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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9294685 No.9294685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>study science
>going to graduate school to get my PhD
>start thinking about old friends from high school
>find out they have no prospects in their life while I'm on track to get a PhD in a science/engineering field
>look up a smart, but total asshole of a guy I knew in high school who I was sure was on his way to being a burnout
>he's actually successful
>he studied engineering then ditched it to trade stocks
>he's making at MINUMUM $130K RIGHT NOW at 23 years old while I stress everyday working in a lab hoping to some day make that much.

Daily reminder if you are not 100% committed to science, back out now. There are much much much easier ways to make money with your smarts. Do engineering. Do CS or some applied math. Collect the skills. Move on. Don't linger here unless you absolutely fucking love it.

>> No.9294735
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You don't become a scientist to make money you fucking Neanderthal. You go into a scientific field because you want to better yourself and humanity.

>> No.9294763

Ive self reflected and agree I can imagine feeling much more fulfilled by knowing what I know and having done everything that I have compared to a scummy trader.

However, seeing those fucking numbers is literally breathtaking. knowing what I know now, its hard not to want the best of both worlds. the goal is both self satisfaction and money.

>> No.9294817


You still are more than capable of earning six figures with a PhD in the sciences. It may not happen at the beginning of your career but it will happen. More money is always great but $130k/year is more than any average person truly needs.