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File: 185 KB, 1294x698, Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 12.45.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9344351 No.9344351 [Reply] [Original]

It's not fair.. I want a high IQ god dammit it's not fair fuck

>> No.9344380

>tfw only 140 IQ
>am a literal retard compared to actual 165 geniuses

Fuck it's not fair. All I can hope for is a 7 figure salary at best, MAYBE a few medals.

>> No.9344391

But, let me guess, you don't want to work as hard as he did, right?
Typical millennial.

>> No.9344396


>> No.9344397

The only thing he's good in is scamming people by billions of dollars

>> No.9344408

Except your IQ is probably not even below average to begin with.

>> No.9344413

This is the absolutely highest tier of intelligence. Using other organisms time and energy to fuel your dreams.

>> No.9344419

I burn the roof of my mouth when I eat pizza

>> No.9344420

what about moral intelligence then?

>> No.9344422

You gotta let it sit in the microwave for a few minutes before eating it.

>> No.9344433

muh morals

>> No.9344569

There is not a single person in all the black Africans of the world with an IQ that high
Nor in any of the other low IQ slum areas like India or South America

And liberals want to destroy the one race on this Earth that produces high IQ people

>> No.9344575

- You can never guess a person's IQ; IQ must be measured; biases towards or against someone are invalid measurement tools

- EM has never invented anything

- EM does not have a Masters or Doctorate degree

- EM made all of his money in a random chance investment then followed it up with a subsidized business

- High IQ individuals can demonstrate they have a comprehensive grasp of math, science, and logic via testing

>> No.9344581


- EM is only perceived as intelligent for repeating/parroting known concepts that have been memes in popular science circles for generations

>> No.9344589
File: 92 KB, 595x605, chris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of my way bitch
yes, it's the real chris

>> No.9344596

Logical fallacies, such as "appeal to authority" aren't allowed in /sci/

>> No.9344597

anyone who is in position of authority and is wealthy is considered intelligent
this is the halo effect, the more authoritative and wealthy you are the more intelligent people think you are, even though the correlation is extremely weak

>> No.9344599

that's why Elon started Neuralink, to give us all high IQs.

>> No.9344609
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I didn't know this was a YLYL thread?

>> No.9344619

it's funny how he even mentions people like you when describing his thoughts.

i fucking hate trump as well. but I still admit that he's a very intelligent person.

>> No.9344624


>> No.9344636

this is why nobody takes liberals seriously and why we're losing now and will be for the next several years.

take your opponents seriously and treat them as serious contenders instead of just sweeping them under the rug. others are intelligent and capable despite the fact you disagree with them. you will lose if you don't accept this.

it's like this video going viral on facebook right now that is showing how one dairy farm operates and extrapolating it to try and say all dairy farms work like this

1. people will find counter examples and say it's just one dairy farm that works like that not all

2. if you really wanted people to stop drinking dairy then tell them about all the blood and puss that's in the milk even when it gets to the store. why do they sell chocolate and strawberry colored/flavored milk? because it's the tainted shit.

people try to appeal to others by making them feel bad for doing something. this is not effective. if you want someone to change their ways and influence the world in a way that you see fit you must appeal to their emotions not guilt them into it.

>> No.9344637

A fallacy is still a fallacy, whether you stipulate said fallacy in your 'argument' or not.
Jus' sayin'.

>> No.9344641


>> No.9344644

agreed. likewise, though, you mustn't dismiss the argument neither by dismissing the character presenting the argument nor by fallacy alone.

>> No.9344645
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>Imprying I am ribral

>> No.9344704

I agree that Trump is an intelligent man. What bugs me, though, is how inarticulate he is. Isn't IQ supposed to extend to all areas, meaning that person who has a high IQ is likely to be good at math, learning a new language, critical thinking, articulate, etc. as long as they properly develop these skills? As a businessman Trump has several decades of experience in speaking so, given his intelligence, he should be a master of rhetoric by now. Why then, is he such a shit speaker? I get that he is very good at saying what people want to hear and playing the crowd, that's not my issue. My issue is how bad he is at formulating his sentences and maintaining a coherent argument for longer than a couple of seconds.

>> No.9344724


>> No.9344733

I bet he smells super sexy too.

>> No.9344735

Maybe he's a secret sperglord.

>> No.9344738

Liberals like Jews, though?

>> No.9344742

elon dropped out of his physics PhD

>> No.9344743

Do people these days really consider Musk a contemporary great scientist? He's not a mega-genius he's just rich and kind of crazy

>> No.9344744

my man ya gotta let it get warm. you dont wanna eat molten lava.

>> No.9344747

I have an IQ of 135 and often stutter and am at a loss for words. My verbal IQ isn't particularly low either. That said, I don't speak or write to often, so that's probably the reason.

>> No.9344753

I agree he's a shit speaker. It's a real stretch of the imagination to believe Trump is generally dumb. My guess is he just doesn't care to fluff up his rhetoric. . . based on the number of fucks he appears to give about other things

>> No.9344754

what's that?

>> No.9344757

that's normal, you probably have some minor speech disorder. you gotta practice socialising and public speech.

>> No.9344763

i think its practically normal for presidental candidates to have good intelligence since you need to be VERY literate, plus learning patterns from politics.

>> No.9344764

OP here, europeans aren't the smartest either, we're stupid enough to be manipulated by ideas like third wave intersectional feminism, honestly the average european really is dumb, we've had a few successes here and there but the rest of the herd? Not good enough.

>> No.9344771

im guessing you're east european? if true then it's probably because of the socio-economic status of the east euros.

>> No.9344774
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Guys cmon.. at least do your research before steve jobing him.

Dude's extremely smart, I've read his biography and paypal mafia, I know what I'm talking about, his father is also an incredibly intelligent engineer.

>> No.9344807
File: 323 KB, 1600x846, soinfj65-fkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Portuguese, European averages around 100, our population is around 10% or more african so our avg score takes a dip, I don't know how we measure on the PISA scores.

I could have had an IQ 15 or more points than it is now but I've had nothing but bad luck, let me give you a quick rundown.

>Mother smokes during pregnancy, her doctor told her it would be better than stopping all together, I don't know how this holds up on IQ but I'm sure it affected executive function, she smoked with my brother has well and he has an economics degree (which he passed easily) and a couple of successful business, however (this is where the executive function comes up) he was a mess during high-school, it was like he had adhd and his pre frontal cortex lagged behind 2 years, this manifested in disinterest in school and low conscientious at the time.

>She was 40, which when it comes to the maternal side the mothers age>risk of disease is not that well defined vs the father which was 36.

> Did well in high-school but starting 5th grade everything went bonkers, couldn't study, couldn't concentrate, was very immature, very high energy, could only focus when I spent 3 or hours exercising, was constantly in the principals office for bad behaviour.

>Somehow made it trough, at the time in 7th grade I started thinking I might be slightly autistic, (some call it Aspergers), I got obsessed with web dev, skipped school to do so completely ignoring the ramifications (here's the poor executive function and delayed gratification).

Now 20 and I've been working a casual job to get some money together, next year uni for software engineering but If I honestly could emigrate to the US or Canada and learn a trade and contribute to the economy I would skip uni entirely, it's always better than making 1000/month in this country with a CS degree.

>> No.9344810

Also learnt english before 4th grade by watching Seinfeld reruns, but that might have been just neuroplasticity at work, structuring sentences and writing is still sub par, it fucking sucks I wish there was a nootropic that actually worked.

>> No.9344817
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I don't know, anon, he's obviously of an above average intelligence and very few people will ever be able to run for office in a sincere manner. - What you have to wonder about is the aspect of monetary worth in the modern era and whether that has a part to play?
As for verbal intelligence, take a look at one of those graphs that compares fields of study alongside tested verbal IQ and mathematical IQ and infer their relationship. It would come down to structure of the brain and whether you're predisposed toward high verbal, low math; high math, low verbal or both. That is to say, you could be highly analytical, like Trump, but he poor at conveying ideas due to lacking verbal ability.
So, who really knows?

>> No.9344820

>*he poor = be poor

>> No.9344825

>fit you must appeal to their emotions
And to their logic.
They are both present in people in certain ratios.
Despite my emotions, even if our goal is the same, if all you say is stupid unusable shit to reach our goals then I won't do it.

A healthy human being ignores external guilt, they know they are only responsible for upholding their internal values, because he or she knows that he or she is perfect the way they are and their emotions are a fact, the same kind of fact as for example physics provides.

This is true for every healthy person and for example as physics doesn't provide ethics or morality so all we have is our own.
We can't see the world not subjectively, even our objective reality and abilities are effected by our subjective abilities.

So quilting essentially either produces a lot of broken people or gets you the weak ones.

In other words, manipulating causes healthy, strong, intelligent people to laugh at you then fuck you in the ass.

>> No.9344827

Fair enough, he needs to work on his rhetoric though, if he wants to be Tony Stark.
As for his father, what information do you have?

>> No.9344839

Read his Rolling Stone Interview.

>> No.9344892
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1512276787315[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a high IQ god dammit it's not fair fuck

>> No.9344908
File: 129 KB, 890x1024, 1512429564734m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm smerter

>> No.9344928

not funny

>> No.9344930

4 u

>> No.9344934

Asians are smarter than whites, even Indians have higher iq than whites

>> No.9344938

Nice meme cleetus

>> No.9344959

Thank you, OP.

>> No.9344977

Can you provide some proof? I doubt indians have an average IQ that high

>> No.9344988

Yeah that may be it. I heard from Jordan Peterson (who talks a lot about IQ) that the higher your IQ, the more narrow your range of intelligence is. For instance, someone with an extremely high verbal IQ tends to be bad at other forms of intelligence such as math and spatial reasoning. Something of the kind might be going on for Trump.

>> No.9344996

It's just a brain-computer interface, it doesn't actually analyze the functions of the brain that comprise intelligence and amplify them through technology, it's basically a smartphone in your mind.

>> No.9345026


Not him but considering the blanket statement made by >>9344569 why should they provide proof?

If you want standards you have give standards first. But to answer your question that anon is probably referring to either/both the Brahmin Indian caste or immigrant Indians.

>> No.9345062

He has a really high watersports IQ.

>> No.9345099

Probably true but whites still produce a lot of people of sufficient intelligence to contribute to science and maintain a significant role in it.

>> No.9345159


>> No.9345212

did that chart just put social work in "low verbal"
lmaoing my ass off

>> No.9345284

read the top of it retard
it's based on GRE scores

>> No.9345289

High IQ doesn't matter if you don't do anything with it anon

>> No.9345380


>> No.9345403

>has never invented anything
Good point
>does not have a Masters or Doctorate degree
irrelevant, has 0 to do with IQ
>High IQ individuals can demonstrate they have a comprehensive grasp of math, science, and logic via testing
Not necessarily. You don't seem to have a high enough IQ to understand what IQ is. It's not what you have already learned, it's your ability to learn/recognize patterns.

>> No.9345490

Except at the end of the day, when you're dead, you're done nothing. You don't know anything, and you've don't have any original work.

>> No.9346275

le we will overcome face

>> No.9346286
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Because a 150 IQ voter and the 90 IQ voter are worth exactly the same in the voting both. If the way you are appealing to people for their vote is too difficult for them to understand, they won't be swayed by it. The solution is to intentionally make your speeches simpler, accessible to a wider audience.

>> No.9346318


the value of IQ drops off rather exponentially just like how it bloats exponentially as you go down into retard levels. a 160 IQ isn't that much greater than a 140IQ in most instnaces

>> No.9346335

Listen to him speak 15-20 years ago. He is extremely articulate. His current style of speaking is calculated. Ask yourself how people would react to him if he were extremely articulate. Would he really appeal to the average voter?

>> No.9346359

I can't believe that. Indians still don't even know how toilets work.

>> No.9346360

I wish I were good at that.

>> No.9346363

>Why then, is he such a shit speaker?
Because it gets him elected? Maybe he speaks the exact way that best works for him. I personally hate politicians speaking and speaking and speaking without them actually saying anything.

>> No.9346382

Ask the people who went to 'Trump University' how smart he is. He was born rich anyway, he inherited his wealth and his career is basically being a stereotypical rich guy on TV.

>> No.9346392

>He was born rich anyway,
Intelligence in the genes.

>> No.9346470

Turning one million dollars into billions of dollars isn't a small feat, you fucking sophist.

>> No.9346481

those tests are a scam to control people and make money lmao people all the same smart just on different wheels of the spectrum depending on environment and time and personality and circumstance and placing

>> No.9346490

Because you've never listened to him speak when he's not speaking to the general populace. Go watch any of his interviews prior to his campaign.

>> No.9347187

Yeah you do have it. I also obsess over how my mother should've raised me but you got to have some empathy (which is lacking in spergs), think about what she was going through at the time and the fact that she couldn't have realized some of the consequences.

>> No.9347263
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>european history
>american history

>> No.9347547

Liberals want to destroy Jews and Asians? Never heard that one, tell me about it

>> No.9347569

How does a person with an IQ of 190+ accurately estimate the IQ of people 4-6 SDs below them?

>> No.9347594


This a glaring issue with the IQ test that no one seems to give a shit about.

How can someone with limited intelligence create a test to measure the intelligence of everyone else? It's absurd.

>> No.9347599

Don't you guys ever wonder that the reason Trump got elected is because the american people got fed up with the traditional politicians and decided to elect an outsider, not because he was necessarily smart, as happens with presidents elected in normal circunstances?
Not all successful people are that way for a combination if hard work and intelligence, you know? Some times you just have to be the right guy at the right time.
Also, Trump lacking of verbal prowess can be attributed to early dementia (which is probably worse than just having a low IQ, I guess).

>> No.9347924

chris doesn't have an IQ of 190
even mensa IQ tests are limited to ~160 and after than considered inaccurate
chris reportedly took his IQ test in a fucking magazine, Omni iirc

>> No.9347931

I found the test he took
But the author refuses to share it anymore lmao
Here's one site with a sample question:

So chris' IQ is probably complete bullshit

>> No.9347946

I got tested a few years ago and i had an IQ of 135. Got re tested the other month and it now says 127.

Altho i am smart enough to realize it doesn't mean shit if you dont have the drive and desire to do anything with it. I could have a 170 IQ but if i was a lazy sack of shit who did nothing all day id end up with a wasted life

>> No.9347949

There are over 100,000 people with IQ that high and there's only one elon musk. IQ ain't shit

>> No.9348959
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>To answer this question, one must be well-read. In particular, one has to know a popular term used commonly in literature from 1650 to 1850, which is found in 19th century dictionaries of slang, phrase, or fable (?). One also has to know to re-phrase the question as: "The phrase "Hen's teeth" is analogous to the phrase "________'s nest"? Specifically, one has to know the tale of the pre-1650s Saxon demon Mara or Mare, a kind of vampire, who was said to sit on a sleeper's chest. These vampires were said to be the guardians of hidden treasures over which they brooded as hens over their eggs, and the place they sat was said was termed a nidus or nest. Hence the phrase "to find a mare's nest" means to find an illusory discovery or hypothetical treasure, sort of like "fool's gold" a "leprechaun's pot". Subsequently, just as there is no such thing as a mare's nest, there is also is no such thing as hen's teeth.

>> No.9349003

He inherited a lot more than one million dollars. In fact his net worth would be higher if he just gave his inheritance to fund managers and didn't run any businesses.

>> No.9349329

>million dollars
top kek, he inherited ~$100 million dolars you retard
just hire 10 extremely smart people for a million each to make money for you and there you go, now you have billions

>> No.9349332

Just watch Rick and Morty.