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File: 329 KB, 1320x1122, space_charts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9313036 No.9313036 [Reply] [Original]

Space colonization will never be a thing

>> No.9313041

That is probably non-lethal

>> No.9313053

>500 days on mars
>Just a little bit above the annual limit

That's a weird way of saying it's okay.

>> No.9313057

That's a log scale you shitter

>> No.9313058

logarithmic scale

>> No.9313064


>> No.9313069

savages were more of a threat during the era of colonialism and they were deus ex machinad.

>> No.9313073
File: 297 KB, 797x1058, 309787_1273572312_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying pic related will never happen

>> No.9313077

Thank God nobody intends to walk around Mars bare assed naked

>> No.9313100

Humanity hasn't irradiated or polluted space so it'll be far cleaner than the Earth.

>> No.9313130

>radiation shielding doesn't exist
ISS only gets the radiation it does because the hull is thin as fuck because they had to save on weight when they sent it up

the replacement for the ISS will be far better in this regard once the new Superheavy lift rockets are operational

>> No.9313144

This is the DoE that puts signs all over its office buildings reminding everyone to use the handrail when they walk up the stairs and makes office workers undergo annual safety training despite having no significant job hazards. I dare say they are a tad bit more risk averse than any space agency.

>> No.9313170

So what? 0,5 Sv spread out over 500 days isn't actually that bad. The dose will probably be less considering people will stay in shelter most of the time. For example, given 8 hours sleep period in a shielded area cuts the dose down 33%. Having other facilities under ground, and rotating the crews that do surface work further cuts the dose down.

Basically, radiation on Mars is a surmountable issue.

>> No.9313235

Pronuke fags everyone

>> No.9313338

I live in a brick house and some walls are radioactive as fuck according to my old geiger counter. If nobody wants to go to mars scared of xrays, then you can count on me. I don't give a shit unless flesh melting levels are reached.

>> No.9313367
File: 87 KB, 1134x1333, radiation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LD50 Lethal radiation dose
4 - 5 sieverts received over a short period of time (less if single dose)
source: https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/basic-ref/glossary/lethal-dose-ld.html

Non-fatal radiation sickness (low white blood cell count, nausea)
1 sievert (single dose)

Accumulated annual dose expected to cause fatal cancer years later
1 sievert (5% of people)

Minimum annual dose expected to increase incidence of cancer
100 millisieverts


Average annual accumulated background radiation
1.8 millisieverts (Canada)
6.2 millisieverts (United States)
2.4 millisieverts (worldwide)


>> No.9313368

Get out.

>> No.9313421

No, it just means cancer will need a cure first.