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9264393 No.9264393 [Reply] [Original]

As a geneticist, racial IQ factors have always interested me, but as much research as I do, I can't find any concrete evidence that separates the races by IQ GENETICALLY.
Hearing the explanations from people who very obviously have no idea how genes and alleles work is...disheartening at best and usually turns me off from the race realism argument. Yes, obviously the stats show this, but there are many arguments to be made concerning education, nutrition, and living standards (which DO influence IQ, despite popular belief).

As well, there are tons of smart black people. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, as much of a neckbeard as he can be, is undeniably an intelligent person with an accomplished background and achievement. I had the pleasure of meeting his son this month, and he goes to Stuyvesant High School, one of the most prestigious STEM schools in the country, is extremely outgoing, and is routinely on top of his studies. With this concept of intelligence, couldn't black people not only match but surpass any other race, as well as any other race to all others, with proper eugenics (usually a bad thing imo) and education?

The truth is that IQ itself is not a real thing that exists. It's a standard that humans created that generally gives the right parameters for learning aptitude. So what gives? I have no doubt that certain ethnicity and region have changed history, but I also feel that it's a lot more interesting than "BLACK PEOPLE BAD, WHITE PEOPLE GOOD"

Your opinions, /sci/entists?

>> No.9264400

fuck off this is a racist website

>> No.9264411

Intelligence is inherited. If you let dumb negros breed. You will have dumb negros.

If you let dumb eurangutans breed. You will have dumb eurangutans.

Now, Amerindians superiority is the pinacle of human achievement.

>> No.9264853
File: 109 KB, 900x900, 1508111517300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when we let retards speak about things they know nothing about.
You have to go back.

>> No.9265264
File: 110 KB, 924x1400, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.9265266
File: 323 KB, 1238x1252, ged indo oven :---DDDd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to pol

>> No.9265269

If you're actually interested in the concept of general intelligence, the methods used to measure general intelligence and the origin of general intelligence, read Bias in Mental Testing by Jensen (1980). You can google the title, it is generally concerned to be THE book on psychometry.

If you're just race baiting, carry on.

>> No.9265428

Look up "Alternative Hypothesis" on Youtube or google, if you can debunk him, go ahead, it will be interesting.

>As well, there are tons of smart black people.
No Person who has any clue about statistics would claim that "all blacks are dumb" any "race realist" who even has the slightest knowledge will talk about "average" and "standard deviation", which describe the "bell curve" which links IQ to frequency.

>With this concept of intelligence, couldn't black people not only match but surpass any other race, as well as any other race to all others
According to IQ tests the transfer for Africa to the US of blacks raised their IQ from somewhere around 70 to somewhere around 85, which obviously means that environment is a part of IQ.
But there is still a gap of about 15, which needs to be explained.
At least the possibility that these 15 points are genetic and not environmental exists and one argument for that is that even if you look at the blacks which are very well of and are part of families with very high income, they still have about the same (slightly higher to be fair) SAT scores as whites of the lowest income class.
The sources for this should be in the above mentioned articles by "Alternative Hypothesis" which you can of course argue against if you so wish.

>I have no doubt that certain ethnicity and region have changed history, but I also feel that it's a lot more interesting than "BLACK PEOPLE BAD, WHITE PEOPLE GOOD"
I highly doubt that you would find any reasonable "race realist" who would flat out claim that whites are intelligent and blacks are dumb, this is all statistics.

>> No.9265521

This actually isn't a racist thread, but I thought it was as did many others probably for the same reason I have which is I've gone over this bullshit so many times any thread with the terms IQ and Race immediately urge me to hide the thread since the proponents of the theory refuse to ever listen to refutations and insist you're the one being illogical.

Anyway, saged and hidden since I've gone over this bullshit 10,000 times in the past. Even if you meant well OP, I just don't want to hear about this bullshit again, I don't know who wants to hear about this bullshit.

>> No.9265604

>the proponents of the theory
Race and IQ being linked is not a "theory", just like "objects falling down" is not a theory.

You can debate the reasons and that is what OP is trying to do.

>> No.9265634

no it's not a theory, it's just some random correlations

>> No.9265648

Yes, just like "objects falling down" is just a random correlation.

>> No.9265651

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/147230523