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9287538 No.9287538 [Reply] [Original]

>induction proof assignment
>turn in pdf of homework done in LaTex

Why do professors do these things

>> No.9287642

Use Word's equation editor with latex fonts

That's what I do

>> No.9287787

Why change the font? If they ask just say you changed it on LaTeX because you thought it looked nicer.

>> No.9287792

Try LyX

>> No.9288609

Latex is easy as fuck.

>> No.9288615


Do you mean to say that the professor is requiring that what you turn in as homework is a LaTeX pdf file? Your language is unclear, anon.

More generally, even your /intention/ is unclear. I assume that you mean to convey a general disgust that a very simple assignment has to be dressed up in tech, but it's possible to read your thing in a few other ways which also make sense.

>> No.9288633

>Why do professors do these things

They want you to learn how to use latex.

>> No.9289298

the obvious answer

>> No.9289327

The bastards, they have no right.

>> No.9289915

Because if you ever want a chance to succeed in higher mathematical education you should understand the basics of LaTeX.

>Why do professors do these things
They want you to learn something, that might be very valuable to you.

>> No.9289991

I bet 10 bucks OP is a Pure (faggot) Mathfag that still gets meme'd on not knowing anything about CS because of /sci/ memes.

Sasuga desu~

>> No.9290038

So that you can learn something useful you lazy fuck.

>> No.9290050

>related to codemonkey shite

>> No.9290070

>use LaTeX to write manuscript
>need to copy and paste text into word to sent to dumb as rocks collaborators for review

People who work in research and refuse to use LaTeX should be blacklisted.

>> No.9290074

It was largely developed by a computer scientist/mathematician and it is practically a programming/markup language.

>> No.9290080

write your homework on paper, take a picture of it and make a LaTeX document that embeds this picture.
So you turn in a pdf made with latex.

>> No.9290081
File: 9 KB, 190x190, MyEnergy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Programming language

Yea, okay

>> No.9290089

you are writing in a language, that happens to program text. how is this hard for you to understand? perhaps you are an arts major, hmmm?

>> No.9290095

>use LaTeX to write resume
>every person that sees it is impressed as fuck on how nice it looks
I really hope you're using emacs + auctex btw

>> No.9290096

HTML is also a thing.

In LaTeX you describe a binary (often) pdf document through text.
In other languages you produce a different type of file, where is the substantial difference?

>> No.9290099

Math major, use LaTeX on a regular basis. Its just a very intricate word processor. Do you also think Unix commands is programming too?

>> No.9290109

Not him
>Its just a very intricate word processor.
No. You do no process word in Latex. It is a language to describe a document.

>Do you also think Unix commands is programming too?
Executing a program? No.
Shell scripting? Of course.

>> No.9290135
File: 223 KB, 900x1200, dog_vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Handwriting your homework

>> No.9290211

Latex is turing complete noobs, although it is generally thought of as a markup language.

>> No.9290237

just write plain text (maybe with markdown) with latex embedded for math. use pandoc

>> No.9290421

TeX is turing complete.

>> No.9290461

>first day at uni
>prof pronounces [math] \LaTeX [/math] as "lateks"

>> No.9290529

>t. brainlets

>> No.9290857

Seriously? How?

>> No.9290868


>> No.9290894

How what? It's fucking Turing complete.

Here's a BASIC interpreter written in tex

>> No.9290907

don't you mean [math]\LaTeX[/math]?

>> No.9290978

you need to put spaces so that the tags are recognized as individual tokens, senpai

>> No.9290980

nevermind, continuous scrolling with mathjax is broke as fuck