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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 459x620, skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9269396 No.9269396 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, let's use this font to make this HALLOWEEN style board even more [math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{SPOOKY}}[/math].
It's called \mathfrak with the color orange:

\color{orange}{\mathfrak{CANCEROUS\ FONT}}

For those who don't know how [math]\LaTeX[/math] works, click on the [math]\TeX[/math] button on the top left when replying. That explains how to start an "equation". Copy-paste the example and use \ for spaces.

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{Happy\ Post-Halloween}}[/math]
[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{LET\ THE\ HALLOWEEN\ CANCER\ SPREAD}}[/math]

>> No.9269408

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{spooky\ spooky\ skeletons}}[/math]

>> No.9269415

Hello newfriend, welcome to /sci/

>> No.9269420

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{Hi\ my\ spooky\ spooky\ friend}}[/math]

>> No.9269442

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{I\ GOT\ SPOOKED\ BY\ THIS\ THREAD!!!}}[/math]

>> No.9269468

[math]\color{green}{\mathfrak{Spooky\ scary\ skeletons\ send\ shivers\ down\ your\ spine}}[/math]
[math]\color{green}{\mathfrak{Shrieking\ skulls\ will\ shock\ your\ soul,\ seal\ your\ doom\ tonight}}[/math]

>> No.9269472

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{Spooky\ scary\ skeletons}}[/math]
[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{Speak\ with\ such\ a\ screech}}[/math]
[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{You'll\ shake\ and\ shudder\ in\ surprise}}[/math]
[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{When\ you\ hear\ these\ zombies\ shriek}}[/math]

>> No.9269476

Mods please convert all text on /sci/ to automatically be in spooky script, this place has needed chemo for a while

>> No.9269488

[math]\color{yellow}{\mathfrak{What\ the\ fuck\ did\ you\ just\ fucking\ say\ about\ me,\ you\ little\ bitch?\ I’ll\ have\ you\ know\ I\ graduated\ top\ of\ my\ class\ in\ the\ Navy\ Seals,\ and\ I’ve\ been\ involved\ in\ numerous\ secret\ raids\ on\ Al-Quaeda,\ and\ I\ have\ over\ 300\ confirmed\ kills.\ I\ am\ trained\ in\ gorilla\ warfare\ and\ I’m\ the\ top\ sniper\ in\ the\ entire\ US\ armed\ forces.\ You\ are\ nothing\ to\ me\ but\ just\ another\ target.\ I\ will\ wipe\ you\ the\ fuck\ out\ with\ precision\ the\ likes\ of\ which\ has\ never\ been\ seen\ before\ on\ this\ Earth,\ mark\ my\ fucking\ words.\ You\ think\ you\ can\ get\ away\ with\ saying\ that\ shit\ to\ me\ over\ the\ Internet?\ Think\ again,\ fucker.\ As\ we\ speak\ I\ am\ contacting\ my\ secret\ network\ of\ spies\ across\ the\ USA\ and\ your\ IP\ is\ being\ traced\ right\ now\ so\ you\ better\ prepare\ for\ the\ storm,\ maggot.\ The\ storm\ that\ wipes\ out\ the\ pathetic\ little\ thing\ you\ call\ your\ life.\ You’re\ fucking\ dead,\ kid.\ I\ can\ be\ anywhere,\ anytime,\ and\ I\ can\ kill\ you\ in\ over\ seven\ hundred\ ways,\ and\ that’s\ just\ with\ my\ bare\ hands.\ Not\ only\ am\ I\ extensively\ trained\ in\ unarmed\ combat,\ but\ I\ have\ access\ to\ the\ entire\ arsenal\ of\ the\ United\ States\ Marine\ Corps\ and\ I\ will\ use\ it\ to\ its\ full\ extent\ to\ wipe\ your\ miserable\ ass\ off\ the\ face\ of\ the\ continent,\ you\ little\ shit.\ If\ only\ you\ could\ have\ known\ what\ unholy\ retribution\ your\ little\ “clever”\ comment\ was\ about\ to\ bring\ down\ upon\ you,\ maybe\ you\ would\ have\ held\ your\ fucking\ tongue.\ But\ you\ couldn’t,\ you\ didn’t,\ and\ now\ you’re\ paying\ the\ price,\ you\ goddamn\ idiot.\ I\ will\ shit\ fury\ all\ over\ you\ and\ you\ will\ drown\ in\ it.\ You’re\ fucking\ dead,\ kiddo.}}[/math]

>> No.9269503

[eqn]\color{crimson}{\frak Crimson\ is\ spookier\ than\ orange\ desu\ senpai.}[/eqn]

>> No.9269621

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{This\ transliteration\ is\ a\ fucking\ masterpiece!}}[/math]
[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{WELL\ DONE}}[/math]

>> No.9269659

[math]\color{crimson}{\mathfrak{To\ be\ fair,\ you\ have\ to\ have\ a\ very\ high\ IQ\ to\ understand\ Rick\ and\ Morty.\ The\ humour\ is\ extremely\ subtle,\ and\ without\ a\ solid\ grasp\ of\ theoretical\ physics\ most\ of\ the\ jokes\ will\ go\ over\ a\ typical\ viewer’s\ head.\ There’s\ also\ Rick’s\ nihilistic\ outlook,\ which\ is\ deftly\ woven\ into\ his\ characterisation-\ his\ personal\ philosophy\ draws\ heavily\ from\ Narodnaya\ Volya\ literature,\ for\ instance.\ The\ fans\ understand\ this\ stuff;\ they\ have\ the\ intellectual\ capacity\ to\ truly\ appreciate\ the\ depths\ of\ these\ jokes,\ to\ realise\ that\ they’re\ not\ just\ funny-\ they\ say\ something\ deep\ about\ LIFE.\ As\ a\ consequence\ people\ who\ dislike\ Rick\ \&\ Morty\ truly\ ARE\ idiots-\ of\ course\ they\ wouldn’t\ appreciate,\ for\ instance,\ the\ humour\ in\ Rick’s\ existential\ catchphrase\ “Wubba\ Lubba\ Dub\ Dub,”\ which\ itself\ is\ a\ cryptic\ reference\ to\ Turgenev’s\ Russian\ epic\ Fathers\ and\ Sons.\ I’m\ smirking\ right\ now\ just\ imagining\ one\ of\ those\ addlepated\ simpletons\ scratching\ their\ heads\ in\ confusion\ as\ Dan\ Harmon’s\ genius\ wit\ unfolds\ itself\ on\ their\ television\ screens.\ What\ fools..\ how\ I\ pity\ them.\ \ And\ yes,\ by\ the\ way,\ i\ DO\ have\ a\ Rick\ \&\ Morty\ tattoo.\ And\ no,\ you\ cannot\ see\ it.\ It’s\ for\ the\ ladies’\ eyes\ only-\ and\ even\ then\ they\ have\ to\ demonstrate\ that\ they’re\ within\ 5\ IQ\ points\ of\ my\ own\ (preferably\ lower)\ beforehand.\ Nothin\ personnel\ kid\ }}[/math]

>> No.9269686

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{I\ need\ you\ to\ do\ me\ a\ huge\ favor\ OP}}\\
{\color{orange}{\mathfrak{\frac{1}{\frac{MY\ MAN}{KILL\ YOURSELF}}}}}

>> No.9269849

[math]\color{crimson}{\mathfrak{Thou\ art\ perturbed?}}[/math]

>> No.9269981

[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{Yo\ listen\ up,\ here's\ the\ story}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{About\ a\ little\ guy\ that\ lives\ in\ a\ blue\ world}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{And\ all\ day\ and\ all\ night\ and\ everything\ he\ sees\ is\ just\ blue}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{Like\ him,\ inside\ and\ outside}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{Blue\ his\ house\ with\ a\ blue\ little\ window}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{And\ a\ blue\ Corvette}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{And\ everything\ is\ blue\ for\ him}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{And\ himself\ and\ everybody\ around}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{'Cause\ he\ ain't\ got\ nobody\ to\ listen}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{I'm\ blue\ da\ ba\ dee\ da\ ba\ daa}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{Da\ ba\ dee\ da\ ba\ daa,\ da\ ba\ dee\ da\ ba\ daa,\ da\ ba\ dee\ da\ ba\ daa}}[/math]
[math]\color{blue}{\mathfrak{Da\ ba\ dee\ da\ ba\ daa,\ da\ ba\ dee\ da\ ba\ daa,\ da\ ba\ dee\ da\ ba\ daa}}[/math]

>> No.9269997

I wish moot still owned this site

[math]\mathsf{\color{red}{USER \space WAS \space BANNED \space FOR \space THIS \space POST}}[/math]

>> No.9270011


>> No.9270021
File: 29 KB, 633x758, tfw angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gook moot fucking removed the spook!

>> No.9270141

Fuck joot

[math]\color{red}{\textsf{(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)}}[/math]

>> No.9270393

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{Posting\ in\ a\ retarded\ bread}}[/math]

>> No.9270999
File: 126 KB, 300x273, 23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9271132


>> No.9271137


>> No.9271147

git gud

>> No.9271305
