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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9287161 No.9287161 [Reply] [Original]

Post and rate schedules.

anyone use any highly effective supplements to improve cognitive efficiency, besides caffeine?

7-8: Wake up, anaerobic and aerobic exercise (30-30)
8-9: Breakfast, teeth; shower and relax (15-5-10-35)
9-10: Math
10-11: Math
11-12: Physics
12-1: Aerobic exercise, lunch (30-30)
1-2: Physics
2-3: Computer science
3-4: Computer science
4-5: Dinner
5-6: Chemistry
6-7: Chemistry
7-8: Biology
8-9: Biology
9-10: Free
10-11: Relax, shower (50-10)
11-12: Go to sleep
12-7: Sleep

>> No.9287220

Man, you are just too cool.

>> No.9287231

Are these classes or you just a NEET with free time looking at khan academy vids?

>> No.9287380

That's depressing.

>> No.9287387

i wake up, drink and do drugs, see how much money i made that day, do some high level thinking, eventually pass out

>> No.9287388

Why are you taking an hour break in physics but devoting 2 hours a day non stop to fucking biology


>> No.9287399


have fun pretending to be smart kid

>> No.9287758

>anyone use any highly effective supplements to improve cognitive efficiency, besides caffeine?


>> No.9288931

Lsd microdose or speed

>> No.9288960

>2-3: Computer science
>3-4: Computer science

On planet earth, we call this 2-4

>> No.9288964

Nice schedule for a neet but too much biology and computer science.
My schedule is the schedule of my school + 1 hour of work on a book of maths suggested by 3chin.

>> No.9288975


>> No.9288991

anon looking at pop-sci videos on youtube isn't studying...

>> No.9289122

shouldn't you have been studying at the time you posted this you limey fake

>> No.9289142

He probably takes a break between the two sessions.

>> No.9289150

I prefer to keep it flexible, so no schedules

>> No.9289152

>11-12: Go to sleep
>12-7: Sleep

Does it take you an hour to sleep because you can't stop thinking about how no matter how much you study you'll always be a brainlet?

>> No.9289923
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is that the original derivation of the schrodinger equation

>> No.9289942

there's no derivation, it's a postulate

>> No.9290133

>spends same amount of time studying for physics and bio

>> No.9290486


If you don't make everything on the fly and work it out perfectly, you're fucked

>> No.9290489

you're one stone cold autist op