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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 36 KB, 748x748, mensa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9294282 No.9294282 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here actually smart?

>> No.9294306 [DELETED] 

No, almost no one, this board is mostly used by the government to set up privileged college students for long and cruel experiments.

>> No.9294325 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1322615842122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm this is true, I'm one of these people and I'm literally jonesing to set some of you up as I write this.

>> No.9294332

Dont be paranoid. Also dont listen to these posters. Also remember to click the user agreement when you lurk. We already get it when you post.

>> No.9294333

I know you guys are memeing.
but if anyone out there is actually smart, join the high IQ discord: mK4ztRN
especially if you've qualified for MENSA

>> No.9294346

>paying $80 every year (plus additional fees) for a magazine subscription
You can use your high IQ to think of better ways to spend that money.

>> No.9294353

You get to meet other smart people though?

>> No.9294358
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>You can use your high IQ to think of better ways to spend that money.
Yeah, like buying new windows here and then.

>> No.9294361

You should already be doing that in the social circle your successful career helped form.

>> No.9294362

Most high IQ people are stupid though. Dedicating brain to IQ makes less of it available for general life.

>> No.9294367
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No, my IQ is only 111

>> No.9294370


>> No.9294373
File: 17 KB, 250x250, IMG_7378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please.. I want to be as stupid as you. Having any awareness of the world around you is hell.

>> No.9294397

i meet the mensa cutoff and am almost done with phd

also i hate myself and want to die

>> No.9294426

At leats you got trips

>> No.9294427

Try meditation. And no, not the meme shit that is on r/meditation. Do some research, you're probably already familiar.

It is great.

>> No.9294432
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Daily reminder

>> No.9294461

>Is anyone here actually smart?
Smart enough, but I'm a classic underachiever, born with almost no shits to give.

>> No.9294473

>smart but lazy
Classic /sci/ poster

>> No.9294486

what is your phd in?

>> No.9294487
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, Gate - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - 11 00.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only immersion matters. If you immerse yourself IRL, only then you will suffer.

>> No.9294494
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x2268, 20171021_144315-e1508687211805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open a book
>see this

>> No.9294497
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I just want to chill out read, write, and paint all day. And I've always managed to fall ass first into getting by with minimum effort. I also went to an international school with a bunch of asian kids who, despite having 4.0's were dumber than a sack of bricks when it actually came to application of comprehension of the test answers they seared on their brains.

>> No.9294500

Could be worse, I'm not only lazy, but I'm dumb at being lazy.

As in, my lazyness forces me to do twice as much work for any given idea of entertainment, be it video games, walking, punching a piano with your fingers, burning food or doodling stuff. Perfectionism and lazyness are not a good mix, you end up trying to optimize everything to do the less work possible, at the expense of the time and resources it takes to do the optimizing itself.

>> No.9294530
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>> No.9294538

Pretty convinced there is a conpiracy within the organization to only let the dumbest people join. Sounds crazy, but would also explain a lot.

>> No.9294547

It's simpler than that, stupidity is not the absence of intelligence, nor is intelligence the absence of stupidity.

These people are intelligent enough to qualify, and dumb enough to want to qualify. Both can be true at the same time, hence mensa is not empty.

Or maybe they were just invited and said "why not?"

>> No.9294554

What does mensa even do?

>> No.9294555 [DELETED] 

Iq is Bullshit. Read that growth mindset author.

>> No.9294557
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>> No.9294559

Interesting perspective

>> No.9294567


The kinds of people that not only have a high IQ but also want to be known for their high IQ (opposed to say, accomplishments of substance) are bound to be a special kind of retard

>> No.9294718

linguistics. doing mathy research that only my advisors put the work into understanding bc field is terrified of change and math. will probably be homeless soon (again).

>> No.9294722
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>> No.9294898

This is pathetic.

>> No.9294899

He's right, but Isaac Asimov really abuses the comma here.

>> No.9295557

IQ 160 here. Mulatto. Maths.

>> No.9295604

Apparently my roommate, he has "elon musk on speed dial"

>> No.9295609

Don't even get me started on the all nighters of studying aerodynamics everyday, aka binge watching Game of thrones.

>> No.9295612

Not Rick&Morty? He must be a complete brainlet.

>> No.9295619


I got a 128 from their test. Still a brainlet faggot.

>> No.9295630

i really have no proof other than doing various online iq tests and getting ranges between 125-130 digits. I've been labelled as clever and bright by people but i generally dont think im a genius or highly intelligent and i honestly only want people to call me smart by what are my achievements and works, not what digit did i get on a pattern finding exam.

>> No.9296480

what the fuck is a mensa

>> No.9296502

You can get such scores answering randomly.

>> No.9296503

you can get any scores answering randomly einstein

>> No.9296530

An IQ testing society for faggots to feel superior to others.

>> No.9296573

Mensa is for brainlets. Try prometheus or triple nine or mega society

>> No.9296587
File: 14 KB, 400x293, Perelman,_Grigori_(1966).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try getting the fields medal
or better yet get in the "refused the fields" club

>> No.9296595

IQ is just your ability to learn, right? Last time I got tested mine was 125, but it sure as fuck doesn't feel like I am able to learn

>> No.9296608

that's because you're below the brainlet cutoff (130)

>> No.9296610

But I still am classified as such, because the margin of error is +- 5

>> No.9296628

god i wish i was perelman

>> No.9296656

Bingo. Honestly, it seems like a waste of time to me, as well as a good way to sign up for an endless supply of spam.

I'm sure that the vast majority of y'all have been in an honor society or two, but Jesus fucking Christ, it seems like all they do is send out 3-5 emails a day, either trying to get you to buy merchandise, go to a meeting which is essentially sounds like a huge waste of time, or donate to some cause that the liberal arts retards are trying to push, as the STEM members don't need it because they already have funding for their project since it will most likely accomplish something instead of just "raising awareness".

I'm in two currently in order to boost my resume, but seriously, RIP my inbox. I don't want to redirect their emails to the spam folder though, because every now and then there's something useful like a members only career fair, or an interesting research opportunity.

>> No.9296659

*which essentially sounds like

Sorry for my grammar y'all, it's been a long ass day.

>> No.9297890

This pretty much

>> No.9297894

Now that's just pathetic.

>> No.9298007

are you a chomsky hater or lover?

>> No.9298008

>muh secret club of smart people

>> No.9298019


>be kid
>met adult qualified to give mensa test
>footlocker full of crap
>took test
>in muh secret junior mensa club
>change countries, get older
>had to take test again for regular mensa

It was then I learned how much that stupid test meant to my parents. It was never the same as soon as I was proven dumb.

>> No.9298803

>implying anyone in that discord is in Mensa

>> No.9298821

i have a could chance of getting accepted into MENSA. Earlier today i while in the shower I fantasized about showing up to a meeting in the garb of an 18th century Italian aristocrat, and a HUGE powdered wig, then after a long and bombastic rant about how we, as the high IQ guardians of humanity should kill all the stupid and poor. After this i will pull out a tea cup i brought from home and break it with my face. then i will vape until i get sick from the nicotine and leave my large spaghetti dinner on the table. This is my destiny.