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9285484 No.9285484 [Reply] [Original]

These last years I feel like I'm on autopilot 90% of the time. I can't sit still anymore, I'm constantly daydreaming and I can barely focus on menial tasks. I don't know if this is depression or other psychological issues, I can't remember last time I was checked for that.

Does anyone else wants to share similar experiences?

>> No.9285490

idk after i got "rich" (over 1 million) i stopped working like a madman now i just do drugs and do all the high level thinking and i make my employees do the shit work

>> No.9285506

How did you make so much money anon?

>> No.9285512

I'm struggling with this as well. I used to exercise regularly and was very disciplined but after years as a wage slave I have slowly had the wind taken out of my sails. I wake up, go to work, come home and sit on the couch. I don't give a fuck anymore. I don't shave and bathe only because I don't want my job to fire me. Dunno how to get the discipline back.

>> No.9285527

by working my fucking ass off i lived in a fucking trailer park for a decade learning the shit out of stuff therefore i have the capitalistic ethic FUCK YOU GOT MINE but its disgusting..

>> No.9285544

I totally understand that. What type if business do you run? I've realized I'll never get rich as a wagie, and want to accumulate my own workers and start raking in cash.

>> No.9285560

You you earn money for learning the shit out of stuff?

Also, why do you write sentences like an 8 year old?

>> No.9285587
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I feel you. We can do it, friend. I believe in you.

>> No.9285766


>Also, why do you write sentences like an 8 year old?

Kek, was gonna ask him the same thing

>> No.9285769
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I can get my shit together and start getting shit done for a week before it all collapses again for another two weeks. I need a discipline drug, there has to be one.

>> No.9285782

i was just about to start a thread for this topic... i have to finish a program, evaluate it and write like 15 pages about the whole thing until monday.

i just can't make myself start the damn task and time is so short already

>> No.9285790

wow i did not realize the thread is already so old. i'm not much on /sci but the place sure is not crowded

>> No.9285824

I just look at gay yiff, and my self-hatred works as a pretty good fuel source to be productive. I have to prove to myself that I'm not worthless.

>> No.9285831

meditation is supposed to be supremely helpful for this.

>> No.9285846

meh what about knowing full well that you can do it, but can't be bothered to actually invest some effort into anything

>> No.9285851

same here
we need a kick in the ass anon from life to get moving. something with a big consequence

>> No.9285868

i think for me that shit started in school, 0 effort for good grades and no incentive for anything beyond that.

i literally have 3 days to finish my thesis, halfway done, and i just can't get working on it. its not even a bad topic

>> No.9285907

I guess find what does bother and you and try to multiply it? Else, learn to balance and extend the times you are productive, like a large-scale pomodoro technique. Idk, I haven't had much of a problem with motivation.

>> No.9285908

You basically have to figure out how to operate within a deterministic universe after being brainwashed by the notion of free will so long by egomaniacs. You recognize this well seeing that you're aware or being on autopilot. Now you can pivot that autopilot toward a preferred direction, if you go on a well constructed regiment of psychedelic dosing. More than likely you'll become the ideal you. Don't bother listening to the work hard through will power people. They're usually deluded workaholics on autopilot themselves who don't know how to live life any other way and their efforts are pure unconscious muscle memory.

>> No.9285938

the only thing thar really motivates me is my gf, the only person's opinion i care about

well i will wait until 2AM, normally i get going around that time. thanks guys