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File: 46 KB, 388x360, food replicator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9345333 No.9345333 [Reply] [Original]

Ignore the possibility that one company invents them and keeps them a secret. If replicators became widely available tomorrow, what would likely happen next?

>> No.9345337

Depends on how accurate it can replicate something (molecular/ atom/fermion-scale?)

>> No.9345347

What's its limit?

>> No.9345348
File: 33 KB, 728x546, you-wouldnt-download-a-car-1-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replicators are they key to post-scarcity society. The economy would collapse overnight, but we'd be all the better for it.

>> No.9345354
File: 105 KB, 852x480, stacks_of_yen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The economy would collapse overnight, but we'd be all the better for it.
Damn straight.

>> No.9345399

Let's say perfect replication of scanned objects.

Let's also say it recycles most matter, so it doesn't consume unholy amounts of energy to create new atoms. It takes a good bit of energy to kick off, but not so much that it couldn't be provided by nuclear (after some improvements to our power grid, you'd be able to have them in your home).

>> No.9345405

This is what I want to hear your opinions about.

After the economic collapse, then what? How do you think the world would change in the days, months, and years after the advent of replication tech?

>> No.9345406

It would massively liberate society.

>> No.9345412

Companies would fight it, so much, banks too.

>> No.9345418

How could they effectively fight it? Besides keeping it a secret in the first place. Once the public was made aware of replicators, how could banks and corporations suppress the knowledge?

>> No.9345425

Probably it wouldn't be as funny when some pajeet want to replicate you and your home into some random pajeet stuff.

>> No.9345434

Companies would probably try legal action, or hostile takeovers of companies producing the replicators. Banks would probably try a mixture of legal action and financial sanctions of aforementioned companies.

>> No.9345439

>How could they effectively fight it?

It would render physical commodities worthless while making intellectual properties skyrocket in price. There would be legal fighting to try to protect IPs from being illegally shared. (download a car?) Government may try to enforce some form of copyright protection. Or maybe a company could try to claim copyright of the replicator itself. Meanwhile VERY strict penalties would be served to those who used replicators illegally.

>> No.9345465

What happens when I scan and replicate a person.

>> No.9345470

add a suicide feature and it becomes a teleporter

>> No.9345489

Star Trek rules. You have a perfect duplicate of a body, but it arrives dead.

>> No.9345499

>Star Trek rules.
I used to, prior to Star Wrek: Discovery.

>> No.9345503

>*I used = It used

>> No.9345546
File: 252 KB, 1024x576, Vsauce_michael_stevens_s_epic_face_by_chevrolet_evilimpala-d609yrl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of nu males would make youtube videos with hyper-simplified explanations for how they work
>articles from motherboard and similar meme sources talking about them
>google home screen has some intentionally poorly drawn animation of a replicator in action

>> No.9345569

>VERY strict penalties would be served to those who used replicators illegally.
What sort of penalties? How would they have a leg to stand on once the world didn't need them for food anymore?

>> No.9345582

Ass loads of boredom. Society would have to motivate itself to do social stuff instead of being forced to find a job. It'd be a world exclusively devoted to being in a club, religion, etc. and working that aspect with all your new free time, like it was your new job.

>> No.9345586

You mean STD.

>> No.9345612

Yes, yes I do, Klingons that look nothing like Klingons, totally ruined the immersion for me.

>> No.9345632
File: 103 KB, 693x800, swag trek o brien of the 24th century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unmotivated underachiever projects his inadequacies onto the world
Remind me to slip O'Brien a 5th of wiskey to lose your transporter pattern the next time you're on an away mission.

>> No.9345669

OP would replicate a thousand dicks to suck on until death

>> No.9345775

Why would they bother? The bank people would be able to have anything and everything they wanted too, without creating a bizarre, abstract system of "tokens of human motivation" to do so.

>> No.9345807

is it still warm? This is important.

>> No.9345815
File: 474 KB, 684x1662, 1511880132-20171128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more importantly, if you eat it, is it cannibalism?

And if they market it as Soylent green, will people care it's made of people?

And if you eat yourself, will you be able to say with 100% accuracy that you are what you eat?

>> No.9345819


I would replicate a dungeon full of sex slaves.

>> No.9345826


Replicators replicate components for replicators. Or entire ones small enough to fit in there build volume. No company manufactures them, its a cottage industry.

My brother built one big enough to replicate entire cars.

Tom down the street has a smaller one on an x/y/z gantry replicating himself a mansion one section at a time.

Old man Chester replicates babies which he fucks before cooking in a stew every night.

>> No.9345830

Well earl gray could be made hot so I would assume so.

>> No.9345842

We'd move to a post-manufacturing society where only electricity production and perhaps rare material exchange mattered. It would be fucking weird man. everyone would live like a king.

You could even use this tech along with green power to clean up CO2 pollution by just having some of the machines mass producing carbon fibre 24/7. Someone would build a ginormous replicator and built 500 Falcon 9's. We'd have moon palaces and asteroid mining within 5 years.

>> No.9345849

What would you need to mine if you had a replicator?

>> No.9345850

>only electricity production and perhaps rare material exchange mattered

>Spend billion dollars creating 99% efficient solar panel
>it's only 1 cm squared
>replicate it infinity times for $0.01 a foot
>world energy problems solved

>> No.9345909

Energy to mass conversions are extremely expensive. Even star trek cannon moved away from that notion early on. Replicators require raw resources in some form or another.

>> No.9345916

Like some souped-up printer toner cartridge that contains usable amounts of every element in the periodic table. Or, better still, just a soup of protons, neutrons and electrons.

>> No.9346149

not really, as other production processes would be cheaper and possibly faster. Including growing crops and mining.

>> No.9346152

A whole lot over overdoses

>> No.9346154

>will people care it's made of people?
Considering the fact that most of the "base matter" used in the replicators comes from the biological waste of the crew, I can't imagine they'd be that picky.

>> No.9346157
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, transmetropolitan spider jerusalem I hate it here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when your replicator becomes self aware and spends all day making new designer drugs for itself

>> No.9346171
File: 329 KB, 300x247, nanotech.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that depends on their capabilities and limitations
>>so it doesn't consume unholy amounts of energy to create new atoms
why wouldn't it take huge amounts of energy? Even if you're just moving atoms around, breaking bonds and reducing entropy isn't free. But if you can make things with atomic precision, you could change more or less everything. This means fucking crazy nanotech is possible.

>> No.9346180
File: 81 KB, 640x409, moons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it wouldn't.

Atoms would just replace money.

inb4 there are trillions of atoms in my hand.

Atoms are finite.

>> No.9346206

I guess that's why we can't have nice things Barry!!!!

>> No.9346216


>hack the firmware on my replicator
>replicate nerve gas and atomic bombs

What now faggots?

>> No.9346227

no brainlet
a handful of dirt can turn into a handful of material needed for a job
a handful of money can is much much more limited on what you can get.
replicators would not only replace almost all production related fields it's likely that electricity would be the new money as that is the actual finite resource . btw atoms are for all economic purposes infinite use you brain brainlet

>> No.9347284

Well obviously you should make weaponized smallpox and anthrax too to complete your collection

>> No.9347302
File: 43 KB, 500x579, 1439751286641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Airborn ebola. Purely for sentimental reasons.

>> No.9347314

MASSIVE population explosion - especially in the third world, residential areas will quickly overtake agricultural lands
America will become so dense through food consumption that planes will have to adjust their trajectories to counter the bending of space in the US

Overpopulation will either lead to a new space race as 10 billion Africans try to stack themselves to the Moon or war as India runs out of livable space and looks to its borders for new lands and pooping grounds

>> No.9347326

You would see an increase in the amount of fat people, mythical creatures and sexual stuff.

>> No.9347846
File: 109 KB, 1600x668, walle_humans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'd be all the better for it.
Would we?
What would people do with their lives if they don't have to work to live?
>Oh they would just live in luxury and pursue what interests them
Ah yes a bright future indeed

>> No.9347967

Just dig a hole in the ground or reuse old replicated trash

the great comic Transmetropolitan had a part where in the morning all the degenerates poured out of the apartment buildings to fight over garbage to feed their replicators, if I remember correctly

>> No.9347982
File: 14 KB, 566x505, 1504223014114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw disillusioned and bored people start banding together and beating up the couch potato degenerates just to create some sort of drive to accomplish something

>> No.9348296

I fully believe that a replicator is possible with an adequate power source but that power source would have to be effectively infinite.
>everyone suddenly has a replicator
>everyone suddenly tries to replicate sex toys and chicken wings
>power grid immediately crashes
>can bring it up because everyone tries spam replicating everything: drugs, sex and rock&roll.
>society collapses almost overnight.
Yeah, way to go technology. The uni-bomber was right.

>> No.9349535


they want power

you can replicate power