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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 690x400, artificial-womb-690x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9265276 No.9265276 [Reply] [Original]

I have 2 questions for you /sci/ since I am not really into these fields and want to hear your opinion.

1. When will Artificial wombs for humans become reality and be used throughout 1st world countries?

2. When will it be possible to have children for same-sex parents?
I mean combining DNA from 2 sperm cells to create child of both male parents.

>> No.9265278

>Artificial wombs
They did it with animals already so the technology is feasible, western civilization is too afraid of feelings to do it though.

>> No.9265280

I've heard abot lamb but they didn't go for actual birth with it.
Were there other experiments?

>> No.9265288

>When will it be possible to have children for same-sex parents?
>I mean combining DNA from 2 sperm cells to create child of both male parents.

Is it possible to create an embryo without the participation of the male gene with the female gene; or just your degeneracy blind you as fuck?

>> No.9265289

None that I'm aware of, though cloning is already quite routine. It's hard to say where the future of artificial wombs lies in livestock production, as we have had lab grown meat since like 2010, though not at an industrial scale yet. I bet by the time all the political issues get sorted out with these artificial wombs the industry will have moved on to mass lab grown product. As far as being for humans goes, I could see China doing it.

>> No.9265315

1. Not in your lifetime
2. That's not... how it works

>> No.9265382

Imprinting is your problem for 2

>> No.9265390

#2 is already done in mouse.


Gays will reproduce within 5 years.

>> No.9265427

When will there be a procedure to safely transfer fetuses to an artificial womb from a human womb?

>> No.9265459

Women are livestock. You just cut them up and prioritize the baby.

>> No.9265478

>Is afraid of feelings
>Most logical continent next to China

Face it. They are just waisting time.

>> No.9265751

The most usage will com from babies born pre-mature.

>> No.9266813
File: 44 KB, 500x667, 1497747313594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just find some slut who can't afford an abortion
problem solved

>> No.9266869
File: 93 KB, 720x911, IMG_9472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



1. Soon. I think it's totally possible with our technology.. but I think it needs t be verified.

2. I think that will take another 20 years of crispr to convert Male chromosomes to female.

>> No.9267017

If my boyfriend and I can't have kids by the time we're thirty he's agreed to help raise my surrogate child but us having kids would mean the world to us.