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9334753 No.9334753 [Reply] [Original]

>group for a project is made mainly of women

>> No.9334759

>The CEO who dropped out of a business program wants to sit in on every engineering meeting

>> No.9334965

>>anon? Anon, why haven't you shown up to the group meetings? We've got a report due on tuesday and all you've done is watch chinese cartoons and post on that website.
>>anon could you at least screenshot the results the new quantum chemistry algorithm we developed?

>> No.9335015

lucky bastard
women do way better in group projects than men
also you can fuck them

>> No.9335035

Hes probably feeling lonely and everyone in management is straight

>> No.9335216

>women do way better in group projects than men
This, OP has obviously never done group projects with women.

>> No.9335250

They are good if they know what they are doing. If you want to discuss or challenge their results it gets pretty bad. At leasts that my experience. With men, you usually get more disorganized and lazy fucks, but women tendo to be pretty OCD about structure which is not possible in many group work. I think the real lesson here, is learm how to do everything by yourself and in the future you will be paires with competent people.

>> No.9335251

Although women are in general more social, in project work I did not always perceive that as an advantage.
>taking critique on work as a personal insult

>> No.9335276
File: 443 KB, 2000x1125, Art24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>group for a project is made mainly of women

Fixed your photo, OP.

Seems OP is a beta cuck soyboy.

>> No.9335283
File: 463 KB, 1070x601, tfw double suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>group project is half Sandnigger

>> No.9335287

life is not anime
3D women are disgusting

>> No.9335292

He didn't say they didn't, he just said he couldn't speak freely in that environment.

>> No.9335300

>taking critique on work as a personal insult
I've almost never had this NOT be true when working with women. Maybe I just have bad luck.

>> No.9335332

>>group project is half Sandnigger
>Living in a shithole

>> No.9335336

>group project is a balanced mix of men and women and people of colour, and diversity in faiths and sexual orientations

fuck this post modernist shit

>> No.9335341

>We finished the overview anon, can you do the calculations and data analysis?

>> No.9335354

>group project consists mostly of "people" that should really have not passed high school

such is life in south africa

wish I could go to a real school

>> No.9335356

Babylon wasn't built in a day anon, you just need to become more inclusive :^)

>> No.9335357

>group consists entirely of white men (north England) and me (white girl)
>very competitive amongst them, everyone trying their best to one up each other in terms of work
>cruise along doing nothing

>> No.9335358

That's the reality in many places. Unis at the end just want that sweet tuition.

>> No.9335365

If Geert becomes lord emperor of the Netherlands Martin Bosma will come with the Dutch navy to set you free anon

>> No.9335367

>tfw western european uni
>all the brainlets get filtered out
feels good man

although they let some people through because they get more money for people who actually finish their degrees

>> No.9335376
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>> No.9335395

>forced groups for easy projects that are faster to do individually

>> No.9335492

>No lower half

Totally emasculated, then?

>> No.9335497

and what happened to Babylon?

>> No.9335502

It became a great story people are still talking about. Doesn't that make you think?

>> No.9335504
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>Those first semester tests with 70+% failure rate

>> No.9335505

God fucked them up, cause people of different races are not supposed to work together

>> No.9335515

>Are on time with their results
>No stupid excuses, will tell you if they tried and failed way before the deadline, not during a review
>No egotrips about muh code owning
>Stick to code guide lines
>Will do all the menial work around the complicated part which you can complete without autistic inference
Best part: as they admit that their part is running badly or is not on time, they are open to feedback afterwards. They just take it personal if you review and comment it for no reason.

That said, if you have too many girls, they will start some drama after a while and if you have too many whiteknights, the girls will do nothing and suck the whiteknights dry.