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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9314086 No.9314086 [Reply] [Original]

>IQ of 120
Should I just kill me right now, lads?

>> No.9314100

IQ meme must die.

The IQ test was created subjectively (it's someone's idea of what intelligence is and how it can be quantified, it is the very opposite of fact).

Not only this, but for a test to measure intelligence, it needs to be created by someone with maximum intelligence, and minimum intelligence.

It is logically impossible to objectively measure intelligence when the intelligence of everyone is different, and only experienced subjectively.

>> No.9314108

t. brainlet who scored sub 100 on an IQ test

>> No.9314140

I have an IQ of 104. Getting As and doing fine in EE, right now.

Tough luck if someone is doing Math without a 130+, though, lmao.

>> No.9314160

>tfw guessed every answer on IQ test
>140 IQ

>> No.9314175

IQ of 104 doing EE? How? I picked up a Wiley Electrical Engineering math book once and the math looks insanely hard. Is EE more about just wiring and coding shit then?

>> No.9314197

The IQ is the coeficient betwen the mental and the chronological age. It doesn't neccesarily means a perfect meassure. It can be pretty biased if you take the standarized test by guessing answers instead of really solving them.

>> No.9314221

I'm 111 and have just accepted that I won't have the processing power to ever understand certain things. I have accepted my lot in life as a wageslave. I guess you could kill yourself if you want but there are plenty of things in life to enjoy even if you're just a pleb. Face it, most people are plebs and they're happy, you just have the unfortunate knowledge that you're dumb and they don't.

>> No.9314224


120 IQ med student reporting in

>> No.9314229

what kind of things are you incapable of understanding? I also changed my major because I disliked analysis and the constant math which seemed to me to be a bit random

however I can not really follow people that say they can't understand something, you just have to start at a level you understand.
so could you give me some examples?

>> No.9314232

don't worry, IQ 121 here
we still have potential

>> No.9314235

typical brainlet, med isn't hard, it's just that a lot of people want to do it.

Also I think most people here didn't do an actuall iq test.

>> No.9314237

210 IQ here, AMA

>> No.9314240

True it's not that hard but it's something substantive you can do as a120 brainlet

>> No.9314242

no because iq is essentially how fast you can understand things and learn things all you need to do is put in more effort

>> No.9314246
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>> No.9314247

I have a very hard time understanding any math beyond algebra a d geometry. Also I'm not college educated, couldn't afford it and my grades in HS weren't good enough. I'm "smart" enough to be a technician for industrial equipment, which takes a good grasp of understanding electrical and mechanical systems, but it's too late for me to go back to school.

>> No.9314254


>coeficient betwen the mental and the chronological age

That doesn't really mean anything, those are not objective concepts.

Seeing intelligence as being a "level" that you're pretty much stuck with puts a limitation/level on thought. Therefore anything you do not understand can simply be put down to not having a high enough IQ to understand it, when in actuality there's nothing to understand because it's pseudo-scientific bullshit.

>> No.9314256

well, you just lack the basics. I have the same problem in math especially the higher school math, my teacher was a teranical bitch.
However, don't grovel over it. uni sucks your money out and leaves you with nothing. like a prostitute.
tbqh I think I would really like to get a understanding of med. especially the stuff you could do in an ancient society. got any reads on basic med stuff/basic surgery theories?

>> No.9314258

That's higher than most people here

>> No.9314259

>there are many different theories about iq
>many different tests
>beeing able to solve questions kids your age are able to answer. and maybe less or more to determine some standard is pseude-science.
>imagine my keks while reading this.
go back to youtube scepticism or read a book.
true tbqh

>> No.9314262

>lower end of superior, basically "high average"

>> No.9314271


It's pseudo-science when it purports to be a quantification of intelligence when we don't even know how to define that word objectively.

Those with the highest IQs today do nothing remarkable at all. It's a joke.

>> No.9314273

>lower end of borderline defective

>> No.9314281

shut up, idiot.
whether peple with high iq do something remarkable or not doesn't matter to begin with. however, they do pretty amazing stuff.

Iq is a theory we use to describe a naturally occuring phenomen.
We dont invent some iq and describe it to people. we finde something in people and describe it. I know that's hard to understand it's theory 101 after all.
despite severall different theories about how iq truly works we have a very good understanding of it and which theory is right. just read up on things like spearman and different thests.
have you ever deald with the actuall subject?

>> No.9314287

Hi chris

>> No.9314301

>whether peple with high iq do something remarkable or not doesn't matter to begin with

Then what's the fucking point in measuring it? If they are so intelligent what are they doing with it? That's the ultimate proof, not an arbitrary fucking number based on people's subjective idea of intelligence.

If IQ was real, then having a high one and doing nothing of worth with it is like having the cure for cancer but never bothering to share it with people. It's a measure of how much of a cunt you are.

>> No.9314304

the brain is fluid, never too late to go to school

>> No.9314308

Being gifted or talented doesn't necessitate actually achieving something with said gift or talent, you absolute fucking moron. A gifted athlete who chooses not to become an athlete doesn't disvalue all measures of athletic ability because "uh it doesn't matter if they don't do nothing with it".

>> No.9314359


Hehe so you're saying that intelligence is a choice?

Someone could be a naturally good athlete but choose not to pursue it as a hobby/career.

Someone could naturally have a very high IQ but choose not to use it. Ironically that seems like a very dumb thing to do.

>> No.9314373


Not him but to understand med, I would say you need to understand basic life sciences (DNA and shieet), Neuroscience, Cellular biology, Digestion, Drugs, Experimental Methods and the Cardiovascular system. And that's just an intro.

>> No.9314393

IQ of 135 and I can't do math for shit.

>> No.9314394

Maybe more smart people would apply themselves if this world valued it. We're also at the point where we've discovered and developed all the easy stuff. And maybe there's more to it than your little brain could comprehend. A lot of what normal people consider an intellectually demanding persuit isn't that hard. Should I work my butt off to be a lawyer? To end up surrounded by other lawyers doing lawyer type stuff? Nahhhh. That isn't even that difficult, and it's hardly even based off who is smarter. Having the better case to begin with, and being a fancy chad who can charm judges and juries is just as important. There's also of course the ruthlessness that comes with it. The willingness to pickand prod at someone you know is right just so you can win for someone you know deserves to lose.

When smart people take a look at the bigger picture, they can put themselves in all those positions in their mind and know just from their imagination that it wouldn't be a good idea.

Why should I even go try to cure cancer when the only reason there's so much cancer is because we keep developing new technology that gives us cancer? For a population of humans that only care about themselves anyway.

Personally I'm still going to college and trying to get a spot working on super cool new technology and I do wonder about those people who really do have all the tools and just say fuck it, but if those people can beat you on a stupid test, then there's nothing you can do about it. If they want to wave that in your face and remind you that no matter what you'll never have the same innate potential as them, well they're still correct. If they did decide to get off their butts they would do better than you. But at the same time if that's all they have you should just not give a fuck

>> No.9314402

well, I have some knowledge in that stuff. I simply have this very autistic thing were I imagine to be in a world without our current science. thus if you had to develop a society, what would you do, what would you have to know.
that's why I am kinda interessted in basics like surgery.
whther you apply yourself should be measured by other variables(big five). but t still has nothing to do with the basic concept of iq. don't know why these idiots bringt up applied when talking about basic to discredite basic.
Also not going to uni is a very smart choice.

>> No.9314410

>96 IQ
I can't do mental math, and I have trouble with remembering rules/instructions the moment after they're said to me. The memory issues may have to do more with executive function problems, which is fairly separate from IQ, but that's being hopelessly optimistic.

>> No.9314416

What are your mental math skills like?

Which book was it? "Toughest" thing I've done so far are Fourier transforms. If you can do Calculus and Linear Algebra, you'll be fine in EE. I'm also confident that anyone with a 90+ IQ can do fine in engineering math (As, Bs). I mean, I fucking did it, and I didn't put in much work.

>> No.9314422

Also, EEs are by and large notoriously shit at coding. I also don't build too often, unless I'm working on a project.

>> No.9314617

Because we need some criteria to assess people with different levels of intellectual difficulties/disabilities like you.
But your ignorance is forbidden.

>> No.9314625

120 is 90th percentile that's not bad

>> No.9314686

could be ADHD

>> No.9314718
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>iq of 110
>took me 8 years to graduate college

>> No.9314734

>IQ of 162+ confirmed by mensa
>never achieve anything and drop out of college at age 19 due to anhedonia and laziness

>> No.9314812

You're all retarded compared to my gf, she has an iq of 1001 and she's also a telephone.

>> No.9314922

wow, id like to give her call, if you know what i mean

>> No.9315035

>tfw 110 I.Q.
>24 year old KHHV NEET
>couldn't go to UNI.
>barely passed HS with base classes.
>can't spell without spellchecker.
>barely know any of my multiplication tables.
>constant brain fog.

At least I have rich parents, if not for that I would have killed myself already. Low I.Q is true hell. And it's nearly all genetic, you stemfags don't even have to work to be intelligent. You just got lucky in the genetic lottery.

>> No.9315484

You're a moron but not because of your IQ. I know because I have 110 IQ as well and I easily aced AP maths and physics just by listening in class.

>> No.9315487

Brain fog accounts for massive fluctuations in IQ scores. Chances are that you don't really know your real potential. Doctors do stupid shit like IQ tests on patients suffering from major depression, don't let it tear you down.

>> No.9315492

>iq of 126
>can run as fast as usain bolt
>lower body, abs, delts and etc are naturally buff
>has fast methabolysm
>is a sperglord, never had a single friend out of school=>all of the above skills remain mostly unused

>> No.9315497

No, modern academia is made for brainlets like you because lots of you together is better than one single smart person. Enjoy anon, the world is yours.

>> No.9315507

110 is not a low IQ. It just isn't high, only average.

>> No.9315509

>constant brain fog
The worst feel ever.

>> No.9315518

I feel like talking to anyone below 120 is like talking to a cardboard box, and my IQ isnt even that high. I can only imagine what 140+ feel like when looking at the world.

Imagine, you go outside and every time you notice anyone doing anything they are doing something incredibly stupid. You try to talk to someone but instantly realize they dont actually know anything they think they know, would not be able to justify their beliefs at all, and their entire sense of existence is built on unfounded assumptions and misunderstandings which inevitably leads them to commit horrible mistakes.
It would be terrifying anon. You would be scared and alone, trapped in a world ran by animals, a complete nightmare. Only psychopaths would be able to survive such a position, anyone with empathy will hide, unable to handle the worrying thought that maybe everyone else is just a philosophical zombie, a meat puppet.

t. 134

>> No.9315524

God damn dude not everyone is insanely arrogant around people dumber than themselves.

>> No.9315533

I actually agree, but depression that bad is pretty much incurable.

>> No.9315538

You sound more adolescent than intelligent.

>> No.9315544

Im talking genuine horror anon.

Its so nice to be able to talk to someone and have a reasonable expectation that they can infer meanings and not need every little thing explained to them. Its so common to have to do this you dont even think about it, when you can just freely talk about things to someone with out doing so it hits you, you realize how much easier it is to communicate, and you start wondering what kinds of things go on in the minds of all the other people doing a conversations.

I am legitimately starting to wonder if all humans have an experience of reality or if they are just a set instinctual responses to situations in order to blend in with the real people. It would explain a lot, you dont need abstract thinking to fit in. A person walking down the sidewalk doesn't need any internal reality to go unnoticed.

>> No.9315548

Oh, you're just a teenager who can't quite grok that other people have differing knowledge sets and has recently discovered philosophical zombies. >>9315538 is right.

>> No.9315558

Im 33 and if i had to guess id say you just arent old enough to have had these experiences yet. The suspicion only hit me recently when I started regularly talking to someone with an IQ of 146 and realized the conversations could progress much faster since we just knew the concepts already. When one of us did not understand we just asked and were able to very quickly explain it.

Meanwhile you go on youtube and watch videos explaining things and they have to make all these analogies that arent even really applicable.
In the past i would think "there are better ways to explain this". I would be critical of those videos. But now i realize that they knew what they were doing, that the average person really is incapable of understanding. I become very sad.

>> No.9315605

Not that guy, but I have an IQ of 130 and can relate to his observations. Average IQ people really do think differently from high IQ ones, and when you sit down to talk to them and realize how little thought they put into their lives, it's very jarring. It's like talking to little kids or animals. The fact that you think differing knowledge sets make a difference in this tells me that you are either not very intelligent or fairly young (e.g., you are projecting all you statements).

From my experience the people who keep vocally arguing against IQ are insecure of their own intelligence. Once you gain real life experience, you realize it really does make a big difference.

>> No.9315624

So much this

>> No.9315664
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>tfw I've come to terms with being a 127 IQ brainlet and lead a happy existence as a Mech Eng undergrad

>> No.9315831

As someone who (may) have an above average IQ (online tests are not a very good indicator), I think that genetic determinism is the stupidest bullshit one could ever think of.

Yeah, people of average intelligence may feel slow and banal, but does that make smart people inherently superior to idiots? Being smart is neat and all, but it has its downsides. I never really learned to work until I went to a prestigious high school because everything was easy up until then. Being an idiot also means you're less apt to tackle intellectually frustrating problems, which could lead to a happier life.

But that's all really besides the point. If IQ is chosen by RNG (or a deterministic process one has no control over before they are born), then why give a shit? Why hold yourself above these idiots? It's like someone who got the winning lot shitting all over those who got consolation prizes.

>> No.9315840

>Being smart is neat and all, but it has its downsides. I never really learned to work until I went to a prestigious high school because everything was easy up until then. Being an idiot also means you're less apt to tackle intellectually frustrating problems, which could lead to a happier life.
Jesus fucking Christ.

>But that's all really besides the point. If IQ is chosen by RNG (or a deterministic process one has no control over before they are born), then why give a shit? Why hold yourself above these idiots? It's like someone who got the winning lot shitting all over those who got consolation prizes.
They hold themselves above idiots because they ARE above them. It's not like we're souls who won a good body through the ethereal lottery, we didn't get a good mind, we ARE a good mind.

>> No.9315857

I'm not saying it's better, I'm just saying it has its advantages.

Yes, you ARE the good mind, but speaking physically, you having consciousness is a choice of two other people fucking. So is an idiot. Your intelligence was not decided by you.

What gives superiority the authority to treat inferior people as inferior besides might is right?

>> No.9315873

>I'm not saying it's better, I'm just saying it has its advantages.
The more intelligent you are, the more likely you are to be happy and financially stable. This isn't up for debate, this is statistics. Sorry, but the "le genius but depressed" meme is more like "depressed because my life is shit, which is most likely because I'm a brainlet". Nobody actually likes "not dealing with intellectually frustrating problems" because guess what, they are, it's just that what you find easy the find difficult, but that doesn't mean that they aren't tasked with such responsibilities nor has incompetence ever helped anyone.

Dumb people hate being dumb and despite your underestimation of them, they are aware of their inferiority.

High intelligence is by far the greatest trait to have. It practically guarantees an easy happy life, with many achievements in whatever field interests you and financial security. If you have high IQ and don't have those things, you could if you put in just a little effort, and if you still just want to play vidya every day you'll still even be better at that than most people.

>Your intelligence was not decided by you.
And? Neither is anything in this world. It's all determined by past actions which are themselves reactions.

>What gives superiority the authority to treat inferior people as inferior besides might is right?
Intelligence is might.

>> No.9315883
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>He isn't even close to PHENOTYPE

Why do you even bother asking brainlet?

>> No.9315915

>Sorry, but the "le genius but depressed" meme is more like "depressed because my life is shit, which is most likely because I'm a brainlet".
Fair enough. I should really take the effort to google before I make a claim.

Being an idiot doesn't necessarily mean you're aware that you're an idiot. Idiocy may contribute to other factors which may decrease happiness, i.e. poverty.

Now that we've gotten the mistaken assumption out of the way, the true assertion of yours is that intelligence equals might, which thus equals right. Not really. If might really does make right, a bunch of idiots could band together and steal all my stuff. According to you, that would be right.

A smart person may have power individually, but simply dismissing the power of say, 70% of the world's population would be a mistake indeed.

In short- I have sympathy for the idiots and you don't.

>> No.9315962

Au contraire. I'm the one stuck with average IQ. The reason I am telling the harsh truth isn't to be harsh, it's because I'm sympathetic. Nobody should suffer the lie that we can do certain things despite our genes- that is a road of fruitless labor of which the fatigue may prove irrecoverable for some.

Nobody likes being dumb, and if you told the average Joe that you can make him a genius by taking both his legs, girlfriend, sex and social abilities a surprising amount wouod agree in a heartbeat.

A smart person doesn't have to compromise his safety to show his might. That's the beauty of intelligence, you can kill dozens of people by automating a job and come out an even greater saint by the end of it.

>> No.9316094

>Nobody likes being dumb, and if you told the average Joe that you can make him a genius by taking both his legs, girlfriend, sex and social abilities a surprising amount wouod agree in a heartbeat.
I wouldn't go that far. Intelligence is important, though, sure. Few would say otherwise.

Charm, looks, fitness, ambition, curiosity, and even luck still factor into success and sense of fulfillment. To take an extreme example: sitting in a cave alone, looking like Quasimodo, with a piece of paper that has "high IQ" written on it can't give one much sense of achievement. Now if one were highly intelligent and set out to do something worthwhile that would be a different matter. Plenty of moderately intelligent people likewise do well enough in life by following whatever they're interested in, even if they're not looked upon as a stereotypical famous theoretical physicist. For those who are just plain below average: well, ignorance is bliss.

>> No.9316106
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>IQ of 135
>8 years in college
>still not graduated
>tfw smart but lazy

>> No.9316116

>For those who are just plain below average: well, ignorance is bliss.

They're not ignorant, though. How can they be when they're mistreated their whole lives? I've known a person with 75 IQ and he got tortured by other kids in school for his stupidity. He hit his head and told me how he wished he could have been born smarter. The only one ignorant here is you.

>> No.9316122

frainfog isn't even real ya cunts

>> No.9316198

>They're not ignorant, though. How can they be when they're mistreated their whole lives? I've known a person with 75 IQ and he got tortured by other kids in school for his stupidity. He hit his head and told me how he wished he could have been born smarter. The only one ignorant here is you.
They're not all mistreated, though. God knows why a person with such low intelligence as you're trying to claim was around other kids in the first place. That one part of my post that you chose to focus on was simply meant to express that people with very low intelligence won't quite know what they lack as compared with someone of moderate intelligence who looks at people of high intelligence. There's no need to twist some sob story into making anything personal, anon. Try looking at the bigger picture.

>> No.9316205

What bigger picture? If you've ever been in contact with people of lower intelligence you realize they know exactly what they lack.

>> No.9316259

The bigger picture being: intelligence is but one factor for enjoying or getting anything out of life. As for the second point: a person with low intelligence may well be aware of their limits, but their idea of a smart person would be someone of moderate intelligence rather than very high intelligence.

>> No.9316267

>Trusting in IQ
Yes i believe you should.

>> No.9316273

>I have trouble with remembering rules/instructions the moment after they're said to me.
that happens to everyone

>> No.9316337

No it doesn't. Anon, I think you might be dumb.

>> No.9316338

yeah, it does. Do you even know how the brain works?

>> No.9316363

Don't be so arrogant, you probably look like a retard to an actual smart person.

t. 132

>> No.9316371

>I can't do mental math

beyond (very) basic arithmetic, i didn't learn any math until college.

>> No.9316399
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98 and proud of it, dont feel bad bud, you can be on the lower end and still do well. For instance:
I support science, universal Health care, pro choice, pro free trade, pro free college

and I'm a proud supporter of Jeb Bush

>> No.9316849

How do you know if you are smart/dumb without taking an interest test?

>> No.9316880

internet test?
there are alot of things that will correlate to some degree with your iq. like your own estamination. or your subjective/objective comparison to other people. which you can place in a wider circle.
you are the dumbest kid in the lowest school system? you might be dumb.
the thing with iq is that it doesn't just measure academic or booksmartness.

>> No.9316890

>taking iq or any other bullshit coming out of the meme that is psychology serious
that is the real intelligence test, and you failed, so yes

>> No.9316899
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>can't even get into mensa

that is ROUGH

>> No.9317062

You can't be older than 21.
t. 129

>> No.9317074
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>> No.9317447

>tfw afraid to take an IQ test because it might shatter the finely tuned narcissism-fueled mechanism that allows me to ace my classes

>> No.9319120

Medicate your ADHD or you'll never get anywhere in life. I've got it too, and despite my 130 iq, I barely passed high school. Life with stimulants to life without them is like night to day, my life has done a 180 since I started them.

>> No.9319125

The people shitting on you for posting this have likely never been forced to live with people of average/below average intelligence for an extended period of time. I derive no sense of superiority from my somewhat above average intelligence, and i quite enjoy spending time around my less intelligent friends, but I do so with the knowledge that there are things we will never be able to discuss with each other, a level that we will never be able to connect on, because we see the world in entirely different ways. Like you said, how can you debate with someone over their beliefs when they themselves have no clue why they hold them?