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9254067 No.9254067 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I think that that people are robot-like computer programs.

I have this odd philosophy that if I don't know someone very well, then then they are 'not human' in the idea that they don't feel or think the same way I do. Of course, when I become close to people such as family or strangers they 'become' exceptions to this rule, as if their base programming has been altered because I've interacted with them and the universe is doing this to remedy a change in my environment.

I say this because a lot of the time people seem to act as if they've been programmed. It sounds odd to say this, but I'm at University and a lot of people I meet seem to regularly follow a set pattern of pre-coded responses or behaviour patterns - such as an 'individuality code' where they act a certain way when I speak to them alone and a 'group code' where they completely change their behaviour when in a group which they seem to not be aware of, and seem to be ignorant of if I bring it up.

I sound and feel like a true autist just reading this back right now (even though this isn't the case), but I need to see if I'm alone or not.

FYI; I know there are some that are Human like me, but a lot are just too odd to not be.

>> No.9254077

People act differently depending on who they're around because they realize that different social groups have different expectations, different lexicons, and different social norms. It's natural and normal that you would talk to different people differently.

The problem here is that you have limited information, and you are ignorantly assuming that your limited information is ALL the information. You think that what you see is all that exists in the universe? You think when you turn around, the stuff behind you vanishes into nothingness? Stop being a self centered dumbass. Just because you don't see the complex emotions of somebody when they're not in your line of sight doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.9254079

We are just biological machines bro
Most people are literally NPC's. What tiny percentage of people that you know (unless you're in some top tier STEM program or research environment maybe) actually give a shit about doing anything other than being a consumer market drone?

>> No.9254087


> You think when you turn around, the stuff behind you vanishes into nothingness? Stop being a self centered dumbass. Just because you don't see the complex emotions of somebody when they're not in your line of sight doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

I don't think like that but the other stuff was helpful


Yeah this is what I mean, some people are just drones and aren't interested in the world

>> No.9254092

Not OP but I disagree. 95% of people I know have nothing but alcohol/drugs/sex/video games/social media on their minds and act by their influence. They seem to be capable of thinking about the future but refuse to do it. They rather meet the status quo than invest their time and efforts to make something of themselves.

Yes it's anecdotal evidence but I only have the chance to get to know people that are around me.

>> No.9254104

I think people are just stuck in their own personal, small version of their world that they create for themselves and refuse to look outside of it to make it easy for themselves and escape feeling insecure. This gets you stuck in a loop with all the wrong priorities and habits. They are just brainlets that are afraid to face their fears and failure.

>> No.9254106

So when you walk up to your fiends or group you go to regularly, do you act different each and tine you greet them? If so that's kinda weird, people like familiarity because it makes them comfortable.

>> No.9254107

Just because people have different interests than you do does not mean that they're not human. That's a very narrow minded way of seeing things. If somebody prefers moment to moment hedonism over slaving away for the benefit of their future self, that might mean that they're shortsighted but they're still humans and acting rationally. By the same reasoning, somebody could call you a generic school study zombie. "Oh my god, this guy just spends all day studying for school, what a zombie! He must be programmed like a computer". Or whatever your hobby or job happens to be, just fit it in there.

No matter what a person does, you could always just reduce their life to "all they do is that thing which I happen to see them doing the most or which they're comfortable talking to me about". Especially when you're only seeing less than 1% of their life.

>> No.9254121

Sounds a bit like solipsism. Our inability to justify the existence of other minds.

>> No.9254123

I've said completely the opposite in my OP


Good post, though I'm not talking about their life occurrences, I'm talking about their interactions with others that are odd and seem very 'unreflectionist'... like unable to see themselves in an objective view.

>> No.9254124

>He must be programmed like a computer
Thanks you for the compliment

>interests are hedonism
>Seriously considering brainlets and niggers human
my sides

If they don't use their higher brain functions what makes them different from animals?

low IQ brainlet btfo >>>/r/rickandmorty

>> No.9254127

But doesn't that confirm other dude's point? What if you only think they think in that way?

>> No.9254138

>thanks you for the compliment
Human brain > CPU
Why live if you don't experience emotions

>> No.9254143

I don't think it confirms his point. There's no evidence otherwise. How would someone who has no interest produce results anyway?

It's not a strong case because it's anecdotal evidence, but that's all that's presented to me and all I care to find out from other people, and that's what I base my beliefs on. If someone shows me results, then I would be led to believe otherwise.

>> No.9254148

>programmed like a computer
>implying high conscientiousness
>clearly still human, so clearly can feel emotions
Conscientious to the point of being called a computer > lazy brainlet
is more what I was implying

>> No.9254160

No yeah I actually agree with your original statement, but I wanted to see why you thought that. On an unrelated note, it gets isolating when no one seems to be as objective as you. People are too afraid to ask questions, people withold information to avoid discomfort and I'm so tired of it, but there's nothing I can do. Typing this makes me feel so alone. But like whatever.

>> No.9254164

Yeah yeah, I was being pretentious, because it was pretty cheesy to say thank you for the compliment.

>> No.9254172

OP here, you aren't alone. I think the same thing all the time. Take comfort in knowing that you're willing to ask the questions, when no-one else will.

Think about how lonely Da Vinci or Newton felt. I couldn't even fathom that haha.

>> No.9254184

You're right, thanks man. I bet someday society is gonna make the switch to a more objective view. Not anytime soon though.

>> No.9254205

It is isolating but I just don't think I could live with myself being unproductive.

>People are too afraid to ask questions, people withold information to avoid discomfort and I'm so tired of it
A questioning mind and the ability to frequently step out of your comfort zone are key traits in a successful person imo. It's a small % of people but the people who are going to be remembered come from this group. GL anon.

>> No.9254213

You too. That would be dope if some of the people in this thread became successful and we met up at one point unknowingly.

>> No.9254215
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You claim to be objective, but your inability to think of yourself in the same framework that you think of others shows just how unobjective you are.

Every idiot thinks they're the only rational person, and the only person who REALLY sees what's important.

>> No.9254222

Lol no shiz, I'm not entirely objective, and I've thought of what you're saying before. Also, I don't think you have enough data to make those assumptions. I'm just relatively more objective from what I've seen.

>> No.9254229

I'm unable to think for myself in an objective framework? ... Why do people think they know everything about a person based upon a few posts? I'm merely explaining my analogy and seeing if people think the same - a thought exercise in a way - to promote discussion.

FYI; not every 'idiot' thinks rationally at all so your post makes no sense.

That being said the photo explains more than your words do, to which I agree. I just thought my experience was an interesting idea to discuss.

>> No.9255074

>seem very 'unreflectionist'... like unable to see themselves in an objective view.
Yes, most people have no self-knowledge and very little ability to be introspective. However, I suspect that this is the case for all of us, you and I may be more sensitive to a certain scope of 'things' and thoughts but you may find that the so-called unrelfectionists are actually very reflectionist in areas that you are highly unaware of and unreflectionist in. Or maybe not...this is just what my intuition suggests. My own mother is like this, she often seems really blind and childish, it can be annoying and disheartening. Yet she is not devoid of reflection or intelligence, often she surprises me with great self-insight, and insight into others - especially myself. I think she is just apathetic, mostly, though not overtly so.

tl;dr: it's pretty much true but there is likely a lot more to it than that simple view.

>> No.9255476
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Dude, people always seem odd, strange or just flat when you don't know them

They get "more human" in your eyes because you start empathizing with them. You know more about them and the way they act, and with time why they act like that

It's just that normally people aren't as neurotic as to mistake this for inhumanity.
There are others like you, and I feel a bit like that, that when idk someone I have a very simplified image of them.

It happens to me mostly with women. I realized once you get to know them well in a relationship they stop being this secure person I pictured and I see them as sweeter and "weaker". People start opening themselves to others with time, and you don't see but their "public" faces until then.
Maybe it's just all my insecurities, and I turned this post into /rk9/ but you get my point.

>> No.9255568

7 billion people. You probably aren't very unique

>> No.9256541

That's normal. You just have somewhat of a lack of empathy and can't imagine other people having lives of themselves. Of course people have routine and predictable ways in handling common situations with people they are not intimate with. There might be a gap between your lived experiences and interests and those of others, seeing as you are posting here, but don't mistake that for you being better or more intelligent. If you think about this a lot, read some sociological literature such as Erving Goffman's presentation of self in everyday life or habermas's 'the theory of communicative action', which deal with analysing situations and self-presentation, or some of bourdieau's work if you are interested in how people distinguish themselves by their cultural tastes.