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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9344399 No.9344399 [Reply] [Original]

>your age
>your field of study
>what you think of it

>> No.9344410


Physical chemistry.

Shit's getting good now I'm allowed to specialise. Synthetic labs were fucking cancer though.

>> No.9344887

>yet another datamining thread

>> No.9344907

Electrical engineering/philosophy
Probably the goat

>> No.9344981

Physics and mathematics

>> No.9345012

Finance math
Sweet shit sweet life

>> No.9345030

>Maths at the university but there is still bullshit classes that i don't give a shit (general chemistry and physic). All i want is maths, computer "science" and finance.
I like it but i need to wait 2 years before beginning to study financial maths.

>> No.9345106

Biochemistry and CS
Both are booming industries, loads of interesting topics to delve into.

>> No.9345116

Love it

>> No.9345201

Computer Engineering
Loving it! have been learning encryption, networking and cryptography myself and I’ve never been so immersed into something

>> No.9345364
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Jesus christ, is there anyone on this board over 25

>> No.9345374
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>I want old men, who're slow like me!
Sorry gramps, this board is for the champs.

>> No.9345385

Love it, doing interesting cancer research work

>> No.9345389

i enjoy it or i wouldnt be here, it's exceptionally boring for people not interested in it

>> No.9345414
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>probably the goat

>> No.9345529

Pchembois 2017

Where you studying?

>> No.9345541 [DELETED] 

Quantum physics and astronomy
Because space and atoms are like sooo cool i like it XD

>> No.9345549
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>> No.9346026

University of Liverpool, course is pretty decent. Wh-what about you baka

>> No.9346072

Computer Engineering
Love it. Some useless prereqs at my uni though

>> No.9346098

CS / math

Didn't think I'd survive data structures but it looks like I'm going to come out okay. Calc 3 hasn't been easy either but I've been studying a bunch for the final coming up and feel pretty confident

Next semester is when my specialization classes finally start so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.9346103

I find it pretty dull, so I ended up specialising in parasitic worms which isn't exactly microbiology

>> No.9346107

your mom
could be better

>> No.9346364

It pays well but its a shit job.

>> No.9346371

Are you still in med school or a resident?
It'll get much better once you get your proper license

>> No.9346408
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>> No.9346414
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Chemistry (Mixed pedigree. Trained as bioinorganic, now am analytic-ish)

It's the best I could have ever hoped for. Turned down three job offers before choosing what I was excited about. Still planning on grad school too. Never stop rising, always choose the central science (or ChemE).

>> No.9346424

What's your starting and current pay? How is your work place? Did you find it difficult getting a job?

>> No.9346433


Current starting salary is 44k, was offered 48k for another job but turned it down (both have full benefits too). I know several people from the same chemistry program who's first jobs all paid about as much. We all have chem BAs and just graduated.

Finding a job was somewhat difficult. I benefited from using online resources and spamming my resumes as much as possible for several months before graduation. I also attended conferences and called universities to see if they needed support staff in their science departments.

I will need to get a higher degree to raise my wage (unless I stay at my current job for a decade and get scheduled promotions, then I'll earn more no matter what.) I just want a job for a year to save some money and pay off loans before diving into grad school.

Work is good. I was science support staff for a bit after graduation which was fun but dumb. Now I'm back doing bench work and more challenged.

>> No.9346645

love it

>> No.9346651

I think dropping out was inevitable as social mobility is almost illegal.

>> No.9346662

What a lovely image, godspeed anon.

>> No.9346697

>Biomedical science
>Fucked for employment if don't make med school

>> No.9346700
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>> No.9346795


>> No.9346863


>> No.9346985

but why?

>> No.9347015

18. Aerospace.

So far, I enjoy the math courses a lot. I'm at CC so I haven't started any of the real engineering related courses yet but I'm into it.

>> No.9347019

Just took an astronomy class for fun. The shit you guys do is really cool.

>> No.9347503


>> No.9347509

CS, might do math as well
I really like it so far, can't wait to get to the good shit that is ML and ANNs later tho.

>> No.9347512

Organic Chemistry
Enjoying it so far

>> No.9347571
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Thanks, it's from Montana.

This is from the peak:

>> No.9347721

It is a mixed feeling of happiness and fucked up.

>> No.9347837

25, just finished civil engineering Bs, starting a comfy job in construction management in a month.
thinking of maybe going into acoustics even though I'm not sure how fun it is to work in it

>> No.9348170


>> No.9348290



>I like it for the most part, but other parts bore me. I like the coding and statistics aspects of it

>> No.9349611

call mods

>> No.9349803

Media science.
It's fun as long as you avoid the complementary gender study courses, but entirely useless. I'm too dumb to study something worthwhile and too lazy to do manual labor or a minimum wage job.

>> No.9350075


>> No.9350079
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Anything involving information technology
What have I done

>> No.9350549

>your age

>your field of study
Computer science with cognitive science specialization.

>what you think of it
I really enjoy the human mind, how mysterious it is, and trying to understand how we are as intelligent as we are.

I mostly did the computer science part because I felt like I might have a higher chance of getting a job. I honestly find programming immensely tedious and entirely uninteresting.

>> No.9351548

23 in 2weeks

Final year EE major.

Meh, in it for the money

>> No.9351570

I really really really don't want to be a higschool teacher

>> No.9351574

business informatics (IT/CS and business hybrid)
pretty cool, though accounting is one of the most boring shit i've ever dealt with, ever.

>> No.9351609
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> Theoretical physics

> I basically live for this shit

>> No.9351616

this desu

>> No.9351623

actuary and computer science

i dunno, not going great, things are going downhill and not sure what to do

>> No.9351648

this board is filled with kids, i guess this is why this board have such toxic topics and replies

>> No.9351664
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Geology is the bee's knees, it's still a primarily field-based science so you're out in cool places, lots of economic applications and opportunities for employment, pretty interdisciplinary if you also like physics, chemistry, or the environment.

They also party harder than all other disciplines

>> No.9351667

>this site


>> No.9351678

it's cool but it's exhausting tb.h

>> No.9351765

Fine Arts
Got expelled for violence

>> No.9353745



Competitive but rewarding

>> No.9353767

>18, 19 in ~1:37
>Electrical Engineering
I think i would find mechanical more interesting and maybe more intuitive but my dad was in EE so he did his best to convince me to go into that. My classes aren't going well so it's hard to like EE right now, i feel like i might just be burnt out after being in the educational system for 14 years and working the summer after last year's engineering transfer program.

>> No.9353770

Reminder that no one actually enjoys Computer Science.

>> No.9353804

its awesome

god damn looking at this thread just reminds me that i really need to leave this place. im finally getting phd so i hope next year i can move on with my life. i mean i left between 2012-2015 but ended up coming back but i need to leave for good

>> No.9353815

physics with linguistics for fun on the internet
love physics and i love linguistics and would spend a good portion of my life studying both
would ideally like to go to grad school for physics though as i like it more

>> No.9353844

You're unironically here forever.

>> No.9354048

Happy 19th, anon

>> No.9354049

Someone sounds salty

>> No.9354137
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>Getting a job with a BA in chem
h-how? where iam you NEED an MD to get a job

>> No.9354187


Software/Comp. Engineering

Should've went with medicine.

>> No.9354205

Earth science
Pretty good. Whilst others have trouble finding jobs, my biggest issue is that I can't decide between the job offers that I have.

>> No.9354265
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I will make lots of monies and will get to cut open the bodies of living people (and get more money for it). Give me a better profession!

Unfortunately, I am still a depressed sack of shit. It's been hard to keep things going on lately. I doubt that I would be much happier doing maths -- What I actually wanted to do.

>> No.9354269

This is correct

>> No.9354374
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>Mass food production technology
>Its alright

>> No.9354386

how many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man?

>> No.9354394

Great fun. Straight into a grad role and I get paid 5k more than anyone I know who did physics/maths for the simplest job: software

>> No.9354397

yeah you probably won't be doing that until masters in the us.

Just start now, its hella easy/intersting at the start

>> No.9354456

PhD in Organic Chemistry (graduated)
>Great job security and decent salary for a non-engineering STEM field.
>Get to do science all day long.
>Can call myself a Doctor, even though everyone will assume MD and I don't get paid as much as an MD. I mostly just joke around with it.
>Everyone knows I'm smarter than they are, which is usually true. Can troll MD's because they think they know O-Chem and they really only know the most basic things.
>Make pharmaceuticals so I have an inside edge in stock trading. Probably very illegal, but doubtful they'll ever go after me, not like I'm making millions...

>> No.9354459

I like it so far. Useful and fascinating.

>social mobility is almost illegal
What country do you live in?

>> No.9354486
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>media science

>> No.9354503

Ethnoecology, biodiversity and geopolitics, started my career researching interactions between plant-insects communities in riparian corridors and associated aquatic communities in the Orinoco river basin. Now I document natural resource conflicts.
I've seen some shit, you people don't live a real life. death

>> No.9354507

Interesting, and I feel quite powerful. Tons of job opportunities here.Might give me some time to do my passion on the side...

Wassup field bros.

>> No.9354532

CompE>CS, you aren't my field bro

>> No.9354540
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Soon 27
Mathematical Statistics
Pic related is how I feel about the field and life in general

>> No.9354561

Electrical Engineering ( masters )
Waste of my time, but thank heavens i didnt accept the PhD program offer.

>> No.9354566

If youre not making millions then whats the use of your insider knowledge mate

>> No.9354567


HPC and numerical analysis. Really great field, combines all my interests: math, programming, physics.

>> No.9354666

Making smart investment choices for my and my families future?

If I make millions I might come under suspicion of insider trading and go to jail. Doesn't sound like much fun, mate.

>> No.9354714

Its a "good job" but soul crushing. Should have stayed poor and done something else.

>> No.9354725
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Computer Science
I like it but money is tight so I need to find a job to pay my tuition fees next year. What sucks is how many people is already ahead of me but I can't compare myself to them every time.

>> No.9354739

fun but tiring

>> No.9354778

Computational Neuroscience
Fucking love it

>> No.9354794

explain this

>> No.9354797

ahead of you in what way?

>> No.9354810

i don't really feel like it but the tl;dr version is that it includes hardware, real-world constraints, and actual engineering curriculum (there are no BAs in CompE for example). CSfags don't know how computers work, just how to use them for some things

>> No.9354820

weird, complete opposite in my country. CE is just for software engineering whereas CS encapsulates every aspect of computation.
by BA you mean bachelor of arts? We have IT degrees for that

>> No.9354826

should mention I have a degree in CS and people that failed out of CS were offered a place in a CE course.

>> No.9354836

i'm talking about in the US

>CE is just for software engineering
from what i understand many countries do this because there are literally no hardware jobs there, but anyone can get into software

>CS encapsulates every aspect of computation
i seriously doubt this, but could be wrong. you take VLSI, FPGA design, etc, in a CS program?

>by BA you mean bachelor of arts
yes, many schools have BA in CS with easier requirements

what country?

>> No.9354867

Some I know from school already finished their degree and how it took a long ass while for me to actually care about studying.

>> No.9354914

Barely science, demoralizing

>> No.9354941


Systems and synthetic biology
It's pretty exciting, desu. Lots of new discoveries being made.

>> No.9354971

>all these computerfags
No wonder /sci/ is garbage

>> No.9354982

>not doing computer related field

>> No.9355048
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Aerospace eng
Everything is interesting, but programming classes fuck me since I have no idea what C is

>> No.9355196

Age: 11
Field of study: Roblox

>> No.9355216

HVAC tech
its a decent practical living, and I get to talk to single qt's a lot inside their houses

>> No.9355471

thank you :)

>> No.9355975


don't really think and more just do. want money don't care about much else. wanna save up enough to buy a estate in Northern America and live there with a comfy wife with all the necessities of life being produced and worry about nothing for the rest of my life

>> No.9356078

Math(major)+CS(major)+Physics(minor) double major single minor motherfucker ding dong masterrace
math+physics is ezpz, cs projects are too time consuming(especially OS, it's like a full time job)

>> No.9356214


Fuck off faggot.

you aren't a real geologist, and you're too young to actually have experience in the industry to actually know what it's like.

you fucking retard.

>> No.9356358
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Just fuck me in the ass senpai. I wanted to become a history teacher but it's practically impossible in my country because it's oversaturated with cunts like me. Now I don't really know what job to go after. I like history though.

>> No.9356387

Museum worker

>> No.9356411
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One year away from graduating.
Its alri I guess, not like i know shit about shit
Definitely not looking forward to the residency in a public health service though.

Some mornings I go to my cardio practicals and a patient whose case im following is having a morning smoko and i just feel like going genocidal
I was supposed to learn to love and appreciate human beings but we are fucking moving garbage cans man

>> No.9356416

lmao that picture
A buddy movie starring MC Ride and the Goose would be the GOAT

>> No.9356418

Genetics and neuroscience
Loving it, but not as cool as it sounds

>> No.9357645

28 mech eng. finished a degree in biology and after one year of grad studies decided I need a better background if i don't want to be mixing tubes for the rest of my life.
Starting another Bachelor's was the hardest decision of my life.
I feel old as shit but I lately started working at a bio-mechanics labs and it's pretty great.

>> No.9357656

seek help
not being an ass, honestly.

>> No.9357830

I will graduate before most people even start college.
> feels_great.jpg

>> No.9357890

>Field of study
N.e.e.t - ology
>What do you think about it
It's pretty bad, I'm too dumb and ""broken"" to be a functioning member of society.
I just lurk here because some threads seem fun to read.

>> No.9358525


>> No.9358550


pretty whack, i have no time, constantly stressed.

upsides are good job security/pay/i enjoy cutting people and diagnosing.

female med students and nurses are hot. i get to flex on lesser professions.

6/10 would probably do again

>> No.9358569

look into blue collar fields of work man
they're steady enough to make a living, and its what convicts, drop outs and general rejects do to survive, so if they can do it then so can you

>> No.9358604

Pure Math
Interesting stuff but I feel like I haven't learned anything proper yet. Have another term of undergrad and then probably grad school. I'm afraid that pursuing pmath will only lead to a life in academia.

>> No.9358632

Academia is confy protecting you from the real world

>> No.9358644
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This is also true