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File: 25 KB, 660x636, Chromosomepainting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9345461 No.9345461 [Reply] [Original]

I recently took a 23andme test, the results were pretty much expected since Im hispanic. I got 7% unassigned. Then I realized 3%+ of it came from my fathers Y chromosome, what does this mean? A whole chromosome, Im assuming most of the rest of 5% comes from him too now

>> No.9345471

congratulations. your genomic information is now owned by a company.

>> No.9345476

Why should I care

>> No.9345480

because that information is extremely valuable and can be used to discriminate against you, especially by medical insurance companies.

>> No.9345485
File: 26 KB, 309x435, mister_capitalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my name is Mister Capitalist, we need some worker clones and I just recently purchased the rights to your genetic information from 23andme, I hope you don't mind.

>> No.9345488

To be honest Im not saying youre wrong, But everyone always says not to sell my dna to a company because "they can use it against me" but never provide a real list of actual things that would personally hurt me, if anything they might just profit off it by selling it for research but I dont really lose anything

>> No.9345538

> because that information is extremely valuable
>and can be used to discriminate against you, especially by medical insurance companies
Is america so fucked up?

>> No.9345552

I'm not sure how true it is, but Medical insurance companies can supposedly use it to get out of paying for pre-exciting conditions if its for a genetic condition. I can see them doing whatever including this to get out of paying for long term treatments. And would 23andme sell it to them? Well I guess not if its strictly stated as confidential information, as it would get them in huge legal trouble. But I'm not sure they would voluntarily put this in the terms of service.

I haven't actually looked into any of this if that wasn't already clear-

>> No.9345572
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>especially by medical insurance companies.
if only we lived in some advanced superhuman civilization that deferred the majority of costs for individual medical procedures amongst the entire population in exactly the same way we presently fund the construction and upkeep of roads and public schools, negating the necessity for insurance companies.

>> No.9345583

wait a minute, are you trying to get me to pay for my fellow person's health cost? how fucking dare you, that's my money, taxation is theft, fuck you!

>> No.9345584

Insurance companies ask if anyone in your family has had a heart attack, stroke, died of cancer, etc.
They can work out the probability (ONLY the probability though) that you will need expensive treatment at some point. I mean, if all the men in your family 4 generations back died fairly young of heart disease that doesn't guarantee it'll happen to you. But they'll suspect it and be wary of writing you a policy. Or they'll charge astronomical premiums.
Doesn't it make sense not to give them grounds for suspicion?

That sort of "cherry picking" is supposed to be illegal under the ACA but who knows if/when the GOP will manage to repeal those protections.

To answer your other question, "No, your father is not a alien. Unless your mother is too." Lois Lane is closer, genetically speaking, to a carrot than she is to Superman. Improbable enough that Kryptonians even _look_ human.

>> No.9345609

>A shitload of me clones
That would be great desu

>> No.9345820

>Insurance companies

They don't provide health care, so they're irrelevant. Their entire business model is based around not paying out, which is fundamentally unsustainable until death is actually cured.

>> No.9345928


The cops will know it was you that raped all those toddlers in the great toddler rape and murder case of 2018.

>> No.9345931

They'll sell your data to everyone who asks.

>If mormon's discover you have mormon blood they'll harrass you till you join their cult.
>If Nazi's discover you have jewish blood, expect a burning cross on your lawn.
>If Trump discovers you have Native American blood, expect he'll call you Pocahontas

It's enabling racists while profiting off them.
If you're anything but 100% pure Anglo Saxton Christian heritage then you should be worried. And if you are, then in about 10-15 years you should be worried.

DNA test need to be protected by doctor patient confidentiality. It's just another example of technology moving faster than the laws, and once they get away with it it becomes precedent, which makes it the new law. Fucking insane legal system we got. If I invent a new way to murder people that's not covered by any legal means, then I'll have established legal precedent for murdering people legally. Someone invent me a murder machine!!

>> No.9345935

Convergent evolution, Because our fucking hips and knees are the pinnacle of bipedal locomotion.

But he can shoot lazor beams from his eyes and fly without displacing air because biological reasons.

>> No.9345941

actually this raises a question. How far does doctor patient confidentiality extend? If someone goes to a doctor for an abortion, that's confidential. But if they send blood work to the lab, does the lab have to respect confidentiality, or can they sell your lab test results to anyone?

>> No.9345944

Because there's legal precedent for copyrighting a genome.

>> No.9345956

I believe you but

>>If Trump discovers you have Native American blood, expect he'll call you Pocahontas
I think its the opposite here, he calls her that to make fun of her for not being native

>> No.9345957

Health insurance. They're paying for treatment so they care a lot whether you're likely to get sick.

You're probably thinking Life insurance. If no one dies, they don't have to pay out. Pure profit. On the other hand, if no one dies, no one will buy life insurance.

>> No.9345967

Actually there WAS a story once which mentioned a difference between Terrans and Kryptonians. Earthmen can do something that Superman can't. They stretched the "mystery" out until Perry White lit a cigar.
Kryptonians can't smoke.
No, they never explained why and never mentioned it again.
I suspect it was subsidized by the government. "Wanna be like Superman? Don't smoke!"

>> No.9346552

>If Nazi's discover you have jewish blood, expect a burning cross on your lawn
>expect a burning cross on your lawn

>> No.9346575

>>If Nazi's discover you have jewish blood, expect a burning cross on your lawn.

You sure they won't rip your heart out atop a pyramid?

Or leave you a limp of coal under the pillow?

Or piss in your milk making it sour if you don't leave out bread crumbs at night?

Or craft you a magical hammer but make the handle too short because of an annoying fly?

>> No.9347072 [DELETED] 

kek at all the privacy autists ITT.
>why should I care about my genome?
get a grip, schizos.

>> No.9347081

Why would they be making clones of me rather than anyone else? Am I such an ubermensch?

>> No.9347116
File: 1.21 MB, 480x287, wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I live in LA
>mfw people want the same organization that maintains the roads and schools to control my health care
>mfw driving over potholes do drop my kid off at a charter school because the LA public school district has some of the worst schools in the country

>> No.9347122

>subsidized by the government
that's your conspiracy theory? the government paid to advertise in movies telling people to not smoke?

>> No.9347132

>sell your dna
>all descendants must pay royalty to the dna owner for being copies

>> No.9347714

No, you're just an Amerifat

>> No.9347771
File: 108 KB, 1282x1024, 1506710482254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight the power comrade

>> No.9347780

>They are all cute estrogen-filled bois ready to serve the jewish cock
Looks like a carbon copy from the original

>> No.9347894

100% of genetic conditions are pre-existing conditions to anyone not hired before conception. So there's no need for a DNA test to prove condition X is pre-existing.

>> No.9348080
File: 667 KB, 800x600, __riesbyfe_stridberg_sion_eltnam_atlasia_and_yumizuka_satsuki_melty_blood_and_tsukihime_drawn_by_six_fnrptal1010__d0526cfd49cd575c97931a8e99c018cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 prohibits insurance companies from discriminating based on genetic tests.
It also prohibits employers from using genetic tests in hiring.

>> No.9348115 [DELETED] 
