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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9341583 No.9341583 [Reply] [Original]

In b4 "i have a 170 iq but it doesnt actaully mean anything other than i can tease out patterns"

Whats your iq?
What do you study?
And what is your parents IQ?

>> No.9341588

Im 128
Mech eng
Mom is 120 dad is 143

>> No.9341589

never took real iq tests other than the online Norwegian one where i got 125 (sometimes 130 on other websites).

garde 12 high-school student taking physics, chemistry, and CS AP classes. normal calculus class too.

they never took iq tests so i really don't.

>> No.9341591

Idk parents but they are both economists so 120ish?

>> No.9341595

I took the mensa test and got 124 back when i was 18 and cared about iq. I realised that i am at a decent level to survive in my field of elect eng. Idk my mothers but my dads is supposed to be at 136, much smarter than me anyhow

>> No.9341596

Never taken an IQ test but I'd guess I'm somewhere around 130. My parents are both pretty dumb.

>> No.9341598

oh and I'm studying mining engineering

>> No.9341605

Why do you think your parents are dumb? Are they uneducated or are they actuallt slow?

>> No.9341663

I could never solve any of those IQ tests.
Comp Sci
Im Adopted

>> No.9341669

>140something, measured by a shit online test
>Only legit test I've ever taken, when I was 10, put me at equivalent to a 16-year-old in most things

>Mathematics/Physics double major
>No measurement that I know of.

>> No.9342356

BComm coop with accounting -CPA path
Idk about their I, but dad's a civil engineer and mother is a registered nurse

>> No.9342363

Your IQ score doesn't make you a scientist, nor does it matter in any way. Fuck off.

>> No.9342365

136. Im retarded as fuck though with math proofs.

>> No.9342373

>another stupid IQ thread
Go to hell.

>> No.9342385
File: 4 KB, 665x469, image_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drrrr ksssshhhhh I i i iq qq q dddurred bbbadddddddd n n n o li iiike

>> No.9342407

>Whats your iq?
Tested at 158 when I was in highschool
>What do you study?
Spent a lot of time on the verge of suicide and very depressed now considering becoming an RN in the short term, hopefully something better by the time I'm 30.
>And what is your parents IQ?
Mothers is 130, as I recall. Not sure about my dad hes been dead a long time now. Everyone says he was genius but I o my remember him as angry, I was too young to get to know him and I don't have and documentation.

>> No.9342414

Computer Science
56 and 71

>> No.9342415

90% of posts itt are above top 90% IQ

>> No.9342418

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.9342434

145 and ~150 on the tests i've taken
my mother is not above average iq, but my father was very intelligent (my guess is 150-170) but stunted by his poor english (and poor understanding of western norms) for his whole life.

i see patterns like magic a lot, but sometimes i get too stubborn to see easy solutions. (tfw too intelligent for systems of equations)

>> No.9342436

You have to account for your sample, it's really not that interesting once you consider that you're on a science and math board, then factor in that only those with a high IQ are going to be willing to post it. Anyone with a lower IQ either won't post it or they'll lie.

>> No.9342442

Phone turned "only" into "o my" and then later what was meant to be an "any" became "and"

Making myself look like a Brainlet, that's what I get for trying to respond quickly while still working.

>> No.9342445

151, measured when i was 4 so it's probably outdated
Biochemistry and Computer Science
Mom 103, dad 101 - both measured when they were 18

>> No.9342450

i'm pretty sure everyone adding 20 IQ (because they believe this is their actual IQ) is a much more likely scenario

>> No.9342452

Network Analysis and Computer Science at the moment.
They haven't been tested as far as I'm aware.

>> No.9342453

(71+56)/2 = 63.5 you sperglord

>> No.9342459

I'm sure that's also a contributing factor but it's not mutually exclusive with my points, my comment wasn't meant to be an exhaustive list, it was just meant to show that it's not that interesting but rather to be expected.

>> No.9342480

And? Are you under the impression someone's IQ is determined directly by their parents?

>> No.9342670

Not the guy you replied to, but I would like to ask whether or not you are the 156IQ CS guy.

You see, I only talk to people with an IQ greater than or equal to an IQ of 147.

Anything below that, I feel like I am talking to a rock.

>> No.9342674
File: 589 KB, 245x176, 95752E89-EF98-4D0F-98B5-A53C339959C9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom’s is 110 and my dad’s is probably close to 100
It’s going to be a fucking bummer when my kids regress to the mean but I suppose this is my lot in life

>> No.9342675

>he believes IQ is solely genetically determined and is the mean of the IQ of the parents
back to pol young faggot

>> No.9342775

This is literally the best bait I’ve ever seen on this Mongolian fly fishing forum. I think I’m ready to leave now

>> No.9343712

I've always thought IQ tests are not for me, I always get bored at some point and start answering randomly.

The last test I took was a Raven test and I tried my best to answer it properly. I got percentile 95.

My major was comp sci.

>> No.9343717

130+ (mensa). Self taught programmer. I am good at it. Wrote 2 antivirus engines for major antivirus companies. Also wrote 3 compilers (one being C) for hobby.

I feel like im getting dumber though. 28 yo.

>> No.9343723

Online testing rocks.

>> No.9343962

do you have a source that says otherwise?

>> No.9343968

ITT people qho watch Rick n morter

>> No.9344176

not that anon but mine were uneducated, also bro & sis aren't very bright (MS and HS dropouts, respectively).
Sometimes my parents have some resemblance of intelligence but I guess being uneducated really goes against them when perceiving their wit.
As for my siblings idk if they are actually that dumb or if they just indulged in our family's obvious genetic errors, namely a tendency to depression, getting addicted to things and low frustration threshold. I say this because I almost became a dropout (twice) in my life, luckily both times I reacted quickly and kept progressing... So at this point idk if they failed because they were less lucky than I was or because they are incapable of succeeding.

>> No.9344179

i got a 140/200 on my online IQ. Figure that one out.

>> No.9344184

151. Not studying; driving a truck for a living. Mum 103, dad 100.

>> No.9344199

Watch Richard and Mortimer.
Dad 70 IQ (Christian), mother 65 (woman).

>> No.9344221

Watch Ricardo and Mortez

Dad -100 IQ (Black Muslim), mother NaN (White Christian with blonde hair and blue eyes)

>> No.9344238

Too low.

t. Chris

>> No.9344505

>i see patterns like magic a lot,
Can you explain to brainlet what you mean about this?

>> No.9344647

Electrical Engineering
I don't know but probably pretty high.

>> No.9344656

>Physics and mathematics
Relevant information:
Maternal grandmother:
Besides, I'm fairly sure they say you get your intelligence from your maternal line.

>> No.9344669

- Probably not higher than 110 since I'm black
- Industrial Engineering
- I can't possibly have living parents. They obviously died before they could be tested. I'm black, remember?

>> No.9344677

Rick and Morty
probably 60 max - my brain was enhanced by AI

>> No.9344678

Electrical engineering
Mom is 92 she is a legit moron who dropped out of highschool because she was too stupid
Dad is 84 I think since he was an african american thug who fucked my white mom when she was a teenager.

>> No.9344686

II suppose if you score high in a large number of IQ tests you're not dumb(<95), but is there any way to have an accurate measure of your IQ from online IQ tests?

>> No.9344756

>28 yo
I'm 22 and only just started my bachelors, due to poor life choices.
I'm going to be dumber after I get my PhD, scary.

>> No.9344769


> 91 (Real test with a psychologist)
> Pure math
> don't know

I graduated summa cum laude, so i guess iq is worthless

>> No.9344876
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you have my deepest sympathies, Anon.

>> No.9344902

119, tested by a psychologist as a kid.
Math + CS.
Both parents slightly above average.

>> No.9344913

>Whats your iq?
>What do you study?
>And what is your parents IQ?
Mom is ~100, dad above average

>> No.9344917

Did you always have an affinity for math? How did you study?

>> No.9344921

What's with all the big brained nibbas with brainlet parents here? I thought IQ was like 100% genetic.

>> No.9344936

Only IQ test I took was to skip a grade around the time I was 7, I got 138 then. Now probably a bit lower due to alcohol.
Electrical engineering.
I don't know.

>> No.9344942

Mom was dumb and paranoid like always trying to accuse you of stuff. Dad was good with objective type stuff but lacked the ambition. Put em together and you got me who is curious about stuff and also able to understand it.

>i have a 170 iq but it doesnt actaully mean anything other than i can tease out patterns"

That's literally all it is. Well mostly. That's the pure ability, multiplied by ambition and curiosity. Even a genius can fail an iq test if they can't be arsed

>> No.9346078

I score between 130 and 150 online, but mostly in the 130s. I'm a math major. My parents are religious and probably around average iq. My dad may be dyslexic and if so, that explains a lot about him. He shows interest and some intelligence, but his country hick upbringing and possible dyslexia crushed him.

>> No.9346091

>multiple 150+ IQs in here

Undergrads are so fucking silly.

>> No.9346094

Subtract everyone's IQ in this thread by 15, and you get their real IQs.

>> No.9346173

i take that online test weekly and now i have 153
i don't know

>> No.9346185
File: 111 KB, 500x332, lipsnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but both parents are pretty intelligent. Grandma was chemist for Mexican government, Grandpa was a mathematician.

>> No.9346190

Supposedly 163.
Software... The odds that you have used my software at some level are quite high, you just dont realize it when you do.

>> No.9346202

networking engineer
mom is 89 dont know about dad died before my birth

>> No.9346204

>Whats your iq?
I took an IQ test when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and I got a 132.

>What do you study?
PhD in chemical engineering.

>And what is your parents IQ?
No idea. My dad is a doctor and my mom is a computer engineer though.

>> No.9346270

Too lazy and distracted to shit
Both slightly above average, Mom does not know how to write in proper sentences

>> No.9346406

>Whats your iq?
>What do you study?
>And what is your parents IQ?

>> No.9346410

>All these supposed Richard and Mortimer fans with IQ's of 250 or less.
You're all pathetic.

IQ: 299
Study: Quantum Physics (online degree)
Parents: mom is 80, dad is 180 (he also watches Rich & Mort)

>> No.9346494

i have a 170 iq but it doesnt actaully mean anything other than i can tease out patterns

>> No.9346504


>> No.9347324

Some online tests said i have ranging from 125 to 140. But personaly i think i'm like around 100-80? Don't know my parent's values. My father worked as labourer in factory of steel furniture and my mother is working as accountant in bank (she have major in economics i think). For me i'm super lazy and struggling with finishing college as sailor navigator and worked mostly in labour jobs. Those online tests comforts me somehow that i'm not retarded, but like half of the time i don't think they're true that probably why i'll never actualy get mensa tests to keep those delusions. Ignorance is a bliss

>> No.9347344

145 (tested in 3rd grade, dunno what it's worth)
never tested

>> No.9347576


> Probably < 80 to be honest, I'm on 4chan
> Computer Science
> Whatever almost exactly average is.

>> No.9348293

my dad has a phd in math and has been a computer software engineer for like 20 years and his iq is like 115 and he says iq has nothign to do with real life and how smart u trly are

>> No.9348520

148 and 152 in two different tests when I was a teenager.

Dad maxed his US Army IQ test and had her brain studied after death. His brain weighed over 2kg!

Mom is not as smart, probably 110-120.

I am a serial entrepreneur mostly in tech, like web apps and my latest project is avalanche control devices. I achieve upper middle class income, but it is incredibly unreliable.

Suffer from a variety of mental problems like depression, dissociation and inability to finish projects.

>> No.9348529 [DELETED] 

My iq averages out to 116 with wildly varying strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.9349094

Your IQ is likely around a 130, considering that IQ is still not very heritable around your teenage years, and recedes to your true IQ in adulthood. Maternal IQ is a much, much better predictor, too. 0.9 correlation vs. a 0.4 correlation with the father.

>> No.9349150

I score really highly on g-loaded tasks, most of them, and my brain is fucked up. Like I literally substitute incorrect words constantly (once every few sentences) and I can only spell coherently because of computers.

>> No.9349155

>Maternal IQ is a much, much better predictor, too. 0.9 correlation vs. a 0.4 correlation with the father.
source? ideally multiple

>> No.9349242

Word substitutions doesn't cover it. If people think Feynman's notes are not understandable, you should see what I deal with. Fuck.

I actually scored in the mid 140's as a little kid, the low 130's on SAT/ACT, and the high 140s on graduate exams.

>> No.9349258

Interuniversal Teichmuller Theory

>> No.9349280

Whats the difference between aparhy ang ignorance ? >dkdc

>> No.9350625

You know what 10% of 7 billion is? It's a lot of useless people.

>> No.9350684

my iq is 124
I'm studying psychology
my father is most likely around 115, my mother around 90

>> No.9350693

I never took an IQ test. I would never want to feel limited by whatever result I got. If the test said 100 IQ, I'd feel like I'd be a normie forever. If the test said 170 IQ, I'd fee just out of the reach of true genius. I'm happy without putting mental constraints on myself.

>> No.9350755
File: 37 KB, 680x473, ale-subscores-and-subtests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twice divergent. i have a standard 115 but my verbal iq is 143. i tried google, school counselors and psychiatrists but they won't tell me what i can do with this information. do you guys know anything about iq divergence or verbal iq and what to do with it.

>> No.9350851

This one:

Almost like the real thing.

>> No.9350858

It means you can become Jordan Peterson.

>> No.9350874

this. this is most disturbing if true, at least for those of us with brainlet mothers

>> No.9350877

but tell me spirit is this the spirit of what will be or may be

>> No.9351132

146, parents around the high 140's too, I'm in Jr. High, my dad is a chemical engineer (Rice University, masters) and my mom is a general dentist (I dunno, she moved to Cuba for some time to study, then she went in mission to Venezuela to help the few poorest neighborhoods (gdp around 950-billion, 1 trillion that time) where he met my dad that was in business buying kerosene or some shit (Dad Texan, mom from Rhode Island, I'm from Oregon, partly raised in Venezuela and live in Vegas)

>> No.9351134

Parents were either slightly below average or average

>> No.9351137

People like feeling important and superior, is human nature that we are psychopaths by birth.
But seeing that /pol/ is riddled with geniuses and the average IQ of a 4chan user is ~125-130 I would doubt at least 70% percent are telling the truth

>> No.9351143

Also want to become chemical engineer, astronomer or politician, probably a mix.

>> No.9351149

This is the worst sentence I've ever read in my life.

>> No.9351155

Yeah, I know. I was in a rush, sorry for giving you eye cancer.

>> No.9351158


>> No.9351214
File: 73 KB, 728x563, functional-testing-patterns-24-728.jpg?cb=1329983342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from several* standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence.

several / ˈsɛv(ə)r(ə)l
determiner & pronoun
1. more than two but not many.

1. separate or respective.

I hereby redefine IQ as Idempotentate Quarantine for Intellectual Queueing.

Basically, y'all think a resultant number based on a 'vague number' translates to anything useful.

>> No.9351218
File: 25 KB, 474x365, 438a3ba90e011f95bb4fda099a1078ec--so-funny-funny-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and my IQ by any description is 1.

You guys need to take your 'number munching ways' elsewhere, ya fucking pleasbians.

>> No.9351862

physics (already graduated)

>> No.9351936

Parents haven't been tested. I'd guess they're both 115ish.
My wife was tested at 125 as a child, so I'm hopeful our children won't be brainlets.

>> No.9351939

100% a 120 IQ nigger with an inferiority complex.

>> No.9351940

My IQ is 98. I have PhD in biology.

>> No.9351942

120, 115

I’m a member of the master race tho so it shouldn’t even count

>> No.9351949

>Whats your iq?
>What do you study?
network security engineer
>And what is your parents IQ

>> No.9351998

Mine is whatever the replies to this thread get to

>> No.9352008

How do you test rocks online ?
Virtual geology?

>> No.9352016

Do you program online IQ tests?

>> No.9352018

That's pretty good

>> No.9352337

Was meant for >>9346190

>> No.9352647

I got tested with 6 years old because the teacher wanted to get rid of me and i should go to a school for "special kids".
IQ was 139 and i was permitted to stay.
Next test with 13 for a similar reason. IQ was 126.
Im now 22 and i dont want to make a IQ test again.
I'm studying CS.
Parents are below 100.

>> No.9352664
File: 175 KB, 960x720, 22519442_1882327275418793_8649482177580910357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 and got it tested by a psychologist last year.


My parents are pretty dumb and my dad in particular is a hair breadth's away from a literal simpleton, wouldn't be surprised if his IQ is around 80-85 while my mom probably sits in the lower 90s.

I'm an electrical engineering graduate who worked very hard.

>> No.9352792

Predental, majoring in cell bio

>> No.9352803

>My IQ is 141.
>Im an industrial electrician by trade, I study various subjects like Chemistry, Physics(classical, GR, and im just starting to dip my toes into QM), and Electrical Engineering in my spare time at home. Just for fun.
>Mom’s IQ is 122, Dad was never tested.

IQ is a fairly accurate metric for measuring intelligence, reguardless of what brainlets and special snowflakes tell you.

>> No.9352833
File: 29 KB, 320x470, d609e22384ddd556414b27644053dea3--big-words-cool-words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying programming
Dad is mensa level math teacher at least 140
Mom is pleb level kindergarten teacher

>> No.9352844

This. I'm 141 as well and it's laughable how my classmates study all the time yet it's like they have no idea what they're even doing. I can't wait until my PhD, at least then I wouldn't have to be surrounded by literal idiots all the time.

>> No.9352868

you're right most scientists have lol'worthy iq's around 105-115 and are complete fucking simps and can't do anything without being trained or implored to do it. That's why you can teach pajeets and bug nigerians to do biology and chemical engineering. Its really the easiest subject as all you have to do is shut your brain off and then memorize nonsense that will be revised in 100 years. Good stuff. Good use of time too, all that studying for so little pay, your name will never appear on any important papers. You'll never win any significant awards, your wives won't be more attractive than just a normal fucking business major and any asian can do your job better than you can. Really remarkable

>> No.9352876

Makes you wonder why low IQ chimps even go into STEM. Fruitlessly chasing a high salary? Delusional about their genetic ceiling? Either way it's irritating.

>> No.9352887

Have you let the poltards inform your thinking on the subject? It has an influence for sure but it's limited and other factors are huge.

>> No.9353650

Blacks averagely have a lower IQ than than whites and asians, look it up

>> No.9353718

Computer engineering
No idea. My dad is fairly smart but my mom had to repeat several grades. I'm pretty lucky I didn't end up lower actually

>> No.9353829

Almost everybody claiming scores significantly above average and obnoxious children like >>9352803 and >>9352844 are why these threads always suck and should be fucking banned.

How is this related to science in any way?

>> No.9353897

Dad was a lawyer and around there (145 or so). No clue on mom

>> No.9353939


>> No.9354013

I think between 120-130. Got highest marks during my uni years in CS.

>> No.9354026

Im an obnoxious child because ive made an observation that those with high IQ are better at stuff in general? Ok champ.

>> No.9354441

I've never taken an IQ test, what are some good ones for free

>> No.9354506

Applied Mathemathics

>> No.9354531

MD candidate
mother is probably around 130 but she is a woman so sometimes I could swear thet she is braindead with her reasoning.
Father is also extremely hard to guess because shit he says is borderline retarded but if you give him a problem to solve he can come up with really good stuff.

I'm lazy as fuck and almost never study but somehow I always barely pass all exams.

>> No.9354549
File: 20 KB, 361x408, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you would get an average below 110 even on /b/ (with real data) simply because chans are not an attractive place for someone with an IQ of 90 or less.

I guess your butthurt comes from the fact that your measured IQ of 104 makes you a brainlet here.

>> No.9354554

Low IQ people shouldn't post. I realize it's not their fault, though in a way intelligence is parallel to the self, but they just dilute the board's quality, both by not understanding contextual posts and creating threads about how they should be able to be as intelligent as us.

Well life's not fair, so why not migrate to a place more intellectually fitting for your kind?

>> No.9354834

Depending on which you are, it's either the line
>I study various subjects like Chemistry, Physics(classical, GR, and im just starting to dip my toes into QM), and Electrical Engineering in my spare time at home. Just for fun.

Or literally your entire post.
>because chans are not an attractive place for someone with an IQ of 90 or less.

Do you honestly believe this? I don't think there's any reason to think that because someone browses 4chan, they're significantly smarter than the average.

>> No.9355052

My IQ is 1e-69.
I'm a vexillologist.
My parents' IQ are over ten thousand billions.

>> No.9355763

Welp, actually gave 133, other 146.
I'm extremely lazy though so I might as well be in the 2 digits.

>> No.9355788

I am not sure of my IQ and dont care enough to test (not very important).

I studied EE/physics dual major and now in 3rd year of PhD for EE (photonics) at a top 10 US uni. I think I couldve done better but had no research experience in undergrad (didnt realize I wanted to go to a PhD until it was to late) so had to step up to MS and then PhD.

Not sure of parents either but both my grandpas were in Mensa. Both parents went to college late and my mom doesnt seem too smart to me. Ive always thought my dad was smart even as Ive gotten older. He hasnt really done anything but like precalc for math but is like a sponge for info so I think he could do well in most anything if he wanted. Only person I know personally that I believe could win something like jeopardy with no practice

>> No.9355793

I am 135 in mechanical engineering.

My mom's measured IQ is 140 (materials eng/metallurgy). My dad is probably somewhere around 120 (chemical eng).

>> No.9355796

That is a very small number
Your parents are disappoint