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9320264 No.9320264 [Reply] [Original]

>tried to talk about interesting topics at thanksgiving dinner
>end up sounding like a complete autist

>> No.9320295

Try imagining a 10 year old and now explain those topics in an interesting way which he can easily understand. Practice this the next time you want to talk about interesting topics with people that don't know anything about what you're talking about.

>> No.9320298

>so anon, how's your PhD program going, what do you do?
>"ahh it's just boring biology stuff, it's really not interesting"
>No tell us what you do exactly!
>can literally see eyes glazing over

nothing new.

>> No.9320324



>> No.9320695
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>Hey anon what is your PhD on
>start explaining
>oh cool hey so do you have a girlfriend yet?

>> No.9320812

This is why you don't start a quest without the required Speech level, you're just gonna fail the Speech checks.

>> No.9320963

Have you tried not being an autist

>> No.9320971

define "interesting"

>> No.9320983

Try explaining your work to an average non-specialist some rime. You might learn a lot about things you thought you knew but didn't really understand. It can be like homework in that way. And if you can't do it at all, maybe you don't really have evidence for it yourself.

>> No.9321148

Not OP, but
>someone brought up Justice League and superman on the dinner table
>when talking about superman eventually someone gonna talk about kryptonite
>told everyone that kryptonite cannot possibly exist, because krypton is a noble gas and has 8 valence electron, hence it doesn't oxidize, reduce, and only ionize at very high unsustainable plasma temperature
>get laughed at by my dumb 8 year old cousin

>> No.9321197

explain what your current phd program is and i'm sure i could give you a good short explanation for it

>> No.9321206

That's because you are one, Anon.

>> No.9321211

my good buddy in high school gave me some real n**** advice one time: "you're trying too hard"
it's like he broke the fourth wall with that one man

>> No.9321215

kryptonite isn't krypton. in the film it's described as something similar to jadarite: sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide with fluorine

either way it doesn't match all the properties from the movie, and as a fictional element it doesn't really have to

>> No.9321224

>trying to argue that kryptonite doesn't exist because krypton is a noble gas

Now that's what I call autism.

>> No.9321234

>krypton can't form any compounds
KrF2 (and similarly KrF) can exist, and KrF2 is a powerful oxidizer, in fact it has the highest oxidation state and it's the most powerful oxidizing agent known

>> No.9321236

Let me guess you talked about:
>quantum consciousness
>your IQ
>how easy linear algebra is

>> No.9321246
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>KrF2 (and similarly KrF) can exist, and KrF2 is a powerful oxidizer, in fact it has the highest oxidation state and it's the most powerful oxidizing agent known

There's a reason why it's volatile, because it has noble gas in it and it is extremely unstable, so the flouride gonna want to react with other things and get the fuck out the krypton. The end result of all reaction is Kr(g) which is back to the stable noble gas, hence proving my point.

Anyway I digress, if the uneducated masses want to stay dumb then it is not my fault

>> No.9321249

Yeah, that's how normal people work.

>friend forced me to parttake in an local "astronomy" club
>founded by people somewhat interested in astrophotography and astronomy in general
>most of them aren't very knowledgeable
>the club is overrun by normies in recent months

>they invited an actual uni professor to talk about his work
>starts talking about orbital dynamics, dv, cost to get to mars etc
>give a normal lecture

>someone in the audience snores loudly (on purpose)
>everyone laughs
>nobody is paying attention

Afterwards they were all talking about how boring it was but still claim to be interested in the subject.

This is normies for you.

That depends on your audience. If they don't care anyway, sounding patronizing won't do you any good. But many people are borderline retarded when it comes to technical stuff so it's a valid approach sometimes.

>> No.9321250


>> No.9321253

the fuck? they were that rude to a professor?

i mean i get it if they were fucking around on their phones or just not paying attention, since that's just typical shitty behavior, but going out of your way to be rude to someone who didn't even *have* to do this lecture?

how did the professor react to that?

>> No.9321268

The guy didn't take it badly, after all he chose to go there lol.
There were a handful of people paying attention, and he tried to "dumb down" the lecture and skip some stuff, both on his own initiative as well on others suggestions.

it's not so much about his status as a professor as much as a bunch of grown men and women in their 40s acting like a bunch of k12 kids on math class, while they chose to be there.

>> No.9321274


>it has noble gas in it and it
>the end result of all reaction is Kr(g) which is back to the stable noble gas
>hence proving my point

That doesn't prove your point. It shows that Kr can form compounds, although unstable. Don't move the goal post, anon.

>> No.9321278

Normies ruin everything.

>> No.9321301

>It shows that Kr can form compounds, although unstable
My original point was Kryptonite, presumably some kind of Krypton oxides solids cannot possibly exist, check my initial wording >>9321148. I acknowledge that you can ionize Krypton at very high temperature, and KrF2 has to be made with quoting the wiki here

>The hot wire method for the production of KrF2 uses krypton in a solid state with a hot wire running a few centimeters away from it as fluorine gas is then run past the wire. The wire has a large current, causing it to reach temperatures around 680 °C

Even then the KrF2 liquid is incredibly unstable and needs to be kept at -77C. I don't see the tip of batman's spear being -77 oxidizing liquid, it is a solid dumb green chunk of crystalline rock. I acknowledge that I didn't know KrF2 exist, but my original dinner table point still stands

>> No.9321310

>if the uneducated masses want to stay dumb then its not my fault

Chill the fuck out dude. It's just comics. Nobody actually expects an indestructible man with X-ray vision and laser eyes to exist, let alone have his weakness be fragments of his exploded birth planet.

You sound like you'd get pissed if you found out that kids believe in Santa Claus or the Easter rabbit.

>> No.9321528

Normals must be exterminated

>> No.9322717

Makes no sense, sounds like the type of people to wear a NASA shirt everyday.

>> No.9323721

There is a depth in any given topic when the complexity leaves any concise, non-trivial abstraction to the most generalized (simplified) case no longer feasible. Lack of good heuristics to judge interest, and level of knowledge and understanding, relative to the lack of proper self contained areas, is also a problem.

In my mind there are only a few things that are even remotely important, and their consequences are all encompassing, and their nature is brutal. A lot of people won't, or cannot go there. So I don't say much. Any common ground has near fully eroded, and I have no desire to rebuild those things within myself.

Most of my family is dead anyway. The few that are left aren't so bad, but they have stable coping mechanisms developed and perspectives that provide the means to function in the world and have some semblence of "this is my normal and worth participating / surviving in." I just don't have it in me. If it shows, things either go quiet or they begin to dig in and want to unravel what the hell is so wrong for me. Nothing worth saying, nothing worth hearing. Neither party will be changed, no solution will be found, nothing will change for anyone. Inside or out. Shit is all fucked.

I didn't even go to Thanksgiving this year. Set my alarm and didn't bother to get up. In previous years the interface I've used was either apathy (blunted lack of social adaptation) or dissociation, ie walling off the mind and inserting myself into a crude shell personality that will handle the IO.

>> No.9325155

This is the most original feel desu

>> No.9326146

>It's just comics.

Say that to a soyboy and see what happens.