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9271273 No.9271273 [Reply] [Original]

Should nanotech research be banned before it's too late?

>> No.9271368


>> No.9271375

the US government and the Eurasian deep state have been working on biological backdoors (cellullar level human rootkits) since the 1940s


>> No.9271411

banned by who?

and too late for what?

>> No.9271416

too late for what ?

>> No.9271625

No. Too late for what?

>> No.9271653

Yes, it is waaaaaay too dangerous to fuck around with.

Part of nanotech research is trying to create tiny machines able to replicate themselves for assorted reasons.

>Woops we fucked up the programming on that one
>grey goo doomsday scenario

>> No.9271687

Nature is already doing that without our control.
You can fuck off now.

>> No.9271690

You cannot compare ants and bees to an exponential curve of self replicating microbots, you fucking retard.

>> No.9271692

I mean, biological life is really nothing more than grey goo scenario (even moreso if we are the result of panspermia), but what happens if we design even more efficient matter converters, replicators, and assemblers? Or if they have ai and are superintelligent. Might not happen in our lifetimes but it could happen nonetheless.

>> No.9271709

>nanobots don't act by any sort of psuedo-biochemical basis like all examples of self-replicating molecules do, they just magically destroy anything and everything that comes into contact with it while acting at magic-level reaction rates
luv this meme

>> No.9271713

Please get back where you came from

>> No.9271715

Maybe not ants and bees, but viruses and bacteria, on the other hand, fit the description nicely.

Also this.

>> No.9272644
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We don't have self replicating microbots or more efficient matter converters than nature. We are quite far from that. We don't even know if the technology to do this is possible.

So let's go back to OP's 'viral nanotechnology' which is using viruses we find in nature as nanotech building blocks. We use viruses we find in nature because we aren't very good at engineering our own building blocks from scratch.

Oh and all the research that could make scary nanotech possible isn't happening under the name of nanotech. Really nanotech is just a meme field.

>> No.9273088

Any good free pdfs/ebooks on Nanotechnology?

Please no link to material science stuff.

>> No.9273192

No, of course not you fucking degenerate. I hate you retards who think that technologies should be banned before we can even explore their potential. Fuck off back to your cave and think about what you've done.

>> No.9273944

nanotech (nanoelectronics) student here, I can confirm >>9271709

>> No.9273951

Also, I would like to say that we are closer to print a computer with a household printer than any grey goo scenario