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9302413 No.9302413 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently on a lovecraft stint, and have been considering doing some writing of my own as his style has always appealed to me. However now, rather than 100 years ago, we have a pretty good, all be it rough, outline of how the universe works.

Quantum mechanics operates on fields, virtual particles, and excitation points.

Materials engineering operates on electron entanglement, van der waals forces, and covalent bonds.

Biology operates on genetics and proteins, geology operates on similarly understood principals.

>In lovecrafts time saying that the great old ones, or the outer gods operate on principals 'beyond our science and comprehension' was perfectly acceptable given that the scientific world had just been turned upside down, and our place in the universe had become far, far, smaller.

Now, however? We don't take that as a horrid reality, we take it as a challenge. Sure, we might get wiped out by a solar flare, or asteroid, but we can move asteroids.

So if I'm interested in lovecraftian horrors, what principals could they plausibly operate on? How do you provide that impression of the nature of reality and these elder beings capable of squashing us by rolling over in their sleep, when our entire culture would look at it as a challenge?

What do you guys think? Is lovecraft still relevant today? Or is all we're left with cruddy spy novels?

>> No.9302416


>> No.9302422

fuck off

>> No.9302432
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If I wanted the opinions of a bunch of retards that can't do basic fucking linear algebra I'd already be there talking to them.

The issue that I'm running into is that a lot of people who enjoy this type of thought experiment are fucking idiots in terms of actual scientific background. I want the opinions of people who have half an idea how the universe actually fucking works.

>> No.9303188

I have no idea as to how the universe works, and neither does any other fuckface degenerate on this website.

We can only approximate and build on our knowledge to make it less wrong.

These types of posts remind me as to why I don’t waste my time on this site. Op, how about you figure it out and then get back to us, okay sport?

>> No.9303229

Horror and especially lovecraftian horror is inherently irrational with often unfalsifiable claims for settings, you're asking to provide a logical basis for a lovecraftian setting. The only way you can introduce a semblance of logic into such a work is if you decided upon some fictional axioms and developed it from there.

>> No.9303694

Without any quantum buzzwords?
Would be hard, but if you can pull it off, congrats.

I guess you'd have to go to our recent boundaries of knowledge.
You'd have to invoke the ancient gods from before the big bang, outside of the observable universe, hiding in String-noise, or such nonsense.

>> No.9303709
File: 55 KB, 600x760, devilpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like the cult of determinism would be cool: some people discover that there is a demon of some sort that decides the outcome of all particle interactions, and that by worshipping it and dark shit it can be summoned and conversed with. then a plot could be to get it to fuck with millitary atomic clocks or something something or to invalidate the results of enemy experiments or even to manifest superheavy black holes or genetically mutate some baby to be all fucked up or chaos theory shit so like some massive hurricanes or tidal waves being made by the cult and shit.

or otherwise

>the plot of half life

>> No.9303712

i say invalidate results btw so say a kabbal could direct human endevour down a dead end and to stagnate and ultimately die out. huh sounds like general relativity.

>> No.9303734


>> No.9304395

This may be of interest.

>> No.9304403

Purely biological.

To them, radiation would be food. These monstrosities would be planet sized and that have gained sentience.

Warhammer 40k was partly right, except the C'tan would be located, in our world, beside large suns.

>> No.9304505

OP here;
That's actually a kind of clever Idea... I may use that at some point. It'll of course be referred to as 'maxwells demon' if any of the characters figure out what's going on.