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9301969 No.9301969 [Reply] [Original]


Which one should be easier AND which would you choose have done to yourself if both technologies were ready and you needed a new body?
1) having your head removed and attached to another human body
2) having your head removed and attached to robot body

>> No.9302058

I guess 1 would be easier since we don't have a robot that would supply a head with blood and interpret spinal cord input.

Honestly given those options I would choose death.

>> No.9302128

we have blood circulating machines, and as for "interpret spinal cord input" that same problem exists with the other option too. There's no method to connect the nerve tissue.

>> No.9302408

I think the live human head transplant test will be successful but the patient will be in severe pain and/or altered mental state and will die in few days. That's my guess. Let's make a bet.
Science is not yet far enough to understand each and every mechanic involving human body and while we have these robotic devices to conduct surgeries it is still very crude when you think on the scale of the universe.
He could just die from allergic reaction alone. When humans can conduct interstellar space travel this kind of surgical possibilities will become more of a norm but now...it's just butchery and the doctor is a sociopath or some other lunatic.

>> No.9302571

> If BOTH technologies where ready and available.
The question isn't "which do you think is more realistic" Its, moral.
1)Would you rather have your head on a body of some donor.
2) Would you rather have a robot body.
3) Would you rather keep your head in a jar like on futurama and save money by not having to buy cloths like a sap.

Moral, not practical.

>> No.9302784

Why are you being so pessimistic?
Why do you want this to fail so bad?
Don't you understand this is the least bit of hope people that have been born in the wrong body can have?
I really really really hope it succeeds, it's my only chance of having a fully working woman's body

>> No.9302795

Finally I can escape being a tranny

>> No.9302801

When can I buy a /fit/ body and get Chad mode?

>> No.9302803
File: 15 KB, 319x475, 1271334301286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prefaced with 'head transplants are here', that's a fantastic haiku

>> No.9302807

why don't you fuck off and stop commenting retarded opinions based on the tv shows you watch?

>> No.9302809

Head transplants are here
Finally I can escape being a tranny
Robo dildo time!

>> No.9302814

Head transplants are here
Finally I can escape
being a tranny

That's the haiku dumdum

>> No.9302818
File: 55 KB, 645x968, 1485130830315[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd keep my body and just get a better head

>> No.9302819

>i can stop being a manlet

>> No.9302824


>> No.9302831
File: 12 KB, 323x448, Im dying on the inside but I guess sexbots are coming so it helps no really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like
>Don't you understand this is the least bit of hope people that are extremely old and rich and need a young body to keep living and being horrible living beings can have?
>I really really really hope it succeeds, it's George Soros only chance of having a fully working young body and live forever!
the operation will be obviously EXTREMELY expensive and only the top wealthy will be able to use it for their favorite purposes,and you know exactly what they are going to do

>> No.9302937

And you think this wasn't said about all cutting edge medical techniques like heart transplants? How stupid are you? It can become cheaper and more common over time but only if it actually is shown that it can work.

>> No.9302945

you're missing the point here
the reason they are doing this is not for the better of mankind,it's so that jew illuminati shekelberg can keep on living on the bodies of young folks like you so that they can keep on doing disgusting shit

>> No.9302976
File: 77 KB, 712x835, fqasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on man

>> No.9302980
File: 105 KB, 856x496, cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me save you 12 seconds

>> No.9303002

Yours brain can't even properly work after 100yo (memory loss, alzheimer, IQ of a baby...) That's not worth when you are very old.

>> No.9303008

anon,I'm talking about disgusting worm human beings that will do ANYTHING to stay alive and keep corrupting and doing the kinds of things that would make any sane person on earth seriously reevaluate if breathing the same air as these people is even worth living for
do you SERIOUSLY think that they cannot somehow reejuvenate their brains arealdy?
it's pointless

>> No.9303018

isnt it rather a body transplant ?

>> No.9303323
File: 23 KB, 512x512, 512px-Twemoji2_1f914.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can finally have a hot girl body

Now we just need a brain transplant

>> No.9303394
File: 13 KB, 500x342, 1493010033644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir your body is mysteriously shrinking down in height to your original size
>We don't know why but it seems that you are destined to be 5'3.

>> No.9303414

Elon's got you covered senpai.

>> No.9303419

stop sperging out lol.

>> No.9303428

>if both technologies were ready

Either one since they both work. I guess I'd choose the robot body. I'd rather not have the human body with some other asshole's balls who would then cuck me every damn time I fucked my wife or had children. They'd be his children, not mine.

>> No.9303432
File: 61 KB, 600x1170, a7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be able to cut your dick in half, insert a section of another penis between the two, and sew them all together to get a bigger dick?

>> No.9303439

Yes, but you still need to take immune suppressing drugs. With stem cell tech, you'd be able to simply grow a larger replacement dick using a tissue scaffold.

>> No.9303440


>> No.9303441
File: 259 KB, 1022x1466, head transplant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that it is nearly December.

>> No.9303443

Those are things that can be prevented. They can also affect you in your 20s.

>> No.9304625

Similar to those Russian experiments with dogs?

>> No.9305033
File: 23 KB, 337x372, 1504910189253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he actually gonna do it?

>> No.9305307
File: 33 KB, 834x625, head-transplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The doctor actually posed for this


>> No.9305320


i hope so;


this guy is hilarious LOL

>> No.9305356
File: 57 KB, 960x540, A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope this works. If it can be shown that a head transplant on to a different body is possible, than we have shown that we can basically transplant anything to anything else. The main draw backs, we don't quite have the technology to re connect the spinal columns, we're close. And, then you have the issue of tissue rejection, the body is gonna say what the hell is that!

I don't see something like this becoming common practice though, people i think would much rather stay in their own bodies. And, the technology to cure everything and pause - reverse aging is not really that far off; both maybe by the mid 2030's.

Short term, the appeal of something like this would only be for some super old very wealthy guy who doesn't want to go, and doesn't want to bother with cryonics, Who'd be willing to sit there as a quadriplegic while we figure out how to reconnect the spinal columns. As to the tissue rejection issue, You're never gonna get around that. If you are stuck as that transplanted head, you are gonna need someone to figure out how to take your DNA, and clone a perfect genetic match of you, ideally completely headless to get around ethics issues, and somehow Fast Grow that to the age of at least the mid teens, and then take that head and place it on to that body.

>> No.9305368

I remember when people thought this guy was part of a marketing campaign for Metal Gear Solid V.

>> No.9305385

that pic of him does look a little CGI
The details look a little too uniform, something about the light and shadows feels off.

>> No.9305425

Just watched a short interview with him to get an idea of what kind of guy he is.


He really is not a likable person and you get the impression that the publcity is what's most important to him, not even the science behind it that would be a real breakthrough if it worked or whether it helps people or not.

I really hate how he answers to doubts with "it will work because I have spend 30 years on this topic" or "that's a shitty doubt because he has no idea what he's talking about". This is no scientific reasoning, he should have answered with the medical details of the surgery and the data and successes and failures they already have from mice, apes and dead humans.

All in all he could still be right and pull it off very soon (which would give him all the publicity he actually wants). Maybe you need specific personality traits to even think about head transplantations an doing them with monkeys without weir feelings. But I'm sure he is not minimizing the risk for his human and alive patients, he is maximizing the publicity he could get if he pulls it off in the next few month/years. I think you should at least have 10 monkeys running and climbing around that had their bodies switched. You need to watch them for a few years. And you also need publicize all failed attempts of switching their heads. Only then I would apply this to a real human.

>> No.9305462
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, robocop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one choice turns you into just some asshole
>the other makes you robocop
gee I wonder which one I'm going to pick

>> No.9305485

If robocop's got a functional dick, I'm game. Otherwise... Also, robot bodies have probably shit for sensation.

>> No.9305491
File: 39 KB, 118x121, av5P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm skeptical because of how far-fetched re-connecting a spinal cord like its just a copper wire sounds like. I'm no neuroscientist here, but how do you pair millions of microscopic axons together in the right pattern and make them able to pass action potentials? Is there some basic piece of evidence I'm missing or is this guy 100% talking nonsense?

>> No.9305534

This guy feels like he belongs in an out back, redneck farm cutting off chicken heads, but he accidentally hopped on the truck going out of his farm, found some glasses and walked into the doctor's office.

Now we've got to deal with this shit.

>> No.9305635

How about some real intellectual pursuit.

Would you rather...
>1) have your head transplanted onto another body, or
>2) have your body transplanted onto another head?

>> No.9305661



i want a mad scientist to clone my body, so it is in perfect health, figure out how to grow it headless, and then figure out how to keep that alive and age it to about 15-17 range, and get my head stuck on that. Although being paralyzed from the neck down would suck ass

>> No.9306159


>> No.9306385

>figure out how to grow it headless

Ok, tech the technology that allows you to put a human head on a robot body, but in reverse!! Put a robot head onto a human body, just till it matures long enough to become a body donor.

>> No.9306584

im fairly sure the immune system is going to reject the head, you cant really analyze the immune response of a corpse

boring shit, make me up when i can place my brain inside a robot

>> No.9306592

OK, please tell me that nobody here is dumb enough to believe that a successful "head transplant" has really been done.

>> No.9306600

The latter. He essentially nailed two pieces of cadaver together. You could do that if you had access to cadavers and a nail gun.

>> No.9306610
File: 81 KB, 940x420, 1f02de4b3ad664c4f9e4f53a26f008ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't the guy make a cameo in MGSV?
also in the game you technically switch corpses soooo....

>> No.9306686


>> No.9306713


>> No.9306715

That was just a facial reconstruction. If you want to see an old man do a head transplant play Wolfenstein 2

>> No.9306730

It's all fake news nowadays

>> No.9306743


Anon, that is Brilliant!

Someone give this Anon a PhD!

now we just need to figure out how to trick that into growing to adult size in say 6 months, and then how to properly connect the spinal cords.

There are some proper Mad Scientists in here lol

Oh, and the robot head would need to be able to adjust in size from fetal stage to adult stage.