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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9288855 No.9288855 [Reply] [Original]

Is STEM being infiltrated by affirmative action?

>> No.9288939

In USA, yes, especially tech. Less so elsewhere.

>> No.9288943

>women who are good at STEM look like

what did the universe mean by this

>> No.9288963


>> No.9288973

holy fuck she's dead

>> No.9288977

No. Businesses want more students in STEM so that competition will drive down salaries. There is a surplus of jobs, meaning jobs have to compete with each other to get better applicants. Better pay and benefits. When there are more applicants than jobs, the jobs will be able to be more in control of salaries because applicants will be more desperate for a job.

>> No.9289014


>> No.9289021


>> No.9289197

Our team manager is a woman and she laughs and shits on SJWs every time.

>> No.9289207

But STEM isn't like liberal arts or business majors, they actually are tough. JUst pushing people into it doesn't mean squat if 80% fail out.

>> No.9289350

Yes, very much so.
My undergraduate institution was AA and you could tell because the graduation rate was down to ~50%. They would give grants to literal dindus. The dindus would spend a year partying at the university then go back to the shithole they crawled out of. This was a huge drain on the university who was undergoing cuts in funding from the state, which meant the president of the university had to beg the corrupt state politicians for more money. But, the state is broke af, so it is unlikely they got even half of what they asked for.

But I have already digressed from the point I originally wanted to make:
Affirmative action is the worst fucking idea because it does not put forth capable people based upon their own academic merit, but instead forces through people who do NOT qualify academically, driving out the otherwise talented people. This can have detrimental effects on the person who *should* benefit from the AA. This person, who is not qualified for a given position, will get the position simply because of AA. Since they are inexperienced and lack the qualifications, their performance in such a role will be less than satisfactory. Since they now have a history of poor performance, it will make it difficult for them to advance later in their career because their reputation will have suffered; AA can only get them so far.

Simply put, AA is inherently racist and discriminatory to not only these 'underrepresented minorities' (which, at this point, are OVER-represented), but also to talented 'normies' (aka, white males). If you cannot excel academically, then you simply do not get into STEM. Simple. Good people, regardless of sex or race, should get to advance- sorry not sorry if it is mostly white males.

>> No.9289352

Alcoholics anonymous

>> No.9289408


Here in Burgerland we got used to the idea we could do whatever we wanted and we'd be number 1. Who is gonna pass us up? Russia? LOL So, make a midget lesbian the CEO. Make a trannie hermaphrodite that married a tree the CTO. who cares, we are number 1. So, it was all funny until recently.

Now, we have China eating our lunch right in front of us, and laughing at us and what they call 'White Left'

You could almost argue the mental illness in STEM in the US now could be a fancy form of industrial sabotage.

There might probably be some Hard Questions in burgerland the day we become the Obvious Number 2, right now we are number 2, it's just not blatantly obvious. But, i think the solution that will get floated is that Whitey Fucked it up. And, the solution is more diversity, trannies, crazy shit.

>> No.9289418

>This was a huge drain on the university who was undergoing cuts in funding from the state

>> No.9289424

Chinks are good at stealing, but they don't have proper science, do they? I suspect poos have, but they don't have much money to fund science.

>> No.9289445


Their economy is bigger, their science research is passing us up in some areas, but they know they need to pass us up in every area to become number 1 permanently, they will out spend us in scientific research by 2020. And, yea they are doing crazy levels of espionage.

Could burgerland turn it around. it could if we had the demographics of 1960.

If we are lucky we can avoid a conflict with China so we dont get the collapse Spain had after the Spanish American War. Instead we get a 100 year slow decline like England.

>> No.9289450

I don't even think we are number 2. I rank the EU and China ahead of us.

>> No.9289454

Also I agree with you. There HAS to be a fifth column in the US government actively destroying us. Many point to the jews but the US is the only damn reason why Israel can exist. Why would jews hurt themselves so badly by fucking the nation that assures their existence.

>> No.9289459

>right now we are number 2
Kek. US is like number 50 on everything except for the military. And your military is ultra cucked because most of your military activities are protecting other nations so even the thing you are #1 at is not benefitting you.

If the US stopped being so cucked and actually used the literal best military in the world to just invade whoever they want to extract money then the US would be top tier in everything again, but you are too cucked for that. You have a toy military that will never exploit its full potential while you drown your taxes into it only to display shiny tanks that will never be used.

>> No.9289462

only 10% of global population has enough IQ to be STEM.

>> No.9289465
File: 177 KB, 750x864, [anguishes externally].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are one of the leading mathematicians in your field
>you die
>you are remembered not for your work but because you were a woman
>normal people pretend to care just because you were a woman
>they have no idea what you did nor do they care

this just feels disrespectful honestly

>> No.9289466

No. Actually, 20% of the world's population is black so at least 20% of the global population has enough IQ to do STEM.

>> No.9289468

>this just feels disrespectful honestly
Not at all. As every woman, her greatest contribution to science that everyone will always remember is all the blowjobs she gave to real mathematicians. Including but not limited to her husband, an applied mathematician and computer scientists.

Those blowjobs will be remembered in history as some of the most influential blowjobs ever. Thank you, Maryam. For your blowjobs. I wish we had a comprehensive list of all the mathematicians and scientists she jerked off, so we had a better picture of her impact.

>> No.9289469


war isn't free. We can barely field an army of 100,000 without collapsing the economy. And, we would probably lose a war with China; and if we did, it would be worse for us than Spain losing the Spanish American War. Hopefully we just get the gradual slow decline England had. And, in 50 years the USA will be about as important as England is now.

>> No.9289483


>> No.9289497

Good funding is better than nothing, but building expertise will take time, if they can pull it at all. Western scientific tradition dates back to 17th century. China only has impressive building technology, but they sort of always had it, it didn't come out of thin air.

>> No.9289498

And yet another fake /pol/ shill thread. Fuck off back to your shithole.

>> No.9289501


>> No.9289505

If these words are too tough for you go to reddit you limp dick pussy

>> No.9289518
File: 99 KB, 900x900, 654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9289524

being? You mean already has been along with the rest of academia. There are schools that create classes in prestigious programs with composite diversity as a primary goal.

>> No.9289536

>Female mathematician doesn't belong on /sci/
You sexist pig

>> No.9290193
File: 756 KB, 934x1220, 1499583217235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This girl also had a daughteru and a husband that also works on Stanford

Pic unrelated

>> No.9290241

>Is STEM being infiltrated by affirmative action?
No, but /sci/ is being infiltrated be retards from /pol/.

>> No.9290298

Thinking STEM is tough is a meme. Creating a genuinely good work of art or philosophy is just as difficult as any advancement in mathematics, physics, etc. If you're smart you're smart, if you're not you're not. Any divides between the humanities and stem fields are just acts of deliberate segregation.

>> No.9290305

Halfassing art or philosophy is easier than STEM, because in STEM nature decides the quality of work.

>> No.9290309

You can very easily half-ass an undergrad stem degree - you don't have to be a genius to know how to do math through linear algebra or basic coding/engineering techniques. Saying any different to this is just a product of delusion, because the average person is equally capable of producing something of value in either area - that's to say essentially zero. There's little difference between the top of either field, but below the innovators mediocrity is bountiful on both sides of the fence.

>> No.9290380

How many humanities majors get 6 hours of sleep per night while studying on their own time at the very least 4 hours PER day? Yea, fuck you.

>> No.9290410

That happened years ago, though it -is- getting worse with professional/academic societies actively and openly aiding it.

>> No.9290480

The other 20% go on to dilute the market.