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9342438 No.9342438 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being a brainlet? I mean seriously, have you got any tips for enhancing your intellectual prowess, other than getting good sleep?

>> No.9342440

yo what s a brainlet

>> No.9342449
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>getting a good sleep makes you smart
If anything getting less sleep makes you smarter. Your body wants sleep, too fucking bad until we finish this problem. 5-6 hours a night is optimal, small nap afternoon is good too. Deep sleep is what matters and it is easier to enter then you are tired, that is why dreams can be so vivid when you fall asleep in class or have a nap after a long day.

>> No.9342454

what you said literally is "you shouldn't get good sleep, you should get good sleep", fucking brainlet, stop posting

>> No.9342476

just because you lay down and rest for a long time doesn't mean you get good, deep sleep

>> No.9342479

he was referring to the duration of sleep. You can achieve REM sleep without having to waste eight hours a day. he assumed that OP equated good sleep with eight hours.

braindead faggot

>> No.9342487

and you realise, fucking retard, that that literally means "getting a good sleep"

why can't you into basic logic? good sleep its any sleep that gives you rest, it doesn't inherently imply that it must be 8 hours long, I know that shorter sleep may be more efficient and I SPECIFICALLY asked for tips other than "get good sleep"

>most of the posters are actually mentally handicapped

>> No.9342494

But he also claimed that you shouldn't get good sleep.

>> No.9342810
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Get the sleep you need, not the sleep you want. Needs are 5 to 6 hours, wants are 7+. Wants ruin productivity . Checkmark nignogs