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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1510040817702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9291468 No.9291468[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that person who keeps asking irrelevant questions during lectures

>> No.9291469

>gong to brainlet school where questions are allowed

>> No.9291471

literally me

>> No.9291477
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>that person who keeps asking questions at the end of a lecture when the prof has already gone over time

>> No.9291478
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>that person who pretends to come up with the solution to a problem on the spot even though he'd already solved it before and had a hard time doing it

>> No.9291482


>> No.9291484
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>the dumb Joe who keep talking popsci shit in the lecture

>> No.9291577
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>the autistic guy who keeps asking you for clarifications about what the professor said

>> No.9291601
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>> No.9291607
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>The girl who rushes up to the professor at the end of every lecture just to shoot the shit and talk about her life and how her experiences are relevant to everything he said.

>> No.9291613
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>> No.9291675
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>that guy doing rock crabs while simultaneously taking notes

>> No.9291678
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>professor says "... so now we have for any [math]\varepsilon[/math] that..."
>some asshole interrupts "eh, shouldn't it be [math]\varepsilon > 0[/math]?"

>> No.9291683

Holy shit this is one of my mates.

"Hey what does it say there on the blackboard?"


>> No.9291690
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>that guy who keeps interrupting the professor with pedantic remarks
>professor keeps giving him validation by saying "good point" every time

>> No.9291701

>that guy who has a professor so beta he was able to take over the class and teach it
>he's been doing this for three weeks now and the prof just sits in the corner nodding his head and ignoring all the pleas from students
>tfw that guy was me
I just walk in and start teaching the class now, I even took the prof's PhD and crossed his name out and added mine lel

>> No.9291704

Tell him to buy a pair of glasses. They can be pretty expensive, but really help.

>> No.9291709

wow did this really really happen

im not gonna greentext because thats for morons

but i hate the cunts who ask a question and set themselves up to answer it and pretend to be some sort of genius

so i guess thats >>9291478

>> No.9291710

What, like fremmy isles rock crabs?
What an absolute legend

>> No.9291722
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>when the prof makes some snarky remark about sleeping students during his lecture and you wake up because of the loud laughter

>> No.9291727

>that janitor who solves a problem that took your prof's 2 years to solve, on 5 minutes break between moping the floors

>> No.9291735
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>question based lectures
Why even attend

>> No.9291742
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you're an adult, just leave faggot.

>> No.9291749

>tfw I get the reference

>> No.9291756

Thank you.

>> No.9291772

>not sand crabs in fucking 2017

>> No.9291781

haha that's me

>> No.9291787
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>the guy that smokes outside of the designated seats
>that guy that vapes and has a flashing lights mod
>tfw he blows a massive cloud in the direction of the lecturer and he can't do anything about it

>> No.9291790
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>that guy who claps after a main theorem has been proved

>> No.9291794

>still doing sand crabs after fossil island

>> No.9291798

<doing quests at all

>> No.9291801

>the brainlet that sits in lectures and takes notes

>> No.9291805

>the ashkenazi that trolls the professor by moving the chalk around with his brain

>> No.9291810
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>that guy who throws peanuts at the lecturer for managing to make a proof

>> No.9291814


>> No.9291848

Maximum kek

>> No.9291852
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>that guy who smokes outside the medical school, not giving a fuck about anything

>> No.9291873

Well shit, how am I suppose to get my prof to notice me?

>> No.9291875
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fucking vapers are the worst
>tfw you get stuck walking behind the guy puffing away like a madman on his bubblegum vape

>> No.9291878

office hours

>> No.9291884

Our competing class in the first year of college had a math teacher who wasn't good at math at all, but managed to get into the ENS by memorizing a thousand exam problems.
He was so bad the students threw pennies at him when he managed to get a proof right.

>> No.9291899

>memorizing a thousand exam problems
That's pretty impressive in it's own right.

>> No.9291902

>professor is lecturing about lipids and diabetes
>student in the front: "professor, are you saying obese people have more adipose tissue compared to lean people?"
>this is a 4000/5000-level hybrid class


>> No.9291903

Sure is.

>> No.9291912

>4000/5000-level hybrid class
Do you live in a fantasy world or something?

>> No.9291931

no i go to school

>> No.9291940

Academia is filled with autistic people. It is no surprise they use a lot of RPG terminology unironically. Courses are identified with levels. Typically 100, 200, etc. People unironically dress like mages for graduaion.

>> No.9291942

>but i hate the cunts who ask a question and set themselves up to answer it and pretend to be some sort of genius
I fucking hate these people as well

>> No.9291956
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>that guy that restates what the professor just said instead of asking a question

>> No.9291965

>People unironically dress like mages for graduation.
Almost makes me want to actually study and go there. Almost.

>> No.9291967
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>When the professor have had no questions for the entire lecture, and when he finally gets on it's exam related

>> No.9291986
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>When the professor wants his class to be "interactive" and won't continue his lecture until a student answers, and you are the only person in class who answers questions

>> No.9291995


>> No.9292005


>when you put your hand up to answer the professor but he says "you've already answered one, no more for u."

>> No.9292012

>that guy that provides uncountably infinite counterexamples to the theorem on the board
Would be funny if it only happened once

>> No.9292022

Worst part is i don't know all the answers and i'm scolded when i'm wrong, so that makes me want to answer less. But the unending silence is worse than getting treated like shit, so i wade through that quagmire every day :^(

>> No.9292037

>That guy who literally types in latex all his notes at the lecturer's speed

>> No.9292038
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>those degenerates that take pictures of the board with their phones because they cant be bothered to write down dates and assignments

>> No.9292039

Seriously fuck these people

>> No.9292055

>that guy that uses a wheelchair to get to class

>> No.9292160

>be sitting in the comfy seat
>some wheelchair asshole rolls up like a fag
>asks me to move
>don't want to
>fuckin bithc goes crying to the professor, prof makes me move
>everyone in class acting like I'm the bad guy
>just wanted the extra space for my thinkpad and second monitor

fucking disableds are insufferable, selfish bastards

he didn't even have to attend class, all the lectures are recorded and posted online anyhow

>> No.9292167

these people are the lowest of the low. what is the point of taking a picture of a lecture slide that takes literally three seconds to memorize all the relevant information on?

>> No.9292168

>dates and assignments
That's small time, people here do this for the whole lecture

>> No.9292174

>roastie single mom brings her screaming kid to class
>prof too beta / scared of discrimination accusation to kick her out

welp I guess that's another lesson WASTED

>> No.9292188

>prof has a visible boner
>student points it out
>leaves class very flustered
>comes back 5 mins later and acts like it never happened

>> No.9292192

> mfw prof. is a brainlet

>> No.9292195

4chan is for +18 only...
you may leave now...

>> No.9292209

>why even play osrs?

>> No.9292221

i hate this retard

>> No.9292231

>that guy that goes to lectures

>> No.9292238
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I don't "pretend" to do that, but I do solve a lot of stuff before hand and read relevant parts of the text before lecture, ect... So I hope people don't think that is me

>> No.9292245

Yeah, that's usually a brainlet thing. The mistake is usually trivial and already noticed by the non-brainlets of the crowd. If it was a major issue, I could understand correcting the prof, though.

>> No.9292335
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>that one person who literally is autistic and asks questions that make it obvious that he doesn't even have a basic understanding of what's being lectured

>> No.9292350

>that person who asks the professor "is this gonna be on the exam?"
>that obnoxious girl who hijacks the entire lecture by constantly interjecting and asking questions that aren't really questions at all and trying to seem smart

>> No.9292353

>smoking allowed in uni building

>> No.9292355

that's a lot of counterexamples

>> No.9292359

how's community college treating you?

>> No.9292360
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>having lectures with girls

>> No.9292393

he might be in some of the introductory classes, where the girls haven't switched majors yet

>> No.9292428

do you go to one of those liberal hellhole universities? I can't imagine why the professor can't tell them to fuck off

>> No.9292429
File: 22 KB, 407x286, 683AE63A-06C0-4281-8A15-5C7B634C3A4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor clearly doen’t want to lecture the material and hangs off every question and goes off tangents as much as possible
Don’t make attendance mandatory if you don’t want to be here either.

>> No.9292442

>that guy that didnt directly enrol into exclusively graduate classes from his first year

>> No.9292575

oh fucking wow you got the reference from a blockbuster awward winning film everyone has seen congragufuckinglations

>> No.9292583

I didn't get it
pls tell me

>> No.9292598


My calc professor banned it lel

>> No.9292609

Ask questions

>> No.9292615

it's an episode of Recess, little known fact that good will hunting was actually paying homage to that episode

>> No.9292746
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>bf in the audience turns on the vibrator in my ass during my conference talk

>> No.9292761

>that guy who browses /sci/ on his laptop during lectures

>> No.9292814

Based. Sometimes I do it myself just to spite aspies like you.

>> No.9292913

>that guy who's taking the course for the fifth fucking time and keeps trying to finish the professor sentences and getting them all wrong

>> No.9292967

>things that never happened.

>> No.9292977

fuck that guy one day I WILL throw him down a flight of stairs

>> No.9292986

what respectable university/college lets a guy take a course 5 times? One retake here allowed, both go on transcript. If you don't pass, then tough and if it's a preqreq you gotta switch majors or go somewhere else.

>> No.9293006

I think someone already did.

>> No.9293014
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>that guy who raises his hand after every other example or proof and asks the most obvious possible question about it
>he starts crying and saying that the homework is too hard and the professor isnt teaching well after lecture even though he "loves math"
maybe math isn't for you buddy :)

>> No.9293026
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>all these virgins ITT

>> No.9293029
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>that person who asks high level questions in an intro class

>> No.9293044

>few years ago
>freshman year
>first day of class
>sit in calc I with a bunch of other freshmen
>professor goes over all the topics learned over the course
>guy who looks to be in the mid 20s chimes in
>"Sir, will we be learning sigma delta epsilon proofs?"
>professor laughs and says no
>"will we be learning differentials"
>prof says again no
>look over to the guy
>has the smuggest fucking grin and shakes his head to himself like he's the smartest guy in the room

then later, in the same lecture, prof asks for the roots to a piecewise function
>hear him go "pfft, too easy"

>> No.9293194

Do you sit behind me or something?

>> No.9293229


>Professor writes proof on board
>Class starts clapping

>> No.9293237

>When he sits next to you and you're worried everyone else thinks it's you

>> No.9293249

>that prof that uses out of date proofs and constructions

aaaaaaaaand dropped

>> No.9293265
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>> No.9293268
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This is me...

>> No.9293269

That feeling makes me leave the room. Why are these fuckwits here if they don’t care.

WHO? How? I envy the typing speed.

I first watched it like a year ago. What a shit movie, honestly.

>mfw forced to take intro class for no good reason

>> No.9293271

You've seen A Serbian Film, too?

>> No.9293295
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>guy who tries to look cool/clever by typesetting his assignments in LaTeX instead of just doing it by hand
We usually have a laugh in the graduate offices when we're marking the undergrad work.

>> No.9293306

>That guy who asks a question which he knows the answer to already to feed his ego

>> No.9293324

>people dress like mages
DESU this is the best part
Half the reason to get a phd is to dress like a wizard and tell people you spent the last 6 years of your life doing something meaningful

>> No.9293328
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This was me

>> No.9293399

>that guy who asks a question, teacher asks if anyone knows the answer and the same person answers his own question.


>> No.9293424

There's idiots that fail the course once and don't want to burn their second chance so they retake it without actually being enrolled and once they finally do, they get cocky because they think they already know the material. There's also extreme cases of people who got kicked out of other unis and is in the process of getting kicked out of this one. In any case, I didn't actually meant "the fifth fucking time" to be taken literally.

>> No.9293452

man i fucking love seeing osrs references from old ass adults at the most random places

>> No.9293481

tfw I do this

>> No.9293486
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>professor asks a question
>maintains eye contact with you the whole time
>you don't know the answer

>professor asks question
>feel confident you know the answer
>blurt it out
>it's wrong

>> No.9293501


Try teaching in China. They take pictures of every fucking slide.

>> No.9293526
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>the guy right behind you eating the worst smelling Chinese food as loud as possible during the lecture
>bonus points when he keeps fucking burping

>> No.9293562

>that Chinese guy that asks questions to the lecturer completely in Mandarin (we're in US)
>makes no effort to even attempt to say it in English
>tfw lecturer doesn't even speak Mandarin and just ignores him

>> No.9293653


>second monitor

mild kek

>> No.9293667

>Every morning I go to my 8am Calc 2 class
>Professor gives pop quizzes, so I could never miss it
>If I figure out he's not giving a quiz I inevitably close my eyes, I try not to but I do
>Last Wednesday a guy had to wake me up at the end, left embarrased
The prof is pretty good about documenting what he's covering so I can just read the textbook later...
I sincerely wish it wasn't be like this but it do

>> No.9293677

He probably watches rick and morty and is an established redditor how can I compete

>> No.9293705
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>professor asks the class a question
>answer it
>get it wrong
or even worse
>answer it correctly
>professor doesn't understand what you're saying and asks you to repeat it 3 times, then gives up

>> No.9293707

People dont actually do this right? how much of an autistic kissup do you have to be?

>> No.9293712

>LaTeX isn't faster than writing it by hand

looks like i found the real brainlet

>> No.9293715

but i actually do latex faster than i write

>> No.9293717

God-tier typing
Shit-tier writing

>> No.9293720


>> No.9293723

i also have a lot of macros set up, and make packages of them for specific lectures
kinda cheating but it works

>> No.9293724
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It gets worse
>that person who keeps getting late and ask stupid question that have already been asked.

>> No.9293727

I do this for giant chunks of COBOL that I could never type in time by the point our proffesor continues

>> No.9293730

>he doesn't know all the material covered in the course beforehand

so you just play vidya and masturbate to anime, eh?

>> No.9293772

>Be in boring lecture
>Prof is a sweetiepie old grannie who speaks softly but enthusiastically about the topic. She's kinda hippie-ish.
>Try to pay attention even though I'd rather be do something else.
>Some retard asks inane question (he asks at least one a class), breaking everyone's concentration and everyone wants to die
>Prof: "That's something we've been addressing throughout the semester. You should know that. I'm not answering that."
>can't help but smirk

>> No.9293773
File: 9 KB, 250x242, 6928cd41-f4b3-417d-8edb-bb3d46fd0bda..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that girl that asks a question at every lecture and starts all of them "I'm just wondering"

>> No.9293776

I like it. Keep it up anon— people think you’re an asshole over-achiever, but you’re actually being lazy. Got any more secrets?

>> No.9293783

chink detected

>> No.9293833

We have this guy who does this every fucking lecture. He sits right at the front, doesn't take notes and CONSTANTLY interrupts with some smartass, useless remark. Worst thing is, he's actually a brainlet, he barely passes each exam or homework assignment.

>> No.9293836
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Pathetic. The fact your lecturer/buildings allow this is weak but I would just tell the guy to fuck off myself. The man is trying to give you a fucking lecture show some respect to him and the class REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9293841

i always sit at the back because there are speakers above me so i can hear the lecturer better, and also so noone is behind me

>> No.9293845

In all seriousness to what extent do you guys build relationships with your professors?
I have spoken to my Calc prof one time all semester and never bothered any of my other professors with anything.

>> No.9293847

>designated seats
What the fuck?
How does a lecture theatre have designated seats for vaping? This is a joke right?

>> No.9293848

I do this so I can browse Drudge/4chan if I decide the lecture is unimportant

>> No.9293852

>tfw I'm doing this right now, between shitposts.

>> No.9293854

I have great bantz all the time with a lot of my professors.

>> No.9293862

Get gud grades

>> No.9293935
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>EE professor says Dirac Delta "function"

>> No.9293958

>he types in latex for classes that have enough people in them to require speakers
holy fuck, literal calc babby using latex HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.9293976

ive never been in a lecture hall that doesn't have speakers
are you not in a top 10 university or something?

>> No.9293982


>> No.9293986
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>professor says Dirac Delta generalized function

>> No.9293995

speakers for 10 people?

>> No.9294001

look kid, graduate classes don't need massive lecture rooms because only a small amount of people take them

>> No.9294020

Yeah. At my TOP 10 (registered trademark) we have 5 people classes (As yes, I am in a gradschool. My PhD will be in double integrals and differential equations) but we are all too autistic to make eye contact with the professor, so we all sit at the back and listen from the speakers while looking down at all times.

Sorry if you don't know what the TOP 10 (tm) experience is like. Nothing personnel kid. And yes, I do have "TOP 10" tattoed on my dick but it's for the ladies' eyes only.

My parents love me, I have tons of friend and no, I do not spout TOP 10 without even being asked because I am insecure. Not at all! I'm not insecure at all okay? Haha.

>> No.9294028

I do this to every professor who's just as pedantic while grading. if he can justify taking off marks on an exam because of something, you better fucking bet ima be on his ass 24/7 about the same thing in lectures and the like

>> No.9294034

what you consider pedantic might actually be something worth clarifying. but yeah, there are some cases where it's totally pointless

>> No.9294045

I love professors like this

>> No.9294051
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>that one based professor who talks shit with his class while doing math in high-level maths courses because he's got tenure + he wants to retire anyway and lets us take home our exams
you're so based buddy

>> No.9294360

>be me
>no friends
>have an average of 1 social interaction with another student per semester

>> No.9294403


>> No.9294499

Here in Germany I also observed it mostly done by Chinese students

>> No.9294521

I'm studying CS in 5th semester (of 6) and most people I know do their assignments in LaTeX.

>> No.9294585
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>> No.9294911
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>> No.9295041

vim+having no friends for the majority of your life and spending most of your childhood at a keyboard

>> No.9295061

>that guy who has turrets and uncontrollably speaks/makes noises
>that guy who has never heard of the silent mode function on his phone
>that guy who has never heard of a shower
>that guy who slowly opens a bag of chips or soft drink

>> No.9295081

I do this when I have an idea of how to solve it but I'm not sure if it's correct.

>> No.9295098

You should be making good connections with your professors second year and up. My diffy q's prof a few years ago offered to take us out for drinks after the final exam, for one.

They're also really good when you need to call upon them for later projects or independent studies.

>> No.9295128

>that person who blogshits on /sci/
why isnt this thread deleted yet? fuck off