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9271954 No.9271954 [Reply] [Original]

>Let's look at a real world application

>> No.9271957
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>Let's look at an imaginary world application

>> No.9271973

>Let's look at an application


>> No.9271983

engineering > fake world applications

>> No.9272166
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>We'll skip the proof for now

>> No.9272179

>Does proofs on paper
>Does proofs on kilometre high constructs of steel and glass
>Patrician engineer > pure mathematics

>> No.9272181

>let's reenact this experiment

>> No.9272215

To be quite honest this soured my early differential equations class. We were just finishing the first module which is all about random substitutions and how that works but then the second module was a transition from that to a more qualitative approach to studying solutions of differential equations and obviously I was excited by then BAM

>For the next few classes we are going to look at applications. Look at these physics equations. Now, look at these statistics equations. Great job.

And it was so fucking boring. To be quite honest the only thing I learned is that it must suck dick to be a physicist or statistician and have to actually care about those trivial disgusting differential equations that even a retard could solve.

>> No.9272219




>> No.9272228
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>consider these points on the real and imaginary plane

>> No.9272249

"Assume x, then y" is slang for "Whenever you have x, you have y"

>> No.9272271

>we're skipping the section on probability but we will be covering hydrostatic pressure problems
Fucking gay

>> No.9272274

>proof: exercise
:proof: think

>> No.9272787

If whatever you're learning has no real world applications, then it's completely useless and you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.9272801

> lecturer says "now lets look at some applications"
> immediately stop paying attention because it won't be assessed

>> No.9272846
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>let's assume friction doesn't exist

>> No.9272850
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>Assume ideal conditions

>> No.9272854

That would be really great, we could build some crazy shit then.

>> No.9272860

You realize what you were shown would have been extremely trivial problems within physics and statistics right? You don't seriously think that at a real world level they are doing things that are that simplistic?

>> No.9272864

Education is fucked up. You should start with the real world application and then move onto theory. Elon Musk is working on a new school model I believe where we teach things in the context of application and never just lecture people on shit like calculus in the abstract sense.

>> No.9272871

Thats retarded. Nobody would pass. You have no idea how fucked youd be if you had to deal with reality in its rawest corm. Nonlinear systems alone would fuck up studying algebra. You would be a plug n chug monkey.

>> No.9272875

Just because you can't figure out a way to teach well doesn't mean others haven't already. Teaching is hard. Now that we have an intelligent person working on it we might get somewhere.

>> No.9272878

Gotta understand how forces work before you start applying another force to it

>> No.9272880

>"Real world application" is some ridiculously oversimplified and idealised thought experiment that isn't even remotely similar to real world conditions

>> No.9272881
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>the proof is left as an exercise to the reader

>> No.9272894

literally nothing wrong with that

>> No.9272932
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>assume a frictionless massless object is falling and assume g=10m/s^2

>> No.9273003

virgin mathematician vs chad engineer

>> No.9273008

> 10 m/s^2
> Implying an engineer wouldn't use 32 ft / s^2

>> No.9273017
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>assume pi is an interger.

>> No.9273041
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>imperial units
Not even engineers can be this gay.

>> No.9273055

>Assume ideal gas

>> No.9273068

>lets assume how atoms looks like
the fucking state of these science cultists

>> No.9273083

>Petroleum Engineerimg

>> No.9273092

>algebraic topology seminar, we're talking about abstract homotopy theory
>"let's look at a real world application"
>the discussed abstract nonsense can be used to prove that a vector bundle is orientable if and only if a certain composition is nullhomotopic

I fucking love pure math

>> No.9273156

>pure math

engineering is the chad of all maths

>> No.9273218

How would we build anything? We'd be sliding all over the place?

>> No.9274820

You a plumber or something?

>> No.9274950
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>let's make the youth even more stupid by not teaching them any abstract thinking but just preparing them to be cheap workers

>> No.9275282

easy, any application on the imaginary world is isomorphic to one on the real world via a canonical homomorphism

>> No.9275284
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>proof: see exercise 3.17
>exercise 3.17: prove the theorem

>> No.9275286

desu for some reason even this feels too applied for me. Started doing postgraduate in alg top, but fuck mang i just wanna learn pure algebra theory that has no application to other math

>> No.9275514

Amen. I hate when my professors say that.
I have the urge to scream that I don't want to be a experimental "physicist" or that I'm not gay (engineer)
Other thing that triggers me
>lets us choose a very small part of the volume dv. But be careful because we're talking about macroscopic objects we cannot forget about the atomic shit etc etc

>> No.9275520
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>let us describe a thought experiment

>> No.9275534
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I love these threads

>> No.9275557

>proof: let's look at this example
Fucking cringe

>> No.9275579


brainlet detected

think for half a second on how you can tell if something will or will not have applications in the future

>> No.9275583

>shit like calculus

actually kys

>> No.9275599

>Proof: A full proof is beyond the scope of this text.
>But let's look at a simplified case.

>> No.9275620
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Proof: Left as an Exercise to the reader

>> No.9275636

Every fucking time

>> No.9275653
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>The exercise left for the reader is left as an exercise for the reader

>> No.9275701

>a firm is producing widgets

>> No.9275715
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>in a perfectly competitive market...

>> No.9275747

I've seen this idea be put into practice firsthand and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that it doesn't fucking work.

>> No.9275771

>Elon musk
Top kek

>> No.9275850
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> Elon Musk

>> No.9275865


Is Elon Musk a meme around here nowadays?

I stopped taking him seriously ever since he said "there's a one in billions chance we're in base reality".

>> No.9275875
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>"there's a one in billions chance we're in base reality".

>> No.9275885
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>not buying your anti gay frogs divine extreme mega cool super male brain vitality pill
Do you want to fail your calc 1 class?

>> No.9275925

Yes. I'm am proud to announce that he is the new King of pop science

>> No.9276159

He's the new Steve Jobs

>> No.9276249
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>Laminar flow

>> No.9276281

>"lets prove this..."
>get boner
> "...using induction."
> barf blood

>> No.9276298 [DELETED] 
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>easy, any application on the imaginary world is isomorphic to one on the real world via a canonical homomorphism
The imaginary world isn't homomorphic to an ordered field whereas the real world is, sadly.

>> No.9276621


>> No.9276712

>refer to the standard normal tables