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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9339183 No.9339183 [Reply] [Original]

Should ubbermensch Ashkenazim Chads be able to have as many children as they can with different women in order to counteract dysgenics in the west,brought on by brown immigration and the low birth rates amongst high IQ whites?

>> No.9339184
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If all Jewish men were required to impregnate atleast 5 goywomen in their lifetime, we could probably quadruple the number of top tier scientists, musicians, innovators and job creators in our nations. We could beat Asian nations with 105+ IQs with an Ashkenazim breeding program. This is the natural course of any eugenics movement, to only let the most successful men breed. We should be encouraging Jewish men to have polygamous relationships with gentile women if we want to compete with Asians. Whites are simply not intelligent enough to remain top dog without merging with the most successful white(ish) ethnic group. Our future is Aryanazim

>> No.9339188

The kids will turn on shit anyway. High IQ is nice but without a strong traditional patriarch running the family the kids will desolve in to cuck liberal soiboys.

>> No.9339198
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Well we are already fucked when it comes fatherlessness. Unless we can destroy feminism and all the laws which makes it easier for women to raise children alone, single motherhood is going to get worse. Feminism is not going away until we have total societal collapse. It's already the most common type of household in my state. Women don't like average men and many seem content with getting impregnated by low impulse control IQ Chad's and Tyrone's and got on welfare and are breeding the next generation of criminals and failures. Why not let women get enriched by Kaleb and Shilowitz, and instead of getting more crime gangs and Alt right failures, we get more scientists, innovators, and Nobel Prize winners. Yeah, we will probably have some issues, but we are already passed the point of no return when it comes to the destruction of the nuclear family.

>> No.9339199

Back to /his/ with you.

>> No.9339207 [DELETED] 
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Jewish white mixes tend to be super good looking as well. Just look at Hollywood.

>> No.9339229

This is probably the most vile creation in the world

>> No.9339245 [DELETED] 

And yet Black Jews probably score higher in IQ tests than the average Poltard.

>> No.9339247
File: 198 KB, 467x395, 97092755_Lisa-Bonet-Lenny-Kravitz-Zoe-Kravitz-467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet black Jews score higher in IQ tests and are more successful than the average poltard.

>> No.9339252


>> No.9339340

>He thinks the (((social sciences))) would ever conduct an IQ test on different ethnic groups and difference race mixes.

>> No.9339344
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Listen here, retard. There are more whites with an IQ of 130+ than there are Ashkenazim on the planet. Their overrepresentation in the sciences, or any other domain, is due to an in-group preference that is innate in all humans. They have just held onto their tribal roots better than others.

>> No.9339880 [DELETED] 

Isn't Lisa bonnet fucking Aquaman

>> No.9340024

Why would you want brainlets when they could impregnate Ashkenazi women and produce geniuses instead?

>> No.9340056

This. Goyroasties don't deserve kids with the PHENOTYPE.

>> No.9340075

Well there is that whole thing about the >50% chance the child will either be a carrier or directly affected by a very serious congenital illness, and that isn't even counting the later problems in life like the much higher rates of mental illnesses... Inbreeding for thousands of years really fucks up the genetic fitness of a population.

>> No.9340964

Because we want to get enriched by the superior Ashkenazim dick. There are many half Jew Nobel prizewinners and world chess champions.

>> No.9340976

If whites failed to hold onto their tribal roots, doesn't it make them kind of inferior?

>> No.9341690

hey, atleast hes solving the Nigger question.

>> No.9341692

In some ways, yes. I would personally prefer whites to return to their tribal roots, but saying that in public will get you called "racist." Double standard much?

>> No.9341695

Intelligent people won't call you racist, they'd just call you a moron because that's what you are. Also the water is turning the frogs gay.

>> No.9341707
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Wait, just to be clear, how mad are you?