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9266577 No.9266577 [Reply] [Original]

Science in popular culture-what went wrong?
Television? Social Media? Atheism?

>> No.9266592

tfw you realize Einstein had aspergers

>> No.9266597

>oh shit go back

>> No.9266599

>suggesting bill nye is a scientist
gtfo normie

>> No.9266605

I suggested no such thing. He just talks about science and is a part of popular culture.

>> No.9266618

I think it is atheism to an extent. Or at least the kind of attitude where people think that anyone that believes in God or anything not directly observable is some kind of brain dead moron.

>> No.9266661

bringing science to pop culture and the bad handling of enlightenment thinkers moving western society away from the authority of religious institutions without raising the masses up to a standard of critical thinking and appreciation of intellectualism

science today is taken as a surrogate for religion

>> No.9266666

Science divorced from philosophy long time ago. Still is weird how someone supossed to be curious about the universe is not curious about deeper questions

>> No.9266685

I would like to suggest that the desire/need for progress also played it's part.
Why think about something that isn't observable when you can think about revolutionizing existing technology?

>> No.9266736


none of the people on the right went wrong, the philosophers in between went wrong and the right side simply followed their play

>> No.9267146

Atheism? Irrelevant.
Journalists and popsci figures are the progenitors.

>raising the masses up to a standard of critical thinking and appreciation of intellectualism
Also this. The way things a phrased and presented are intentionally oversimplified and dogmatic. The average person, one who "loves science" cannot even define it. Or comprehend nuanced work and theory, they only think in simple absolutes that are simply wrong comprehension of the reality. Science does not exist in popular culture, the "interpretations" of it that are peddled, are very far removed.

>> No.9267353

I've seen people suggest the same thing. If you listen to Michio Kaku talk on the meaning of life he suggests that if you ask a old school Physicist about what their trying to accomplish they'll say "Trying to read the mind of God". But a modern one would simply say finding out why we're here and what is holding it all together. To suggest something went wrong is like saying their are only trees and no forest. Those scientists in the picture are products of their time, and at that time religion was ramped. And to be honest people where trying to ask questions that didn't have answers because of it. A hundred years ago a certain medical doctor thought their was a soul and that this soul had weight to it, of course after many "studies" the good doctor discovered that the body becomes lighter after death proving that something has left the physical body. Well what "left" the body were gases ejected after the first stage of the decaying process. And this was around the late teens early twenties. Around the same time many of these scientists where conducting breakthroughs and real scientific inquiry. So you see how one can affect the other.

>> No.9267450

authoritarian controls on media broadcasting
the advertising industry
public relations
corporate control of all HQ mass media productions