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File: 755 KB, 720x601, B5Xa0ik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9322483 No.9322483 [Reply] [Original]

My dad is thoroughly convinced that perpetual energy machines exist. I dont believe that such a thing can exist in an actual reality. I've tried explaining that you cant just put a windmill on a car while driving and drive forever on the power generated from the windmill while the car is in motion, while he disagrees to the point where he threw a tantrum and broke the front door to the house in rage while calling "a fucking stupid idiot that doesn't know shit."

Aside from not bringing that kind of situation up again, how can i explain to him that perpetual energy machines simply do not exist. Something else to note is that this is the same man that believe muslims control the weather all over the world from their cube.

>> No.9322486

Just leave your retarded dad. Probably you're not even his child, all evidence points to him being a cuckold.

>> No.9322490


Just use google or the sqt

>> No.9322496

I honestly feel sorry for you.
Some people cannot be convinced by any amount of evidence.
You didn't give us a hint of how old you are, but I hope you can get away soon.

You _could_ ask him why ExxonMobile is so profitable if energy was free -- but that risks starting another freak-out.

>> No.9322502

Convince him to make the machine lol
He'll find out eventually, or die wasting his time.

>> No.9322508

He brought up oil companies buying the patents for these so called perpetual energy machines, and asked why they would do that, and I said
>"Because they dont want people making their own energy"
But before i could continue he went on and on about how stupid I am, without letting me finish with
>"because they would use such engines to just magically make energy out of nowhere and still charge for it, which why dont, because they dont exist."

For all I know, perpetual engines could exist in some fashion, against all logic, however the fact that I know he's basing all this knowledge he thinks he has on hearsay, tabloids, and strange websites, really kills any credit he may or may not have had.

Hell, for all I know, his idea of a perpetual engine is an engine that just runs on water, which still wouldnt be one, but in his mind that could be exactly what hes referring to.

>> No.9322509

>falling for the jewish physics meme
What are you a numale cuck?

>> No.9322511
File: 360 KB, 726x600, sarcoptes scabiei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad? Try living with someone who has a debilitating, self-destructive, even suicidal case of delusional parasitosis and refuses to recognize negative diagnoses and lab results even when you explain them carefully in full. Try explaining to her that the apparent lack of effect from mainstream medical treatments is only further sign that her condition is not parasitic, if it's even real at all. Try watching her spend literally every waking hour sobbing to herself, applying bullshit snake-oil treatments and probing for imaginary bugs and every random speck of dirt with Q-tips and a shitty USB microscope. Try listening to her say she "can't go on like this" through the tears when you know full-well that "this" is entirely in her head.

I'm probably going to have to have my own mother committed. Or worse, wake up one morning and find her dead next to an empty bottle of pills. Your problems ain't shit, anon.

>> No.9322515

>threw a tantrum and broke the front door to the house
>believe muslims control the weather
If it was just the perpetual motion it wouldn't be a big deal, but you're clearly dealing with a mentality similar to a /pol/tard. As you should know by now, it's simply pointless to "argue" with those.
Don't be an autist yourself, just let him be wrong, none of this is actually important in either of your lives.

>> No.9322526

My mom is almost similar, she has this issue where, despite working in a hospital, uses webmd for everything, and ill get calls at all hours of the night and day with her bawling because she has nine types of cancer and hepasyphilaids A through Z and will be dead by the end of the month.

I can't help but argue, because its really the only thing we have in common. i'm a shut-in, hes a partier, I sit at my computer when not at work, he tinkers with cars, he rents a prostitute two or three times a week, im celibate and find sex repulsive. Aside from a handful of other things like hot sauce and sleep, the only thing we got in common is a love to argue.

>> No.9322527


Have you considered grinding antipsychotics into her food or anything?

>> No.9322529

Ask her to show vagene first.

>> No.9322541

the whole universe is perpetual energy machine

>> No.9322542

>My dad is thoroughly convinced that perpetual energy machines exist.
Tell him you know it's true because his mouth is a perpetual motion machine and it's running on nothing.

>> No.9322548

Yeah, amongst other options. Not sure how I'd go about getting them though.

At present I'm leaning towards an intervention with an ultimatum - open up to the possibility that she's delusional and begin psychiatric treatment voluntarily, or else be involuntarily committed. The rest of my family seems even more confrontation-averse than I am though. I suppose I'm willing to be the bad guy if that's what it takes but I have to work up the nerve first.

>> No.9322557

>I dont believe that such a thing can exist in an actual reality.
If something from nothing is impossible, how come something exists?

>> No.9322563

You can not un-retard him.
Your only hope is to get him to build his imaginary machine.

>> No.9322566
File: 54 KB, 197x259, leface_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really believe that crap?

>> No.9322575

>oil companies buying the patents

A patented perpetual machine would actually be something wonderful. You see, patents are, by their very essence, public. In this case you could a) demand the patent name and number and b) build a sample for study and further development. Such use is totally allowed on patents, but you could not use the invention for commercial purposes. Furthermore, patents expiry, since that is their nature - they provide for the inventor an exclusive use for certain time, after which everybody can use the novel idea. They are an agreement between inventor and society.

A working perpetual motion machine patented would spell tremendously good times ahead! But, well, since they do not exist...

>> No.9322596

>he tinkers with cars
Allow him to build a perpetual motion machine, watch him fail. Easy peasy

>> No.9322602

Not quite right.
If you make a patented apple peeler and use it in your kitchen, I doubt you'll get into trouble.
If you build a multi-million dollar rotary web-press, you'll be sued even if you don't use it commercially or sell it.

There are, actually, several patented perpetual motion machines. The US patent office dropped the requirement for working models long ago. Lack of storage space.
You can get the plans for the machines easily enough. None of them work, of course.


>> No.9322747

I still beg to differ slightly. No research department has ever been sued for building a working perpetual motion machine for any purpose, notwithstanding price or other expenses.

However, for the fundamental reason why this is so, we can probably agree completely.

>> No.9322762

I meant the part about "ok to build patented item so long as you don't commercialize it".

Things are getting worse. Companies using DMCA to claim you can't even _study_ their product. John Deere sues anyone but an Authorized Deere Service Center who tries to look "under the hood" and fix tractor they've bought and paid for.

>> No.9322785

OP's dad BTFO

>> No.9322919

Actually, you can put a windmill on a car. If there's enough wind, you can drive forever. You really don't know shit.

>> No.9322924

Ameritards tend to forget that most of the world isn't america.
People build and commercialize patented items it all the time. There are billion dollar companies in China whose entire business plan is to shamelessly copy Apple products (or indeed John Deere equipment). They can't sell it globally but nobody gives a fuck because there's more potential consumers in China than america and europe combined.

It's an undeniable fact that if a patent for something revolutionary existed, China would be mass producing it already

>> No.9322954

>you cant just put a windmill on a car while driving and drive forever on the power generated from the windmill while the car is in motion
Generators on yachts are pretty fucking close. With electric motors where they are it wouldn't surprise me at all if drone boats could sail perpetually without recharging. That's not really perpetual energy ofcourse.

>> No.9322974

Just show him that the work that comes out of the system is lower than the work put into a system. The ratio of the two should be less than one, so it "loses" energy over time as it runs. To be perpetual, the efficiency would have to be greater than one. That is an easy example, just set up the problem

>> No.9323002


>> No.9323082

She probably has OCD, you need to get her mental help before she goes completely bonkers

>> No.9323090
File: 65 KB, 1664x945, MN156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Horizontal Magnetic Levitation - Room Temperature.


>> No.9323106
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>> No.9323113

>Something else to note is that this is the same man that believe muslims control the weather all over the world from their cube.

wait, we don't?

>> No.9323121
File: 94 KB, 400x300, Cherubim Wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cherubim drive internals.


>> No.9323122
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Vimana Internals


>> No.9323126
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>> No.9323128
File: 833 KB, 250x277, 1anifolmetcubetreeoflife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you hear the music?


>> No.9323134


As above so below.


>> No.9323217
File: 1.95 MB, 576x324, AFfzcwm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9323294

>Your problems ain't shit, anon.
So you're problems are bigger therefore my back doesn't hurt? I'm sure your situation is insufferable but come on, you have to be able to see that this person is having a real issue right?

>> No.9323333

Make the confrontation happen, I know it hurts but she needs this, I know you want her to be hapoy, you clearly care deeply about her and I respect that, the only way she's going to get better is get help, try telling her that if she goes through with it that doesn't mean it's not real, make sure she knows that if normal medicine has failed her this could lead her to a cure even if it's not in her head.

>> No.9323335

Becuase "nothing" has properties beyond our understanding. Truly "nothing" like "outside" of the universe doesn't have to fit our understanding of the rules of nature.

>> No.9323343

Are you retarded?

>> No.9323347

I dont know, i feel it would be in reason for drone ships in theory but im fairly sure anon is refering to sticking wind turbines ontop of your car and using the power generated by driving the car at high speed to continue to drive at high speed forever.

>> No.9323355

No, she's suffering from a delusion, OCD wouldn't cover what she has nut I could see her with it aswell, easily.

>> No.9323453
File: 413 KB, 1074x900, tesla_zpe_quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how can i explain to him that perpetual energy machines simply do not exist.

Start off by not showing him this quote.

>> No.9323456

Sailboats are a thing my man.

>> No.9323465
File: 3.72 MB, 1661x1657, Bob_Lazar_infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, don't mention zero-point energy and electrogravitics. Be sure to convince him it's all pseudoscience perpetuated by frauds, and that there isn't a shred of legitimacy to any of it.

>> No.9323466

Thank you for confirming that you are indeed too stupid to answer the question that was asked. Thank you. Please leave now.

>> No.9323468
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1511506670293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all me

>> No.9323469

Your dad is schizophrenic.

>> No.9323470
File: 3.81 MB, 1915x1279, Nazi_SSP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We wouldn't want your pa to entertain any wild ideas.

>> No.9323471

there is nothing you can do, just do not talk about it, avoid such subjects.
If your dad insists, ask him respectfully to agree to disagree

>> No.9323476
File: 24 KB, 300x400, 1511407697891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't show him this meme either.

>> No.9323478

That's just bipolar disorder, jackass.

>> No.9323484
File: 3.69 MB, 1591x2348, Faked_photos:footage?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But the best solution would probably be to reprimand your dad for wrongthink.

>> No.9323491
File: 1.15 MB, 960x1046, arv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9323521


>> No.9323528

Quads of truth. Anon, as having a mom with depression and bipolar disorder, ultimatums are the only way they’ll ever get serious about something

>> No.9323705

Everyone who doesn't have multiple stage 4 cancers can leave the hospital now, since we only care about the very worst of problems. We've fixed healthcare!

>> No.9323710

>alien reproduction vehicle
Is this a weird sex thing?

>> No.9323729

No, I'm not. Are you retarded?
It's even easier to accomplish when you have wheels on the ground.

Just connect your windmill to the wheels with a proper gearbox.

>> No.9323735

>perpetual motion machine
>does no work

I don't think you know what these words mean.

>> No.9323740


There is no such thing as schizophrenia.

>> No.9323748

There are things that cannot be fixed anon.

>> No.9323766

You simply can't. I recommend you have him committed because he's a danger to you and others, or simply dose him up real good with a heroic amount of mescaline.
The trip should either wipe all the crazy away or push him into full-blown psychosis, in which case it would be even easier to have him committed.

You have a shitty dad, and you're a fucking loser for staying with him. I bet he became lucid for a second, he'd tell you just the same -- you're fool for putting up with him.

>> No.9323800
File: 241 KB, 2474x1187, russlel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he got THAT upset about the idea I doubt there's any way to change his mind

>> No.9323804

you know that an object floating a few cm above an object is energetically equivalent to an object sitting directly atop an object, right? The only difference is that magnetism acts across larger distances than electronic forces (ie. the repulsion of valence electrons of the surfaces of the two objects). If you "zoomed in" close enough on a block sitting on a table, it would very much still be "floating;" it would just be floating a few nanometers instead of a few centimeters.

>> No.9323816

Oh so she really does have undetectable parasites? Good to know. You cured mental illness anon.

>> No.9323817

You need to figure out what has triggered this problem and hope it isn't genetic. You may not end up with the same problem regardless, but you may have other issues. Knowing is half the battle.

Also, you are using a logical fallacy for, "Your problems ain't shit, anon."

>> No.9323823



>> No.9323856

> Something else to note is that this is the same man that believe muslims control the weather all over the world from their cube.
Please elaborate more on this. Because I really want to know why he thinks its the Muslims behind this and not the classic tried and trued scapegoat of the Jews.

>> No.9323859

All Abrahamic religions are jewish shit desu.

>> No.9323871
File: 53 KB, 930x404, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly perpetual motion isn't that stupid of an idea. Plenty of things can produce work using absent energy and noise. Biology uses brownian motors all the time

>> No.9323931

this guy is making really good science.

>> No.9323967


>> No.9323976

I said brownian motor not ratchet. They're seen all over biology

>> No.9323991

Brownian motors are not perpetual. They consume ATP.

>> No.9323995

>relative privation

>> No.9324224

Show this to your dad, it is probably the only "free energy" device of interest that will shape the next generation of magnetic based technology (everything).

I could banter about muh laws of thermodynamics and whatnot, but the fact is that you will NEVER create something from nothing. That being said, you CAN move what energy is already there by the use of pressure mediation. Everything works of pressure mediation; low/high, hot/cold, implosion/explosion, It's only a matter of how "efficient" you can use the energy. The energy never disappears, it just turns into another form waiting to be used by something that can unlock it's potential.
And there is a shitload of potential, even in the smallest amount of dust on your floor.

>> No.9324281

your dad is a brainlet, wich explains this post

>> No.9324303


This is one of the dumbest videos I've seen in weeks.

Thanks you

>> No.9324305
File: 18 KB, 458x458, i least you tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noise is not energy
retard plz

>> No.9324309

>Biology uses brownian motors
they are quimically powered, and those chemicals gain power from the sun as almost every energy does somehow.

>> No.9324333

Your dad is hopelessly mentally ill. There's nothing you can do abiut that. You, too, are mentally ill, because of your obsessive/addictive involvement in your dad's mental illness. There are things you can do about that. But that's your problem.

>> No.9324350

actually i read about this thing and it makes sense, only that i duobt it could be moved by such small particles (wich i would like to know why they move)

>> No.9324351

it's called being a hypochondriac, which is closely related to bipolar disorder...

>> No.9324359

Maybe you should quit being a fucking stupid idiot that doesn't know shit.

>> No.9324363
File: 55 KB, 470x470, 1510798148301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through nearly the same thing with my mom. I'm 25 and Just want her to snap out of it. I don't have a choice I dont think I could leave her, but getting help is hard she doesn't want to try and cries wolf whenever we try take her to a specialist that might reveal her true condition. She has PTSD from getting beat the death and then resuscitated about 20 years ago. No idea what to do.

>> No.9324372


>that one about the hills

Those hills aren't hills, they're 5km tall mountains. Without an atmosphere to introduce distance haze, you can't tell how far away stuff is. The astronauts actually experienced this a lot, deciding to go check out a nearby waist-tall rock only to realize it's a far away house sized boulder, or being careful to avoid falling into a crater that is over 500 meters away.

If the Moon were a perfect sphere, then its horizon would be much closer. However, 'much closer' is still several dozen kilometers, compared to the hundred or so standing on the Earth.

>Why doesn't the rover have tracks

It does, they're in the photo, they're hard to see because of the lighting.
Also the astronauts are off the rover because they're taking samples further form the landing site, which is the point of the rover in the first place.

>why is the rover different from mission to mission

Because they're different rovers, and after each mission the design was modified to make it better.


The LEM shadow is falling on flat ground. The foreground objects are on a slope. Also none of those colored lines even line up to the fucking shadows lol.

>> No.9324449

Perpetual energy exists inside black holes.

>> No.9324580

I did honestly believe in this stuff and was probably nearing a state of psychosis, but a friend of mine experienced a legit one with hospitalization and became very sceptical after that (although kinda bored and seemingly less happy), inspiring me to become one too to some extend. Although i like to play around with that stuff because that kind of world view is more fun. If not real, it would be kinda cool if it were real.

>> No.9324642

>you cant since we dont know if they exist

>> No.9324735

>China would be mass producing it
pretty much

or you would see lawsuits, also public record

>> No.9324776

Yeah, well my father locked himself in a room with a double barreled shotgun and pulled the trigger. I was 9 years old and in the next room.
Take a number and get in line. Pussy.

>> No.9324791

hes misunderstanding oil companies buying out alternative energy patents.

>> No.9324803

no, if you zoomed in youd get no physical things just fields

>> No.9324818


If he accepts these then he doesn't accept perpetual motion, if he doesn't accept these he lives in fairy land and you can't discuss further. That's the long and short of it

>> No.9324855

Yes I know that, but for all intents and purposes sustainable motions from ambient energy is basically free energy

>> No.9325265

the problem with psychiatry is they won't help anymore if they ever did. idk if therapy exists anymore with people trying to just talk to you. they have you list your symptoms then perscribe you anti psychotics now. that's it. if you try to help in some other way they'll tell you to stop or they won't prescribe anymore pills. all the pills do is sedate you too. they will most likely still have all the delusions and hallucinations

>> No.9325279


go back to /x/

>> No.9325287

doesnt even know difference between harnessing energy that is not a constant and producing more energy than is required to continue a function indefinitely

>> No.9325293
File: 15 KB, 320x278, perpetual motion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this your dad?

>> No.9325329

unironically though, why would that not work?

>> No.9325356

the post above me is ironic don't even bother

>> No.9325365
File: 12 KB, 200x200, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not though
im just dumb

>> No.9325541


>> No.9326358

the magnet on the car is attracting the one on the hook equally as much as the other it
they cancel eachother out, and prevent movement

>> No.9326362

try calling him a brainlet and telling him to kill himself, that usually works.

>> No.9326510

Just use Muslim cube magic to cure your mother through the power of allah

>> No.9326563

No. You literally cannot escape entropy.

>> No.9326588

>they have you list your symptoms then perscribe you anti psychotics now.
You are looking for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, not pills. CBT is talk therapy.

>> No.9326631

Actio est reactio.

>> No.9326771


>> No.9326785

You'll have to find it for yourself, but Feynman gave a brainlet-level lecture on why perpetual motion is impossible. It comes replete with line drawings for the cognitively impaired and traces of humour for those in need of distraction.

>> No.9326796
File: 80 KB, 750x500, the-feast-the-mountains-diet-promote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, perpetual motion machines exist and aren't that hard to make. Introducing kinetic energy to a frictionless system will cause it to move forever (like the classic example of a spinning top in space). The problem arises when someone tries to remove energy from the system: they're only going to receive at best (perfect transfer of energy) the energy they put in.
A couple of years ago my dad got into the idea of a perpetual motion device. I explained that it's not practical using this line of reasoning and it shut him up pretty quick. Of course, my dad doesn't throw destructive fits.
(What's your front door made of? Mine's reinforced with steel and you'd have to be pic related to get through it without a sledgehammer.)

>> No.9326869

This is actually a thing. There was one man who said he had figured perpetual motion or something like it. I saw him on a re-run of Johnny Carson months ago. I remember hearing that it was all refuted and he was a scam artist. Idk.

>> No.9326926

From Wikipedia: "A machine uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an intended action." Can we call a system we can't use for work a "machine"?