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9323284 No.9323284[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9323304

Humans globally are all monkeys who can't break out of their culture's groupthink

I always laugh at people who talk like female circumcision is the worst thing possible and how Muslims are barbaric for it while acting like the mass cutting of boys is normal and healthy

>> No.9323309


>> No.9323313

you realize you're max projecting

OP didn't even mention the j word

>> No.9323323

yeah but the circumcision thing is a literal /pol/ meme

>> No.9323342

>go to medical school to become a doctor to help people
>become a baby dick mutilator who inflicts irreversible trauma that forever damages brain development at the earliest age possible

Not only that but:
Penal gland chafes against clothing because there's no skin covering to protect it.
Decreased sensitivity/pleasure.
Fucked up looking dick when compared to a natural dick.

It is not a /pol/ thing.
It is not a meme.

>> No.9323367


>> No.9323422

they unironically have it right this time

>> No.9324208

because it's really not a big deal, despite what autists on the internet who are bitter about being circumcised think.

>> No.9324213


>Fucked up looking dick when compared to a natural dick.

lol. uncircumcised looks like the loose end of a sausage. there's a reason that virtually all porn (drawn or non drawn) contains dicks that are circumcised. if people actually preferred uncircumcised penises they would show up more often in porn, but the don't.

>> No.9324258

Yeah, I got cut too, but my dick is gorgeous, but I see the point.

>> No.9324312

>be from New Zealand
>go to europe
>fuck multiple 8/10s
>several instantly comment 'omg you're circumcised, that's so hot, I've always wanted a guy with a circumcised dick they look so much better'
>these girls become addicted to my dick and practically beg to be fucked.

Yeah I'm pretty happy that I was cut.

>> No.9324318

Where does this meme that sensation is lost? Can you no longer feel you hands or your nipples? Fucking retarded. That's not how nerves work.

If you had said loss of nerves due to the skin being removed, that's a different story.

>> No.9324329

watch this video

All of it.

>> No.9324330

Obviously you can feel your hands, but your hands aren't nearly as sensitive as the inside of your eyelids for example.

This seems pretty obvious but I guess not.

>> No.9324349
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>your hands aren't nearly as sensitive as the inside of your eyelids for example.
(not true btw)

Sensation comes from your brain, buddy. Not from your hands or your eyelids or your wee wee. An orgasm is an orgasm.

But really the conclusion I've had from reading hundreds of articles, blog posts and opinions on circumcision is that having a little flap of skin on your dick isn't going to magically fix your life problems and I cannot fathom why people are so upset about it.

>> No.9324361

>sensation comes from your brain, buddy. Not from your hands or your eyelids or your wee wee

I mean, you're not wrong. But your brain will process a signal from a nerve differently if it's constantly exposed to stimulation vs not being exposed.

An orgasm will still feel the same, but the actual sensation of touch will be different.

>But really the conclusion I've had from reading hundreds of articles, blog posts and opinions on circumcision is that having a little flap of skin on your dick isn't going to magically fix your life problems and I cannot fathom why people are so upset about it.

I mean sure, absolutely. But you could still lead a plenty fulfilling life if you were born without your genitals, or lost them in an accident... But people get upset over micro-transactions in videogames dude, people get angry over anything. And of all the things to get angry over, the mass genital-modification of infants is a pretty legitimate one to pick, is it not? It just seems kinda fucked up even if the effects truly are insignificant.

>> No.9324376

This whole Malaysian Cake database is /pol/ now friendo

>> No.9324416

Circumcised and uncircumcised penises look the same when erect. Most porn consists of erect penises. You're retarded.

>> No.9324419

uncircumcised are shinier and look slippery and sweaty.

>> No.9324467
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>I cannot fathom why people are so upset about i
If you cant fathom why people would be upset about an unethical procedure performed on infants you are literally an autist

>> No.9324488

Ask your congressman.

>> No.9324610

prove that it's unethical.

>> No.9324625


>> No.9324797

What is this supposed to show, exactly? Honestly I thought it would be a lot worse. The babies didn't even really seem to realize what was going on. The second and third even fell asleep. They seemed just upset with all the buzz and unfamiliar people at first. Really "traumatic," bro.
>b-b-b-but muh blood n shit
Just because you get woozy at the sight of blood doesn't make it unethical. It's a surgery, they're going to be cutting.

>> No.9324812

Circumsised anons, have you confronted your parents about it? How did they react?

>> No.9324835

nigger detected

>> No.9324893


>> No.9324969

The surgery is permanent, has no medical benefit in the first world, is painful and damaging (its literally an amputation) and is being conducted on an infant who has no ability to defend its personal liberty. If people want to get cut when they are old enough to make an informed choice go nuts but prior it should only be performed in cases where its medically required. re the terms of every other surgery. The fact that I need to explain these points to people from NA is so ironic it burns.

>> No.9325099

its literally the jews

>> No.9325142

Major body modifications being done on an unwilling human being is unethical.

>> No.9325146

It literally isn't, you dumb shill

>> No.9325209
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t. Frightened merchant

>> No.9325213

fuck off to your containment board, goyim

>> No.9325217

Learn how to write in Yiddish you fucking anti semite.
Goy= gentile
Goyim = gentiles

>> No.9325226

>cutting girl to make sex unbearable or uneventful
>cutting boys to make sex better and cleaner

yeah i hate them both equally as well.

>> No.9325230
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>> No.9325251
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are you fucking actually mentally handicapped?
>no medical benefit
reduced bacteria collection and easier cleaning to prevent infection
>conducted on an infant
this is literally how i prefer it. cant remember it and nerves arent even filly developed in the penis as a baby. you literally wake up 6 years later and noticed you have a dick. as an adult it would hurt, even if sedated (over the course of the next few days and you would definitely remember that.
>needing to explain these points
seems like youre just jealous that youre not circumsized becaause every man ive ever met has had 0 (zero) complaints about their own circumcision.

>> No.9325286

>every man ive ever met has had zero complaints about their own circumcision.


>> No.9325361

Why stop there? Might as well get rid of finger nails, noses, ears, and teeth as well. None of them are critical to survival and are bacteria breeding grounds. In the rest of the developed world we practice personal hygiene. I hope you now realize how fucking retarded you sound.

>> No.9325400

>reduced bacteria collection and easier cleaning to prevent infection
>Americans literally CUT OFF their dick skin to avoid touching their peepees frequently

>> No.9325427

Female circumcision is much more painful, inconvenient and dangerous than male circumcision.
That being said, male circumscision is some barbaric nonsense >>9325226 that really isn't worth it, and I can't even imagine how it would make sex better? It even desensitizes the glans.

>> No.9325458
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>reduced bacteria collection and easier cleaning to prevent infection
you might as well remove your teeth because its a breeding ground for bacteria, and dont forget teeth decay, cavities etc, just remove them, you will never have to brush them or worry about bacteria

>conducted on an infant
>this is literally how i prefer it.
wow just wow, given how america or western world is a free world, democracy with human rights, somehow mutilating a newborn baby is accepted and encouraged.

>> No.9325638

I'm pretty torn about the issue

I got circumsized when I was 2 and I'm pretty happy about it. I know for sure I wouldn't circumsize myself on my own accord because it would hurt and I wouldn't care enough to, so it was certainly beneficial for me.

But it is 100% unethical. My brother got circumsized too for example and he says he'd prefer if he hadn't gotten. You can't really circumsize a child without he has the ability to make his own decisions. It's the same shit as braindead sjw's raising their children "gender neutral", just on a much less drastic scale.

>> No.9325688

>there's a reason that virtually all porn (drawn or non drawn) contains dicks that are circumcised
Because it's all made in the USA.
>Can you no longer feel you hands or your nipples?
Astronauts have really sensitive skin on the soles of their feet after they come back to Earth because the calluses fall off.

>> No.9325902

$0.05 has been deposited in your account.

>> No.9325964

I confront my parents with my circumcised penis daily

>> No.9325984

It's been shown SCIENTIFICALLY that it reduces more sexual pleasure how does it feel to know the Jews have taken away your sexual pleasure before you even knew about it? If you don't clean your genitals you deserve every infection you get same goes for your teeth.

>> No.9326000

I posted here earlier, but the biggest problem isn't actually a reduction in pleasure, it's in difficulty of attaining said pleasure, because without using lubricant, most cut people, without using lubricant of some sort, have a difficult time stimulating the glans, the most sensitive part of the penis, and for some people with particularly tight cuts it makes masturbating the normal and natural way basically impossible, and less pleasurable for those who have enough slack left to masturbate that way.

Even if there is *no* other way it effects pleasure, that's still enough of a reason to oppose it for me, which I would already be willing to do on purely moral grounds... But having to use lube to jerk off kinda sucks I would assume? like for years I never understood why people did it in movies because I've literally never had to use it. .

>> No.9326180

dis rite here, however, OP is rite

True that. Being cut is pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.9326527

that's an axiom.

>> No.9326545

I thought I was the only young NZ male who was cut in the entire nation
Anyway, just because yurocucks apparantly love cut dick (which is why they slobber on muzzies) doesn't mean that it is remotely right, in fact it is pure evil
It removes most of the sensation and pleasure from the male, because the foreskin has most of the nerves
If you have kids, please don't get them cut

>> No.9326555


>> No.9326625

my wife is probably going to give birth in about a month.

if it's a boy he is getting circumcised.

be mad.

>> No.9326759

>cutting boys to make sex better and cleaner
No...no it doesn't. Please leave this board jewslave americut.

>> No.9326764

Refer to
>Humans globally are all monkeys who can't break out of their culture's groupthink

>le ur just jealous for NOT being mutilated at birth with reduction in pleasure, self, and absolutely no benefits at all except adherence superstition and tradition.
This is a science board, just because you got the snip doesn't mean you should irrationally defend it, surpass your subjective individual self.

>> No.9326770

You're the one mutilating your kid for literally no reason except because some jew doctors told your country to a few generations ago. It's on you, not us.

>> No.9326790

You disgust me.

>> No.9326804

No one cares about you or your wife's son.

>> No.9326807




>> No.9326874


>> No.9326878

You are fucking retarded. Male circumcision also makes sex less fun as well and it does not make it cleaner. Fuck off kike.

>> No.9326889
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>Prevent infection
All studies show that is barely does and even then that is only if you literally never wash your penis.
>THis is literally how i prefer it
You prefer it when the people getting hurt are children? You sick fuck.
>Can't remember it
You can subconsciously. It has been proven that circumcision causes permanent mental damage. Not only that but children feel pain more intensely as adults.
Let's not forget
>Makes sex less enjoyable
>Makes fapping less enjoyable
>Complications with circumcision have ruined the dicks of and even killed children
>It makes you a mutilated freak

>> No.9326893

That is literally what it is anon.

>> No.9326941

yes but the problem is with word appropriation.

often, groups try really hard to attach a specific bad sounding word to something they don't like.

>> No.9326943


>It makes you a mutilated freak

someone is upset that women who have the choice of both prefer circumcised dick over a weird looking floppy worm.

>> No.9326962

>Women prefer a mutilated person to a healthy person
I doubt that anon.

>> No.9326965

This. We should call murder "Life prevention"

>> No.9326971


like abortion.

abortion is murder whether you like it or not.

but is murder REALLY the right word? no. it's not. "murdering" a fetus or even an infant is hardly as bad as murdering an adult.

>> No.9326984

>anteater, greasy, smelly dick
>clean dick with no weird extra bits. just a small white ring past the tip.

I have sucked on an uncut dick before. I didn't like it. it's gross.

face it dude. cut dicks are literally just better. if uncut was actually better you would see uncut much more often in drawn porn - but you don't. despite what you want to believe, people generally think of a cut dick as an ideal dick. hell, whenever i DO see an uncut dick they literally draw waft lines coming off it to indicate that it has an odor.

>> No.9326999


>> No.9327021

trips and the correct answer, wew lad

>> No.9327396

>"murdering" a fetus or even an infant is hardly as bad as murdering an adult.
And now I realize how DT managed to get elected

>> No.9327402

Using your anecdotal, and personal experience to justify the abuse of infants who should they choose could have it done at a later point regardless. Want to know how I can tell you are a woman?

The absolute state of America,

>> No.9327767

>be from Australia
>go to America
>fuck multiple 9/10s
>several instantly comment 'omg you're uncircumcised, that's so hot, I've always wanted a guy with an uncircumcised dick they look so much better'
>these girls become addicted to my dick and practically beg to be fucked.

Checkmate, my good gentile.

>> No.9329671

Or you can bathe

>> No.9329679

>be from outta space
>go to earth
>fuck entire towns of 10/10s
>several instantly comment 'omg you're dick is a flexible appendage that also functions as another limb, that's so hot, I've always wanted a guy with a dick that is a flexible appendage that also functions as another limb, they look so much better'
>these girls become literally addicted to my ayylmao dick and literally beg to be fucked.

>> No.9329801
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>mfw Americans remove their fingernails to prevent natural grime from building up underneath them

>> No.9329824


> abuse of infants


> could have it done at a later point regardless

circumcision is a hassle. might as well get the beneficial operation out of the way during infancy.

>> No.9329829

>implying bathing makes a difference.

>> No.9329865

>make sex better and cleaner
Even if this were true (it's not!) that would still be no justification for cutting boys before the age of consent.

>> No.9329872

>Not wanting poison claws
Not gonna make it in the racewar

>> No.9329895

smelly basement dwelling neckbeard detected

>> No.9329904

at the very least it should be forbidden to perform circumcisions for anyone but licensed surgeons

Mohels are not doctors

>> No.9329927

t. guy who doesn't get it because he still has his foreskin

>> No.9329984

I'm cut and I agree with him. If it wasn't in vogue to get all up in arms about it, I bet you wouldn't even notice.

>> No.9331022
File: 49 KB, 183x190, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>∃people that grow up with normal dicks and then choose to fuck it up.