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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 840x630, information-overload-is-killing-our-ability-to-make-decisions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9286406 No.9286406 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make sense of the world with its abundance of information? It seems like there is so much to learn, so many exciting new things to discover but I can’t find the time to study it all. How do you find the time to find a mate? To start a family? To willingly work a job that uses a micro-fraction of your capabilities? I cannot stop consuming information!

I read tons of books, attend lectures, watch podcasts , work with machine learning, take MOOC courses on advanced mathematics and physics and it’s just so much information to process in one lifetime, do you ever have to remind yourself that were just advanced apes playing around with the information highway?

Im having an existential crisis, what happens to all the knowledge ive built over the years once i die?

>> No.9286574

The more you know, the better you understand how little you know, until you finally realize that you know nothing at all.

>> No.9286577

1) Accept that you will never know everything by yourself and that we've gotten this far by working together and building off of ideas that others had before us

2) Learn to be satisfied with leaving a small, humble contribution to the world

>> No.9286627

Study a very generalized field like math, CS, or physics.
Alternatively develop a natural language AI that can learn about different scientific fields and form semantic/informatic nets from looking at things like research papers and come to conclusions and become a godlike information oracle.

>> No.9286726
File: 205 KB, 1439x1374, euthenasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I am just now realizing that I spent my whole life until now either fucking off or trying to become competent in literally everything that interests me. As a result, I am not great at anything in particular besides making people like me, and am back at square one mathematically. I am going through Khan academy starting at Algebra I so that I don't have to pay for rudimentary classes when I return to school. I feel that if I had realized that someone who is okay at everything isn't great at anything sooner. Honestly, playing RPGs really helped me realize this.

>> No.9286745

>playing RPGs really helped me realize this
Playing RPGs is the reason you haven't been successful yet.

>> No.9286757

I realized that too lol. Though I was mainly referring to tabletop games which at least deal with a bit more manual math.
The real reason I haven't been successful is that I decided that smoking a bunch of weed with degenerate losers everyday for 5 years is the same thing as having a good social life.
also >>9286726
>I feel that if I had realized
Should be
>I wish that I had realized

>> No.9286792
File: 804 KB, 1920x1200, mathematics6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you tried not being a brainlet? Or, you know, realize you're but a cog in a machine grander than yourself. All information you consume, analyze, and synthesis only has value proportional to the effort you put into to applying and/or communicating that knowledge. You can sit around infobating all day long, stroking your intellectual ego to podcast after podcast until you explode in orgasmic cerebral pleasure. That's cool, we all do it. But you need to spread that seed around. Teach. Write. Speak. Interact. Debate. Question. Discover. Engineer. Create. Invent.

>> No.9287585


Thanks for the responses, i guess i just really enjoy learning new things but this constant decent in the rabbit hole is preventing me from really choosing one thing and getting extremely good at it so i may create something and as you said "leave a humble contribution to the world"

I suppose its time to specialize in something, and use that knowledge to leave a small yet noticeable improvement for my chosen industry