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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 908x470, 5aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9268460 No.9268460 [Reply] [Original]

Ideal gf of /sci/ and... physicist, matematician, biologist, etc.

>> No.9268461

Smarter than me.
Big ass, fat tits.
Cute face.

t. Biochemfag

>> No.9268472

a dumb, and cute, housewife who gets impressed with my math skills

>> No.9268494

This. It sounds terrible to want a partner that is dumber than you (like its a narcissistic or power thing) but I think that a lot of the time being with people that are less intelligent than you but still genuine and really nice is a lot better than the inverse.

>> No.9268502

Thirded. Currently dating an elementary school teacher that couldn't multiply to save her life. She got top marks in school cuz of her organization and effort though. Makes for a really ideal match

>> No.9268522

It's like that Rick and Morty copypasta. The ideal woman is very very slightly dumber than you are.

>> No.9268524

I only look for a thing in my women... BIG ASHKENAZI BREASTS

>> No.9268526

Women are for brainlets

>> No.9268528

Fourthed. Currently dating an elementary schooler that couldn't multiply to save her life. She got top marks in school cuz of her organization and effort though. Makes for a really ideal match

>> No.9268536
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Dumb thic sloot

>> No.9268539

probably a girl that has similar subject im taking who is also smart too. but yeah this is asking too much.

t. physics and aerospace engineering double major

>> No.9268540


>> No.9268541

A girl that has a similar passion in /sci/. Yet to find one that will find me attractive, aka never

>> No.9268555
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avg intelligence mild interest in pure math and phys who likes sleeping in on weekends and kicking me out of the bed on weekdays

absolutely needs to be a loli

>> No.9268587

>math major (pure math)
>smarter than me, but doesn't look down on me for being dumber than her
>wants to take care of me
>reads a lot
>zero interest in identity politics
>tolerates my political views
>no guy friends

>> No.9268916
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a chemist gf that will make illicit substances in our garage

>> No.9268920
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>sporty girl
>always dragging me outside to try football or paintballing or tobogganing
>makes fun of me for being such a nerd
>studies martial arts, easily beats me when we play fight

>> No.9268922

Sustained personal relationships beyond the bare minimum necessary for good mental health is a waste of time.

>> No.9268928

>engineering major

Well, good fucking luck is all I can say in this case...

>> No.9268935

this is appealing but unfortunately, sportiness and strength is associated with stupidity to such an extent that I end up being repulsed everytime (and there aren't many of them too)

>> No.9268998
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>engineer gf
>"anon let's approximate happiness"
>tfw will never happen

>> No.9269000
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someone i find physically attracted with whom i share most of my values. ideally someone who is also school-oriented.

>> No.9269007

Is into open relationships so that she can freely look for the best genes for the good of the species.

t. Evolutionary psychologist

>> No.9269009

Pianist gf that likes to swim and wake me up in the morning. She does not need to be a profissional, i will provide so she can play piano all day without worrying about money. It would be nice if she could paint too. Maido dess is also a plus.

>> No.9269012

i am mathfaggot btw

>> No.9269014

wow, if i ever needed evidence that biologists are beta numales, here it is.

>> No.9269026

psychologist =/= biologist

>> No.9269031

A smart girl that knows the value of hardwork.
Though is an oxymoron because a smartgirl would never date an illiterate tard who looks like shit and is unemployed.

>> No.9269034
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tfw no dying gf...

>> No.9269038
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>> No.9269043

>Can't tell the difference between psychology or biology

Wew lad

>> No.9269059

>thinking i give a shit about some distinguishing some interdisciplinary field
you're right though, i gave him too much credit. my bad

>> No.9269063
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>> No.9269253
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A brown tomboy with thick eyebrows.

>> No.9269260
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>tfw she uses small angle approximations on your happiness factors

>> No.9269262

>doesn't know anything but is interested
>wants unprotected sex nightly
>does not like socialising with anyone other than me
>no friends

>> No.9269266

Curious, handsome, and smart guy who wants blow me at least twice a week. Must be blonde or Jew.

>> No.9269348


>> No.9269373

She's willing to touch my wiener.

>> No.9269381
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>>9268460 >>9269038 >>9269063
TFW no Kurisu GF.

>> No.9269404

>studies chem/physics/math or anything along those lines
>good student
>not fat
>doesn't mind my autism
that's about all I could ever ask for

>> No.9269411

It's an association not based in reality however. Pretty much any study on such a thing finds physically active people are on average smarter than non active.

>> No.9269414

QT /lit/ gf who reads and writes more than me so I can live vicariously through her.

t. compscifag

>> No.9269424

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{9/10 ASS}}[/math]

>> No.9269433

[math]\color{orange}{\mathfrak{BUT\ 10/10\ FOR}}\ \color{orange}{\mathbb{T\ H\ I\ C\ C\ N\ E\ S\ S}}[/math]

>> No.9269440


daily reminder I will never have a tall, thicc, brown tomboy whose sweaty feet I can rub.

>> No.9269545

fiftih, currently dating an elementary school teacher that couldn't multiply to save her life.
she has two stalkers though that keep sending her money stapled to (I presume their) IQ tests.

>> No.9269555

My gf, she is premed (absolutely disgusting) but we've known each other since we were kids. She's medium intelligence, but has a weird obsession for serial killers, and is a chemfag through and through in terms of her academic interest.

>> No.9269574

Why would you want this though? Whats the point of having a gf you can't spend the rest of your life with?

>> No.9269604

A man of culture I see

>> No.9269624
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>> No.9269721

^ You already got fit with this like 5 months ago, fuck off.

>> No.9269819

>committing your entire life to a single person
>implying you wouldn't ever regret such a decision

>> No.9270663

Aww that's sweet

>> No.9270672

Laboratory made.
Hand coded.

>> No.9270713

As I move up in Academia I see more and more such people, albeit only guys so far.

>> No.9270717
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>you will never have this

>> No.9270718

Keep looking

>> No.9270740

The perfect woman should have the bad to make the good more interesting. Warm body but cold hair. Invisible except by infrared. Chess player with permanent 1200 ELO. Eats coffee grains to sustain itself. Shits yellow turds made of mucus and digested coffee grains. Feign interest in me as a human being. Wrapped in 30 ft USB cables which can be used for my benefit. Smells like dead roses. Nose mucus is acidic enough to boil milk. Can lift up to 5 cats by their tail. Knows how to skin animals and refrigerate them. Phobia of public transportation, and philia of the moon and stars. Portable.

>> No.9271415
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some dumb slut with a big ass

>> No.9271450
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>>wants to take care of me
>tolerates my political views
>no guy friends

you sound like the cucks on /pol/

>> No.9271464

Sorry, i was drunk and my english is shit.

>> No.9271466

A physicist because I'm studying maths. A Linguist would be nice too though. And a really, really curious one at that.

>> No.9271470

Currently dating a medfag into philosophy. If she's not a cynic in a STEM field, is there even a point of dating her?

>> No.9271587

fantastic taste

>> No.9271595
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someone who knows how to live an organized, stable life that can help me try to live one too

>> No.9271694

enjoy having brainlet offsprings

>> No.9271747

>tfw no dyslexic gf

>> No.9271759

Basically complementary to all my failings namely social.
Being a good person surely helps since I cant stand two faced creatures and my bs radar is of the highest quality due to my profession.

>> No.9271766

My gf wants to be a homemaker, I think. I think she maybe has the smarts for STEM but she really doesn't want her work to be her life, or her life her work. She's in school for sociology rn, but because she needs to be in school for her housing situation, and also to get the financial aid to survive. She has had a hard life :(

>> No.9271769

That's funny, I'm currently dating a guy with anterograde amnesia.

>> No.9271805

>about same intelligence (not higher I hope)
>likes physics
>likes going out but is okay with staying inside
>likes discussing politics and physics in general
>is okay with acting like a basic NEET in certain days (staying at home doing nothing etc)
>is okay with vidya (doesn't really have to play it, but it'd be nice if she'd join sometimes)
>looks don't matter as long as above 6/10

I'd be okay with gf being smarter than me, but there's a breaking point to how much smarter she'd be. I'd also okay with gf being slightly below me on intelligence, as long as she's curious and doesn't have many personal problems. However the absolute perfect point is someone on my level. After all we're all looking for soulmates, no?
Also I set 6/10 as the limit because I think there has to be at least some physical attraction between the persons. 5/10 is just the point where the person isn't attractive nor "ugly". As I said, some attraction is necessary so 6/10 is it.

Thank you for reading my blog on the perfect gf.

>> No.9272455

One with a penis

>> No.9272485
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>Smarter than me.
So, pretty low standards?

>> No.9272505

1) Equal intellect
2) Equal exposure to high culture, I cannot suffer a philistine
3) Cute
4) Petite hourglass
5) Pewter skin
6) Blonde or ginger, naturally curly
That's all I ask.

>> No.9272509

Does her surname have to be Shulgin?

>> No.9272510
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>> No.9272513

Kys, immediately.

>> No.9272520

You're a cutie, anon.

>> No.9272524

>Thank you for reading my blog on the perfect gf.
That's okay, anon.
It was a pretty accurate description.

>> No.9272563

>Anon please stop playing hospice on repeat

The ideal gf doesn't exist. You shouldn't even have a gf: it's a distraction from one's learning.

>> No.9273293

I want a gf that's noob in organic/medicinal chemistry but great in something else that I'm noob at so we have lots to talk about and learn from each other.

>> No.9273313
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>> No.9273334

>tfw no non existent gf

>> No.9273358

>tfw have exactly this right now
>I don't really have feelings for her
>can't bring myself to break up with her
she's also rich, really smart, and wants to go into academia, but I just can't feel

>> No.9273441

>doesn't want to be bothered with taking care of me
>refuses to have sex or touch my dick whenever I ask, only offers it when she feels in the mood
>becomes violently angry when I express my opinions regarding something political
>has several guy friends she hangs around everyday, whom she may or may not be fucking
Certainly these alternatives are more favorable, amirite? :)

>> No.9273454


>> No.9273795
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this post alone is proof that not all compscifags are retards
patrician taste

>> No.9273971

QT Material/Electronical engineer

>> No.9273979

alternatively, blond tomboish basketball player

>> No.9274009

This post is not.

>> No.9274056

>Interested in philosophy and either pure math or physics
>short white qt
>roughly the same intelligence as me
>open minded
>is willing to live in my RV with me

t. unemployed

>> No.9274529

ideal bf

>smarter than me
>high conscientiousness, low neuroticism
>blue eyes, nordic features
>wants to live /innawoods/ and have 14 children with me

a girl can dream

>> No.9274709

I'm girl, but here we go...

>Smarter than me
>At least 5,9 feet tall.
>Wants to take initiative and control
>Nice face
>Should have a good job
He can be black or white idc (no asians though, latino is okay if he's tall.)

>> No.9274713

How do you feel about Indians. I'm tall btw

>> No.9274741


>100 lbs
>pear shaped
>inferior computer science major
>traditional values

I just want a smart qt that I can talk about math with. Everyone I know is too brainlet for me.
Pls respond

>> No.9274854

t. dangerously low test

>> No.9274860

>pear shaped
Are you a grill?

>> No.9274871

Not a problem

>> No.9274873

Fuck off, women are not allowed here

>> No.9274874

I think that's what their ideal gf is like

>> No.9274876

Yes. Im asking for some smart qt to talk to me.

>> No.9274883

Under the unlikely notion someone will trust me and want to be in contact with me, I have provided a throwaway email. I may take some time to reply due to work.

>> No.9274887


>> No.9274891

Lmao you know the drill grill, tits or gtfo

>> No.9274900

My big plan is to marry up so that my children aren't humanlets. That id's how genetics work right? Nobody deserves the suffering that is being a 5'6" male.

>> No.9274929
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>cute and feminine, it's ok if she is a little spoiled
>high school diploma, but no higher education or at least not in STEM and no PhD
>not ignorant about history and literature
>has a job, not a career
>knows when she has to tell me to man up and when to comfort me
>can cook and wants children
>no tattoos
>no political bullshit
>christian or atheist
>not asian
t. cs grad student

>> No.9275033

>implying you will ever have sex, let alone children

Just KYS manlet, it's for the best.
Feels good to be 6'4 master-race.

>> No.9275439

>being this threatened by a manlet
Lmao maybe you'd find a girlfriend if you weren't such an autistic faggot

>> No.9275487

Dumber than me obviously, master in physics but with worse grades than me, virgin, traditional Catholic, wants to have lots of kids, 8+/10 and I had to meet her before she turned 20 years old.

>> No.9275495
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>> No.9275497

>he can be black
Drop dead coalburner

>> No.9275500

My God those cuckness levels are beyond everything I've seen. Grow up faggot.

>> No.9275560

You can't possibly confirm something like that.

>> No.9275561


t. triggered shitskins

>> No.9275582

Yeah EVERYONE loves fat tall reddit guys with very loud voices and beards who are smart and "funny" haha

>> No.9275587

Feisty little guy aren't ya

>> No.9276441

Is this the newest /sci/ pasta?

>> No.9276448
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Height, body size, and longevity: is smaller better for the human body?
Information extract source:
No, you're just a lanky freak, doomed to die sooner.

>> No.9276528
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current gf is ideal:
>slim but round ass and tits
>short hair
>not too smart, loves when I explain shit
>not too dumb, can still hold a conversation
>introduces me to music and film that I actually like
>can cook and clean
>does cook and clean
>maintains standards of personal hygiene
>has borne my offspring

>> No.9276545

>has borne my offspring
How old are you?

>> No.9276549

Drinking from plastic resepticals I see.

>> No.9276557

Have you tryed a testosterone cycle?

>> No.9276559

Taking the bait here; but these subsets will literally dry up any bitch's vabina.

>> No.9277507

enjoy being knocked up, beaten and murdered or being a single mother to a niglet you fucking retarded whore

>> No.9277529

A cute boy.

>> No.9277716

Someone who loves me would probably be good enough.
Plus points for: not stupid, cute, studying something interesting that I am not involved in.

Not gonna happen anyway, as I am socially retarded.

Literally me (except for the smarter probably), but I will never talk to you anyway, since you didn't list basic social skills as your requirements.

>> No.9277745
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There is none.

>> No.9277853

>pretends to like the things i do
>is passionate about something, her career preferably
>loves me


>> No.9277877

my current girlfriend was sporty and smart in school. we love to wrestle when we have a disagreement. It's the funnest shit ever.

>> No.9278038

I've never watched steins gate, plus looking for a new waifu....Is she really pure? Will I, a typical /sci/ doubting, self punishing, unsure person, fall in love with this woman for who she is?

>> No.9278053

I don't care if my gf is smarter than me
i dont care if shes dumber than me

i just want her to be sweet

>> No.9278637
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>but has a weird obsession for serial killers
stay safe anon

>> No.9278858

Nice girl. "Smart" as a trait is overrated.
I want a nice girl who I don't have to get into debates/arguments with after I come home

>> No.9278894
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>> No.9278921

>greater than 5/10
>not too fat, but doesn't have to be a supermodel
>long-ish hair that she likes either putting in one big braid or puts it into a pony tail or just leaves hanging (but she does comb it)
>must be indian
>somewhat light-skinned
>less than or equal to 5' 6" in height
>is passionate about something, doesn't have to be STEM-related
>is at least a little interested in hearing about what i work on/something STEM-related (i would need to be at least somewhat interested in hearing what she wants to work on as well)
>makes me at least a little interested in whatever she is passionate about
>smart but not smarter than me
>was a good student in her last completed level of education
>is a virgin when i meet her
>has never done drugs
>doesn't drink
>wants to have kids
>can have kids
>is okay with being a stay at home/working part time (at most 4 hours a day) once we have kids
>is okay with my interest in anime
>makes me want to be more of an extrovert after spending time with her
>somewhat of a neat freak but not too much
>has the ability to cook and clean
>does cook and clean
>is willing to discuss politics and is willing to accept differences in our political opinions (no identity politics)
>somewhat outdoorsy, i.e. enough to drag me outside of the house sometimes but is also okay with me staying in sometimes as well
>willing to put up with (what i think is) my mild social awkwardness
>values hardwork
>is humble
>knows how to play an instrument or sing or at least is familiar with some fine art (bar is pretty low for this one)
>likes reading
>somewhat submissive
>wakes up earlier than me
>supports me in whatever i want to try but is also assertive enough to shoot me down if i suggest something dumb
>comforts me when I'm feeling down
>cares about me as a person
>loves me for who i am
so exactly 0 women.
i-i'm not crying, i-it's just the rain :'(
thank you for reading my blogpost.

>> No.9278926


>> No.9278932

Not ugly and fat, not being a superficial whore, being a good person so that I can get inspiration from her on that, not necessarily smart but at least having a decent intuition about the world so that we can communicate.

>> No.9278934
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p-pls no bully

>> No.9278946
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I'm obsessed with math qt's
When I was in high school there was this girl who was topped all the math exams, I was a new student and managed to beat her and she cried. But I got the hugest crush on her and never got over it.

>> No.9278983
File: 1.01 MB, 640x960, EE8D3DD6-5A6A-49D6-A6FC-0A51809B14BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Confirmed Kurisu is the ideal gf

>> No.9279000
File: 192 KB, 2662x918, 1504430031214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kurisu is a virgin, extremely intelligent and kind kind hearted. You will NEVER find this type of girl in the U.S or any western culture. The Zionists have already destroyed the western culture.

>> No.9279004

Your testosterone is in the negatives

>> No.9279009

depressed mathematician who likes tea and music and to talk about philosophical things

tfw she got away

>> No.9279012

>smarter than me but not intimidatingly so, just enough to bully me
>in applied math, CS or EE/CompE
>preferably virgin or low partner count
>likes to read but isn't pretentious about it
>browses /mu/ regularly
>likes vidya but doesnt play too much
>preferably a homebody
>preferably asian, indian or jewish, as long as she isn't white (I'm white and I don't want to date a white girl)
>smokes weed
>little to no male friends
>comes from rich family
>possessive and a little jealous
Tfw my perfect gf probably doesn't exist

>> No.9279027

fuck off

>> No.9279033

>implying theres anything wrong with wanting to be bullied by a fit girl
Haven't you heard opposites attract?

>> No.9279035

No shes a fucking slut

Kurisu isnt pure

>> No.9279037

Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi

>> No.9279042

Fuck no kurisu is an impure fucking degenerate slut
May be smart but still degenerate and impure

>> No.9279048

>immigrated from russian far east when little
>fashion model type appearance
>blue collar job and working class parents
>socdem or lefter
>really good at some some creative activity
>decently well read
>higher intelligence but less knowledge

>> No.9279056

>Russophile wants left wing gf

>> No.9279070



>> No.9279072

I just want a gf with a low sex drive. Every girl I've been with wants to have sex constantly, like 1-3 times a day. Shit's exhausting yo

>> No.9279073

a thicc 2 meter tall unkempt, awkward futa NEET with dependence issues

>> No.9279080

Someone that makes me feel alive. Or literally makes me dead. Either one.

>> No.9279081

Stop it youre over your daily autism allowance already

>> No.9279083

Someone who makes me feel alive. Or literally makes me dead. Either one.

>> No.9279199

>avg intelligence mild interest in pure math and phys who likes sleeping in on weekends and kicking me out of the bed on weekdays
>absolutely needs to be a loli

>> No.9279210

I know it's not common for men but I'm actually really attracted to women that are smarter than me. Unfortunately those relationships are less likely to work out. So a sweet, dumber girl would do.

>> No.9279224
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This thread fucking sucks. Every thread on /sci/ that has to do with women sucks. I come here to get away from those disgusting creatures. The world would genuinely be a better place if women didn't exist or at least if men didn't feel attraction to them and we could use artificial wombs.

>> No.9279237
File: 40 KB, 479x750, Vaguecursed+images+comp+ill+post+more+of+this+kinda+garbage_6ba9c5_6229454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has almost no concept of "cringe"
>is generally wholesome
>5'7 or less
>Anywhere between muscleless weakling to body builder, just not obese
>ludicrously romantic
>good conversationalist, so her skills rub off on me

>> No.9279247

>zero interest in identity politics
>tolerates my political views
>no guy friends
You have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.9279248


>> No.9279255

Not an argument.

>> No.9279256

>>zero interest in identity politics
No, you mean >>>>>>>/r/the_donald

>> No.9279263

At this point they're pretty much the same thing

>> No.9279272

>tfw green eyes
end it

>> No.9279276

/pol/ is nearly full on reactionary/nat soc.
the_donald is neo conservative populism.

>> No.9279282

>he still thinks pol is a nazi board
Have you seen the pics from the /pol/ meetups. The 56% face is alive and well.

>> No.9279291

>implying fedora doesn't make you redhats bitch
You were played since the beginning

>> No.9279419

Aerospace engineering major here
Jokes on you I already have the perfect gf

>5'2 cutie
>Studies Biology
>Loves science
>No close guy friends
>Hates physical contact with people except me and family
>Is impressed by my intelligence and a bit turned on by it too
>Can he freaky in sex
>0% cringe, no interest in stupid memes
>Pushes me to be good/better and not be lazy and/or stupid
>Teaches me new things every time

I am truly blessed.

>> No.9279715

I just use the ideal gf law

1 (gf) = [number of holes (3) * ideal gf constant (loyal factor) * temperature (~310.75K)] / [(Perfect Tits (2)) * (Vaginal Friction (Newtons))]

>> No.9279742

A cute, thin, dark/curly hair Jewess is ideal.

>> No.9279746

And of course giving her a Dutch oven as she deserves.

>> No.9279759
File: 19 KB, 720x720, 1509672291532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when did /pol/tards study math?

>> No.9279764

Stop this right now anon

>> No.9279970
File: 106 KB, 1251x787, aggie 102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste.

>> No.9280241
File: 21 KB, 570x570, 1471969443623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrician taste

>> No.9280244

>Pushes me to be good/better and not be lazy and/or stupid
my current gf has never encouraged me to do better, never helped me in my life. I've helped her a lot. It's an empty feel

>> No.9280246

>smarter than me, but doesn't look down on me for being dumber than her
i don't look down on you for wanting to date within your race but i hope you realize how contradictory these two points are

>> No.9280274

Yeah I know that feeling man. Ex before my current girlfriend was like that. I would ask myself if it was worth being with her seeing that I was not growing as a person.

But I think in a relationship, both parties need to help the other become a better person. That's what makes a relationship so great. You grow and you see your love one grow with you.

In my situation, she has introduced me to many things I didn't even consider before. Taught me how to dance. Makes me eat healthy. Makes me not be lazy. I feel really grateful that I am with her even if she doesn't think so because of her low self-esteem.

Hopefully you will be able to fix your situation

>> No.9280278

This +1

It even has a parable in gook culture, >"never marry a girl smarter than you"

Best case is a girl slightly dumber than you. As with always, never go full retard.

>> No.9280314

She's not cute.

>> No.9280353

patrician taste, my friend

>> No.9280356

You're going to regret leaving her when you start to feel.

>> No.9280360

hey man, we're really not all like that...

>> No.9280666


>> No.9280684

except they dont

>> No.9280690
File: 33 KB, 550x720, 1509564796686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9280803

This so much

t. mathfag

>> No.9280809
File: 82 KB, 660x495, hide-the-pain-harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Wants to take initiative and control

>> No.9281004

>He thinks his 2D waifu is real

>> No.9281237
File: 69 KB, 640x640, 1507620629699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is okay with spiders
>Not smarter than me but not an idiot too.
>Has some chub
>Could handle themselves in a fight
>Wants to have kids
>likes reptiles

t. Zoologist

>> No.9281255

I need someone to downregulate my misanthropy, disgust, and constant disappointment, otherwise it's just mutual misery. Or more often, contagious misery. At which point I'd rather just be alone. I don't try to get along, and I will very easily convince myself that I don't want to get along.

You just gotta have someone who gets it and can communicate with you near natively. Effortless. No fear.

>> No.9281293

Socially retarded is the best term I've listen today. 10/10 will use it.

>> No.9281363

this, upvoted and golded

>> No.9281489

'the' is the best word I've listen today. 10/10 will use it.

>> No.9281754


>> No.9282749

Kurisu is a virgin (hadn't even had a first kiss before the series), nerd, genius who browses the in-universe equivalent of 4chan. She provides emotional and intellectual support for the MC throughout the series, especially when he is at his lowest.

>> No.9282991

why never marry a girl smarter than you? logic behind the parable?

>> No.9283038
File: 6 KB, 458x301, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9283068

this but I want to add that she loves me just as much as I love her.

in fact we make sure to recalibrate weekly.

>> No.9283084


This has already been posted anon

>> No.9283091

This. Preferably Asian. Being at college has reignited my yellow fever something fierce

>> No.9283115

>have kids with her

>> No.9283147

if you date an asian avoid dating a whitewashed one

t. made that mistake

>> No.9283166

Is that why intellectuals are always so sporty?

>> No.9283302

How do you mean?

>> No.9283308

An asian with white culture/values/personality

>> No.9283313

There are a lot of Chinese girls here.

>> No.9283402

There is a big difference between an Asian girl with asian values and an Asian girl with asian values

>> No.9283404

no there isn't

>> No.9283408

I think you meant western values in one case and if so that was my exact issue.

>> No.9283415

Sorry my brain stopped working for a minute *Asian girl with Western/white values vs asian girl with asian values

>> No.9283417

I mean from China Chinese

>> No.9283460
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 54241D26-E151-4485-9F09-F06EF7F744E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9283479

I'm at a large, good uni so there are cute Chinese girls all around

>> No.9283485
File: 57 KB, 581x729, owo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grill here but lemme try

>preferably taller than me (im 5' 4")
> looks like pic posted
>is very smart/genius at math and physics
>is sort of hyper when he talks about science stuff
>likes to tutor and teach me to become better
>likes discussion and debate, quick wit
>good at vidya gaems and computer
>knowledgeable at other things besides science and math
>bonus points (optional but unrealistic) if he goes to MIT/CT/ and is taking his grad studies there
>bonus points (optional but unrealistic) if he works or interns at NASA/DARPA/CERN
>sort of disorganized and wild imagination
>meme lord and doesnt mind discussing controversial topics, in fact encourages it and doesnt get offended
>likes to joke and prank sometimes
>likes going out to places
>can be a flirt but he will be loyal to me plis
>likes building and destroying things
>can be rightfully arrogant sometimes but is willing to learn from other people when he is wrong
>laughs a lot and pretty chill I guess
>would be nice if he could speak another language like German fluently and teach me (unrealistic i know)

I have some admiration of my professor who was similar to this. Not only was he a biology phD, he knew a lot of engineering things, built stuff too, and I was surprised by his vast amount of knowledge. Although he tore apart my research proposal and I was about to cry, he definitely spent a lot of time with me to show me examples on how I can improve and even sat down and showed me videos and told me stories and was quite enthusiastic or hyper talking about all that. "...And that's exactly the first step to science! :D"

>> No.9283490

How about very few of these and I'm doing a second degree in Russian right now?

>> No.9283504

Update: most of them except the unrealistic ones and I have Brown hair and blue eyes and I'm kind of spergy around girls sometimes.

>> No.9283571

Fuck off stupid woman

>> No.9283630

Literally me, except I don't look like the pic. I spent some time at CERN and the place appeared to be quite overrated. Unfortunately for you though, I already have a /sci/ gf of my own.

>> No.9283733
File: 46 KB, 722x349, 1494820320232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least 5,9 feet tall

>> No.9283848


just a lowly burger, s-sorry


rip in pieces


i'm also socially retarded, please let me bear you 14 autistic sons

>> No.9283859

M-my teacher used me as an example of what Scandinavians looked like once. Does that excuse green eyes?

>> No.9283880

in all likelyhood
of course
typical, but not a problem
one day at a time
i'll have one when i'm finished with this PhD
>he can be black or white
suddenly i lost interest i didn't even know i had

>> No.9283960

What are you, math?

>> No.9284298
File: 61 KB, 667x800, 7b3f77c041da40ef91c6d6b5b256441f--eye-color-charts-eye-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are they blueish green or more hazel? what colors did your parents have?

>> No.9284308

Dad's green, mom's blue. I'm a bluer green, gets mistaken for blue sometimes. D30ish I guess.

>> No.9284311


ok gib me a throwaway email or discord or something

>> No.9284318

social work gf is best gf. I don't need smarts I need social skills.

>> No.9284327


>> No.9284339

Don't confuse intellectuals with nerds

>> No.9284351

for bf

>studying/studied stem or is smart and capable of understanding and talking about the work i do and i can do the same for him
>has goals in life hes working towards (is not a neet)
>clever, witty, and flirty
>affectionate and likes to cuddle
>in shape, not crazy about working out but stays fit
>taller than me (not hard im 5'4)
>okay with me being socially awkward (mostly just at first to people i dont know)
>ok with trannies (rip my life)

>> No.9284359 [DELETED] 

Hey I like trannies

>> No.9284387

I think my eyes are A30... a-are they still blue?

>> No.9284399


yes they are you big silly



>> No.9284405

This. She fucked that black man in the alternate timeline

>> No.9284492

I was just looking at them and they feel less blue than they used to be and I'm upset

>> No.9284587

What about Oxford?

>> No.9284620
File: 132 KB, 396x385, 1481508832595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty, smart, kind-hearted, shares some but not all interests with me, preferably a different field of study from mine, likes to cook together, shares the same values, and has a similar sense of humor (perversity ok), but remained pure
>tfw described my gf
Only downside is she's flat I guess, but trust me, that is really not all that important

>> No.9284750 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 968x523, 1444324861819-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideal bf

>a little older
>much smarter
>always a lot of fun to talk to and be around
>top-tier qt
>likes some things I like, but not everything
>more socially outgoing
>likes parties
>likes to cuddle
>fit and very attractive
>really sweet person
>studies something niche and interesting (in STEM)
>won't come into my life out of nowhere
>won't be so nice to me for no reason
>won't open up to me so quickly
>won't be the only person I feel like I can really talk to
>won't seem so amazing in every possible way
>won't sweet-talk and caress and hold me like that if he doesn't actually care
>won't start to completely ignore me without telling me what I did wrong
>won't break off all contact and leave before I get the nerve to explain the stupid feelings I have for him
>won't take so fucking long to get over
>won't make me feel this crushing emptiness inside every time I remember I will never get the chance to be in his arms just one more time

Wherever you are, I hope you found someone better.
A girl, maybe.

>> No.9284752

tfw T50

>> No.9284764

are you my ex? lol

>> No.9284770


>> No.9284802
File: 9 KB, 218x182, 1505881269080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the flat ones, probably because all the females in my family have pathologically large breasts.

>> No.9285427


>> No.9285514


biological female, the 14 kids part was not a larp I am dead serious

>> No.9285548

i want a gf who has greater knowledge than me in things that interest me.

>> No.9285662

>wanting to birth 14 kids
Good luck famalam

>> No.9285945

I'm down for a bunch of kids, anonette

>> No.9285955

i would love this. marry me

>> No.9286595

wow, actually Russian was another language of interest of mines besides German!


Oxford is wonderful! Honestly, I really don't care what school you come from. I just want to see how compatible we could be.

>> No.9286669

>people in here treating a /sci/ thread like a dating site

>> No.9286807

wow this guys chin is a fucking disaster!

>> No.9287012

Fucking hell

>> No.9287018

>tfw no !KuriSUu gf

>> No.9287060

only right wingers can think that slav grils are qt now?

>> No.9287401

Looks like a vagina haha

>> No.9287593

A nice jewish girl in applied science or engineering whos parents don't live close so I only see them on holidays.

>> No.9287607

Sounds like my [math]\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x}{n!}[/math]gf

>> No.9287614


>> No.9287618

This should get more replies

>> No.9287791

CS major here.
Need a dominant Asian girl who can KO me with her legs around my neck

>> No.9287801
File: 24 KB, 232x266, 1508221208021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what a gf like this would be like
but i kinda wanna see

>> No.9287834


t-thanks y-you too


gib throwaway email

>> No.9287881


I have blue eyes, do we breed now?

>> No.9287886
File: 54 KB, 960x501, Beth_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This basically

ideal not realistic though

>> No.9287897
File: 106 KB, 500x500, mindy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be more than happy with her too desu

>> No.9287998

Where are you, that's kind of a yuge deal right now

>> No.9288475


east coast usa



>> No.9288630

I'm in Ohio

>> No.9288674

You described m-me anon...

>> No.9288757
File: 256 KB, 550x578, mh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>siring bastards

>> No.9288787
File: 137 KB, 764x764, 1508330247298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I could be meeting qt /sci/ grills but I'm a Illinois boi

>> No.9288850

I'm into dominant women, both intellectually and physically as you describe. I like someone who possesses talent and the desire to be good at things. Probably because my mother is like so.

>> No.9288857

To be honest, I prefer girls who hang around mostly guys. But I also usually end up only being interested in them as friends so I'm not actually sure where I stand on this. I don't give a shit about politics, my sex drive is low (my last gf wanted it way more than me, which was a pain), and I'm extremely opposed to the idea of being babied in any way (to the point where I refuse to ask questions in school and would rather fuck up an assignment). Was also a major source of conflict with my mother until I moved out. So yeah, sounds perfect for me actually.

>> No.9288928

>>9287881 me
Europe here sorry

>> No.9288983

The only things I don't have from this list are the bonus points and I'm only good at math and physics, not a genius.
I even look like that, with the red hair and glasses and everything, but my eyes are blue; I don't know what color they are supposed to be.
I live in Hungary though, but still, I kinda wanted to reply.

>> No.9289102

I'm in the same boat. It's best to break up sooner rather than later.

>> No.9289970
File: 43 KB, 783x465, 1507437755574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like a Nishikino Maki please.

>> No.9290035

reporting in.
Although being against identity politics has nothing do with being a /pol/tard.

>> No.9290041

Absolutely this.

t. mathematics faggot who is completely socially inept and will never experience the joy of this.

>> No.9290699

>i hope you realize how contradictory these two points are
They aren't necessarily contradictory

>> No.9290720
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1492737771271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to go back
This is a thread where you post your ideal gf, and that description happens to be my criteria for an ideal gf you moron.
/pol/ is a popular board. There's bound to be some people who aren't absolute retards

>> No.9290725
File: 240 KB, 1152x864, IMG_3050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35. She's 24

>falling for the marriage meme

>> No.9290819

>proud of being a degenerate

>> No.9290994

>liking turbomanlets
Shit taste in men desu, hopefully you wont breed

>> No.9290996

Holy fuck. Please tell me its real

>> No.9291000

t. autistic virgin lanklet

>> No.9291002

ok throwaway e-mail just4fun. chel.riner@gmail.com

>> No.9291024

Stop being that autistic. Want to browse /sci/? Post something related. Want a gf? just talk to some girl at the university, believe me, a lot of girls looks like a qt thot but they are just cute. Bunch of betas.

>> No.9291033

gross dude, why is this on /sci/?

>> No.9291056

Could we talk anon?

>> No.9291071


>> No.9291105

>35. She's 24
Good god I cannot even begin to imagine how ugly this skank must be..

>> No.9291115

Email seems like a hassle. Do you have a discord?

>> No.9291134

>matches my personality
>at least 5/10
that's all.

>> No.9291188
File: 2.70 MB, 3504x2336, stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I would install proprietary software for some broad
But no, in all seriousness, I've got a girl here I'm trying to get right now, I'm assuming we're pretty far away, and besides, my hair is more copper-wire-ginger than ketchup-red, so whatever.
I wish you luck in acquiring a qt /sci/ bf.

>> No.9291212

>someone with no strong opinions of anything

>> No.9291226

Holy shit this thread is pure autism


>loves me
>is loyal
>is cute
>bonus points for a cute ass

I guess that's it

>> No.9291372

>can cook well
>willing to have kids

that's pretty much it for me

>> No.9291748

Lol anon then you should have told me earlier. I definitely do not want to be in the middle of someone finding a relationship.

Discord is like modern Skype or AIM rn so.

>> No.9292100

Almost a reasonable list till that last one. You're gonna have to lower your standards a lot.

>> No.9292230

Dont drop her m8, you have to see what is good about her, you have to see the positives in her, you learn to love her aspects which are good and learn to love her aspects which are negative, if you sense that you can grow as in individual with her, THEN STAY WITH HER.

>> No.9292784

She can look like anything else, but as long as she's smarter than me.

I want to impart our knowledge (and her talent) into our children with as much as maths possible and hope that they'd become mathematicians.

>> No.9292828

i know, my standards arent that high this is just ideal :(

>> No.9293186

Look up John Urschel. Was in NFL, but eventually gave it up for a PhD in Math at MIT. You dont have to give up sportyness and strength for smarts

>> No.9293880

This is the only right answer.

>> No.9294505
File: 148 KB, 720x720, 1475641817289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insanity: loves me for who I am, faithful
One in a billion: is boring and non outgoing like me, prefers spending time at home with movies, vidya, etc
Mythical: plays violin
Not on any world in any timeline: is a virgin, looks great and is addicted to my dick
Eternal suffering in the afterlife awaits: is an Eldritch horror pretending to be my older sister and capable of bringing me unending pleasure

But really just the first one will do.

>> No.9294617

My gf.

>thicc + cute
>loves me and does anything to make me happy
>high openness
>wants to live off the grid

I don't really care what her "career" is, but she's on the spectrum and likes animals so whatever.

>> No.9295213

>boring and non outgoing
yeah you wish this until you get one and then sit around doing literally nothing most of the day

>hey you want to...
>nah i'm good
every single fucking time

>> No.9295532

But I wouldn't ask her to do anything to begin with. I'm really that boring.

>> No.9295959

dont fucking do it mate i did the same thing to a rich 10/10 idiot but in the end im alone