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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9283050 No.9283050 [Reply] [Original]

How do some programming problems compare in terms of difficulty to math? For example, I wrote a recursive binary search the other day, what math problem would take a similar amount of effort?
Of course this is going to be subjective, I'm just looking for opinions, and if you have another example you want to talk about that's dank too.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.9283063

programming problems are maths problems, just that you implemented the solution with a program

>> No.9283071

Is this what codemonkeys actually believe?

>> No.9283083

Programming itself isn't, but the problems you solve are

>> No.9283223

>I wrote a recursive binary search the other day, what math problem would take a similar amount of effort?

Finding the roots of a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula. Pretty basic stuff.

>> No.9283519


>> No.9283586


>> No.9283598
File: 467 KB, 650x396, stophittingoncomputersyousillyboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't figured out how binary logic works and is implemented in the field of computer science, I have some bad news about where along the evolutionary branch of programmers you lie.

>> No.9283632
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I wasn't joking.

recursive_binary_search(array, a, b, key)
if(b<a) return -1;
if(array[mid] == key) return mid;
return array[mid] > key ? recursive_binary_search(array, a, mid-1, key) : recursive_binary_search(array, mid+1, b, key);

Any middle schooler can come up with it.

>> No.9283634

curry-howard correspondence brainlet

>> No.9283839

Eh guess you're right. Can you think of any other common problems and their equivalents?

>> No.9283845

Nah, I understand it well. Not sure where I implied I didn't.

>> No.9284822

Maybe about as hard as solving an integral or simple induction?

Coding isn't hard, just time-consuming.

>> No.9284859


Requires linear algebra and calculus

>> No.9284898
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>use the principal of mathematical induction to rigorously prove program correctness

Ah, man, that one was below the belt. I've met a few CS fags in my math department and they're alright guys... but fucking kek

>> No.9284908

The hard parts of programming aren't the mathematics concepts but the engineering and project complexity. Don't bother listening to mathfags on the subject, who write inefficient, tiny programs for specific applications.

>> No.9284945
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>who write inefficient, tiny programs

You mean CS majors.

>> No.9284985
File: 169 KB, 776x486, CS expert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hard parts of programming aren't the mathematics concepts but the engineering and project complexity

It's people like you who code shit like this: