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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9311980 No.9311980 [Reply] [Original]

How do i get smarter? I can barely do basic math anymore, i have a lot of trouble remembering names for things and i even forget basic words for things like forks or table.
I don't even know how electricity works, it uses some kind of weird names like amph, volt, ampere and bar or something.
I don't know how to follow longer instructions anymore, it's really hard i don't know how. I only know two languages unlike my relatives who are academics knowing 3 languages meanwhile i can barely finish trade school even after redoing a year.
hel pplease i used to dream about being an engineer, but i gave up on that because of math, then i dreamed about joining the army, but i have autism so i'm not allowed to join the army.
so engineering is the only path i have so i have to get smarter like the other people and like my uncle god bless him.

what kind of engineering should i go for anyhow? i'm 19 so i only have 2 more years of paid studying so to speak, so i better make use of it somehow.

>> No.9311999

>How do i get smarter?
Read books.

>> No.9312014

any kind of engineering will do, you sound like you could make it, its not that hard.

but always remember to pay respect if you meet any math student or prof that made your degree possible.

>> No.9312020

Sorry but intelligence is 85% genetic, and after adolescence it can pretty much only go down. Some people just don't have the intelligence for STEM, there's no shame in that, just readjust your aspirations and dreams according to your ability. You can still make 40, even 50k a year being a plumber or a welder.

>> No.9312026
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Oh, that's a shame. Life is unfair isn't it?

>> No.9312028

>respecting math students
That wont stop them from being bitter and wanting to kill themselves, though.

>> No.9312035

I guess you can say that. In the end we're just trials and errors in the empty journey of evolution. Animals with negative genetic traits don't dream of being greater, they just die in fear without passing on their genes. That's what we are- errors.

>> No.9312043

"We" the human race, or "we" who browse 4chan?

>> No.9312054

All brainlets who can't realize their dreams, on or off 4chan.

>> No.9312089
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Oh yeah, i forgot to ask, plumber and welder, is it social? I like being with people, as silly as it may sound for someone with the 'tisms.

>> No.9313570

Plumbers get to bang princesses, welders are asocial brainlet autists but their masks look cool, carpenters can either be normal social brainlets or ultra wood autists.

>> No.9313577

if you like people, why don't you go into nursing?

>> No.9313972

>readjust your aspirations and dreams according to your ability


>> No.9314000

Learn some trade and do that for the rest of your life. It's probably not gonna feel that great for the first few years, especially since you still might consider yourself worthy of a meaningful life, but it fades away with time, you will make decent money, not great but decent, and learn to find pleasure in trivial activities like eating junk food and watching TV.

Or you can stubbornly keep going, fail, think it's because you didn't try hard enough, fail again and repeat until you're too broken to continue and end up committing suicide through deliberation or hedonism.

>> No.9314021

Thanks. Think I'll opt for the latter since I'm already at the point of having bought the nitrogen tank.

>> No.9314026

That's 90% bullshit.

OP, just try to exercise this shitty memory of yours, then start to studying things from the basics, and then you can think about something more complex. And remember, keep exercising your fucked up memory, or this won't work.

>> No.9314040

Also, I had the same problems. I couldn't remember even the color of my underwear e.e But I started to exercise my shit memory, man... That's so different than before, I can remember even details of last week now lel Now I can say that a now 100% of basic math and other shits, cause I remember of all that shit

>> No.9314052

Just to clear things up, it's not that I want your or anyone under your circumstances to kill themselves, but all the studies, research, statistics and evidence I've seen means pretty crystal clear that fluid intelligence can't really be improved, not with our crude methods yet anyway, and it's a little suspicious that there has pretty much not been a single person on this earth who started out average, with no overly debilitating mental or physical issues, and turned himself into a genius somehow or someway.

Sometimes our dreams don't match up with our abilities. As for why we have interest in matters we have no reach for, there are too many circumstances in play and variables between each individual. But understand that though it may seem the opposite I say what I say out of kindness rather than harmful naivete like >>9314026 >>9314040.

>> No.9314057

Memory is based on whether you give a shit about something or not.

If you actually enjoy what you're reading, recalling it becomes easy (and enjoyable). If you don't find what you're reading enjoyable, then you don't give a shit about it and you won't waste time remembering some boring pointless shit.

Basically, read what you enjoy.

>> No.9314060

imo, none of the concepts in an undergraduate math course are so hard that the average person can't pick them up as long as they are able to apply themselves. it might be too difficult for someone who is especially dull or has some intellectual disability.

>> No.9314066

after a certain age you cannot become smarter or more intelligent, you can only gather knowledge
that's the basis of fluid & crystal intelligence OP

>> No.9314069


actually, i think most people already know, to some extent, most of the content in an undergraduate math program. in most cases, you're just learning an abstraction and formalization of some common-sense idea.

>> No.9314076

Not everyone has an IQ likes yours. You're vastly overestimating what tricks an average person can do with their brain.

>> No.9314081

>Not everyone has an IQ likes yours

i was tested when i was young and it was slightly above average. my iq is not especially high.

>> No.9314082

Is this bait?

Name any discipline in engineering that would not be possible without uni math!

>> No.9314091

Then sorry but I suspect that either your contributions are not great or your IQ was underestimated. Everyone with esteem and a respectable expertise in a STEM field I've seen had an IQ of at least 130, with the truly prominent around 150.

>> No.9314122

>85% genetic
You wanna know how I know you're bullshitting?

>> No.9314138

/sci/ has completely flayed your mind

give up now.

>> No.9314144

/sci/ didn't, reality did. Seriously, I would love for an average person to become a genius through extreme hard work, for humankind to never be held back by its genetic limitations, but time and time again observation of reality has shown that to not be possible, not yet anyway.

>> No.9314146

Just lmao if you're doing Math without being 3-sigma, at the very least.

>> No.9314148

Do brain exercises every day like those little phone apps, play lots of trivia games and things that make you store the information to use at a later time not just stimulating things

>> No.9314151

How would someone who struggles to remember words like table and fork be able to successfully respond to a doctor asking you to administer a specific dosage of a specific medicine?

>> No.9314153

Holy shit, do not do brain exercises unless you like wasting your time, in which case why not waste it on video games that are actually enjoyable?

>> No.9314280

Im only 69% sure hes bullshitting anon.

>> No.9314379

start lifting, eating well, and sleeping at least 8hrs a day

>> No.9314386

Yeah, this. Strict to a strict regimen and you can even get up to 3 whole IQ points!

>> No.9314423

taking care of yourself will improve the quality of your life and everything you do
if you are fat neckbeard its your own fault and you will never achieve anything and even if you do it will be pointless because at the end of the day you are still a neckbeard

>> No.9314427

Those 3 IQ points can make a difference

>> No.9314438

OP asked how to get smarter, not feel a little better about his diet.

>> No.9314486

you are what you eat, if your diet is shit, you will feel like shit and will not perform as well as you could. Also what does resting well have to do with diet.

OP also said he has trouble remembering things etc. Its a problem but one has to look at it from different angle, trouble remembering is a secondary problem. The main problem is forgetting. When concentrating on a task, you have to have discipline not to forget important things. Being disciplined and following strict routine with basic daily tasks will improve performance in everything else OP does.

>> No.9315228
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>I don't even know how electricity works