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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9291114 No.9291114 [Reply] [Original]

Opinion on our glorious Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

>> No.9291117
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>> No.9291127

Tyson never claimed he is "doing" science. He keeps calling himself an educator.

>> No.9291128
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>an educator

More like diseducator


>> No.9291141

Well he still serves the purpose of making science seem cool and hip, opposing shitheads popularizing "science is just opinions" bullshit. He is also fond of emerging truth so he would surely apologize for incorrect statements when questioned about them.

>> No.9291161

Science doesn't need to be made cool and hip and he's advancing terrible stereotypes.

>> No.9291164

Probably the worst stereotype he is responsible for, is that all scientists are just pedantic assholes who spend their whole day on social media going >actually

>> No.9291175

How bout science is hard and really complicated, you should just trust whatever bullshit I say rather than learn it yourself. Or that science = truth. Or pushing Popper's or Kuhn's bullshit.

>> No.9291333
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>> No.9291337

Shill who fails to disprove flat earth

>> No.9291346

What are you suggesting? That everyone should deploy their own satellite to measure ice cap loss or Earth's shape and that listening to agencies is "trusting bullshit"?

>> No.9291354

That everyone learn the basics and stop intimidating them.

>> No.9291370

Five-star post.

>> No.9291579

Isaac Arthur is better.

>> No.9291661

Arrogant, never gives an actual answer, always metaphors or someshit

>> No.9291676

He clearly mentions several instances where he did science and was published, then gives reasons why it somehow doesn't count. This is clear example of "no true scotsman" fallacy. Then he answers the question in present tense when it was asked in past tense

>> No.9291684

LITERALLY fake news (sasuga /pol/)

>> No.9292594

Add to that http://www.rationalskepticism.org/general-science/neil-degrasse-tyson-doing-a-disservice-t53874.html

Guy manages to mangle even high school math.

>> No.9293942
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