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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9279556 No.9279556 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw want to major in math
>worried i'm working towards a useless degree
>its the only thing that interests me
what do?

>> No.9279572

Then major in math. It's not useless if you diversify a little bit, get a minor in something a little more practical like bio or chem and you'll look good as an applicant for all kinds of grad schools and jobs after you get your degree.

>> No.9279588

spend your life sitting in a corner thinking about math and eat once a week

>> No.9279590

I can't afford grad school which is why my undergraduate is so important. I would like to minor in cs but I've heard that cs majors will have more opportunities than me anyways.

>> No.9279591

Go into finance, engineering or computer science, or become a math teacher

>> No.9279601

>Living in a country where you aren't paid to do grad school
May as well off yourself right now kiddo.

Or this >>9279591

>> No.9279604

Aren't there ways to make money as Mathematician?
Can't you create a new way of encrypting shit or something of the like?
You should go for CS since nowadays mathematics depend a lot on technology

>> No.9279625

I'm a poorfag and fortunate enough to get an undergraduate degree.
From the research I've done, there's a good amount of math majors out there with no jobs unless they get graduate degrees. Would a minor in CS be enough? Or should I just completely do CS? I do like CS and made a few programs in C, Python, and Java as a hobby but my passion is honestly in mathematics.

>> No.9279635

>I can't afford grad school
You don't have to be able to afford it if you're confident you can graduate summa cum laude (3.9 GPA). You'll be completely funded for grad school.

>> No.9279640

>I do like CS and made a few programs in C, Python, and Java as a hobby but my passion is honestly in mathematics.
From my understanding Computer Science is not just coding but more about solving problems with pseudo code and that kinda stuff

>> No.9279645

nothing is like a math degree but you should do something else if you dont want to do grad school

>> No.9279709
File: 102 KB, 391x377, 1509390112999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fucking posting threads about degrees being useless, concerning the overwhelming majority of individuals you were never going to contribute something of value to a field anyways. The purpose of going to university for most people is to gain a higher general education and prove you arent a complete tampon eater.

>> No.9279739

if you do math then get good at programming and stats/probability if you want a job in the private sector. do a job search right now, look at all the different postings and see what skills are in demand. you will be hired for your skillset, not for your degree so make sure you develop the right one

if you're going to drop $80-100k of your money or someone else's on a degree, it better pay off. choosing the right degree is the difference between being successful and living a life of low wages, unemployment, and debt slavery

>> No.9279848

Does it matter? Why waste thousands of dollars and bring yourself into debt just to be careerless working at Mcdonalds? The purpose of university is literally to get a good paying job doing what you enjoy.

>> No.9279900
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>The purpose of going to university for most people is to gain a higher general education
Most people don't give a shit about their education.

>> No.9279905

Most people don't go to university either!

>> No.9280361

this. no one in their right mind pays thousands of dollars for "education" when you can learn a lot online for free

>> No.9280530

>I can't afford grad school
An acceptance without funding is basically a soft rejection.

If you want money, don't do math. Or do math as an undergrad and then pursue something like stats or data science or something. If you care deeply enough about math, you'll end up in it anyway...

>> No.9280548

It's easy to get a tech job with a math degree. The fact that you have a degree is what matters for salary, not what it's in.

>> No.9281321

You are living in a fantasy world wherein you MUST practice whatever you studied. A bachelors in mathematics proves you arent a complete moron and therefore are worth the investment to train in other unrelated jobs.
No it isnt, its a checkbox that makes you far more employable than anyone without it because it takes a certain amount of discipline and ambition to hold it.
They should go to a tradeschool or become an apprentice then desu.

If the objective is to make money then going to university is a massive waste of your time in the information age.

>> No.9281349

major in applied math then

>> No.9281574

>he thinks any degree can get you a job
You need to look up the statistics for unemployed bachelor degree holders.

>> No.9281599
File: 273 KB, 1400x752, TrinityCollegeDublin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With math a good minor, double major or maybe even masters is pretty important.
>currently double majoring in math and econ
>planning on masters in finance

>> No.9281858

is it easy to double major? how long is it taking you

>> No.9281867

>undergrad speaking with authority on what's important to employers
Always good for a laugh.

>> No.9281880

Major in probability and statistics. Take all your electives in the math department, so you can still study abstract algebra and all that shit.

Problem solved.

>> No.9281962

Is a BS in statistics enough though?

>> No.9281970

>worried i'm working towards a useless degree
Where did this meme come from? Everyone at my college who studies math goes onto to grad school or some finance shit or some random defense contracting.

>> No.9281972

>A bachelors in mathematics proves you arent a complete moron and therefore are worth the investment to train in other unrelated jobs
The problem is you will be competing against people who were trained in school to do the very jobs you're applying for. have you looked for an entry level job or hired for one recently? the market is flooded with degree-holders who have 'checkboxes' ticked off. what sets you apart is your skillset and/or experience, which is typically a byproduct of your degree program and opportunities that stem from it (exception: certain skills you can self-teach and demonstrate like programming). this is one reason why everyone makes a big deal about internships and working on side projects outside of classes if applicable, you can learn and accomplish what others don't and use that to compete

>> No.9281983

Grow some balls and stop being a snowflake that needs his major to be fun and define him.

The point is to make money. If your degree will not pay well, the you're wasting your time and money by going to college.

>> No.9282013

CS majors will have an advantage over you if you have just a math degree, adding a CS minor decreases that advantage. The market demand is high, you'll be okay.

>> No.9282016

Yup, just print out your Googling degree and staple it your McDonald's application. Bingo bango.

>> No.9282019


>> No.9282039

Why study something you hate just for money? Math degrees pay well anyways, just not in pure math.

>> No.9282083

that anon never said you have to hate what you study, but it's an unrealistic expectation of the working world to think you're going to get a job that's fun and interesting. they exist, but 90% of the time you're doing some lame shit that someone else is paying you to do because nobody else wanted to lol

>> No.9282226

Data science and/or machine learning. Both much more math-intensive than programming-intensive. Throw in a CS minor and badda bing, you got a job.

>> No.9282615

this is a good combo but unfortunately not many schools offer it