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9274582 No.9274582 [Reply] [Original]

Reverse polish notation is better than other notation

>> No.9274591

This system is pretty shitty when written by hand.

>> No.9274695

>he can't latex

>> No.9274983

This is true, although most people are brought up on cancerous infix and will irrationally cling to it all the way to the grave.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? That's not the kind of notation RPN vs infix is about. RPN is a way of writing calculations where unlike infix everything is unambiguous and you never need parentheses or retarded order of operation rules.
It's also what all systems involving automatic binary operations actually use, with your infix input just being translated to RPN behind the scenes (shunting yard algorithm), because programming in terms of RPN is a super-sensible stack based approach while infix is a convoluted mess.

>> No.9274986
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>Reverse polish notation


>> No.9274990

Where do Polish keep their armies
In their sleevies

>> No.9275941

Check out the “Retro 15C” app for the iPhone if you like the calculator in Op’s pic. It’s awesome and free.

>> No.9276095

I'm a 41 fan. Still have my first one, a C from 1980.

>> No.9276262

>with your infix input just being translated to RPN behind the scenes
>implying because computers can't handle it hoomans have to stoop to their level

>> No.9277558

It's good because when retards try to borrow your calculator they soon realise they cannot operate it. Then they leave it alone.

>> No.9277561

They used them on the space shuttle

>> No.9278079
File: 72 KB, 406x311, RPNsci2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than other notation
don't know, never used other notation

>> No.9279328

it is pretty sweet. No more need for parentheses or stupid operator precedence tricks under RPN or PN.

>he can't PostScript, dc, or Forth

>> No.9279727

Of course it is, it was invented by a JEW from poland :^)

>> No.9279741

They can handle it, it's just that anyone writing anything important will write it in RPN and let the shunting algorithm handle translating from brainlet infix to sensible RPN because doing otherwise needlessly overcomplicates your program with retard infix logic.
>Implying humans know how to get infix right
If that were true there wouldn't be shit order of operation ambiguity b8 threads every week here.

>> No.9281149

forth turns you transexual.

>> No.9281154

Never go full reverse polish, don't do forth

>> No.9281165

>They can handle it, it's just that anyone writing anything important will write it in RPN and let the shunting algorithm handle translating from brainlet infix to sensible RPN because doing otherwise needlessly overcomplicates your program with retard infix logic.
That's probably why no mathematicians use paranthenses in their publications. Just makes it so much easier to do everything in RPN in your head, right?

I don't wanna have to think about punching numbers into a shitty calculator, so let me just copy whatever I have on the paper exactly and I'm happy
>inb4 lrn2RPN
I know how to use it and choose not to