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9248385 No.9248385 [Reply] [Original]

>5 days ago the biggest hurricane in Ireland in recorded history hit
how do fossil fuel faggots justify this?

>> No.9248390

God punished them for their sins, and remember, no law can stop the tide from coming in.

>> No.9248394


>> No.9248395

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9248403

That's it
Time to bloody privatize the roads with zero government subsidies
The prices would force most people to walk and cycle, rather than chugging around environment destroyers

>> No.9248410

didn't they legalize fag marriage recently?

>> No.9248435

Correlation and causation my dewd, prove to me climate change caused that hurricane to be the "largest recorded in history", Pro tip, you cant

>> No.9248505

aww, someone used a word on the internet

>> No.9248510

With money.

>> No.9248512

>how do fossil fuel faggots justify this?
The fact it happened at all is justification.

>> No.9248519

>biggest hurricane in Ireland in recorded history
Many stronger hurricanes hit Ireland in Pre-History.

Climate was also warmer in previous geological eras, before human civilizations.

Nice try libfag

>> No.9248522

Yeah but it's never warmed up this quickly before, that's the real problem

>> No.9248563

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9248572

the answer to end the natural disasters is beyond the scope of government. And modern theologian's hatred to technology (bbbbut we leik science!!!11!!) is only making the disasters worse as they throw red herrings to to other lemmings.

>> No.9248573

Back off /pol/.

>> No.9248584

Japan's about to get hit with a giant typhoon. Can someone make a list of all the natural disasters this summer? hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes
Then calculate the probability of all this happening in 1 summer.

Also, does global warming increase the number of earthquakes? If it does, I'm legit scared 100 times more scared of Yellowstone right now.

>> No.9248588

>Also, does global warming increase the number of earthquakes?
No but Yellowstone has been due to erupt for the past 50k years and its motherfucker of a volcano. A baby version of Yellowstone caused the Little Ice Age in Europe.

>> No.9249013

This shit is the equivalent of
>It's snowing in October, checkmate climitards

>> No.9249047
File: 55 KB, 736x458, desuboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phobis implies an irrational fear, no one is afraid of faggots, you will not govern our words and by extension our thoughts and reality fuck yourself right in the ass faggot

>> No.9249118

>phobis implies an irrational fear
Do you think hydrophobic compounds have an irrational fear of water?

>> No.9249132

Standard 4chan vocabulary and culture. Fuck off cunt, it's not homophobic either.

>> No.9249179

you're throwing red-herrings like a dumb faggot. Enjoy suffering unto death while you mock God for not paying you with every little honor you think you deserve you lowlife.

>> No.9249185
File: 52 KB, 484x252, 144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming is quack tier science/Jewish trick if anyone tries to debate me I will mop the floor with you. Before you even attempt to you better know fractals and chaos theory because if you don't you should not even open your mouth on this subject

>> No.9249187
File: 42 KB, 480x470, anubis3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hydrophobic is not a "phobia" you massively retarded faggot

>> No.9249298

lets play spot the newfag

>> No.9249330

Sensational garbage hyped up by the MSM. If you look at the actual windspeeds, and not the "gusts", it was only 30-40mph in most places. It was windier last night than during the so-called "hurricane".

>> No.9249335

Didn't US get a rebnut president recently?

>> No.9249368

Was expecting a "nigger" there, but "cunt" is also good.

>> No.9249435

Potato famine best day of my life

>> No.9249527

>no law can stop the tide from coming in.

The ocean remains undefeated.

>> No.9249531

Disasters happen, year end and year out, every year, from back before recorded history and forward into the future longer than humans will be around. Some years, more than others.

The odds that some year will have the most are 1:1.

>> No.9249533

Oh shut up.

>> No.9249539

>Not using a picture of Cujo.

>> No.9249561
File: 68 KB, 700x462, Galveston_-_1900_bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Katrina couldn't make Americans see the light. At this point it's pure ego.

Miami could get Galveston'd and people would still stubbornly go on business as usual.

>> No.9249781
File: 125 KB, 736x1100, 00d0f5caf49c1002497906a750c7a0e7--the-fly-body-language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recorded History =/= Pre-History

>> No.9249783

It is kind of telling simply because they choose to live in areas where this shit happens all the time. Like they come back and rebuild. That alone shows how crazy people can be. That's a direct hit to their entire world view. Now think about how something as vague as the concept of "driving a car causes bad weather" would go over with those types of people.

>> No.9250728
File: 22 KB, 380x250, back-to-pol-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

← gtfo /pol/itard

>> No.9250732

>red herrings
L0Lno fgt pls

>> No.9250734

All leftist deny genetics.


>> No.9250762

>He really thinks that this is caused by fossil fuels.
I bet you think your electric car is """clean energy""" too.

>> No.9251007

remember. we are still in the Ice Age. This is just an interglacial period. the only thing that will prevent glaciers from wiping north america and eurasia clean in 50,000 years. Is the elimination of central america. which will allow warm ocean currents of both oceans to link.

>> No.9251126


>> No.9251130

Solid meme at this point

>> No.9251142

>hurricanes are fueled by warm ocean surface temperatures
>humans have contributed to the warming of the planet
>hurr prove to me dousing buildings in gasoline makes fires in them worse
>protip you cant

>> No.9251145

We'll likely know at least decades in advance if Yellowstone is nearing an eruption.

Not that we'll be able to do shit about it or anything will be done, but we'll know if it's actually a possibility or not. Right now it's not.

>> No.9251185
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>> No.9251188

Isn't the Sun doing some weird shit these days that might hint at us going back into a glacial period?

>> No.9252435

>quack tier
I'll take you on, anon. What part(s) of anthropogenic climate change don't you accept?

>> No.9252442
File: 78 KB, 1020x425, Sunspot_Numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be talking about the Solar Cycle.


If this is what you're talking about, then I'd like to make a counterpoint: we're roughly within the trough of the cycle, meaning solar activity is going to be lowest. However, this doesn't mean that it will cause an ice age (see graph).

>> No.9252460

Look at infant mortality rates in countries without oil. And then look at the more Westernized countries. And you mean to tell me that we need to stop using what has been probably the most pivotal commodity in the history of the human race?

>> No.9252629

kill yourself nigger. This site is not for you.

>> No.9252643

Not a hurricane, though.

>> No.9252667 [DELETED] 

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9252670

Why the racism?

>> No.9252673

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9252676

Why the misogyny?

>> No.9252726

Not exactly. Phobias are defined by an intense, irrational fear, but that is often closely associated with intense disgust or hatred. Especially with things like aracnaphobia (which I can personally attest to). So it's not a stretch for homophobia to describe that hatred of "the gays". Especially considering that the guy that coined the term homophobia did so because his theory was that the intense hatred stems from an intense fear of being thought of as a homosexual or being near a homosexual. I think intuitively we can tell that it wouldn't be strange to have an intense hatred and/or disgust of the things that inspire intense uncontrollable fear. These days my emotional process when I see a spider is the initial fear immediately followed by intense hatred and disgust of it. And thus I desire to destroy the shit out of it for making me feel that way, and I do.

But yeah, I see what you're trying to say but I think it's a bit shallow of a reading of the term homophobia. Fag.


>> No.9252728

IT happens.

>> No.9252736

Oh, also, phobia is generally defined as an intense fear OR aversion to something.

>> No.9252745

you forgot
>irrational and predisposed since birth or trauma. Which leads to negative effects in their lives et al

>> No.9252808

Indeed. I did leave that out because I assumed anybody that my post was relevant to was aware of the definition. I was mostly only pointing out the error in only a part of the poster's definition. But, thanks for elaborating on more of the definition. Technically, if we really wanted to be as pedantic as possible, there is plenty more that we could add to properly define phobia, its etymology, various definitions and reasons for the discrepancies between them, symptoms from the dsm, some variations on symptoms, or rather, ways in which fear can manifest itself (again, such as disgust and/or hatred), and lastly, colloquial usage and meaning compared against medical usage and meaning and the resulting failures in communication. But I think you get the idea, and I also don't want to write a goddam paper on why homophobia is generally an acceptable term for hatred and/or disgust towards "the gays" in the majority of cases.

>> No.9252811

>homophobia is generally an acceptable term
its actually met with derision from most of the US

>> No.9252831

"You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not..."
-John Lennon

>> No.9252904
File: 645 KB, 299x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>building your town barely 10 feet above sea level
Hope potatos float.