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9329891 No.9329891 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't animals develop sexual fetishes like humans? Why are we so fucked up?

>> No.9329892

Who says they don't?

>> No.9329894

I couldn't find much on it

>> No.9329903
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>> No.9329908

well maybe its a "behavior" "reward" relationship. im not sure what fetish it is you are talking about, but maybe a human from a early age saw something and was instantly "awarded" afterwards. an award could be anything as simple as food or attention or whatever. and then they seeked said behavior to get the "reward" again? idk really. I'm guessing you went with a dolphin image because they also experience homosexuality like humans do.

>> No.9329930

They do. tons of animals engage in homosexuality, necrophilia, and beastiality. It doesn't matter because they eventually mate normally anyway.

>> No.9329975

can I get some peer reviewed papers?

>> No.9329979

Asking a question like that on 4chan is just going to kill the thread because nobody actually cares enough about educating you to go through the trouble of digging up sources.

Just google it yourself or fuck off

>> No.9329992

yeah fuck off with your "peer reviewed" papers


>> No.9330003

I already did and got practically nothing

>> No.9330020

Rousseau was a fucking putz.

>> No.9330029

So much this.

>> No.9330034

maybe they would if they had to grow up in an animal's version of the cyberpunk hell world that has induced it in us

>> No.9330066


>> No.9330067

the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence fuck off back to """"pol"""" brainlet

>> No.9330079

what is """"pol""". Surely you're not directing me to a political board because I requested some articles regarding sexual deviancy in other species.

>> No.9330151

it's because you can't read anon

>> No.9330156

it would be awfully counterintuitive to ask for an illiterate man to ask for written articles. What is this guy's endgame?

>> No.9330567

There's pretty good evidence that many animals exhibit homosexuality (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals)), and I've heard that different animal of the same species enjoy sex in different ways, which might be called a fetish.

>> No.9330692

Animals do a lot of fucked up(from my prospective(like i see two male dolphin working on the blowhole(so the dolphin photo was't that well choise)))
For example look how a lot of insect developed their penis just to rape the female counterpart
Or search on internet a fascinating thing like the cloacal kiss.
From the fact that stimulating the genitalia give pleasure to animal , is obvious that they will do lot of thing to reach it even the fucked up thing(from a human prospective(maybe for bonobo wouldn't be so fucked(even the dolphing things))).

>> No.9330703

Is just christianity that bring this absolutely pointless obsession with sexuall thing.
Be less christian and fuck who you want how you want ; it shouldn't be cause of embarassment just like when you eat have pleasure and find fun

>> No.9330711

I have vivid and disturbing memories of watching a video of a monkey (or ape) using the mouth of a very-much-still-alive frog as a makeshift fleshlight.

Animals are nasty.

>> No.9330788

>dogs humping legs
>dolphins literally raping people
Humans are literally the only species that can control sexual fetishes and urges.

>> No.9330820

Humans are unique in that our ability to share information is unparalleled in the animal kingdom.
Sharing information includes sharing our fetishes. If one animal develops a weird fetish or kink it doesn't spread far and just dies out.

Once dolphins invent the internet they'll have their own version of /d/ to share fetishes and weird kinks. And it won't be /d/ick girls, it'll be /d/olphingirls.

>> No.9330824

You might like this paper called "The first case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard Anas platyrhynchos (Aves: Anatidae)"

>> No.9330855

Non alpha elephant seals will turn to pedophilia in desperation
look it up
but dont watch the videos, they are sad and disturbing

>> No.9331547

there was an ignobel prize awarded to the authors of the paper "Homosexual Necrophilia in the Mallard Duck"

>> No.9331997

What is it with those damn pedo seals?


>> No.9332002

They do but unlike humans its in different forms and in smaller proportions.

>> No.9332006


>> No.9332017

>implying homosexuality is a fetish and not a genetic predisposition

it' 2017. I thought we were past that "gays are just weird perverts" phase, especially on a board as educated as /sci/

>> No.9332028

Because we're the most intelligent

Sexual attraction is a selection mechanism for more genetically fit mates. The more abstract your sexual selection mechanism, the more likely it is to be able to select heavily for certain traits that need to be exacerbated to become fit in the given environment that the sexual selector evolved in

Since our sexual selection mechanisms are more abstract and complex, they therefore can be exploited in weird ways. Look at foot fetishes for instance. It's likely that some heavy sexual selection took place geared towards evolving towards our modern feet, away from monkey style "hand"-feet. These deeply rooted foot-selection mechanisms may still manifest themselves in the minds of some

>> No.9332117

Source on vid? Asking for a friend.

>> No.9332124

calling him a putz is legit a compliment, I would go all the way to full retard

>> No.9332129 [DELETED] 

its still a perversion. >>>pol or reddit idk but fuck off

>> No.9332131

>complex sexual selection mechanism
top kek

>> No.9332137

Just google ''chimp fucking frog mouth''
But know this, what is seen cannot be unseen.

>> No.9332142

>asks why don't animals develop sexual fetishes like humans
>post the harvey weinsteins of the ocean in his OP

>> No.9332258

Why couldn't a fetish be a development of a genetic predisposition?

>> No.9332693

It is the most complex of any animal, despite being a bullshit Chad-Stacey system

>> No.9332717

Fetish in this context just means any non-average sexual behavior.

>> No.9332719

why else would a dolphin fuck a human?

>> No.9332747
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>> No.9332755

I'm curious, but I don't want to google it for obvious reasons.

>> No.9332775

>complex system
>aka fuck anyone who is 6'4+, has muscles and a square jaw
holy shit this so complex
even jumping spiders have more complex partner selection

>> No.9332778

Im fairly certain chimps have been documented using crude dildos.

>> No.9332780

How many of our fetishes revolve around things like clothing, toys or violating social taboos, though? Not all of them, but when you take those sorts of things away, things not really available to Flipper or Cheetah, there may not be much left.

>> No.9332790

I dunno, pre-Christianity Romans had a pretty strong obsession with sex. They got up to all sorts of perverted shit.

>> No.9332820

Is English your native language?

>> No.9332855

>implying fetish didn't exist before technology.

>> No.9332874

As a bisexual man, If that matters to you, I feel in this context it's best to assume that by "fetish" we are referring to and sexual practice or sexually incited practice done seemingly with intent outside of reproducing.

>> No.9333519


>> No.9333668

Anyone who's that fucking shallow and retarded is not someone you want to be with.