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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9270652 No.9270652 [Reply] [Original]

>limit all space programs to non-scientific satellite launches since space is barren af and not worth it
>demolish all large telescopes since they're money sinks
>dismantle all quantum physics installations because they're just useless
>foster development of renewable energy sources since earth is our home forever
>focus on low-cost appropriate technologies since they're cheap
What about you, /sci/?

>> No.9270674
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Start a riot.

>> No.9270710

>dismantle all lame ass commercial product research being done
>take away all funding for research being done for purely military research
>take the trillions from these two industries as well as any other and focus purely on getting to more habitable planets and perfecting space travel and exploration.

>> No.9270716

>stop everything and take the money to make anime real

>> No.9270719
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>Fund research to prove traps arent gay
>When that's done, social sciences are cancelled
>The military becomes Space Military (if you shoot your enemies from orbit you cant lose)
>Figure out how to reverse desertification, that teaches us the basics of terraforming
>Space military terraform everything

>> No.9270721
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Get rid of journals.
If you write a scientific paper, everybody from myself, the President, my dog, and Bill my next door neighbor should have access to it.

Can they read it? Probably not. Is it accessible? Damn will be with me running things.

>> No.9270752

Put all funding into Flat Earth research.

>> No.9270831
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> Flat Earth
brainlet. Toroidal Earth is the true solution.

>> No.9270841 [DELETED] 

>Compile a list of all unsolved problems in each major fields
>Require all code to be open source for reproducibility
>Free access to all journals

21th century and still no open access to most things, wtf man

>> No.9270846

>Compile a list of all unsolved problems in each major fields
>Require all code and data used in paper to be open source for reproducibility
>Free access to all journals

21th century and still no open access to most things, wtf man