> No.9356983

I once had a teacher who thought that blood was blue.

>> No.9356986

its the year 2k17, no one uses cash unless you are a criminal

>> No.9356996

>doesn't provide arguments for history
>insults and makes obscure assumptions
you only proved the point

>> No.9357008

i get it HahAHAHA tfw when it happened

>> No.9357014
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>> No.9357015
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>> No.9357019
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>my eastern-european shithole is relevant

>> No.9357181

>Kelvin degree
>Moore's law
>blue blood (already cited though)

Ps: It's time to stop with "le MITOCHONDRIA IS POWERHOUSE FO THE CELL SO USELESS LUL" meme, although most people won't become biologists/medfags, general culture is really important and the best place to acquire a good load of it is school.

Hello romania, how you doin ?

>> No.9357251

>1.) Who doesn't like history?
Yeah, who doesn't like memorizing a ton of dates and hearing about events that are essentially the same thing, but with different people, because that is 90% of high school history.
>2.) You're an idiot if you don't think it's important to have at least a high school level understanding of history.
"At least a high school level" is a bad qualifier, because most of what you learn in history class is useless shit you and most other people will forget immediately after the test. Yes, it's important to know who Stalin, Hitler, etc. are, but it's not important to know what some wacky king did 600 years ago.

>> No.9357261


>> No.9357271

I remember my health teacher in high school telling us that diet doesn't affect skin health

>> No.9357279

>>9357019its relevant to me anon. Where are you from?

>> No.9357286
File: 116 KB, 680x497, 2342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't follow your passion, we need more workers

Yea I am not listening to that nonsense

>> No.9357290

>thermodynamic entropy is a measure of randomness

>> No.9357355
File: 293 KB, 375x500, woman-laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude just develop a passion for the shitty job you're already in bro
>Your happiness doesn't depend on your circumstances in any way

>> No.9357400

that's not what he's saying though. He's saying just cause you like something doesn't mean you can be successful at it. Most math majors here will never write a significant theorem in their lifetime. For every famous movie star, there's hundreds of failed drug addicts. If you're not good at something you may miss out on the job you want, but if you're stubborn you'll miss out on the job you want and you'll also be poor.

>> No.9357408 [DELETED] 

Life is nowhere near important enough to spend it doing something you don't want to do just for the sake of survival.

>> No.9357472

wow, how did you get the opposite "b" ?

>> No.9357486

>After the chernobyl disaster, French government declared that the radioactive cloud stopped at the border
>Chernobyl was the most deadly disaster that ever happened to the energy industry
Most French people believe that now.
>The nazi set the Reichstag on fire and blamed the communists
>Greenhouse effect is because light from the sun is reflected back in when it's leaving earth
>Human races exist
>All races have equal intelligence (not talking about nature/nurture here, I was litterally told that all races had the same IQ on average and you could measure it)
>Intelligence cannot possibly have any genetic determinants, this is settled science
>If you are not good at math, then you must be good at litterature. Additionally: Men are better are math, women are better at litterature
>Jewish people are genetically identical to native Europeans, and you couldn't tell by looking at the sequence
>Versailles' treaty was fair and did not harm anyone. It has no link with the occurence of WWII
>Franz Ferdinand's assassination was the only cause for WWI
>Humanity came out of Africa (no margin of error)
>We don't know what quarks are made of
>Archidemedes' principle does not apply to an object in a gas
>The kingdoms of life are plants, animals, viruses, and bacteria. Fungi are plants.
>The notion of species has an objective meaning
>The notion of individual has an objective meaning
>Nothing happened in Africa before colonialism
>Africans ever invented the wheel and had a writing system
>The mongols and chinese did not have a noteworthy impact on world history
>Solar power is clean and safe
>Nuclear power is not clean and not safe
>A.A. Parmentier invented the act of cooking with potatoes
>Napoleon was not a bad guy, at least not comparable to Hitler
>Everything you hear at school has to be true
What a shitty education.

>> No.9357495

Things are even worse now, if you ask Capes students (even in math) they'll tell you that there is a litteral communist filter with trap questions.

>> No.9357572

Mike Rowe is as qualified to be giving people advice as any of the guys from Pawn Stars. I love how people fall for his folksy charm as though what he says actually bears insight.

Here's what I've learned: Everyone who tells me what to do with my life is full of shit. The only person who decides worth is me. My choices might have consequences including a lack of wealth, but I would never want to be his Septic Tank Business Bro. It's not because I think his work isn't important to other people, and it's not because I hate money. It's because I was ready to commit suicide before I realized there is something about human existence that isn't utter horseshit.

Science. The reason we don't live in a shithole is because men and women rejected the notion that right now, it's as good as we're gonna have it, and we may as well just settle in. That kind of effort extends to fields beyond science, but science is the reason we have technology and medicine. It uplifts us all and gives us greater meaning. Instead of having to work in a field 12 hours a day, I can learn about human diseases, to help treat them. And those who benefit can in turn go on to help others. It's why I went back to school, and graduate at 30 with a biochemistry degree with honors. It's why I'm going for a PhD. It's why I commit myself to learning and growing.

I might die poor without any meaningful accomplishments. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that I believe in what I do, and I will give it everything I have because I want to see positive change around me. I'll either make it work, or I'll die trying.

The problems today's youth has nothing to do with pursuing passion. It's finding it, and learning how to use it, including how to make a skill marketable. Or, in some cases, actually finding their true calling, and not just doing what their parents do, or told them to do.

Basically Mike Rowe is a moron and nobody should listen to his opinions about anything.

>> No.9357581

evolution is mostly non-neutral

>> No.9357608

>I might die poor without any meaningful accomplishments. But that doesn't matter
that's fine, for you. But the assumption is that he's talking to reasonable people who value having an enjoyable life over contribution to society. If you accept that premise, he's right.

>> No.9357664

No, his argument is shit because he conflates Passion and Hobby, and he thinks because he couldn't be Tradesman Like Daddy that therefore this validates his opinion. What's enjoyable to a person also for the person to decide. Maybe I ENJOY what I do, too.

Let people decide what they think is valuable. If working as a welder is an OK alternative to whatever else you had in mind, it wasn't a fucking passion to begin with.

The solution isn't to give up and be a shit-shoveler. The solution is to find something to go all-in on. Successful people aren't just floating by, they're driven by something. He's not encouraging you to be driven to do anything, except visit the library on weekends, to read all about the things you'll never do yourself.

>> No.9357682

4chan can only hold you down, leave it.

>> No.9357715

The problem is: If pluto is a planet, then haumea, makemake, eris, and countless others also are planets. where are they on your list?
If I'm not mistaken eris has a greater mass than pluto. What do you have to say about that? Where's eris and the other over 9000 plutinos on your list?

>> No.9357719

Daily reminder Mike Rowe has a communications degree

>> No.9357728

Planetoid is a much better definition.
It's like: Pluto IS a planet, like eris and the others, they're just not MAIN planets, like jupiter or neptune.
Just so that the list of main planets is not over 9000....

>> No.9357730

>the holocaust matters
>nazis and republicans are the same thing
>everyone is equal
>you don't have to try in life

>> No.9357733

>he conflates Passion and Hobby
no he doesn't, he was saying you should only follow your passion if it's a hobby (as there's no consequence if you fail).
>Maybe I ENJOY what I do, too.
sure. But maybe you don't have a passion for anything you can make money doing because it's not marketable or you're not good at it. In that case, you SHOULD find another career.
>The solution isn't to give up and be a shit-shoveler.
it is, again if you agree to my premise. It's fine if you'd rather die than do something you don't love, but i'm glad that isn't true for everyone. He's not saying if you can make 100k shoveling shit and 60k doing something you love you should shovel shit, he's saying if you CAN"T get a job doing what you love then doing something that'll at least make you a living is better than continuing to waste your time. You'd rather die, most wouldn't.

>> No.9357756

Pretty sure it's generally ethanol fermentation in prokaryotes and lactic in animals

>> No.9357763

>I don't want to ruin our friendship

>> No.9357791

>history is the basis of law
>not important
Pick one

>> No.9357795

Does it hurt?
Being this retarded, I mean?

>> No.9357813

don't follow the money guy, you'll be an astronaut some day with a 120 IQ!

>> No.9357887

I wonder if people complaining about "mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell" are aware that mitochondria are responsible for the transition to multi-cellular life and consequently the reason that humans and all other complex lifeforms exist.

>> No.9357902

Its not a mystery but in school they usually explain that all of the lift is created by bernoullis principle when in reality most of it is created by the angle of attack of the airfoil generating a high and low pressure area and very little is created by the difference in air velocity.

>> No.9357958
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>all continuous functions are differentiable

>> No.9357981
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But continuity implies differentiability!

>> No.9358003
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>> No.9358012

Good luck living without oxygen then.

>> No.9358459
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>You can do anything you put your mind to!

>> No.9358719

If you're content with at as a hobby, it's not a passion. If you want another career, it's not a passion. If you let defeat on American Idol stop you, it's not a passion. If you aren't willing to make sacrifices, it's not a passion.

You don't need a passion to live and get by and enjoy life. But don't pretend like Rowe that lost teenagers who think they'll make it big on American Idol actually understand passion.

If all he said was "Give other jobs a chance" that's fine, but he attaches these buzzwords because he doesn't actually know passion, either. He's a sad man whose life is fulfilled by telling people to clean septic tanks.

>> No.9358731

Except it isn't. I have a degree in meche and haven't gotten an engineering job since I graduated in May.

>> No.9359307

>you need to know electrical engineering, CS, and physics to use a computer
>you need to know chemistry and biology to cook
>you need to know GR to use a GPS

>> No.9359328

>>The mongols and chinese did not have a noteworthy impact on world history
Who would claim this?

>> No.9359340

Get masters.

>> No.9359429

>women are intellectually equal to men

>> No.9359475
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>math is in everything!

Turns out math isn't real, it is just a shitty language invented by humans to very terribly quantify the real world. You could say, "English is in everything!" and it'd be the same shit since words are "in everything" since you can use words to describe everything.

>> No.9359535
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>math was invented

>> No.9359636

>Columbus and the Natives practiced Thanksgiving
>Your GPA matters in Highschool
>Bill Nye is a scientist

>> No.9359667

>class mobility is real
>if you study hard you can make it
>you'll have fun in college
>dropping out is a bad idea

>> No.9359676

glycolysis in anaerobic dumb ba ss

>> No.9359686

>Falling for the STEM meme
The "engineer shortage" is a lie fabricated by employers so that they have an excuse to import more H-1B visa slaves.

>> No.9360446

That milk is healthy. I live in Wisconsin so we basically have state mandated milk commercials in grade school. I still like milk though.
Oh also if you're uncircumcised you're a gorillian times more likely to get stds and also have to spend eight hours a day washing your dick.

>> No.9360471

>If two organisms can produce fertile offspring they are the same species

>> No.9360485


heh, i see what you did there.

>> No.9360514

Two worship El Sol, the other worships the monarch.

>> No.9360517
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>the electron is the smallest particle
>the planets have perfectly circular orbits
>the food pyramid
>math was invented in greece
>animals have feelings exactly like we do
thank god i didnt have to deal with common core shit growing up though, i feel sorry for what kids have to deal with today in school

>> No.9360553

and he's rich.

>> No.9360569

>Hitler killed 6000000 jews

>> No.9361043

yeah and it totally meets our body's energy demands

>> No.9361122

>College means fuckall to the average person and isn't just a way to shill all but the most academically gifted early adults out of all their time and money

>> No.9361128
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Jew Asian detected

>> No.9361131

Horse chicks freak me the hell out.
All thinly veiled closet sluts too.
Also cruelly fucking hot too considering their crazy levels.

>> No.9361500

>The human body fully develops at the age of 21. That's why the drinking age is 21.

>> No.9361505

In high school, my science class had way more memorization than my history classes.

>> No.9361514

negative numbers senpai

>> No.9361518

>because it gets warm
this has never been the explanation, your body is already warm retard

>> No.9361519

What shitty school would even say this when the real age the body finishes developing at is 25?

>> No.9361524


>plains, trains, boats, cars etc. are all animals... I don't care if they don't have cells or they are made of slabs of metal and plastic. Their all moving on their own, consume hydrocarbons and oxygen, etc... SO THEY COUNT AS ANIMALS.

You are this retarded.

>> No.9361540

Or doctor's notes that are completely illegible and end up giving thousands of people incorrect prescriptions every year but people ignore that because 'the good doctor is in a rush', maybe take healthcare seriously fucking retard nyah

>> No.9361542

>25% tetrachromat population

lol facebook tier shit

>> No.9361545



>> No.9361546

you aren't looking hard enough. my company alone is hiring 15,000 new employees over the next five years, most of which will be engineers

>> No.9361547

>Fungi are plants

>> No.9361556

>reasonable people
>who value having an enjoyable life over contribution to society

this is why western society will collapse within the next 50 years

>> No.9361557

>you could synthesize Carbon Tetra-chloride during the Middle Ages

>> No.9361564

glycolysis is the wind power generator of the human body

>> No.9361565

They're hot because riding a horse often will result in the development of large, muscular legs and ass cheeks.

>> No.9361592

I get your point and all, but he did say that the whole video was just his two cents in the beginning (the dirty truth=my opinion), even if it wasn't necessarily expressed well.

>> No.9361842

Shit argument, most of high school science is useless too.

>> No.9361895


>> No.9361935

>total chemical reactions
>atoms are the elements of matter
>protons, neutrons and electrons are the elements of matter
>clean programming involves never returning before the end of the function body
>Galileo's body fall experiment
>all mathematics rely on no more than 9 axioms