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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 305x222, Rayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9243999 No.9243999 [Reply] [Original]

It's about time for another biggest number competition!
The only rule is that any constants or functions used must be defined (if it's well known, naming it is enough) in the post. This means no using other anons' numbers without redefining them first!
Bonus points for sexy [math] \LaTeX [/math]!

>> No.9244001

OP here, I'll start it simple:

>> No.9244009


>> No.9244024


>> No.9244027

xkcd not welcome

>> No.9244029

Do we exclude complex numbers? If not then we will never know...

>> No.9244035

What is that?

>> No.9244051
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>> No.9244055

hmm, odd. it displayed fine in the preview, and i just pasted it out.

oh well. this is a dumb thread and a bad response such as this one is all it deserves anyways

>> No.9244056

[math]10^{100} \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow 10^{100}[/math]

The up arrows are this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth%27s_up-arrow_notation

Get on my level noobs

>> No.9244060

You might've overdone it, idk

>> No.9244061


>> No.9244064

[math]1^1 \cdot 2^2 \cdot ... \cdot (10^{100})^{10^{100}}[/math]

>> No.9244067

I watch neither numberphile nor do I attend highschool, I don't get what you're trying to say

>> No.9244077

Only highschoolers don't know about knuth, only highschooler that watch numberphile know about knuth's arrow notation
put the two together and only a highschooler that watches numbersphile would think knuth's arrow notation is obscure as evidenced by "get on my level"
now kys underager

>> No.9244086


>> No.9244094

I'm always amazed at what internet strangers think they can learn from someone with such limited information. I'm a second year at U of T, doing analysis ii under the great Edward Bierstone

>> No.9244102


>> No.9244112


>> No.9244113

Define by induction the following sequence of functions:
[math]f_0(n) = n+1[/math]
[math]f_{k+1}(n) = f_k^n(n)[/math]
where f^n is the function f composed n times with itself.

[math]f_1(n) = n + 1 + 1 + \ldots + 1 = 2n[/math] since "+1" appears n times.
[math]f_2(n) = 2 \times 2 \times \ldots \times 2 \times n = 2^n \times n[/math]
[math]f_3(n) \ge 2^{2^{\cdots^n}}[/math], a tower of exponentials of size n.

Now define:
[math]f_\omega(n) = f_n(n)[/math]
This is basically the Ackerman function.

We can go beyond: [math]f_{\omega+1}(n)
= f_\omega^n(n) [/math]

[math]f_{\omega+1}(64)[/math] is about as big as Graham's number.
The "use the Ackerman function with Graham's number" xkcd joke is actually just [math]f_{\omega+1}(65)[/math]

Define similarly [math]f_{\omega+k}[/math] for all k.
Define [math]f_{2 \omega}(n) = f_{\omega + n}(n)[/math]

We can keep going, define [math]f_{k \omega}[/math] for all k.
Then by the same process define [math]f_{\omega^2}[/math], then [math]f_{\omega^\omega}[/math].

Eventually we get to an infinite tower of omegas,
[math]\omega^{\omega^{\omega^\cdots}}[/math] which is called [math]\epsilon_0[/math].

[math]f_{\epsilon_0}[/math] grows about as fast as the Goodstein sequence.
[math]f_{\epsilon_0+1}(100)[/math] is bigger than the kinda famous TREE(3) number.

Of course you can keep going till [math]\epsilon_1[/math], [math]\epsilon_\omega[/math], [math]\epsilon_{\epsilon_0}[/math], an infinite tower of epsilons, etc.

>> No.9244118

being C the sum of the set of complex numbers

>> No.9244119

Graham's number is vastly larger.

>> No.9244136

the smallest number that cannot be defined in less than thirteen words

>> No.9244145

the opposite of the size of your penis hehe

>> No.9244148

doesn't hold if you have an innie

>> No.9244163


>> No.9244176

ah so you saw the new numberphile video today?

>> No.9244183

im third year u of t

quit being such a dweeb we're not special for going to this school

>> No.9244186

I didnt understand your question so I will not answer it

>> No.9244191

Where G is Graham's number.

>> No.9244201


>> No.9244215

What's your native language? I'll translate for you

>> No.9244217

xiri language

>> No.9244221
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that's a big number

>> No.9244245

Define [math] f(n):~\mathbb{R}^+\rightarrow\mathbb{N} [/math] to be the least integer [math] m [/math] such that [math] \frac{\varphi(m)}{m-1} < n [/math].

>> No.9244251


>> No.9244263


>> No.9244265


>> No.9244268

TREE(TREE(5)) + 1

>> No.9244287


>> No.9244307

TREE(TREE(TREE(TREE(1000)))) + 1

>> No.9244334

TREE(TREE(TREE(TREE(1000)))) + 2

>> No.9244335
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itt: retards using digits that aren't 9

Why would you write 10 or 3 when you can write 99 or 9 instead

>> No.9244342
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Anyway the obvious answer for a given number of characters is


>> No.9244364

An innie penis?

>> No.9244378


>> No.9244381

TREE(TREE( ... (TREE(420) ... ))
where the length is TREE(3)

>> No.9244382

the size of my BBC.

>> No.9244386

You seem to have the 'tism. Be sure not to give it to other aspiring students

>> No.9244389

TREE(TREE( ... (TREE(420) ... ))
where the length is TREE(4)

>> No.9244397


>> No.9244412

his number plus one

>> No.9244413

BB^(BB(1000))(1000) where the ^(BB(1000)) part denotes functional composition and BB is the Busy Beaver function.

>> No.9244418

these two numbers added together plus one

>> No.9244422

Your number plus one half

>> No.9244426


>> No.9244436
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>> No.9244453

This number to the power of
This number

>> No.9244589

that number plus three and six thirty-fifths

>> No.9244614


>> No.9244620

>any number you can fit on a white board
All numbers can fit on a white board.

>> No.9244621


>> No.9244636


>> No.9244649

The smallest number that cannot fit on a white board.

>> No.9245570

Infinite isn't a number it's a concept

>> No.9245639

Let [math]x[/math] be number such that
[math]y \leq x < \infty[/math] for all [math]y \neq \infty[/math]

Can't get bigger than that tbqh famalam.

>> No.9245651
File: 46 KB, 4504x6456, biggest number.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the branlets in this ITT

>> No.9245654


>> No.9245675

Let n be the sum of all the numbers in this thread.

>> No.9245686


>> No.9245709

this number + 1.

>> No.9245739
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>> No.9245742

Let X be a number such that X > all number expressed on this thread.

>> No.9245743

Let X be the number of anons that didn't properly read the OP.

>> No.9245744

- BB^(BB(9999)) (9999)

take that, >>9245675
you're now the second smallest number ITT

>> No.9245749


checkmate atheists.

>> No.9245750

Actually TREE(3) is way beyond that: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1950116/where-does-treen-sit-on-the-fast-growing-hierarchy

>> No.9245754

Let X = max{all number in this thread}
then TREE(X)
what now?

>> No.9245755

can you move to america, renounce your citizenship and never visit canada gain? youre making my county look like shit with how much of a fucking twat you are

>> No.9245757

Both are infinite recursions and therefore not well-defined, dumbass

>> No.9245761

Let X = X + 1

>> No.9245774

[math]\textup{Let } Y = \{x \in \mathbb{R} | x \in this thread excluding this post \}. \textup{Let }y = \textup{TREE}(\max Y)[/math]
Acceptable now?

>> No.9245798

My number is [eqn] your number + \lim_{n\to\infty}10^{-n}[/eqn]

Get rekt, kid

>> No.9245799
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>> No.9245807

Extend [math]\mathbb{R}[/math] to [math]\bar{\mathbb{R}}=\mathbb{R}\cup \{-\infty,\infty\}[/math].

Boom, [math]\infty[/math] is a number now and it is the biggest number.
You're welcome.

>> No.9245815

[math]\lim_{n\to\infty}10^{-n}=0[/math], so you still have the same number as your #rekt friend, retard.

>> No.9245816

>Using the same name for two different things
Found the brainlet

>> No.9245823

OP doesn't say which space we're in, rETARD

>> No.9245825



>> No.9245835

Why then, dumbass?
OP only implies we're working in a totally ordered space with numbers.

>> No.9245836

underrated comment
what is it with this U of Tard and others like him thinking that drawing attention to himself and his lifestory on an anonymous imageboard will ever make up for never having anyone's respect irl

>> No.9245838

inb4 >you probably go to western

>> No.9245844

a brazilian

>> No.9245853


>> No.9245856

>tried to make it
>failed to make it
my number is bigger because it exists :^)

>> No.9245863

Other comments are also recursively defined by other comments, so...
ill-defined [math]\implies[/math] you lost

>> No.9245893


Infinity is not a number. You could extend the real number line with whatever stupid shit you want to extend it with. That doesn't mean the things you added to the group become numbers.

>> No.9245977

Here's my answer
[math]Your number + 1[/math]

>> No.9245991

tree(3) fiddy

>> No.9245993

ur moms weight lmao

>> No.9246004

why would you write 9 when you can write 10 instead

>> No.9246646


>> No.9246814

Most likley he wasn't trying to draw attention to himself but to say that you can't make assumptions or create a lifestory form just one post or a single piece of evidence. Or he could just be a faggot.

>> No.9246839

n+1, where n is the highest number posted in this thread

>> No.9246844

let [eqn]
m \uparrow n = \left. m^{m^{\cdot^{\cdot^{\cdot^{m}}}}} \right\rbrace n \text{ times}[/eqn]
[eqn] m \boxtimes n = m \underbrace{ \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \dots \uparrow}_\text{$n$ times} n [/eqn]
[eqn] m \boxtimes^c n = m \underbrace{ \boxtimes \boxtimes \boxtimes \dots \boxtimes}_\text{$c$ times} n [/eqn]
now defining the series with the recursion relation
[eqn] C_n = C_{n-1} \boxtimes^{C_{n-1}} C_{n-1} [/eqn]
and [maths]C_1 = G_{64}[/maths] (Graham's number)
then my number is [eqn]

>> No.9246909

Let [math]X = TREE(3) \uparrow \ldots \uparrow TREE(3)[/math]. How many arrows? TREE(3).
Now this is only the first layer.

Let's now define the succession [math]X_n = TREE(X) \uparrow \ldots \uparrow TREE(X)[/math] where the number of arrows is [math]X_{n-1}[/math]. Now I take my succession at the term [math]X_{C_{G_{64}}}[/math].

>> No.9247024

This sucks, make it so that you have to prove your number is larger than the previous thread record.

>> No.9247034


>> No.9247059


>> No.9247068

Brainlet, the post

>> No.9247118


>> No.9247144

These threads have existed for ages and the TREE function has been the standard response.

>> No.9247161

The maximum length of a straight line

>> No.9247270

What about the maximum length of a homosexual line?

>> No.9247275

The eight busy beaver number

>> No.9247281
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>> No.9247577


>> No.9247589

i win

>> No.9247670


-1/12 + 1

>> No.9247683


>> No.9247691



>> No.9247725

these numbers multiplied together plus sixteen

>> No.9248222

no such [math]x[/math] exists.

>> No.9248946

this fucking fag looks like he's always high on adderall on each of his videos

>> No.9248991

I win. Nobody in this thread can post a bigger number, they can only post my number more times than me in varying degrees of notation.

>> No.9249064

he's high on illegal primes

>> No.9249129

I literally had to google what U of T is. Also do you really think theres much of a difference between high school and 2nd year noob?

>> No.9249219

Every number ever combined

>> No.9249315

this plus one

>> No.9249317

kys buddy

>> No.9249391


>> No.9249430

[math] \omega [/math]

>> No.9249546


But not just regular 14, Super-Ultra-Mega 14.

>> No.9249682


>> No.9249690

That would still be infinte

>> No.9249692


>> No.9249705

>Eventually we get to an infinite tower of omegas
When exactly does this happen?

>> No.9249707


>> No.9249710
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You up arrow and tree faggots have nothing on the busy beaver.

>> No.9249720

1/(size of OP's penis)

>> No.9249722

>dividing by zero

>> No.9249727

That's an infinitesimal, not zero.

>> No.9249735


>> No.9249765


>> No.9249767

This +1.

>> No.9251446


>> No.9251567

The largest number that has been written will be written + 1 including any and all references to this number

>> No.9251574

[math]x [/math]
Where x is defined as the largest number.

>> No.9251597


>> No.9251600


>> No.9251603

I assume everyone here have read the essay by Scott, right?


>> No.9251736

you cannot write +1 if you ran out of capacity

largest number can be written if the capacity is defined, such as post character limit, or number of atoms in universe

>> No.9251737

x = x + 1

>> No.9251749


Let X be an arbitrarily large number.


>> No.9251918

This thread crashed my computer, I guess I'll have to upgrade it to run bigger numbers.

>> No.9252021
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>> No.9252289
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>> No.9252492
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The number of binary states in the universe, all set to 1. This is the largest possible number.

t. wildberger

>> No.9252562

*zeno's laterally*

its the biggerest so far >>9245651

>> No.9252574

The sum of all positive numbers represented in this thread (before and after this reply) + 1

Where's my medal

>> No.9252584
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>> No.9252587


>> No.9252593

you get the medal for being retarded because OP said you're not allowed to reference other anon numbers without redefining them

>> No.9252596


>> No.9252669

-1/12 + -1/12

>> No.9252744

While working in base <insert big number>

>> No.9252823
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>> No.9252830


>> No.9254094

that, but +1

>> No.9254108

{\displaystyle \aleph _{0}} \aleph_0

>> No.9254381

Ah, you posted before me. I was gonna say 1 as well.

>> No.9254484

<Observer Interpretation/Translation> + 1

Physics + Math

>> No.9254495


>> No.9254502


>> No.9254506

The length of my dick

>> No.9254514

>I understand that TREE is an amazingly big function, but I will still mix it with other laughably small functions
might as well write e^(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)...

>> No.9254529

[eqn] \aleph_\aleph [/eqn]

>> No.9254559

TREE_G(G), where G is Graham's number.

>> No.9254586

Take the largest number such that, given some arbitrarily large finite amount of time, the entire computing power of the planet can compute it in its entirety.
Add 1 to that.

>> No.9254593

Lets call that number "B"

B^B +1

mines bigger ;^)

>> No.9254595
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>> No.9254605

troled hard!

>> No.9254614
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>> No.9254656
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ж, where ж is defined to be the largest integer.

>> No.9254959

TREE(x) isn't defined for negative values of x, dummy.
Also, -1/12 as a finite number isn't massive, it just happens to be the result of the infinite sum of all positive counting numbers.

>> No.9254962


>> No.9254983


>> No.9254990


>> No.9254992

[eqn] \Pi_{n=1}^{n=100!} n!!!!!!!! [\eqn]

>> No.9255453
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no wait

>> No.9256700
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Why write 10 when you can write 99 instead?

>> No.9256724

[math]\aleph_\aleph \uparrow \aleph_\aleph[/math]

>> No.9257047

Define [math] S(n) [/math] to be the maximum number of shits made by any halting [math] n [/math]-state binary turing machine.

Define [math] \mathcal{S}(m,n) [/math] recursively:
[math] \mathcal{S}(0,n) = S(n) \\
\mathcal{S}(m,0) = \mathcal{S}(m-1,1) \\
\mathcal{S}(m,n) = \mathcal{S}(m-1,\mathcal{S}(m,n-1))\qquad\mathrm{if}~n,m\neq0 [/math]

My number is [math] \mathcal{S}(\mathrm{TREE}(3),\mathrm{TREE}(3)) [/math]

>> No.9257056

Prove it.

>> No.9257062

a where a>a+1

>> No.9257605

Its pussy

>> No.9258314

10!!! is much less than 10!, look up multifactorials.

>> No.9258339

[math]\text{Let }a \text{ be the number defined as such: } [/math]

[math]a:= \underbrace{\Gamma \circ \dots \circ\Gamma}_{G\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow \uparrow \uparrow G\text{ times}} \left({\prod_{n=1}^{10^{100}}n^n}\right)[/math]

[math]\text{Let }f_1\left( x\right) := x^a[/math]
[math]\text{Let } f_{n+1}(x) = f_n^{f_n(x)}(x)[/math]

[math]\text{Then /sci/'s biggest number can be written like the following:}[/math]


>> No.9259112
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Everyone's number.


>> No.9259117

dumb weeb

>> No.9259454
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8 uses all the spaces on a digital clock, so surely it is the biggest number

>> No.9259641

What's this definition of a "big" complex number?

>> No.9259652

PEPE(1) is the largest number

>> No.9259681

Yall mind if i hit that ... ALEF_NULL

>> No.9259784

[math]f_a(G) + 1 [/math]

>> No.9259808

The sum of all the numbers in this thread excluding the numbers mentioned in this post.

>> No.9259982

Let [math]u[/math] be the universe of discourse in which OPs post is based. Define [math] \ddot{\mathfrak{z\!z}} [/math] as the unique number satisfying "the biggest number", that is [math] x \leq \ddot{\mathfrak{z\!z}} [/math] for all [math] x\in u [/math].
Then for each [math] y > \ddot{\mathfrak{z\!z}} [/math] we have [math] y\not\in u [/math], meaning any such number cannot satisfy OPs post, especially yours

>> No.9260037

>the unique number
Prove its uniqueness.

>> No.9260231

Collective Multidimensional stupidity