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9335983 No.9335983 [Reply] [Original]

Becoming a doctor isn't a matter of being smart. Its a matter of showing up and paying attention.
Stop perpetuating the meme that you need to be smart to become a doctor. Or anything in fact.

>> No.9336921

Big if true

>> No.9336931

This is true. Why do medical students act like they're some kind of ultra geniuses?

>> No.9336937

Please don't forget dedication. Two of my mates did med and the amount of free time they spent not going out, sitting in a room studying until their eyes fell out while we had a good time is massive.

Sure they're not geniuses (although they are very smart), but I'd take perseverance over natural brains any day of the week.

>> No.9337154

To become a family doctor perhaps but once your get to certain specialities and academic doctors who also do research then they have to use just as much critical thinking as any other biology or chemistry researcher.

>> No.9337179

Nobody's said otherwise, especially not on /sci/

>> No.9337190

>med school is literally all memorization
doctors are cucks

>> No.9337200

There's just a stigma that doctors are immeasurably intelligent. Some doctors are, of course, but the point is just that it's really just about getting into med school. The graduation rate is like 96% or some bullshit, so pretty much get in, get MD.

Compared to the graduation rate of PhD students which is around 50%.

>> No.9337207

t. guy who is not a doctor

>> No.9337216

Wrong. It's hard work for 5-10 years and the person studying must actively improve character and work method PERSONALLY in order to succeed. Both of these actions require enormous intelligence, hard work, dedication, and character.

So yes, becoming a doctor and being smart are very correlated. In other words, to become a doctor, you have to be very smart.

>> No.9337218

The fact that women can become doctors tells you that it's not intellectually rigorous.

>> No.9337221

>intellectually rigorous
What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.9337233

Women are as intelligent as men. They often lack opportunities and trust that men are given for granted. They often aren't given the responsibility that is the sole factor in making people strong.

In general, women's gender culture doesn't value intelligence as much as men's gender culture.

Brain is very transformable structure. With right environment pretty much anyone can become anything.

>> No.9337250

Woman detected. I've worked as a mechanical engineer for 5 years and the only women I've seen in my entire department are undergrad coders and secretaries. I have never seen a woman put on a design team, because they are incapable of critical thinking

>> No.9337275

That's just worthless anecdote. Why dont you actually try to scientifically prove your statements so that someone else believes them too?

World is full of women more intelligent than you and currently occupying better work positions, doing more responsible and productive work, and netting more salary.

>> No.9337291

>World is full of women more intelligent than you
No, it's not. I doubt there is a single woman more intelligent than me. Women can rote memorize facts, desire money, and get lucky job positions through connections, but they can't be truly intelligent. They lack the fire in their souls that makes a man strive to better himself.

>> No.9337296

A better explanation for this is that there are far more men in your profession than women.

>> No.9337345

>Being so far up your own ass you believe this
There are almost certainly hundreds of millions of women smarter than you. Also judging by the fact that there are women who go through the10-15 year, extremely work intensive medical program and do extraordinarily well, I'm guessing many women have just as much "fire in their souls" as you.

I'm sorry /pol/ has indoctrinated you so badly. It's time to grow up.

>> No.9337636

Says the brainlet. Everything is relative, but no, you don't have to be particularly intelligent to become a doctor.

>> No.9337640

Bull crap. SOME women are as intelligent as some men, but statistically speaking, if you want to be intelligent, be a man.

>> No.9337683

>With right environment pretty much anyone can become anything
It's amazing how this blank slate nonsense keeps being repeated to this day.

>> No.9337690

nuh uhh

>> No.9337691

t. med school reject

>> No.9337698

Read some behavioral genetics, will you?

>> No.9337707

Wow your ego is crazy.
So you think women like Curie were brainlets?

>> No.9337708

Epigenetics, neurological shiet tho

>> No.9337720

>They often lack opportunities
How. Name one opportunity that is offered to men that is unavailable to women.

>> No.9337728

Epigenetics isn't magic. The amount of epigenetic changes that are a) inherited b) initially caused by specific environmental triggers and c) can be changed by specific environmental triggers is not particularly large and extremely unlikely to play any big role in terms of variance in mental traits.

>> No.9337801

t. nurse

>> No.9337849

Doctors are idiots that rely on lab reports and nurses.

>> No.9337919
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Yeah it so hard to read a book and then regurgitate the answers first for your exams and then to your patients.

>> No.9337940

I don't want to bash on doctors, some are truly great in their field.
> But the number of times I have seen GPs use fucking webMD to diagnose something makes me sick.
> Or check for medication treatments on similar google-style-moron-sites.

>> No.9337950

>Women are as intelligent as men.

Only on average. Males and females have the same mean IQ, but the female IQ distribution clusters more narrowly around the mean. This results relatively fewer female geniuses (as well as relatively fewer female retards).

>> No.9337957

Friendly reminder when doctors make a mistake somebody dies, when you make a mistake mummy has to get the broom and dustpan.

>> No.9338095

It's just a popular normie meme. The smart trio is Medicine, Law and Engineering. I live in a second world shithole and I see this meme being reinforced all the time. From what I've noticed, obnoxious narcissistic brainlets go to law school, top graders are expected to go to med school and engineering is for the rest of the soulless ants who don't like biology.

>> No.9338105

Sadly, I think there really are a lot of people who are too dumb to be a doctor, even if they had all the time in the world to study, lots of motivation, and funding. Some people are honestly too fucking stupid to measure things or not confuse two big words that sound alike.

But yeah, an average (or even somewhat below average) intelligence person could probably be a doctor if they studied hard

>> No.9338121

All this means is that the stakes are high... for the patient. Doctors are trained not to give a shit.

>> No.9338124

You’re right that conscientiousness is required to be a doctor. However, if you have a sub 100 IQ it’s unlikely you’ll succeed even if you show up and study consistently

>> No.9338131

same thing for the carnie at the circus who has the bitch stand in front of a board and then throws knives at her, missing narrowly

>> No.9338136

This is true for any serious major

>> No.9338146

>engineer makes a mistake
>plants go boom or people die with their faces melted
I wonder if the story of the engineer who sent a cleaning crew in a tank that was used to contain acid and forgot to tell them to not take their regular cleaning products is true of just a scary tale engineering teachers like to tell

>> No.9338163

They have the same mean because the tests are designed to have the same mean for each gender.

Oh yeah and I'm a doctor and I do have to say that you need some smarts to do it, not only because your capacity for retaining information is highly dependent on your ability to make sense of it, which is basically your intelligence, but also because the real world is never exactly like in the books and you need to know how to combine your book smarts with your intuition and common sense. Perhaps for being an orthopedist you don't need to be so smart (in the U.S. perhaps to achieve the necessary score), to be a well-rounded internist you definitely need to be pretty smart.

But I have noticed here and in real life that lots of people are salty that you are a doctor. Now if I was just going to tell somebody out of context or telling a girl expecting she would be attracted to me based on me being a doctor then I could 100% understand the salt. But enough people just apparently feel such a status disparity that their territorial-monkey mind seems to be forced to react. It's tiresome.

>> No.9338200

Try being a neurosurgeon faggot.

>> No.9338202

Almost certainly not true since those cleaners need to have all kinds of certifications, often wear SCBAs and *usually* aren't idiots.

>> No.9338206

You have to be smart to get into med school

>> No.9338229

>Be neurosurgeon
>Perform 40 ulnar decompressions (or any other highly specific and routine procedure) a week
>Refer to a different surgeon for literally any other complaint
Sounds pretty easy actually.

>> No.9338231

>rely on nurses
holy fuck, you don't believe this do you? nurses are dangerous af. i am triggered.

but yes, mds are glorified technicians

t. mdphd student

>> No.9338543

Not the person you're replying too but this coyld only be the case in one of the few highly populated cities of the countries. Most areas only have one or two neurosurgeons so they see and do a variety of cases.

Even then don't make the mistake of assuming most neurosurgeries are mindless repetition. To be in that field you have to constantly stay updated with the latest research and newest techniques that you have to decide based on the studies if you should perform and in what situations. It's far from simple.

>> No.9338636
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This paper got almost a hundred citations in a medical journal.

>> No.9338650

Oh this makes me so sad.