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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9302052 No.9302052 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /sci/, I’ve got a few questions for you.
>Be me, sophomore undergrad majoring in biochem, minoring in molecular bio
>Teach workshops for an engineering chemistry course
>Table of mechanical engies shit on my major every week, claiming it’s the easy way out for science
I’ve noticed that the majority of you are engies too, so I was wondering, do any of you agree? Is it physics and math or gtfo?
Also, I work at the art store here on campus, and I see art majors throw massive amounts of money away on paper and pretty paints. What the fuck is the logic here? Throwing extra money away on a degree that’s only slightly better than the shit at the bottom of the barrel (gender/cultural studies).
Mathematicians, help me figure this shit out.

>> No.9302209


>> No.9302215

>>Table of mechanical engies shit on my major every week, claiming it’s the easy way out for science
What does that even mean?

>> No.9302218

just do what you like and be yourself

>> No.9302220

Personally, I don't take the opinion of anyone who is not a hard scientist seriously. They have as much weight as the opinion of a child to me.

>> No.9302256

The bulk of the students I teach are majoring in mechanical engineering, with a few EE’s too. I’ve had a student (who didn’t know my major) say that life sciences are the lowest tier of the STEM fields, and that it’s the easy way out if you still want to be in STEM. Since then, this is like a weekly discussion. I may be the brainlet here, but I disagree.

>> No.9302269

The acquisition of diverse, well demanded and transferable skills is what distinguishes a meme degree from non meme.
I would love to study Heidegger's philosophy in Uni, but I won't, as the opportunity cost is huge.
t. CS with minor in statistics

>> No.9302274

cool I remember being 20-ish before

>> No.9302312

>lowest tier of the STEM fields
Based on what?
>easy way out
Again, I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. Chemistry is not even close to being the easiest of STEM degree if that's what this retard in your class is saying.

>> No.9302317

shutup loli

>> No.9302320

Bio Eng isn't a science you moron. You are an engineering student/EIT. You learn literally the same shit as other engineers except more biology and chemistry.

>> No.9302337

Employment statistics for the life sciences does not look that good. Only a third of the undergraduates go into research in industry/academia. Therefore, engineering majors consider you a meme.

>> No.9302344

I’m not in engineering at all. I’m teaching a chemistry workshop for engineering students who aren’t chemistry or chemical engineering majors. It’s a condensed version of the general chemistry course. I have no fucking clue where their beef is coming from, honestly.

>> No.9302346

There are jobs other than research for life scientists, you know?

>> No.9302357

Expand on this please. Teaching, lab assistant, consulting and what else ? Not including general 'degree needed', like sales and management.

>> No.9302368

Mainly biotech and pharma.

>> No.9302378

*tips fedora*

>> No.9302392
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 13 - Otorimonogatari - 02 20.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throwing extra money away on a degree
They can draw their own waifu.