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9343098 No.9343098 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, what exactly constitutes „death“?

>> No.9343102

being dead

>> No.9343111

something about the breakdown of sufficiently complex systems?

must be a certain point where cellular death causes these systems of dead things (matter, organic compounds) to no longer collaborate synchronisticlly and therefore unable to continue to self organize.

>> No.9343112

Your cells stop functioning and you fall apart into less complex matter, and are recombinated into other systems of energy/matter

>> No.9343144

But isn’t that a proof for emergence? That systems have probabilities („aliveness“, for example) which the constituting elements do not?

>> No.9343508

Not really. Emergence is a property of a complex system which isn't present in individual components. Your brain thinks. Individual neurons don't. Consciousness is an emergent property of the neurons working together.
On the other hand, you can be dead -- no heartbeat, breathing, brainwaves, any criteria you like -- yet individual cells, maybe even entire organs, are still alive.
When your sub-systems die and all the complex chemistry goes awry, microbes move in un-opposed and start to consume you. That's why haste is important when you're trying to salvage an organ for transplant. You want it to still be living and functioning.

>> No.9343680

This is more of a metaphysical question.
Science just says whenever your cells have broken down, but that isn't a specific point. This view may not work in the future if we learn how to repair cells with nano-robots or something.

>> No.9344201

Lack of homeostasis perhaps?

>> No.9344639

Lack of cognitive brain function. The destruction of either memories or memory expression centers.

>> No.9344643

When the soul fades away from physical matter and reaches a higher dimension.

>> No.9344675

When a living system(or its essential element(s)) can no longer longer function to interpret information and as a system loses its orientation towards homeostasis, and energy is freed.
The crucial part here is dysfunction, phenomenal life is dependent on biosemiotics to function, orientation towards homeostasis(the biophysical product of biosemiotics) is only lost after the system is already dysfunctional(dead)

>> No.9344681

When the soul leaves the body.

>> No.9344687

My best guess I meant to add before this, it's sort of hypothetical. Though its easy to reason that the loss of the logical elements of life are what causes it to dysfunction and thus lose its identity.

>> No.9344691

I guess loss of higher order functions. Death on a cellular level doesn't happen until a few hours after death as we know it. You can culture cell samples from a dead organism after death.

>> No.9344821
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>yfw there are atheists on /sci/ RIGHT NOW
*tip* my fellow godless men :^)

>> No.9344824



>> No.9344925

It's more "legal" than metaphysical. You have to draw a line somewhere. Sometimes a lot of money is at stake depending on whether A died before B or B died before A.

Definition has changed over time, Used to be "not breathing", then "no pulse", most recently "brain flatlined".
With the technology you mentioned, "death" may still be what we consider it to be today but they may add a footnote saying "temporary".

Personally, I consider irrevocable loss of memories and personality (say, due to destruction of neurons) to be
"death". Might be plenty of life left in the organism but that's not a "person" on the table.

>> No.9345022

im not trying to put you down or anything but im genuinely curious about why you think about life the way you do. It seems alien to me. How can you be so anthropocentric? The vast majority of life isn't human. Have you grown up surrounded by nothing but concrete and other people. laws arent even real life, they are completely abstract and are based on convention and authority, not nature. Money? what does any of that have to do with life and death, do you think there is a difference between a human dying, and a different form of organism, per se a tree dying?
Its mind boggling how so many humans are completely unaware of their actual place in this world, we are going to go extinct of loneliness in the future.

>> No.9345971

When will science prove that the soul exists?

>> No.9345991

Report, sage, hide the thread and move on.

>> No.9346099

As far as I've been taught, at least on a cellular level, its very hard to define death. Clearly one can distinguish a dead cell from a living cell, and one can see a cell is stressed/dying - but I don't think there's a clear answer as to at which point along that path from healthy > dying > dead, that death occurs.

For animals and such its a little more obvious, as other people said, its probably just where cognitive function and homeostasis ends

>> No.9346110

i am rather ignorant of microblogy but i assume cell death occurs when a cell no longer preforms its essential functions, such as interpreting genetic code as well as other more particular things, then this causes higher order processes to discard the cell in multi-cellular organisms.
i suspect my thoughts here to describe life in general,>>9344925.

>> No.9346150

The definition of death has been hazy medically because it used to be when the heart stopped beating but obviously that's not really a good metric as we now know. Before that it was the lack of signs of life. Currently it's when you're brain dead, brain death isn't something anyone has come back from without significant damage. No one has come back from full brain death.

>> No.9346178

Cells rarely just die, often when they begin to reach a state of insufficient function they will, through either internal or external pathways, signal a process that results in their "death". For example cells undergoing oxidative stress will trigger their own death through "apoptosis".

Obviously causing a cell to lyse completely destroys it and skips this, but in general cells will kill themselves before they die.

It's because of this I said that its hard to pin point exactly where death occurs in a cell - the end result is clear - but at what threshold does the cell "decide" (for lack of a better word) that it is dead?

>> No.9346179


When someone posts on 4chan they are biologically dead since they chances of procreating drop to zero.

>> No.9346234

some dude told me it's when you become a closed system

>> No.9346255 [DELETED] 


>> No.9346273

Ain't it the truth.

>> No.9346865
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define "constitutes", then we'll talk, brainlet.

>> No.9347188

In a scientific format I guess, death would be when the outflow of the small electric currents created by the brain and the heart are ceased. Consciousness is only created when the brains synapses are sending electrical charges. A heart other than the brain is the only organ that can create its own electric pulses the time your heart beats causing it to contract pumping the blood in essence death is only when the brain is no longer pushing out a registered amount of electricity which can be measured with an EEG and heart is no longer putting out a static charge which can be measured with an EKG.

>> No.9347197

Not having qt creepyfu gf.

>> No.9347664

This tbqh.
More generally, not having a GF.

>> No.9347689

The medical definition is that all brain and brainstem activity has ceased. This means the individual can no longer think, plan, or willfully execute action. It also means the body cannot regulate the cells to the coordinated action that sustains the cells in all the tissues of the body.

In a more condensed sense it's when you can't do anything anymore, a lack of power.